EMS2018 Copenhagen - Heart Hack

13. april 2018 @ 07:30 - 15. april 2018 @ 14:00
“EMS Copenhagen is responsible for a number of cross disciplinary services – from citizens’ emergency calls all the way to pre-hospital treatments in the Danish Capital Region. The organization collaborates with local and global leading emergency medical services, hospitals and research centers in its attempts to change the future by embracing new disruptive technologies in EMS.Participants get to leverage the most recent and up-to-date AED devices to create digital solutions – and can win cash and other prizes. 1st prize: 5.000€2nd prize: 3.000€3rd prize: 2.000€”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ems2018-copenhagen-heart-hack-tickets-43834023745