DIKU Bits: Your grandmother’s knees hurt – why?!

23. marts 2018 @ 11:15 - 12:00
Healthtech is hot.”SpeakerErik Dam, Associate Professor in the Image Section and Head of the Data Science Lab. Erik spent 10 years in industry working with pharmaceutical companies before returning to DIKU. AbstractMost elderly experience stiff and painful joints, reducing their ability to work and to play with their grandchildren. Modern medical scans (CT and MRI) allows visualization of bones, menisci and the other tissues in the joint. So where is the pain coming from?We explore shape modelling, texture analysis, deep learning, biomechanics, molecular biology, and machine learning to find the pain.”
Price: Free
Link: http://diku.dk/begivenhedsmappe/begivenheder-2018/diku-bits-erik-dam/