Learn Kubernetes - Best practices and showcases

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7. juni 2018 @ 15:00 - 18:00

“We will have 3 talks about using Kubernetes in the real world and how you can benefit and improve your workflows. It is really exciting how Kubernetes makes many things easy. From the outside it can look difficult to get started with but join us on the 7th May to hear how other got started!Schedule1700 Doors open1730 Welcome to GDG Cloud – Kevin Simper1740 How we use Kubernetes at our Company18:10 Snacks and something to drink1830 Kubernetes best practices in Production1900 Quick break1915 Your talk?1945 Socialize with other Google Cloud users2000 Thank you for today”

Price: Free

Link: https://www.meetup.com/Google-Cloud-Developer-Community-Copenhagen/events/250877840/


7. juni 2018
15:00 - 18:00
Google Office Copenhagen, Skt. Petri Passage 5, 3rd fl., 1165 Copenhagen, Denmark

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