Do we need to control AI – if so how much?

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13. februar 2020 @ 16:30 - 19:00

“A while back we debated together with Barrel Monkey AI whether AI should be regulated or not and who should hold the power to control AI. Our results were clear, “no one” was the option we voted for. Let’s see what has happened since then and enjoy an update by Björn Preuss.The presentation will be motivated by the upcoming regulations and governance frameworks around AI. Based on the risks that different models could have, it will highlight the important areas to look into when applying advanced models in production. It will raise key points to think about when operationalizing the guidelines given by regulated bodies…”

Price: Free



13. februar 2020
16:30 - 19:00
Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a, 211 19 Malmö, Sweden

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