Let's Get Back Up to Speed With Ethereum

26. februar 2018 @ 18:00 - 20:00
“It’s been way too long. And we’re sorry. But Jacob is finally back in Denmark for a short period of time so we will do a meetup to do a bit of catching up with what’s happened in the world of Ethereum since September. Bird & Bird has offered to host us this time, so we will get to see yet another venue. The program is not entirely settled, but as always we will start out with an intro to Ethereum. Expect the program to be something like: 1900 Introduction to Ethereum by Jacob1930 Governance of a Blockcahin project – sketching out a structure by Martin from Bird & Bird2000 TBD2015 TBD 2030 Networking”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Ethereum-Meetup/events/247803655/