Did you get that? C++, Messages and Uplay Malmö C++ User Group

24. april 2018 @ 15:30 - 18:00
“Sending messages is hard. Learn how Uplay PC structures it’s client with async message passing, how the client backend communicates with the interface, the problems learned and what is planned for the future.SpeakerÓlafur Waage has been on the Uplay PC team for the past 4 years. C++ programmer at heart where he has focused on the Client and Services. He is also the founder of the Malmö C++ User Group.Agenda1730 Meet & Greet 1745 Presentation 1830 Pizza1900 Q&A w Speaker Malmö C++ User GroupThe Malmö C++ User Group focuses on bringing together anyone who is interested in C++, as a language and a community. ”
Price: Free
Link: http://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/1818-did-you-get-that-c-messages-and-uplay