
Kalender af Begivenheder
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4 begivenheder,
Power BI meeting in Copenhagen
Power BI meeting in Copenhagen
"Ready, steady, GO! Once again we will do something extraordinary. This time we will not just have 2 or 3 sessions - but 6! Yes, we will have six different sessions split on two tracks. Biggest meeting so far! Each session will be 45 minutes.Introduction to PowerApps – “You really don’t need involve SharePoint in […]
AI Student Expo: Reinforcement Learning
AI Student Expo: Reinforcement Learning
"There’s something magical about Reinforcement Learning (RL). You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels!), they are beating world champions at DOTA and robots are learning how to perform complex manipulation tasks that defy explicit programming.At DTU Skylab May 27th, 17:00-21:00 we will guide you […]
Infrastructure Automation with Puppet – DevOps Malmö
Infrastructure Automation with Puppet – DevOps Malmö
"Puppet's latest set of open source tools enables both an agentless task-based approach, as well as agent-based declarative approach to infrastructure automation. Get introduced to Puppet Bolt, Puppet Server and Puppet Enterprise. Learn to start automating the provisioning, deployment, configuration and compliance enforcement of your IT infrastructure. The session covers automating at the individual level with […]
9 begivenheder,
Female Founder Office Hours
Female Founder Office Hours
"In Denmark, only 8% of VC fundung goes to startups with female founders.To address the funding discrepancy, we wish to gather female founders based in Denmark and female investors from all over the world.Our purpose is to facilitate a setting in which founders and investors can discuss openly the challenges entrepreneurs face, in particular when […]
Crash-course affärsängelinvestering
Crash-course affärsängelinvestering
"Välkomna till en kort introduktion till att investera i startups och hur man blir affärsängel!Startups är tidiga innovativa bolag med stora ambitioner och stor potential. De ser världen på ett nytt sätt och löser problem med teknologi och andra infallsvinklar. För att dessa bolag skall lyckas behöver de finansiering. Affärsänglar, privatpersoner som kan investera en […]
Denmark Demo Day
Denmark Demo Day
"Denmark Demo Day will gather 150 of the best and brightest young investors from international and local top-tier VC firms and leading local business angels to provide a platform for them to connect.The event will also showcase the 20 most exciting up-and-coming Danish tech startups on the big stage, as well as have 20 more […]
7 begivenheder,
Breakfast Seminar: How to create your data-driven IoT solution
Breakfast Seminar: How to create your data-driven IoT solution
"Join us for our breakfast seminar focused on IoT!Solita IoT Alliance lets you build modular solutions with ready-made and tested services and devices; you’ll get a quick start and more value for your business without losing your earlier investments. This event is for organizations that are looking to leverage IoT and people working in IT […]
Toppolitisk valgmøde med fokus på iværksætteri og rammevilkår
Toppolitisk valgmøde med fokus på iværksætteri og rammevilkår
"Der er fuld fart på valgkampen, hvor der bliver diskuteret klima, velfærd, integration, skatteniveau og meget mere. Men hvad med iværksætteri? Der skal trods alt også penge ind i statskassen for at skabe et velafbalanceret samfund, hvor blandt andet start-ups spiller en væsentlig rolle ☝️ Dette vil vi gerne være med til at sætte ekstra […]
Copenhagen FinTech’s General Assembly 2019
Copenhagen FinTech’s General Assembly 2019
"Deadline for proposals to be discussed on the General Assembly is May 1st. Please send your proposal to Mads S. Tingsgård at mst@copenhagenfintech.dk.Program1400 General Assembly (members only)1500 Registration & Coffee1530 Annual Meeting 20191630 Drinks & NetworkingMore detailed agenda for the General Assembly will be sent out to registered participants no later than 2 weeks before […]
1 begivenhed,
Open Source Show and Tell – Malmö C++ User Group
Open Source Show and Tell – Malmö C++ User Group
"Open Source software is at the core of what makes the world go around, and we use many in our day to day lives, we might have made some ourselves. Join us in a Show and Tell of our favorite C/C++ libraries.Agenda:1730 Meet & Greet1745 Presentation1830 Meet & Eat1900 Discussions You can submit an Open Source C/C++ […]
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2 begivenheder,
Effective Researching with IEEE Xplore : IT University of Copenhagen
Effective Researching with IEEE Xplore : IT University of Copenhagen
"Why should you attend?Learn to search like a professional with this overview of best practices for maximizing features of the platform, covering advanced search techniques, setting up alerts, downloading equations, finding patent citations, and much more.Who is this for?This workshop is free to attend for students, researchers, faculty staff, and anyone else interested with IEEE Xplore. Please feel free to […]
How to get Published with IEEE : IT University of Copenhagen
How to get Published with IEEE : IT University of Copenhagen
"Why should you attend?Are you thinking of publishing your research? New/relatively new to publishing your work? Increase the visibility of your research and build author credibility by publishing in a leading title. Learn how to identify the best journal or conference for your work and navigate the paper submission and peer review process. Review the […]
4 begivenheder,
Delivering exceptional customer experiences in the utility sector
Delivering exceptional customer experiences in the utility sector
"Welcome to the Energy & Utility event of the year hosted by Charlie Tango, where we look into the current situation of digitalization in the industry and today's possibilities within digital customer experiences.Customer experience in the Energy & Utility industryCustomer experience is the new battleground for utility companies, particularly in deregulated markets. Delivering an exceptional customer experience […]
Se det nye startup-miljø for game, fintech og blockchain
Se det nye startup-miljø for game, fintech og blockchain
"Se det nye startup-miljø for game, fintech og blockchain1. maj i år åbnede 'Univate SC1 Emil Holms Kanal by Symbion' - den 5. lokation i Symbion-netværket. De første startups er allerede flyttet ind og målet er, at miljøet kommer til at bestå af ca. 60 innovative startups og iværksættere inden for game, fintech og blockchain […]
Copenhagen #2 – Getting started with UI extensions and Contentful Rich Text
Copenhagen #2 – Getting started with UI extensions and Contentful Rich Text
"1830 Doors open. Get some food and drinks before the talks.1900 Getting Started with UI Extensions - Allan ThraenThis is an introduction to some of the cool things you can do with UI Extensions in Contentful.Partner @ CodeArt, Freelance developer. Lives and breathes Content and Search.1930 Markdown my friend, we have to talk - Martin […]
4 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wed 05th of June @THE GROUND
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wed 05th of June @THE GROUND
"It's time for another one of our family style breakfasts in Malmö on the 5th of June. This breakfast will be hosted at The Ground!Are you interested in entrepreneurship but not sure how to start? Do you want to know more about the startup scene of Skåne? Or maybe you're just looking to exchange ideas […]
Game Habitat Annual Brännboll & BBQ 2019
Game Habitat Annual Brännboll & BBQ 2019
"Game Habitat's Brännboll & Barbecue 2019!Once again, Game Habitat and extended family invite our game dev community to join us for a lovely evening at Kungsparken, Malmö for our Annual Brännboll & Barbecue!This year we are hosting the event on Wednesday June 5th and like at previous years, you can expect to have a great time in the park mingling […]
Livewire: A Magical UI Framework For Laravel – Laravel Skåne
Livewire: A Magical UI Framework For Laravel – Laravel Skåne
"As Laravel developers, we’ve made concessions when it comes to our front-ends. We’ve traded the simplicity, reliability, and testability of Blade in exchange for the dynamic, smooth, page interactions of Vue or React.Livewire attempts to rescue what’s good in Blade, but still allow for fast, dynamic front-ends, without having to write a drop of JavaScript.The […]
9 begivenheder,
Talent Garden Rainmaking: Startup Advice Sessions
"At Respond Festival we bring all of our entrepreneurial community to IDA at Kalvebod Brygge.During the festival, June 6 + 7, we will be offering business advice to everyone with a startup on their mind.You can be in the earliest stages of your company planning or more mature. What is important is just that you are […]
Få styr på ny ferielov og ansættelsesforhold i din startup
Få styr på ny ferielov og ansættelsesforhold i din startup
"Er du klar til at navigere i den nye ferielov, og ved du, hvordan du skal agere, når det kommer til kontraktmæssige ansættelsesvilkår?I samarbejde med ECIT Services og Lassen Ricard inviterer Futurebox til temaformiddag, hvor du bliver klædt på med den nyeste viden i forhold til ny ferielov og ansættelser.Bliv bl.a. klogere på - Baggrund […]
Respond Festival
Respond Festival
"Glæd dig til en oplevelse, hvor du inviteres til at lytte, røre, spørge og lære mere om de tanker og teknologiske løsninger, der kan holde klima-forandringerne for døren.Indimellem de mere end 50 talks, workshops meetups m.m. kan du gå på opdagelse i state-of-the-art teknologi, se på kunst eller nuppe en film og en debat fra […]
Blockchain workshop: Demystifying the technology with Cyrus Clarke
Blockchain workshop: Demystifying the technology with Cyrus Clarke
"To attend:1.Buy at ticket for the RESPOND FESTIVAL https://respondfestival.ida.dk/ 2. Register at: https://respondfestival.ida.dk/sign-up-demystifying-blockchain/ "Blockchain workshop: Discover the potential of blockchain to create greater value for society, using design methods to kickstart the journey towards developing..." Price: Free (with a festival ticket) Link: https://respondfestival.ida.dk/sign-up-demystifying-blockchain/
6 begivenheder,
Let’s shape the future of work together
Let’s shape the future of work together
"We're thrilled to launch our new The Future of Work Accelerator and would like to invite you and other leading players in the ecosystem for an exclusive TALK on how we can shape the future of work together.In this talk, you will get first-hand insight into our accelerator powered by Symbion & Accelerace including what opportunities are […]
DesignAM: Designing Radical Technology
DesignAM: Designing Radical Technology
"Come join us for a morning of discussing radical new technologies and how to design for them and with them.At this designAM we've invited Cyrus Clarke and Mike Brandt to talk about the design of new technologies. Cyrus Clarke has developed a toolkit for designing for Blockchain while Mike Brandt has combined old and new […]
LinkedIn Strategy: A guide for CMOs and Marketing Managers
LinkedIn Strategy: A guide for CMOs and Marketing Managers
"There's no doubt that LinkedIn has finally come into its own as a great marketing platform for brands, personal brands and influencers. But how do you capitalize on this trend and create success for yourself and the brands you represent?In this monthly instalment of Kubb&co seminars, we dive into how to create success on LinkedIn.We […]
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10 begivenheder,
Skal du med på væksttoget? Kom og bliv klogere på EU og USA fonde
Skal du med på væksttoget? Kom og bliv klogere på EU og USA fonde
"EU og USA puljer til SMV'er og StartUp's - Er dit projekt klart til at tage det store spring ud i verden? Kom og hør om dine mulighederI efteråret 2017 åbnede Inspiralia op for sine services i Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland.Senest i februar 2019 stod det klart, at det Nordatlantiske innovationsmiljø og Inspiralia er et godt match […]
tretton37 Code Lunch Malmö: Hacking your brain to become a better you
tretton37 Code Lunch Malmö: Hacking your brain to become a better you
"Hacking your brain to become a better you Madeleine Schönemann Ever found yourself thinking about all those hopes and dreams, but realized that you are simply stuck in the same old place? Do you feel like you’re not moving forward in the pace you want to? Or are you just (too) comfortable? I sure was. […]
Cloud Native Copenhagen Hack Nights: Kubernetes 101
Cloud Native Copenhagen Hack Nights: Kubernetes 101
"Are you new to Kubernetes and want to get started? Or maybe you have a cool project you want to hack on and get feedback on? Then this meetup is definitely for you.Cloud Native Copenhagen is borrowing a concept from Cloud Native Aarhus; Cloud Native Hack Nights.The idea is to provide an environment where you […]
7 begivenheder,
Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots
Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots
"The Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots seminars are a series of 4 events organized by PhD students of Copenhagen Bioscience PhD program, that target to a broad audience of scientists. The event will end with networking event.We will welcome two guest speakers, Dr. Amir Feizi (Novo Nordisk Research Center, Oxford, UK) and Professor Olga Vitek (Northeastern University, Boston, USA).Professor Olga Vitek […]
Gå-hjem møde – Open Source Tech to Swap out Components in Data Pipelines
Gå-hjem møde – Open Source Tech to Swap out Components in Data Pipelines
"Vi er rigtig glade for at kunne invitere til gå-hjem møde i Glostrup den 12. Juni med Rustam Mehmandarov fra den Norske JUG javaBin.1600 Open Source Tech to Swap out Components in Data Pipelines med Rustam Mehmandarov1700 NetworkingOpen Source Tech to Swap out Components in Data PipelinesA few years ago moving data between applications and […]
Swiftcourt Celebrations – Moving in! And Moving Up!
Swiftcourt Celebrations – Moving in! And Moving Up!
"Swiftcourt Celebrations - Ett unikt tillfälle att lära känna Swiftcourtfamiljen, spela prosecco-pong och fira vårt nya HQ .It’s time to CELEBRATE!We closed an investment, we doubled our number of colleagues, we have new, fabulous headquarters in Dockan, and we want to celebrate with you!This event is open for anyone who wants to get to know […]
4 begivenheder,
Introduction to Ensemble Logical Modeling
Introduction to Ensemble Logical Modeling
"Dear Data Architect and Modeler Meetuppers! Ensemble Logical Modeling (ELM) is the modelling approach, based on the core idea of Unified Decomposition. Basically this idea recognizes that we want to break things out into component parts for reasons of flexibility, adaptability, agility and generally to facilitate the capture of things that are either interpreted in […]
DataViz Meetup
DataViz Meetup
"Save the date!The first part of the meetup will consist of 3 short talks covering different aspects of Data Viz (more details to follow soon!). The final hour is reserved for networking.Our Presenters:Jeppe MorgenstjerneCreative director at Ferdio, Denmark’s most famous (if not the only) information design agency based in the heart of Vestebro’s Kødbyen.Jeppe will […]
Design Thinking
Design Thinking
"We look forward to welcoming you to this GOTO Night about Design Thinking where we have no less than three great speakers from Trifork, Duckwise and Invokers.To have the right amount of sandwiches and a more smooth check-in on the day, PLEASE sign up here: https://airtable.com/shr9jHahvMNRxUA8d?prefill_Event=Design+ThinkingAgenda1700 Doors open1715 Welcome by GOTO and Trifork1730 Design Thinking part […]
1 begivenhed,
What is the Research Data Alliance and how can it benefit you?
What is the Research Data Alliance and how can it benefit you?
"What is the Research Data Alliance and how can it benefit you?Are you encountering everyday challenges while creating, collecting and managing data?Do you often find that your work as a data creator, data manager, data steward or data curator is not properly recognized and valued?Then, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is the right place for […]
1 begivenhed,
Global DevOps Bootcamp @ Copenhagen
Global DevOps Bootcamp @ Copenhagen
"Global DevOps Bootcamp is a global event that will be held on Saturday June 15th and is all about DevOps on the Microsoft Stack. Centrally organized by Xpirit and Solidify and offered to you by this local partner. During this 1-day event we will join (Microsoft) DevOps communities all around the world to talk, learn […]
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2 begivenheder,
The Triple-A Classroom – Using Commercial Games in School
"Opsummering på dansk: Dette er et 2-dages seminar, fra d. 17-18 juni 2019, om brugen af almindelige hverdags computerspil (som fx MInecraft) i undervisningen, og det retter sig primært mod undervisere i folkeskolen og på gymnasieniveau. Hvis du arbejder med spil i undervisningen, eller er interesseret i brugen af spil i undervisningen, så vil du […]
June Cloud meetup – Apache Beam on GCP
June Cloud meetup – Apache Beam on GCP
"GDG Cloud Copenhagen summer meetupSummer is here! How about spending it inside with like-minded people, learning about Google Cloud?A few years ago, moving data between applications and datastores included expensive monolithic stacks from large software vendors with little flexibility. Now with frameworks such as Apache Beam and Apache Airflow, we can schedule and run data […]
3 begivenheder,
Peer Lab – 2019, 5th Event
Peer Lab – 2019, 5th Event
"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. Bring a laptop and some code to work on.Also - feel free to pass on suggestions for topics to be discussed. As mentioned […]
Open innovation workshop
Open innovation workshop
"To create an open solution that can compete against the existing venture backed mobility solutions we need to leverage Open Innovation to its fullest potential from the very start. This meetup will be a workshop, where we will find out how to organize the project moving forward.If you have knowledge in the domain and would […]
6 begivenheder,
accelerateCPH DEMO DAY
accelerateCPH DEMO DAY
"Kom og hør eksperternes bud på, hvordan vi skal bygge og bo i fremtiden. Se inspirerende oplæg om indeklima og fremtidens byer. Oplev 8.klasses skoleelever udfordre eksperterne i paneldebat.Og - se de deltagende startups SundforLuft og Polisensio præsentere deres resultater af #accelerateCPH 19. i byder igen i år velkommen til en festlig og inspirerende formiddag - […]
Fremtidens lederskab starter i dag
Fremtidens lederskab starter i dag
"En massiv digital og teknologisk forandring præger vores samfund i disse år. Den vil fundamentalt ændre måden hvorpå vi arbejder og driver virksomhed. Succes under disse omskiftelige og uforudsigelige forhold kræver, at man forstår teknologiens muligheder, og at man evner at opdyrke det menneskelige potentiale under kontinuerlige forandringer.Dette foredrag er et wake-up call til lederen, […]
Developing cloud native apps with microservices architecture
Developing cloud native apps with microservices architecture
"Microservice architecture, or simply microservices, and cloud native applications are very popular these days and on the mindset of most developers and IT architects. Cloud native applications are built as a system of microservices.Microservices is a method of developing software systems that tries to focus on building single-function modules with well-defined interfaces and operations. The […]
8 begivenheder,
Google Next Goes to Denmark – Copenhagen
Google Next Goes to Denmark – Copenhagen
"The Danish executive summary of the worlds largest innovation event!Google NEXT is one of the world’s largest and most influential tech conferences with 15.000+ participants in San Francisco. This April, the whole world gathered for 3 days filled with tech-driven innovation, inspiring digital strategies from global giants, and insights into the latest methods and tools […]
Google Next Goes to Denmark – Copenhagen
Google Next Goes to Denmark – Copenhagen
"The Danish executive summary of the worlds largest innovation event!Google NEXT is one of the world’s largest and most influential tech conferences with 15.000+ participants in San Francisco. This April, the whole world gathered for 3 days filled with tech-driven innovation, inspiring digital strategies from global giants, and insights into the latest methods and tools […]
A new digital vision for Europe and artificial intelligence in 2030
A new digital vision for Europe and artificial intelligence in 2030
"How can Europe set new standards for artificial intelligence in an era of increasing competition with China and the United States?In the next few years the EU needs to find a strategy towards a number of geostrategic challenges: Artificial intelligence is one of the key challenges in the next phase of digitalization.How can Europe set […]
3 begivenheder,
Gratis Workshop: B Corp Bootcamp
Gratis Workshop: B Corp Bootcamp
"Den danske B Corp-bevægelse inviterer dig og din virksomhed til gratis workshop om, hvordan I opnår en B Corp-certificering.Hvilket positivt aftryk har din virksomheds forretningsmodel på samfundet? Kan din virksomhed sætte tal på og dokumentere jeres bæredygtighedsindsats? Hvilken positiv impact har din virksomhed?Kan du svare på disse spørgsmål? Eller vil du gerne kunne det?Så kom […]
Venture Cup National Startup Competition 2019 – Award Show
Venture Cup National Startup Competition 2019 – Award Show
"Join us to celebrate and honor the best university startups from all over the country!Over the past 3 months, hopeful and ambitious student-startups from all over the country have been working hard to submit their finest business plans and pitch decks to impress our online jury and advance to the semi-finals. On June 21, we […]
Grand Opening – Univate Emil Holms Kanal
Grand Opening – Univate Emil Holms Kanal
"Univate Emil Holms Kanal is the new coworking space for startups and entrepreneurs working within game, blockchain and fintech.The space is part of the Symbion Community which creates relations amongst the right participants across startups, entrepreneurs, corporates, clusters and ecosystems.The coworking space is located at the University of Copenhagen South Campus next to the IT University of Copenhagen. Bothuniversities, the […]
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8 begivenheder,
Demo Day | +impact accelerator
Demo Day | +impact accelerator
"You are invited to the second Demo Day for the +impact accelerator powered by Katapult, SingularityU Nordic and Danske Bank. Two months ago we set out on a journey, welcoming a batch of 10 promising impact startups from the Nordics to Copenhagen. They focus on sustainability within food and fashion.Now its time to see them […]
Entrepreneurial Negotiation
Entrepreneurial Negotiation
"Entrepreneurship is a key component of leadership, both in start Ups and with corporate change management. A growing number of corporations are strategically emphasizing the importance of innovation, growth and change. They do this by partnering with innovative start-ups, acquiring innovations, merging with change-inducing teams, and by encouraging internal entrepreneurship. But still, the great majority […]
James Tichenor + Joshua Walton – Design & Emerging Technology
James Tichenor + Joshua Walton – Design & Emerging Technology
"A traditional view of technology suggests that it is invented in research, transferred to industry, and crafted into innovative products. However as the pace of invention and innovation increases, this model is proving inadequate for addressing the significant challenges in the world. This lecture will discuss the changing role of interaction design in the earliest […]
4 begivenheder,
Design Sprint 2.0: Day 1 after noon – Sketch concepts
Design Sprint 2.0: Day 1 after noon – Sketch concepts
"At this next event we will try the exercises in a workshop format, that takes place on day 1 after noon where we will come up with solution ideas - probably the most fun part for the Design Sprint. :o) At this workshop you will...... get an introduction to the Design Sprint 2.0... get an […]
Next conversation #1: Democracy & design
Next conversation #1: Democracy & design
"På hvilke områder kommer design til at markere sig de næste 40 år? Det spørgsmål stillede vi i Dansk Design Center, da vi i april fejrede vores 40-års fødselsdag med en stor såkaldt un-conference, hvor 80 ledende og dagsorden-sættende kræfter kom med deres bud.Dén samtale vil vi gerne fortsætte med at lægge både plads og […]
React ⚛️ June meetup! ✨
React ⚛️ June meetup! ✨
"This month TV2 Denmark is generously hosting us! ❤️ 🙏As a small gratitude of our appreciation and to encourage everyone to speak we'll also be giving members who sign-up as speakers for our next meetup a license for JetBrains products (WebStorm, IntelliJ...)! 😻🕔 Agenda:1700 Doors Open1730 Welcome1745 First Talk1815 Break with food & drink1900 Second […]
7 begivenheder,
GO GROW – Cyber Security Seminar
GO GROW – Cyber Security Seminar
"After successful seminars about IoT and AI, we're now focusing attention on yet another interesting technology: Cyber Security.Cyber Security becomes increasingly important given the digitisation of many companies and government institutions including both manufacturing and service providers as well as the spread of off-the-shelf tools for “black hat hackers” and competition among nation states.At this […]
Boost with Facebook
Boost with Facebook
"Udnyt dine vækstmuligheder via sociale medier Dansk Iværksætter Forening og facebook afholder workshop i Odense den 26. juni om annoncering på facebook og instagram. Man kan sige meget om de sociale medier, men deres indtog efterlader et kæmpe markedsføringspotentiale for virksomheder og muligheden for at nå kunder over hele verden. Kom og mød bl.a. sociale […]
Google Maps and Visualizations – Deck.gl
Google Maps and Visualizations – Deck.gl
"Hi friends, maps are important in our everyday life and making maps is a powerful way to show data. This meetup we are going to talk about Maps and how to visualize stuff on maps. We are going to hear Alex Muramoto talking about a new WebGL framework “Deck.gl”.Agenda1700 Doors open1750 Welcome1800 Deck.gl - Advance map […]
3 begivenheder,
Le Wagon Copenhagen | Demo Day
Le Wagon Copenhagen | Demo Day
"This time the presentations will take place at IKEA in Malmö, afterwards there'll be networking and drinks. Everything is of course FREE and open to everyone.In April, our latest group embarked on their coding journey with Le Wagon Copenhagen to learn how to create awesome tech products. After 9 intensive weeks of learning to code, […]
Bubbles & Tapas
Bubbles & Tapas
"What's in a name? A lot, it turns out. Join us in setting us well off for next stage in our journey towards personalised healthcare.We would love to kick off our re-branding from Rehfeld Medical into Vital Beats with you.We've been hard at work and are looking much forward to share the final result. So […]
Fintech + Investors – Friday Bar with DLA Piper
Fintech + Investors – Friday Bar with DLA Piper
"Attracting investors is vital to most FinTech startups. At this Friday bar event DLA Piper will provide you with insights on the main challenges and practicalities of investments.We will explain which documents are needed and which issues you should be particularly aware of, and how these should be handled together with licensing and approvals by […]
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1 begivenhed,
FooCoding Class: Newcomers
FooCoding Class: Newcomers
"FooCoding is a six month program for refugees and immigrants to become fullstack web developers. Read more register for next course at https://www.foocoding.org/.Each applicant needs to do an assignment (which you will get after we have received your interest email).The assignments will be reviewed and we will select the top 20 applicants for the next course. Check out […]