Le Wagon Copenhagen - Design of Web Components - Free Workshop

4. januar 2018 @ 16:00 - 18:43
“You know basic HTML & CSS and have already played with Bootstrap. But where do you take your design from here? Turns out, most the design of most web apps revolves around recurring elements throughout the user experience, aka web components. So if you would like to know how to code a beautiful navbar, add some style to a button, a card, a list a banner, a badge, add filters to a background image, this is for you.We’ll focus on classical HTML/CSS techniques to design the web components. We’ll talk about absolute/relative positioning in CSS as well as Flexbox and transitions, but this will be less theory and more action.”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Le-Wagon-Copenhagen-Coding-Station/events/245361258/