Fintech Fails

30. april 2018 @ 14:00 - 16:00
“Fail fastFail OftenFail ForwardFail BetterThere are many ways to go about failure, but most importantly, you need to embrace it, when it happens. No one wants to fail – but it will happen.. for some of us. But failure is not the end – it’s a part of the proces. Having a failure doesn’t make YOU a failure. You’ll meet 3 different founders of failed fintech startups, who will share their learnings – and how they moved on. Speakers:Jacob Højgaard Lund: founder of FinansaNicolaj Højer Nielsen: co-founder of CodeSealerLars Holdgaard & Maximilian Frimmer: founders of Monera Sign up via email to:”
Price: Free