
Kalender af Begivenheder
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3 begivenheder,
Danish Tech Challenge Awardshow
Danish Tech Challenge Awardshow
"Finalisterne til dette års Danish Tech Challenge er nu fundet. Det betyder, at det snart er tid til at kåre vinderen af Danish Tech Challenge 2018.Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins Frederik overrækker Industriens Fonds Iværksætterpris til vinderen. Overrækkelsen finder sted mandag den 28. januar 2019 i The Plant, hvor Industriens Fond og DTU Science Park inviterer […]
Book Club: The Mushroom at the End of the World
Book Club: The Mushroom at the End of the World
"Very excited to announce the 1st book club of 2019!We're reading Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing's 'The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins'. This book club is co-hosted by Chan’nel Vestergaard, a mushroom expert and materialogist whose experimental practice runs the gamut from tech, design, art and science.We […]
TensorFlow 101: Getting stated
TensorFlow 101: Getting stated
"Hey everybody, I'm going to give a little getting started intro with TensorFlow. If you are interested in learning how to use this mysterious mythical framework that is used in deep learning then this might be a good start. I will quickly go over how to get started writing code for it and then you […]
6 begivenheder,
Fintech Tuesday #1- Quantum in Finance
Fintech Tuesday #1- Quantum in Finance
"Welcome to our first Fintech Tuesday, hosted by Copenhagen FinTech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders in fintech together with the newest research within the technical sciences.This Fintech Tuesday will be about Quantum in Finance and will guide you through the newest information within quantum technology.When thinking of quantum technology, one […]
Need a co-founder? Or do you have co-founder potential?
Need a co-founder? Or do you have co-founder potential?
This event addresses one of the biggest challenges we see in startups. Find a co-founder or a startup to be part of building,"Creating a successful business requires multiple competencies. Not one person has everything that is needed! Find out what you are missing!As a startup, where do you find people who has the competencies that […]
What I Learned by starting a new company after going bankrupt
What I Learned by starting a new company after going bankrupt
"Learn how you can avoid to make typical mistakes during the initial stage of your startup.A few years ago Maximillian Frimmer co-founded the company Monera and grew it to 45 employees. Unfortunately they ran out of cash and was declared bankrupt.However, that didn’t stop Max and his co-founder Lars Holdgaard. They carefully analyzed what went […]
9 begivenheder,
Meaningful Mornings: Fremtidens forbruger søger mening
Meaningful Mornings: Fremtidens forbruger søger mening
"Fremtidens forbruger søger mening Fokus på klimaforandringer, økologi, CO2-kvoter og "brug og smid væk-kultur”, har aldrig været større. Èn ting er politisk handlen. En anden er forbrugernes egen rolle. Det er nemlig på mange måder op til os selv at reducere vores forbrug – og dermed gøre noget aktivt for at redde klimaet. Eksempelvis viser […]
Meaningful Mornings: Fremtidens forbruger søger mening
Meaningful Mornings: Fremtidens forbruger søger mening
"Fokus på "brug og smid væk-kultur”, klimaforandringer, økologi og CO2-kvoter har aldrig været større. Èn ting er politisk handlen. En anden er forbrugernes egen rolle. Det er nemlig på mange måder op til os selv at reducere vores forbrug – og dermed gøre noget aktivt for at redde klimaet. Fx viser globale studier fra Havas, at […]
Vinder cases #2 – SPOT:ON Activation Award
Vinder cases #2 – SPOT:ON Activation Award
"I starten af november 2018 hyldede vi de bedste brandaktiveringer i Danmark ved SPOT:ON Activation Award showet på Copenhagen Marriott Hotel. Nu har du mulighed for at møde de dygtige folk bag de stærke aktiveringer på to seminarer til januar.Følgende vinder-cases blive præsenteret:- Musik Against Drugs - Volume - Rainbow Russia – Hummel/Envision- YouSee eSportligaen – […]
9 begivenheder,
MorningTalk: Traditional IT or Open Banking?
MorningTalk: Traditional IT or Open Banking?
"Is it time for a revolution of the traditional banking IT? Sixty60 says yes!On this MorningTalk the company from Prague called Sixty60 will join us, and tell more about how they want to make a revolution within Banking IT.We welcome you on Amaliegade 6, right next to Queen in the center of Copenhagen, with fresh […]
Talent Garden Mornings: The Growth Hacking Mindset
Talent Garden Mornings: The Growth Hacking Mindset
"Are you considering a growth hacking strategy for 2019? At Talent Garden Innovation School we invite you to this focused morning talk, where you can pick the brains of experienced growth hacker Taylor Ryan, CMO at Valuer.ai.In one hour, Taylor will single out the biggest mistakes + overlooked secrets, when people take on this approach […]
Add 45,000 Silicon Vikings to your network!
Add 45,000 Silicon Vikings to your network!
"...we need to work/network more and better across all borders to improve innovation and create results. Learn how Silicon Vikings does it – and how you can join, contribute and benefit.Workshop about Silicon Vikings and networking1200 Registration and informal networkingUserTribe offers sandwiches + drinks. Qemploy offers fruit/snacks1230 Welcome and intro by Carolina Velasco, Open Entrepreneurship1245 […]
1 begivenhed,
Great companies never stop learning
Great companies never stop learning
"The world’s leading companies used to rely on the notion of their status as experts. Today, every kind of expert knowledge is temporary and needs to be updated. As businesses adapt to new technologies, they become a class of forever learners. At this half-day conference, we look at key trends in corporate education. We point […]
0 begivenheder,
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1 begivenhed,
How to make money with AI: tactics and lessons
How to make money with AI: tactics and lessons
"There is a lot of talk about AI these days, but how does someone actually go about transforming the concept from an abstract narrative into something that produces actual business results?What are some good ways to get started with AI in an existing business?How can we use AI to optimise already-running business processes?How can we […]
5 begivenheder,
UX Meet & Greet at Valtech
UX Meet & Greet at Valtech
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Valtech and see what they actually do.Valtech is a global Digital Agency. What started as a single agency in France 25 years ago, is today a global, leading Digital Agency with offices around the world and proud partner to some of the coolest brands worldwide. They combine experience […]
Build Your First app & Foreign Function Interface – Malmö.rb
Build Your First app & Foreign Function Interface – Malmö.rb
"The February meetup with Malmö Ruby Brigade has Lars Kronfält presents tips for having a smooth experience when building your first app. We will explore a get-to-the-Web journey where Lars adds user login to a small project.Also: Jens Nockert will show an example of using FFI (foreign-function interface) extending Ruby with non-Ruby code. http://malmorb.se/events/2019/meetup-february.htmlWe hope to meet […]
Monitoring and take-down of online trademark infringements made simple(r)
Monitoring and take-down of online trademark infringements made simple(r)
"Andreas Juchli (Thomsen Trampedach) will share insights into how brand protection and trademark enforcement processes have been automated through the software program Pliano.He will describe the steps required to detect compliance issues and enforce trademark rights online to give the audience a basic understanding of the main processes usually undertaken by a brand protection analyst. […]
5 begivenheder,
Tech&Law Breakfast: AI as threat and opportunity for the global legal order
Tech&Law Breakfast: AI as threat and opportunity for the global legal order
"Matthijs Maas is a PhD Fellow at the AI and Legal Disruption Research Group (Centre for International Law, Conflict and Crisis, University of Copenhagen), and a Research Affiliate with the Center for the Governance of AI (Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford). His work explores global governance approaches and instruments for emerging disruptive AI capabilities.About: The Digitalisation Hub […]
Azure Community Tour 2019 – Copenhagen
Azure Community Tour 2019 – Copenhagen
"The Danish Azure MVP´s are touring our great nation spreading Cloud Hygge in Aarhus, Odense and Copenhagen. Come join us in one of the 3 locations to learn, share and connect with the Azure community.This event will bring you a series of great talks about practical adoption of Microsoft Azure cloud. Agenda:0900 Welcome and some […]
Talent & Legal Workshop for Start-Ups / Copenhagen / Foundershouse
Talent & Legal Workshop for Start-Ups / Copenhagen / Foundershouse
"Boom here it is! All things legal and talent related you need to know when starting up a business.This workshop is aimed at building startups which face the question of contractual matters and of creating a company culture that enables them to hire the right talents.Benjamin has over 12 years of experience in talent acquistion […]
7 begivenheder,
Når kunstig intelligens hjælper os med klimatilpasning
Når kunstig intelligens hjælper os med klimatilpasning
"Kom og hør om seneste nyt på vandteknologi- og klimatilpasningsfronten. Vi har tre spændende faglige indlæg på formiddagens program, som spænder fra brugen af kunstig intelligens i modellering af vand til klimatilpasning i fremtiden og udvikling af bæredygtige byer.Bliv klogere på fremtidens vandteknologi og klimatilpasning og få mulighed for at diskutere nogle af de mest […]
PreSeed Academy – ToolTalk#1 – Marketing Automation
PreSeed Academy – ToolTalk#1 – Marketing Automation
"We dedicate the first PreSeed Academy event of 2019 to Marketing Automation. We take a closer look at the processes and software behind automating marketing actions – from lead generation via e-mail, social media to customer onboarding. To do this we introduce a whole new type of talks at PreSeed Academy called ToolTalks. The goal […]
PreSeed Academy – ToolTalk#1 – Marketing Automation
PreSeed Academy – ToolTalk#1 – Marketing Automation
"We dedicate the first PreSeed Academy event of 2019 to Marketing Automation.We take a closer look at the processes and software behind automating marketing actions – from lead generation via e-mail, social media to customer onboarding. To do this we introduce a whole new type of talks at PreSeed Academy called ToolTalks. The goal is […]
3 begivenheder,
AI & medier: Hvordan styrker vi vores demokratiske immunforsvar?
AI & medier: Hvordan styrker vi vores demokratiske immunforsvar?
"Hvad betyder de nye teknologier for vores demokratiske immunforsvar?Program:0900 Velkommen til v. Ida Auken, MF RV0905 Den kommende valgkamps nye medielandskab v. Lisbeth Knudsen, Altinget/MandagMorgen0920 Demokratiet under digitalt angreb v. NN0935 Erfaringer fra valg i andre lande v. Thomas Albrechtsen, Nextwork0950 Præsentation af SIRI-kommissionens anbefalinger v. Ida Auken og Thomas Damkjær Petersen, SIRI-kommissionen1015 Valg af […]
AI Seminar: Deep latent variable models: estimation and missing data imputation
AI Seminar: Deep latent variable models: estimation and missing data imputation
"Speaker: Jes Frellsen, Associate Professor at Computer Science Department, IT University of Copenhagen.Abstract: TBA" Price: Free Link: https://ai.ku.dk/events/ai-seminar-jes-frellsen/
Le Wagon Cph | Board Games & Beers
Le Wagon Cph | Board Games & Beers
"💻 Code hard, play harder 🎲This is one for game lovers, beer drinkers and everyone curious about code!Come and join our current Le Wagon Copenhagen batch, alumni, and our friends for a night of board games and fun. We're offering beer to everyone and we will be supplying a whole evening's worth of fun.Come hang […]
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0 begivenheder,
1 begivenhed,
Malmö Design Salon #8 ’Digital & Physical: Design For The Seams’
Malmö Design Salon #8 ’Digital & Physical: Design For The Seams’
"We are happy to announce the 8th Malmö Design Salon at Above, http://www.above.se, one of the leading Scandinavian innovation, design and technology agencies. The theme is 'Digital & Physical: Design For the Seams'.We would like to invite you to a discussion about the interplay of bits & atoms, photons & synapses, interfaces & organisms. Digital […]
4 begivenheder,
Ruby talks night at Tonsser
Ruby talks night at Tonsser
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers :* Andreas Hjortgaard Danielsen: "Type-safe music: Automatic harmonisation of music using machine learning."* David Pedersen: "A few learnings after writing 100K lines of Ruby in one app"We are always looking for more speakers!Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of […]
Why your next project should use Elixir – Elixir Malmö
Why your next project should use Elixir – Elixir Malmö
"The first Elixir Malmö Meetup.Elixir is a wonderful functional language with high quality tools and libraries. It runs on the Erlang VM which has been used for decades to build reliable and scalable micro services. Elixir can be used in a wide range of domains, from web to embedded development.Why Elixir?* What if you could […]
An introduction to binary exploitation – SecuriTea
An introduction to binary exploitation – SecuriTea
"As programmers we have been taught that writing outside a buffer or overflowing an integer can lead to security issues.Why is this so? Exactly how does something, possibly as small as one byte, cause such big problems?This session aims to give an introduction to binary exploitation, i.e. the science (and art) of utilising bugs in […]
1 begivenhed,
Lighthouse Afterwork Copenhagen
Lighthouse Afterwork Copenhagen
"The Lighthouse Development Program is coming to Copenhagen!In 2018 the Lighthouse program worked with 15 exciting fintech companies in Vilnius, Stockholm, and Helsinki. Now, Lighthouse is excited to start 2019 with a second class of 15 fintech’s from the Nordics and Baltics and will be hosting workshops in Copenhagen, Tallinn, and Oslo. What better way […]
2 begivenheder,
Workshop on Upscaling for Students / Entrepreneurs / Members of the Ecosyst
Workshop on Upscaling for Students / Entrepreneurs / Members of the Ecosyst
"Workshop on Upscaling for Entrepreneurs / Members of the Ecosystem1530 Welcome by Jes Broeng, Open Entrepreneurship1545 Chris Yeh:The essence and key points about Blitzscaling for entrepreneurs and all members of the surrounding start-up eco-system1700 Panel discussion and Q&A Reid Hoffman (via videolink), Jacob Bratting Pedersen, Partner, Vækstfonden; Michael Moesgaard, Chairman Valuer.ai; Niels Henrik B. Mikkelsen, […]
Direkt från Bryssel: Dataskydd
Direkt från Bryssel: Dataskydd
"Maciej Tomaszewski är en belgisk lokalpolitiker, med rötter i Polen och släkt i Halmstad. Han har engagerat sig i informationssamhällets utmaningar från den lokala nivån i en av Bryssels nitton kommuner till sitt vardagsjobb på EU-kommissionens direktorat för rättvisefrågor.Nu färdas han via Malmö till släkten, och har ställt upp på gemytligt och informellt häng med […]
0 begivenheder,
1 begivenhed,
Ableton User Group – Malmö – February meet-up
Ableton User Group – Malmö – February meet-up
"We meet again! On the back of a fun 'Against the clock' challenge in January, we will do this again!How it works and what you need...- Own laptop and headphones with Ableton loaded onto your computer (you can download a trial version at http://www.ableton.com)- I will assign a sample for you to work from.- You […]
4 begivenheder,
Monitoring Docker Containers in Kubernetes DevOps Skåne
Monitoring Docker Containers in Kubernetes DevOps Skåne
"In modern times almost every application is running in Docker, by having such complex solutions to orchestrate Docker, monitoring becomes more complex and near to unsolvable.Let's break this stereotype and get some easy monitoring tools and monitor our Docker Kubernetes solution with Prometheus. We will cover how to monitor Docker in Kubernetes and get notified (in Slack) […]
Deploying Machine Learning Models with Docker – Hands On Data Science
Deploying Machine Learning Models with Docker – Hands On Data Science
"This session will mainly focus on Deploying the Machine Learning models into Docker. At the end of the session you will write your own docker images and publish the images into docker. How to use the docker for development and orchestrate the models deployed into docker in docker swarm is not focus on Kubernetes.Please note: […]
Accessibility in UX Design
Accessibility in UX Design
"Accessibility in UX Design Accessibility is mostly discussed in front-end but at this event, we'll dive into accessibility in UX design. We'll start with a basic walkthrough of what accessibility actually covers and the challenges within this field. Annika & Christina are specialist in this and will not only give you an overview of it […]
8 begivenheder,
SEO Vækst Academy: Sådan får du overblik over dit SEO-potentiale med 3 smarte Google Data Studio Templates
SEO Vækst Academy: Sådan får du overblik over dit SEO-potentiale med 3 smarte Google Data Studio Templates
"Sådan får du overblik over dit SEO-potentiale med 3 smarte Google Data Studio TemplatesKom til Hands-on-Netværksmøde og opdag nyt SEO-potentiale i 2019.Hos SEO.dk bruger vi mere og mere Google Data Studio når vi laver SEO for vores kunder, og nu åbner vi for første gang op for, at alle andre kan prøve kræfter med 3 […]
AWS Community Day Nordics
AWS Community Day Nordics
"Get inspired to build!The AWS Community Day Nordics is a full day event for AWS users organized by the communities themselves. Once a year all AWS users come together to network, learn from each other and get inspired by deep-tech sessions presented by expert AWS users and community leaders.Secure your spot & register todayWhether you're […]
APEX – Front end development
APEX – Front end development
"Join us for a 2h "on-the way-home" meeting at the Oracle offices in Ballerup. The subject is "APEX Front end development". The meetup is a collaboration with the Danish Oracle User Group (DOUG), and we encourage members to join DOUG at https://www.doug.dk/ (its free).APEX is a great tool for rapidly developing data-bound web applications on […]
3 begivenheder,
Developing your Idea – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
Developing your Idea – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
"In this first spring workshop in our Entrepreneurship-series, we focus on developing your idea and how to do so with your customers.- or How To Get Your First CustomerWelcome to the first spring workshop in our Entrepreneurship-series. In this one we focus on developing your idea and how to do so with your customers or […]
Learning the basics of Alteryx w/Inviso
Learning the basics of Alteryx w/Inviso
"Are you interested in Data Analytics and want to get some hands-on experience? Ever wondered how to use Alteryx and how companies apply econemetrics and machine learning to create value for their customers? Make sure to save the date for our first workshop on the 20th of February.Inviso will give you an introduction to Alteryx […]
SheTech: The Coding club vol.4
SheTech: The Coding club vol.4
""SheTech:The Coding club" is back again. WonderCoders and Symbion are happy to welcome you on 20.02 for an evening of coding and fun.SheTech:The Coding Club is a place where beginners in programming as well as more experienced female (male are welcome as well) developers get together, share knowledge and support each other.If you are working […]
11 begivenheder,
Create Tech Products People Love (2-Day Bootcamp)
"Maersk Technology has secured a world class product development workshop that will teach you how to create products that people love!SVPG sessions are aimed at aspiring product leaders (product managers and product owners, directors and VP’s of product management and engineering, UX, tech leads, and sometimes even CTO’s attend). You will discuss techniques from Product Discovery, […]
Azure Cosmos DB with MSFT Product Group
Azure Cosmos DB with MSFT Product Group
"Fabian from the Microsoft Azure Product Group are visiting CPH and has been kind enough to spend the evening with us. Join us for an evening of tech talks and community connection.Agenda1630 Registration and networking1655 Welcome1700 Cosmos DB with Fabian Meiswinkel1830 Networking and a light meal1900-ish End of programSessionAzure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, […]
Overtime at Box Space Co-working Malmö ft. Podcasting
Overtime at Box Space Co-working Malmö ft. Podcasting
"Sometimes working after five o’clock should be fun!Welcome to our social co-working concept: Overtime at Box Space!We’ll lower the lights, bring out snacks, serve some overtime food and put on some loungy house tunes,all to keep you going and help you keeping up the zeal!In good company with others you’ll get the energy boost you […]
CopenhagenJS February
CopenhagenJS February
"Hi Friends 😄It is February, and as usual, we are organizing the monthly edition of CopenhagenJS.We are being hosted by Karnov. They have a super cool venue in the center of Copenhagen. So big thank you to Karnov! Schedule1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 Making DSB train information displays better - TBD1825 Break with food and drinks1900 […]
6 begivenheder,
"On this evening, the worlds of foodtech innovation and UX are joining forces! To celebrate the beginning of a whole new chapter for both communities. Growstack and CPHUX have both created new facilities @ Symbion that bring do'ers together and kickstarts concrete progress.Growstack is an open-source project that kickstarts and enables vertical farming, started by CPH […]
GDPR – IT sikkerhed, data compliance og den menneskelige faktor
GDPR – IT sikkerhed, data compliance og den menneskelige faktor
"GDPR IT sikkerhed, data compliance og den menneskelige faktorHvordan sikrer du langvarig effekt af dine indsatser indenfor GDPR?Målgruppe: DPO, CISO, CIO, Risk & Compliance officers - IT Security & ManagementSeminaret går tæt på, hvordan man sikrer GDPR i hverdagen, og forankrer væsentlige dele af GDPR hos ledelsen og medarbejderne. Der er speciel fokus på IT […]
AI Seminar: Enforcing necessary constraints for common diffusion MRI models using sum-of-squares programming
AI Seminar: Enforcing necessary constraints for common diffusion MRI models using sum-of-squares programming
"Speaker: Tom Dela Haije, Postdoc in the Image Analysis, Computational Modelling and Geometry Section at Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen.Abstract: Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) captures local micro-structural information by observing diffusing (water) molecules probing their surroundings at a microscopic scale. In order to analyze this type of data one can either estimate parameters that describe the diffusion […]
reMARK launch party
reMARK launch party
"Let’s celebrate the official reMARK launch!Please join us for drinks and burgers. The first 50 guests will get a goodiebag.Agenda1530 Doors open (drinks and snacks are served)1630 Presentation of reMARKJoin usEveryone is welcome but to help us plan the launch of reMARK, please register so we know how many guests to expect. We hope that you will […]
1 begivenhed,
1 begivenhed,
Hack Your Future Women – Introduction to a course in web development
Hack Your Future Women – Introduction to a course in web development
"How to become a web developer and what does it mean to create a website?Former female students at HackYourFuture and our female mentors will show you how to make a simple webpage. Bring your laptop. If don't have a laptop, you can borrow one from us.Agenda1100 Meet & Greet1115 Introduction by Baraa Hatem, Project Manager […]
3 begivenheder,
Startups pitch student jobs and internships
Startups pitch student jobs and internships
"The event is open all students, not just CBS.See Facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/309199359604224/Twenty cool startups will pitch their paid and unpaid internship positions - 50/50 paid student positions and unpaid internships. 4-minute pitch each, followed by networking. The internships will be especially in marketing, business development, sales, operations and internationalization. I expect 1200 participants again.For […]
How Containers work in Linux – DevOps Malmö
How Containers work in Linux – DevOps Malmö
"In a time where we gladly install container software with more than 1M lines, it's time to take a step back and see how this containerization-stuff works and what we can do with it.Let's create the smallest possible container image and get that to run in our own container software.Agenda:1730 Meet & Greet1745 How Containers […]
Women in Tech
Women in Tech
"ARYZE proudly hosts Women in Tech which is the sequel to the popular Women in Fintech event.The event will take place in the old Børsen building on the 25th of February and is hosted in cooperation with IT-Branchen with the goal of addressing the lack of female representation in the sector and asking why it […]
6 begivenheder,
Få succes med sociale medier
Få succes med sociale medier
"Denne workshop er for dig, der allerede har stiftet bekendtskab med annoncering på Facebook. Google Succes Onlines ekspert gør dig endnu klogere på, hvordan du optimerer dine kampagner på Facebook, Instagram og Youtube og bruger de forskellige annonce-værktøjer. Du bliver bedre til at bruge annonce-værktøjerne og til at ramme din målgruppe. Workshoppen forbereder dig på […]
Fintech Tuesday – AI & Finance
Fintech Tuesday – AI & Finance
"Welcome to Fintech Tuesday hosted by Copenhagen FinTech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders together with the newest research within the technical sciences.This Fintech Tuesday will be about applications of artificial intelligence for financial services companies and will guide you through the newest research within artificial intelligence.AI can be applied in […]
February WordPress Meetup
February WordPress Meetup
"This is the second of two meetups hosted by Mark at Vesterbro Bibliotek Topics:We will probably do a round table where we introduce ourselves, network and help each other with our WordPress related issues.One topic raised on slack from the last meetup is multi-lingual WordPress - how to do it best, what plugins to use, […]
7 begivenheder,
Web Analytics Wednesday #1 – Copenhagen 2019
Web Analytics Wednesday #1 – Copenhagen 2019
"Web Analytics Wednesday is an international networking event, that connects digital analytics with marketing with presentations from both Denmark and abroad. Since 2007, IIH Nordic has produced Web Analytics Wednesdays in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Amsterdam." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/web-analytics-wednesday-1-copenhagen-2019-tickets-52904451639?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
DevSecOps – an afternoon of Security & Azure DevOps
DevSecOps – an afternoon of Security & Azure DevOps
"This time we are inviting you to join us for an afternoon of Security and DevOps. We have invited René to join us and share some of his learnings from implementing security in the pipelines of various enterprises.Agenda1600 Registration and networking1625 Welcome1630 The shift to Rugged DevOps - Security in the pipeline1730 Break with refreshments1800 […]
Chatbot for enterprises
Chatbot for enterprises
"Chatbots is an incredibly hot topic in our industry right now, and it has never been easier to create simple chatbots. But then you scale your chatbot into a enterprise level, then there is many challenges you need to consider.IBM Watson assistant is one of the leader of Conversational Computing Platforms, and we have a […]
6 begivenheder,
CBS Startups pitch student-jobs and internships
CBS Startups pitch student-jobs and internships
"We will repeat the famous event on February 28th 2019: 50 startups will pitch 200 student-jobs and internships in front of 1200 students at CBS (the event is open for all, you don't need to be a CBS-student).The concept is straight-forward: Startups pitch stage - and after the pitches, you have the opportunity to meet […]
Handing over innovation
Handing over innovation
"Handing over innovation projects between stakeholders is notoriously difficult.We will look at how you take a project born within an innovation unit and pass it on to another level of your company for implementation or further development.Territory we will coverA. Process framework for a succesful handover.B. The feedback loops you need between first + second generation project […]
Startup Dojo
Startup Dojo
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs at Startup Dojo!Test your ideas, get advice, enhance your pitch, find co-founders and investors, or just be inspired by your fellow-entrepreneurs.ObjectiveTo help more people […]