
Kalender af Begivenheder
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1 begivenhed,
Women in Tech – come and celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2019 @3Shape
Women in Tech – come and celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2019 @3Shape
"3Shape and Department of Computer Science DIKU – University of Copenhagen join forces to celebrate the Ada Lovelace Day 2019 in Denmark! You are kindly invited to join us for a cheerful afternoon with talks, networking and refreshments, all focusing on women having chosen a technological or scientific path of career and who want to share their story with a […]
7 begivenheder,
Measuring your DevOps Transformation
Measuring your DevOps Transformation
"Are you in the middle of a DevOps transformation? Or are you considering launching an enterprise DevOps initiative? If you are a leader within your organization then this seminar is something for you.In this breakfast seminar, we will present topics related to how key metrics can help you better understand the progress of your DevOps […]
Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots
Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots
"The Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots seminars are a series of 4 events organized by PhD students of Copenhagen Bioscience PhD program, that target to a broad audience of scientists. The event will end with networking event. On October 9 we will welcome two guest speakers, Professor Barbara Cannon (Wenner-GrenInstitute, Stockholm, Sweden) and Dr Elad Noor (ETH,Zurich,Switzerland).Dr. Barbara Cannonis a Professor of physiology at the Wenner-GrenInstitute at […]
Ruby Talks Night at Abtion
Ruby Talks Night at Abtion
"Speakers :Phrase - Scaling a Large Rails App on AWS using Serverless and ServersFelix Meese and a team from Hamburg based Phrase are coming to visit our Ruby community in Copenhagen. A message from their side: "We, Phrase.com, offer software localization platform, enabling companies to reach their global audiences. We mainly build our infrastructure on […]
8 begivenheder,
AML 2019 – Kick Off
AML 2019 – Kick Off
"Omfanget af byrder i forbindelse med bekæmpelse af hvidvask er stigende, så hvordan kan åbne offentlige data bruges til at lette disse byrder?Dette er overskriften på den “Anti Money Laundering Challenge”, som Erhvervsstyrelsen og Partnerskabet for Åbne Offentlige Data lancerer d. 10. oktober. Det er en challenge, hvor både startups, professionals og studerende m.fl. har […]
B2B SoMe og Marketing Automation i praksis
B2B SoMe og Marketing Automation i praksis
"B2B SoMe og Marketing Automation i praksis Det er ikke længere de store der spiser de små, men de hurtige, der spiser de langsomme.Det er ikke længere de store der spiser de små, men de hurtige, der spiser de langsommeMed en god digital lead-strategi som effektivt udnytter de mange nye kontaktpunkter til B2B beslutningstagere, kan […]
Vectorworks Design Day Copenhagen 2019
Vectorworks Design Day Copenhagen 2019
"Meet us in Copenhagen on October 10th, 2019 as we present the powerful new workflows in Vectorworks® 2020. Explore the Future of Vectorworks Roadmap while enjoying opportunities in the following areas:Entertainment – Discover the industry standard for entertainment with custom-built products meant to enhance design, documentation, and production. Architecture – Learn how to support your entire process with the 3D and BIM […]
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What’s new in SAFe 5.0?
What’s new in SAFe 5.0?
"Scaled Agile has just released SAFe 5.0 - a major revision introducing Business Agility with two new core competencies - Organizational Agility and Continuous Learning Culture.Let's meetup and discuss what it means. We will find an engaging and interactive way to do so when we meet.This meetup assumes insight and experience with SAFe. Be prepared […]
5 begivenheder,
Searching for Developers? We have them!
Searching for Developers? We have them!
"If you are interested to make your company or team more diverse and creative then please join us at this breakfast event to learn more about MatchIT and FooCoding talent!At Lund University, newly arrived academics are studying Python, Java, SQL, Agile methodologies and more in a 34 weeks full-time education called MatchIT.We invite you, together […]
Nordic Female Investor Meetup
Nordic Female Investor Meetup
"Diverse teams create more value. Here's how we'll get there.Agenda:Crash Course "How to invest in startups":Takes place at Studio, Nordenskiöldsgatan 24, Malmö. Doors open at 0830, the Crash Course starts at 0900 Pinc Capital: The pitching event starts at 1000. Networking lunch:Lunch is served at 1200. Nordic Female Investor Meetup: The event starts at 1300Keynote speeches, inspirational journeys, panel discussions and […]
Nordic Female Investor Meetup
Nordic Female Investor Meetup
"AgendaCrash Course "How to invest in startups":Takes place at Studio, Nordenskiöldsgatan 24, MalmöDoors open at 0830, the Crash Course starts at 0900 Pinc Capital:The pitching event starts at 1000Networking lunch:Lunch is served at 1200Nordic Female Investor Meetup:The event starts at 1300Keynote speeches, inspirational journeys, panel discussions and prize ceremony for “Pinc Founder of the yearThere will be two coffee breaks throughout […]
6 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 16th of October @Topp Design & Innovation
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 16th of October @Topp Design & Innovation
"It's time for another one of our family style breakfasts in Malmö.This time, the speaker will be Apollonia San Contreras - Digital Marketing Manager at Hövding, board member at Pink Programming and co-founder of EMC Network. As usual there will be coffee & breakfast from 7.30, speaker at 8.00 and then mingle from 8:15 - 9:00. Making […]
Branding like you care!
Branding like you care!
"Tackling how to incorporate sustainability in your brand and how to introduce it in your internal and external communication.78% believe it is no longer acceptable for companies to just make money, they expect companies to positively impact society as well.How can SGDs improve your company’s branding?Why should your brand care?What makes citizens care about your […]
Women in Sales – pitching, networking & drinks
Women in Sales – pitching, networking & drinks
"Want to meet fellow women in the world of work and learn how to bag a career in Sales? Then drop by Pleo HQ to meet the team and network.Join us for an inspirational session of learning and networking at Pleo HQ.You'll get insider tips on building a fast-paced career in sales, find out about […]
3 begivenheder,
Health tech’s next chapter
Health tech’s next chapter
"The great thing about health is it’s built-in importance: You don’t have to convince modern customers that they need to pay attention to their body.But even the most necessary - and ultimately lifesaving - products need updates.We'll gather health tech entrepreneurs and innovators and ask a few big questions:1. How can a doctor’s appointment become […]
Teal open space – new work is Emerging
Teal open space – new work is Emerging
"New ways of work are emerging. Teal is an approach that is people-friendly, and speaks to the intrinsic motivations of people, as well as it is complexity-informed, adopting organic principles that match the surrounding society. Core principles in teal are wholeness, self-organization and evolutionary purpose. Sense and respond. Rather than command and control, the leadership […]
Pie & AI: Copenhagen – A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Ng
Pie & AI: Copenhagen – A Conversation with Dr. Andrew Ng
"Welcome to deeplearning.ai's very first deeplearning.ai Pie & AI webinar meetup in Copenhagen!If you’re wondering what an AI career looks like, what the best learning path is, what courses you should take and how to overcome common challenges when breaking into AI, come join us!The event will kick off with a live video talk from […]
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5 begivenheder,
Chaos Engineering, Istio & KubeOne
Chaos Engineering, Istio & KubeOne
"Agenda:1705 Welcome by Cloud Native Copenhagen1710 Welcome from tonight's hosts: Visma1715 "How to be (successful at being) wrong" by Russ Miles, CEO at ChaosIQ1800 Break with food1830 "Istio In Production" by Hans Duedal, Site Reliability Engineer at Visma1915 "Building KubeOne: yet another Kubernetes cluster management tool" by Alexander Sowitzki, Site Reliability Engineer at Loodse2000 Thank […]
Experiences with Toyota Kata and Evolutionary Transformation
Experiences with Toyota Kata and Evolutionary Transformation
"Join us to meet two different talks and speakersEvolutionary Agile – Johannes Klose AndersenBeyond frameworks - Why Scrum and SAFe can be poison to your Agile change initiative – Jesper BoegMore details about talks and speakers below.Welcome!Martin and Morten..." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/AgilityLab/events/265147079/
How big is a service?
How big is a service?
"Whether you’re an architect or just listen to them, you've probably heard about micro service architectures and the goodness they bring. Whether your business is getting started with them, or was one of the pioneers, chances are you will be designing new services in the future.Hear both technical and organizational design considerations of software services, […]
3 begivenheder,
AM Venture Day
AM Venture Day
"3D printing will change production as we know it. At AM Venture Day we gather the Nordic startups that push 3D’s next chapter.All of them explore new ways of applying additive manufacturing to their business. Whether they work within health, robotics or fashion, these founders look to harvest some of the great benefits of 3D-fueled […]
Fireside Chat Without a Fire With Daniel Döderlein
Fireside Chat Without a Fire With Daniel Döderlein
"Get insights into PSD2 and what it means for the future of fintech in Europe from an absolute pioneer of mobile payments.Daniel Döderlein, a pioneer of mobile payments in the Nordics, will be having a fireside chat with Mads Dalsgaard, CMO of fintech platform Funderbeam.They'll discuss the globally growing mobile payment trend, the consequences of […]
Use DevOps ways and architect strategies to run a 100k footrace
Use DevOps ways and architect strategies to run a 100k footrace
"Lars Kronfält a DevOps practitioner, ultra runner and IASA Sweden board member with +20 years in IT will share how he applied methodologies and strategies to breakdown and accomplish far stretched goals.This talk is about how a person with low chance of success due to asthma, allergies, knee surgery, diabetes and little history of physical exercise […]
6 begivenheder,
Diginauts x Techfugees Copenhagen Hackathon – October 23rd-25th
"Your chance to work with real people to solve real problems.As part of the conference, DIGINAUTS: Border dissidence, digital resistance and the production of irregularized migrants, DIGINAUTS and TechFugees are hosting our first ever hack for refugees.We are looking for participants with skills within:CodingDesignLearningBusinessCultureCommunicationLawAnd more...We are hosting a 48-hour hackathon at University of Copenhagen Southern […]
Atomic Design (Part 1/2) // CPHUX Book Club
Atomic Design (Part 1/2) // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Atomic Design' with us.Event Overview:Oct 23rd // Chapter 1-3Nov 6th // Chapter 4-5Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters, we'll cover around 100 pages per event. This makes it more do-able (for some) to get through the book. Depending on the book, we can do try to do methods or […]
Agile Fluency™ Model meetup and introduction
Agile Fluency™ Model meetup and introduction
"What results do you expect to gain from using agile frameworks? How will you know it's happened? What bottom-line benefits will it bring to your organisation?Agile methods are solidly in the mainstream, but that popularity hasn't been without its problems. Organizational leaders are complaining that they’re not getting the benefits they expected. The Agile Fluency™ […]
Pre-program Launch Event for Nordic Tech Scalers Expanding to the US
Pre-program Launch Event for Nordic Tech Scalers Expanding to the US
"Are you ready to scale your business in the US market but need to understand where, when and how you accelerate your scale-up process? We can contribute accelerating your scale up process in the US!Join us for an informative afternoon and hear more about how we support Nordic Scale-up companies to spot new industry dynamics and […]
9 begivenheder,
Opkøb og fusioner
Opkøb og fusioner
"- Hvordan opnår man succes i opkøb og fusioner – og sikrer værdien for ejerne? 8 ud af 10 opkøb skaber ikke værdi for ejerne og der er en klar tendens til at virksomheder, der har været igennem en fusion skaber dårligere resultater end før fusionen – det være sig i forhold til operationelle, finansielle […]
Copenhagen Analytics Coffee #2 (Halloween Edition)
Copenhagen Analytics Coffee #2 (Halloween Edition)
"The second analytics and digital marketing morning coffee meetup in Copenhagen." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copenhagen-analytics-coffee-2-halloween-edition-tickets-76757994227
Get to know the Bankia Fintech Program by Innsomnia
Get to know the Bankia Fintech Program by Innsomnia
"Come by the Info Event and learn more about the Innsomnia, the program and its benefits!Innsomnia, in cooperation with Copenhagen Fintech, is proud to launch this Fintech Program to Danish ecosystem in the framework of The Talent Route network.Bankia Fintech is the leader program of Spanish banking with regards to fintech. In its four previous […]
2 begivenheder,
Feedback Friday // October // CPHUX
Feedback Friday // October // CPHUX
"Feedback Friday is a casual space to present what you're working on and then get feedback (with beers...) 3 people/teams get 30mins each to pitch and get feedback on their project by the participants in the audience. So if the presenter talks for 20 mins he/she will only have 10 mins of feedback time.This is […]
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Nordic Legal Tech Panel Sessions V – by Nordic Legal Tech & Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
Nordic Legal Tech Panel Sessions V – by Nordic Legal Tech & Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
"Our Panel Sessions match legal tech providers and ideas with law firms, legal experts and startup people. The panels are diverse and include lawyers, tech provider CEO’s, startup, tech and ecosystem people, as well as academics. For tech providers, this is a great opportunity to showcase your product or idea and to engage in depth with […]
Hacking Growth and UX
Hacking Growth and UX
Taylor Ryan is one of the most noticed Growth Hackers in Copenhagen. Seeing him do his thing is almost like seeing a toy bike be fuelled up with EXTRA TURBO GROWTH HACKING JUICE, transforming it into a rocketship on its way to a true moonshot. He is teaching Rainmaking Talent Gardens 2-Day Masterclass in Growth […]
3 begivenheder,
E-mail Marketing Seminar
E-mail Marketing Seminar
"E-mail marketing seminar m. Lasse Hinke og Relevans.Sådan får du et setup, der øger effekten med E-mail marketing:Vil du have større effekt af dit e-mail marketing setup? På seminaret om e-mail marketing får du indblik i, hvordan du med det rigtige mix, relevant kommunikation og effektiv timing, sikrer en systematisk bearbejdning af dine kunder og […]
Fintech Tuesday – AML/KYC and Digital Identity
Fintech Tuesday – AML/KYC and Digital Identity
"Welcome to Fintech Tuesday hosted by Copenhagen Fintech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders together with the newest research within the technical sciences.This Fintech Tuesday will be about AML/KYC and Digital Identity, its potentials and current trends. We invited highly regarded researchers and companies within the area to present their groundbreaking […]
Kubernetes for DevSecOps: Enabling Cloud with Batteries Included
Kubernetes for DevSecOps: Enabling Cloud with Batteries Included
"DFDS started its journey towards a cloud-first strategy two years ago. Since then, a lot has changed. Being such a large company poses some great challenges as with multiple development teams, they need to make sure that everything is visible and configured properly to all the teams and at any given time. In DFDS IT […]
6 begivenheder,
DTU High Tech Summit
DTU High Tech Summit
"High Tech Summit is part conference and part exhibition powered by DTU (Technical University of Denmark). Our vision is to create the largest research-based meeting place in Denmark within the field of digitization.The summit aims to create the perfect environment for companies, start-ups, organisations and universities to meet and present their latest technological developments, debate […]
Danish Tech Challenge Open House 2019
Danish Tech Challenge Open House 2019
"Join us for this year's Open House in Danish Tech Challenge!For the sixth year in a row, we invite you to meet the 20 DTC companies and see their products first-hand at our Open House. This year, we're hosting it as part of the DTU Start-up Fair at High Tech Summit. Program1500 Registration1530 Welcome1530 Words from […]
Web Analytics Wednesday – Copenhagen 2019 #2
Web Analytics Wednesday – Copenhagen 2019 #2
"Women of Web Analytics Wednesday is an international networking event, that connects digital analytics with marketing with presentations from both Denmark and abroad. Since 2007, IIH Nordic has produced Web Analytics Wednesdays in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Amsterdam.This will be a special edition 'Women of WAW', featuring some of the most influential experts in Web Analytics. At […]
5 begivenheder,
Funding Your Business
Funding Your Business
"In this workshop, we focus on fundraising. Lone Christiansen from C Muligheder teaches you all you need to know to apply for funds/grants You’ve got your idea ✔️You've got your business plan ✔️But what about funding? Don't worry, we got you covered!In this workshop we focus on fundraising. Lone Christiansen from C Muligheder will visit […]
UX Meet & Greet at IBM Garage
UX Meet & Greet at IBM Garage
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit IBM Garage and see what they actually do.NOTE: There's a 100 DKK No-Show-Fee!IBM Garage is IBM's center for high-impact, client-centric innovation. The IBM Garage engages diverse, empowered teams that partner with clients to apply purposeful technologies to quickly create and scale new, innovative ideas that can dramatically evolve […]
Recruiting event with 3Shape Consulting & Finance
Recruiting event with 3Shape Consulting & Finance
"Are you eager to learn what it is like to work in Consulting and Finance in an innovative tech company? Join our recruiting event!Are you eager to learn what it is like to work in Consulting & Finance in a high tech, innovation-driven company? Join our recruiting event! Request a seat by sending your CV and […]