
Kalender af Begivenheder
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1 begivenhed,
Co-Creation Workshop // Format of CPHUX Talent Academy
Co-Creation Workshop // Format of CPHUX Talent Academy
"WHY?The CPHUX Talent Bootcamp was a huge success but afterwards, people were exhausted. The content was great but there wasn't enough time to execute on the workload and process all the information.We took the feedback from our users and changed it from a 2-weeks Bootcamp to a 4-weeks Academy. We experienced a lot of positive interest but […]
3 begivenheder,
AI student expo @ Skylab
AI student expo @ Skylab
"Wonder if AI will take over the world? Learn about the latest advancements in AI and see how you can contribute to shaping the future of humanity.Mingle with the latest generation of geniuses from the graduate course in deep learning at DTU. See applied AI solving real-world problems using Facebook's new deep learning tool PyTorch.1700 […]
Core Data Tips and Tricks – CocoaHeads Malmö
Core Data Tips and Tricks – CocoaHeads Malmö
"Core Data is the primary persistence solution on iOS for anything that’s not light weight apps. Khalid will go through how can we can add or integrate Core Data to an existing project, and share useful tips and tricks he’s learned during years of experience using Core Data in different projects.Khalid Afridi is the founder of […]
Coding for Lawyers
Coding for Lawyers
"If you are a lawyer interested in learning how to code, this meetup is for you! If you are a developer interested in introducing lawyers to the wonderful world of coding, this meetup is for you!Even if you don't plan to change industry, knowing the basics of coding can be immensely useful, especially your legal […]
5 begivenheder,
Spela er till ett tryggare teamwork!
Spela er till ett tryggare teamwork!
"En matnyttig frukost om hur team kan spela sig till tryggare teamwork!Rätt kompetens och hög ambition räcker inte för att skapa effektivt teamwork. Det avgörande är psykologisk trygghet och att alla i teamet vågar göra sin röst hörd, ifrågasättar, erkänner misstag och för fram egna idéer. Då blir team mer kreativa, det blir lättare att […]
“Blame It on the Robot: Rethinking Liability Rules for Robot Harms”
“Blame It on the Robot: Rethinking Liability Rules for Robot Harms”
"Paula Casadesus is a visiting researcher at the CILCC center, and is originally carrying out her research at the University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca (Spain). Her research focuses on the liability for the damages caused by robots. She tries to identify where the applicable law might fail to regulate robots’ harmful actions and the difficulties […]
PreSeed Academy #10 Understanding the landscape of early stage funding – CPH
PreSeed Academy #10 Understanding the landscape of early stage funding – CPH
"Understanding the landscape of early stage fundingOne of the most common questions from startup founders is: From where can I get funding to my startup?Startup funding is black box for many founders and we are therefore dedicating the next Preseed Academy to demystify the topic! We will cover startup funding from various perspectives, where you will […]
8 begivenheder,
PXD: Drive UX with brilliant ideas and brilliant technology in Copenhagen
PXD: Drive UX with brilliant ideas and brilliant technology in Copenhagen
"Most people would claim that “User Experience” is all about making users happy, and they’re right. However, most of us just think about the presentation aspects of UX when dealing with the topic.We claim that at least three very different aspects are crucial to a positive UX in the enterprise. Creative ideas and brilliant front-end […]
Lost & Founders #4: Partnering with Incumbents
Lost & Founders #4: Partnering with Incumbents
"Lost and Founders is a series of events focusing on the most essential topics for fintech founders. To do so, for each session we invite industry/subject experts and a fintech founder, together they offer actionable advice on the topic and insights based on their experiences. We finish each session with a fireside chat, where the […]
Introduction to Gluon NLP & CV and ONNX
Introduction to Gluon NLP & CV and ONNX
"Join us for the second MXNet Copenhagen Meetup to learn about Gluon NLP and the ONNX format. This is a great chance to meet a top AWS ML & AI speakers in a "hyggelig" setting.SpeakersJulien SimonAs Global AI & Machine Learning Evangelist, Julien focuses on helping developers and enterprises bring their ideas to life. He […]
3 begivenheder,
Packed with Purpose. En plastikfri fremtid.
Packed with Purpose. En plastikfri fremtid.
"Kampen mod plastik er i fuld gang. Hos Everland ser vi hver dag nye initiativer skyde frem. Virksomheder, organisationer og forbrugere, der leder efter løsningen på en fremtid med mindre plastik.Danske og internationale brands har med fordel baseret hele eller dele af deres purpose på kampen, men hvornår går ‘plastikbevidst’ fra at være en differentieringsmulighed […]
The New Rules of Pricing and How It Impacts Your Sales and Profits
The New Rules of Pricing and How It Impacts Your Sales and Profits
"The New Rules of Pricing and How It Impacts Your Sales and ProfitsLearn how to accurately determine your products optimal price pointsWelcome to Minc for a Seminar on Pricing!During this seminar, you’ll learn:- how the same new technology that enabled SurveyMonkey is now empowering the science of predictive pricing- how just a 3% increase in […]
Product Tank Lunch
Product Tank Lunch
"It's been a looong time since we had a meetup with this group but we really want to meet all you fantastic product people again, so let's get the ball rolling with a lunch!The purpose is simple: meet and share what's new and decide on a next meetup topic.There's so much exciting stuff happening in […]
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3 begivenheder,
Creative Business Cup Denmark 2019
Creative Business Cup Denmark 2019
"Startups are awesome. Creative startups even more so. And that’s why we’re stoked to invite you to Creative Business Cup Denmark 2019, an event that promises to inspire, celebrate and champion creative startups based in Denmark. We’ve put together an exciting panel of jurors, speakers, moderators and influencers who will come together on 8 April […]
Personal Experience With SCM in Agile and DevOps
Personal Experience With SCM in Agile and DevOps
"Abstract:We are seasoned software configuration managers (SCM) and we have experienced that SCM can be helpful in keeping various kinds of projects “under control”. You are DevOps people and would rather avoid having to do some of the “keeping under control” things so you could get some “real work” done instead.There is an established body […]
Blockchain in governance
Blockchain in governance
Blockchain in government & politicsCBS Solbjerg Plads, room SP2131845 Doors open1900 Welcome (CBS BS)1905 PwC pitch (PwC)1910 1st speaker (Nikolai)1925 2nd speaker (PwC)1940 3rd speaker (Nicklas)1950 Q/A (Speaker 1,2,3)2015 Food and networkingNow that the Danish election is approaching, governmental issues are more than relevant. How can new, upcoming technologies, like Blockchain, be a helping hand […]
10 begivenheder,
DjangoGirls Copenhagen
DjangoGirls Copenhagen
"If you are a woman and want to learn how to make websites, we have good news for you: we are holding a one-day workshop for beginners! We will teach you how to build your 1st website using Django & Python 👩💻 🇩🇰If you know English and have a laptop, you can apply for our […]
Startup Coffee Malmö
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one of the year on January 15th, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good […]
Workshop – Copenhagen 9th April, API,OpenSource,IAM
Workshop – Copenhagen 9th April, API,OpenSource,IAM
"Workshop with Redpill and WSo2 on API, Identity Access Management, OpensourceThis workshop is open to Solutions Architects, IT Managers, developers.WSo2 and Redpill are holding this half day workshop at the Redpill office in Copenhagen. https://www.redpill-linpro.com/events/wso2-breakfast-seminar-copenhagenRegister here :https://www.redpill-linpro.com/events/wso2-breakfast-seminar-copenhagen" Price: Free
5 begivenheder,
Funding & Global Goals – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
Funding & Global Goals – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
"Welcome to the fifth and final spring workshop in our Entrepreneurship-series. The Entrepreneurship Foundation in Denmark will talk with us about funding possibilities. With four application deadlines a year, they support a huge amount of the early-stage student entrepreneurs and have many years experience in how to approach applying for their grants. This year they […]
The 7 dimensions of data value – meet the man behind the paper…
The 7 dimensions of data value – meet the man behind the paper…
"Anders Lisdorf wrote the famous paper "The 7 Dimensions of Data Value and How to Improve It" - you can find it here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-dimensions-data-value-how-improve-anders-lisdorf/ - and it's a real, honest-to-God pleasure for us at Nordic Data Intelligence to present him for you guys. Anders will talk about the background and ideas for the paper, then […]
Ruby talks night at Autobutler
Ruby talks night at Autobutler
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers : * ? We are looking for more speakers! Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of Conduct http://berlincodeofconduct.org" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Ruby-Brigade/events/257892313/
6 begivenheder,
Workshop Kunderejser – Kom godt i gang
Workshop Kunderejser – Kom godt i gang
"Signe Stoholm, Customer Experience konsulent, vil facilitere workshoppen og give dig en udefra-og-ind metode til at sætte dig i kundens sted - en metode som giver værdifuld viden om de forretningstiltag, der kalder på optimering, eller måske helt nye produkter og serviceydelser." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://dk-managementconsulting.devoteam.com/vores-arrangementer/workshop-kom-godt-gang-med-lave-kunderejser-11-april/?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=DK_Morgenmde_Kom_godt_i_gang_med_at_lave_kunderejser&utm_medium=email
Se det nye startup-miljø, Univate SC1 by Symbion, før alle andre
Se det nye startup-miljø, Univate SC1 by Symbion, før alle andre
"This Spring, 'Univate SC1 by Symbion' - the 4th location in the community is opening. The environment will consist of approx. 60 innovative startups and entrepreneurs working with blockchain, fintech, game mm. We offer a 'sneak peek' on March 28, where interested startups and entrepreneurs within blockchain, fintech, game etc. and other curious people can get […]
Governance and Scaffolding in Agility – Teal for Teal Malmö
Governance and Scaffolding in Agility – Teal for Teal Malmö
"What support structures do we need working successfully in self-organization? A governance that takes a holistic perspective. How does the relationship between agility and governance look like?Please bring your questions and your examples, this is a participatory seminar.This seminar is aimed at managers, team leaders, business developers, intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs and all people interested in teal […]
5 begivenheder,
Morgen TALK: Er du klar til at innovere fremtidens arbejdsformer?
Morgen TALK: Er du klar til at innovere fremtidens arbejdsformer?
"En af tidens hotteste emner er ”Fremtidens arbejdsformer” - og med god grund. Ny teknologi som kunstig intelligens, robotter, virtual reality og digitale platforme vil nemlig gøre arbejdsbegrebet mere flydende, ikke kun i forhold til hvorfra og hvornår vi arbejder, men også hvordan.I anledningen af lancering af vores ”Future of Work”-accelerator, samler vi en række […]
Join CDON Labs In Hacking Web Applications
Join CDON Labs In Hacking Web Applications
"Bring your laptop and hack a web app with us at CDON!Security consultant and ethical hacker Linus Kvarnhammar is coming to CDON to host his famous workshop on security. All you need is a laptop and a black hoodie for the accurate hacker-look.Introduction to security testing for web applicationsInteractive lab to discover vulnerabilities in a […]
Nordic HealthTech Talents Demo Day
Nordic HealthTech Talents Demo Day
"Join us to celebrate with the early stage HealthTech startups, participate in the conversation and meet key players from the ecosystem!The Demo Day event starts at 2pm, due to the limited seats it is first come, first served. Sign up right now to save yourself a spot in this great event!Schedule1400 Welcome & Opening1430 Eleven […]
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4 begivenheder,
Global Graph Celebration Day – Copenhagen
Global Graph Celebration Day – Copenhagen
"Networks are more than just pretty picturesFor GlobalGraphCelebrationDay.com we are running a workshop to explore practical applications of graph theory, network analysis and visualisations, looking into the past and future of graph-powered tools and methods.TO RSVP: https://neo4j.typeform.com/to/USb6It?event=copenhagen To find out more about Global Graph Celebration Day: https://neo4j.com/blog/leonhard-euler-global-graph-celebration-day/ " Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Graph-Databases-Meetup/events/259549580/
Future of Health – Info Night
Future of Health – Info Night
"FoodLab at DTU Skylab invites DTU students to discuss the future of wild and foraged food as a preventative approach to healthcare. Representatives from the FoodLab at DTU Skylab and the Nordic Health Lab will be present to facilitate discussion and talk to students. Don’t know anything about foraging or wild food? No problem. Students […]
Peer Lab – 2019, 3rd Event
Peer Lab – 2019, 3rd Event
"Join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. Bring a laptop and some code to work on.Also - feel free to pass on suggestions for topics to be discussed. As mentioned it can […]
5 begivenheder,
Skab forretningsmodellen
Skab forretningsmodellen
"En velfungerende forretningsmodel er kritisk for, om en startup får muligheden for at gå fra at være en startup på udkig efter en “scalable, repeatable business model” og så til at være en egentlig velfungerende virksomhed med plus på bundlinien og solid vækst.For at nå dertil kan det være rigtig godt at have et godt […]
tretton37 Code Lunch Malmö: What the Webpack!? Recipes for 2019
tretton37 Code Lunch Malmö: What the Webpack!? Recipes for 2019
"Join Andreas Martinsson as he takes you on a tour through the vast (and initially daunting) mass of functionality that is Webpack. In this talk Andreas will walk you through the most useful and interesting aspects he has found in Webpack while digging through the source code. After a technical overview and a walkthrough deconstructing […]
Informal – planning the future of the group
Informal – planning the future of the group
"Dear Data Architect and Modeler Meetuppers!This meetup group is now ready to fly. Over the last month the organisers have secured two sponsors already:- SAS Institute Denmark (https://www.sas.com/da_dk/home.html)- VPT (https://www.vpt.co.uk)Let's Meetup on April 16th at SAS Institute in Købmagergade 7-9 , DK-1150 København K from 14:00 to 16:00 to socialise and to plan the future […]
1 begivenhed,
Bulletproof embedded software w Elixir
Bulletproof embedded software w Elixir
"Third Malmö Elixir MeetupAgenda* Lightning talks / show and tell• Embedded Elixir with Nerves• ETS cache performance• Writing interactive webapps without javascript - LiveView demoWe begin at 17.30 with meet & greet. Presentations starts at 17.45. There will be a break for something to eat and drink at 18.30." Price: Free Link: https://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2260-cache-performance-w-elixir
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2 begivenheder,
Startup Coffee Malmö
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one of the year on January 15th, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good cup […]
Data vault modeling in a complex data environment
Data vault modeling in a complex data environment
"We want to share our experiences in implementing a cloud-based Data Warehouse data vault model. Our company’s operational systems collect telemetry data, real time events and surveillance data from millions of devices. We have all the corporate systems related to logistics, finance and other data storage solutions used in different parts of the organization. A […]
3 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 24th of April @Djäkne
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 24th of April @Djäkne
"It's time for another one of our family style breakfasts in Malmö on the 24th of April at Djäkne!Are you interested in entrepreneurship but not sure how to start? Do you want to know more about the startup scene of Skåne? Or maybe you're just looking to exchange ideas and meet inspiring people in the startup […]
Hooked // CPHUX Book Club
Hooked // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Hooked' with us. Events overview:Feb 27th // Chapter 1-2 // 1-60Mar 13th // Chapter 3 // 61-94Mar 27th // Chapter 4 // 95-134Apr 10th // Chapter 5-6 // 135-178Apr 24th // Chapter 7-8 // 179-211 Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters. This makes it more do-able (for some) to […]
Game Developer Meetup
Game Developer Meetup
"Hello game developers and friends!Welcome to our spring edition of the GAME DEVELOPER MEETUP!An evening where we invite everyone from our game developer community to gather in one space to connect, inspire, exchange ideas and have a great time together.GAME DEV MEETUP + THE GAME ASSEMBLY'S MEET & GREETAs per tradition, our April edition happens […]
7 begivenheder,
Urban Challenge Conference
Urban Challenge Conference
"The Urban Challenge Conference will be a day to showcase the results of the Urban Challenge program supported by inspiring talks.From urban mobility to carbon emissions, today’s global challenges demand our attention. The Urban Challenge Programme have brought together academic institutions, municipalities, and corporations to address urgent challenges and sustainability issues across urban settings.The Urban […]
MakeImpact Day ’19
MakeImpact Day ’19
"MakeImpact would like to invite all Impact enthusiasts like yourself for MakeImpact Day 2019.It will be an event that combines networking and insight sharing on market trends and challenges within the areas of Impact Investing, Sustainability and the Millennial Generation.The purpose of this day is to bring forward thoughts and ideas about the three key […]
Kunstig intelligens: På vej mod apokalypsen?
Kunstig intelligens: På vej mod apokalypsen?
"Are computers becoming smarter than us? And are we humans, as a consequence, in real danger of being destroyed by them? Join us for this The Danish Science Festival event and learn what is up and down in the debate about Artificial Intelligence.We all know science fiction stories about computers that become intelligent and decide […]
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1 begivenhed,
CPH – Legal Tech Panel Sessions – by Nordic Legal Tech
CPH – Legal Tech Panel Sessions – by Nordic Legal Tech
"Our Panel Sessions match legal tech providers and ideas with legal experts and startup people.Tech providers: showcase your product or idea and engage in depth with potential customers and stakeholders.This event is for you if you want to:- gain industry insights- get mentoring and advice- show off your amazing your idea / product- find out how […]
9 begivenheder,
IT-konference: Data Talks 2019
IT-konference: Data Talks 2019
"Learn how companies within Finance and Pension use data in their business and organisation when CluedIn, IDA Design and Innovation and Google invites to this 3rd session of Data Talks.Program0830 Breakfast0900 Welcome to Data Talks - Rikke Hagemann, Google0910 Status of the data year 2019 - Timothy Ward, CluedIn0940 e-nettet - Michael Hald Graversen, e-nettet1010 […]
CluedIn, Google and IDA Present: Data Talks 2019
CluedIn, Google and IDA Present: Data Talks 2019
"Data Talks is an exclusive event where we are joined by speakers from NyKredit, TopDanmark, Nordea, Danske Bank, CluedIn and more as these companies guide the audience through becoming data driven. This event is to answer the questions of "What it is like to be data driven?" and "How can it be achieved?"" Price: Free […]
MyData – vil du selv bestemme over brugen af dine personoplysninger?
MyData – vil du selv bestemme over brugen af dine personoplysninger?
"MyData Danmark inviterer til Info-møde om Mydata. Vi arbejder for personers selvbestemmelse over deres personoplysninger og er med til at skabe næste generation af internettet med mennesket i centrum. Principperne er nedfældet i en fælles deklaration. På dagen vil vi introducere MyData som organisation og fortælle mere om arbejdet. Vi vil præsentere nogle cases med […]