DiscoTech: Let's Meetup and chat with the bots

5. april 2018 @ 11:00 - 15:00
“Welcome to this Meetup where we will explore the possibilities with Chatbots! Linus Hakansson and Stefan Mehl-Ludvigsen have come up with great content and a customer case will also present. Agenda• Introduction to Chatbots – What do they do – Why is everyone talking about them? • Building blocks for bots – How to build one• Create your own bot! – Create your own chat bot that you can chat with using Facebook Messenger! This is a hands-on event and you will need your laptop if you want to participate in the coding. But it is also perfectly ok to join to listen in on the presentations and discussions!”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/DiscoTech-By-Oracle-Denmark/events/248659212/