Fuzz testing in Rust

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26. juni 2018 @ 16:00 - 19:00

“Johan Brinch is the Co-founder of Seasoned Software, a company that specializes in automated fuzz testing.Fuzz testing attempts to uncover subtle bugs and unexpected program behaviour. It works by trying millions (or billions) of randomly generated program inputs. Modern fuzzing relies on advanced heuristics when choosing these inputs. This has proven to be surprisingly effective in practice.In this talk, he will cover automated fuzz testing and how it relates to property based testing (eg. Quickcheck) and unit testing. —We have set up a collaboration with Prosa, who generously provide a location.”

Price: Free

Link: https://www.meetup.com/MoedegruppeFunktionelleKoebenhavnere/events/250805006/


26. juni 2018
16:00 - 19:00
PROSA, Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 Copenhagen, Denmark

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