Hardware Meetup: Energy Harvesting and Product Data Mangement

6. juni 2018 @ 14:00 - 16:00
“1600 Welcome1605 Energy Harvesting: What does it take to generate 1mW with each of the available methods by Dushan Vuckovic from Idemo Lab part of Force Technology
1645 Break1700 Product Data Management: Hands-on example of how a PDM system helps us at Sensitivus by Rolf Østergaard CEO and founder of Sensitivus Gauge1730 Networking. Sandwich + drinks by SymbionSpeakers- Dushan is an embedded system designer specialising in low power. He is currently finishing his PhD in ultra low power energy harvesting and wireless sensor networks at DTU.Rolf is the founder and CEO of SENSITIVUS gauge and Team ZWATT”
Price: Free