eXtreme Tuesday Klub

15. oktober 2019 @ 16:00 - 18:00
“A regular Copenhagen meeting (monthly) for XP newbies, practitioners, and experts.We meet at Abtion (http://www.abtion.com) and usually start around 6pm but there are often a few of us around before that.In the beginning we’ll run these in an unconference style (http://unconference.net/) taking topics at the start and organizing around them. That said, we want it to be a good place to practice presentations or experiment with practices (like mobbing?), or to discuss articles, so please let us know if you want a meeting with a more specific focus.”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Extreme-Programming-XP-Meetup-Group/events/scfzgryznbtb/