
Kalender af Begivenheder
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I’ve made the mistakes so that you don’t have to!!
I’ve made the mistakes so that you don’t have to!!
"Darren Wilmshurst was an early adopter of SAFe in the UK becoming a SPC in October 2013 taught by Dean himself. Now as a SPCT Darren has launched numerous Agile Release Trains and facilitated even more PI Planning events. This is the A to Z of what not to do when it comes to preparing […]
2 begivenheder,
Elastic January meetup
Elastic January meetup
"Come join us for the first Elastic meetup in 2019.For the first talk, we're proud to be joined by Tomas Della Vedova all the way from Italy. Tomas is the Elastic engineer in charge of the JavaScript Elasticsearch client. He will give us some behind the scene looks at how Elastic is developing and maintaining […]
Copenhagen Coding Noobs
Copenhagen Coding Noobs
"Copenhagen Coding Noobs #1Where to find us:Bastard Cafe Gin Bar (the smaller downstairs bar that is visible from Rådhusstræde) NOT the main cafe. What to expect:We will often start with a short demo on some basic web development that will help complete beginners.Then we can help you get set up with some resources that will […]
2 begivenheder,
Cognitive Buildings – Hvor langt er vi kommet og mulighederne fremover
Cognitive Buildings – Hvor langt er vi kommet og mulighederne fremover
"Fremover mener fremtidsforskerne, at der bliver efterspørgsel på selvtænkende bygninger. For at nå dertil skal mange af de eksisterende data udnyttes. Kom med og hør om Cognitive Buildings og få indblik i fremtidens bygninger." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://universe.ida.dk/arrangement/cognitive-buildings-hvor-langt-er-vi-kommet-og-mulighederne-fremover-328453/
Copenhagen Cocoa January 2019 🚀
Copenhagen Cocoa January 2019 🚀
"Let's kick off 2019 with another round of Copenhagen Cocoa! We'll be at Nodes and we'll have three awesome talks. Let us know if you or someone you know would like to talk at the event.1830 Food and drinks1900 Chris Combs - Coordinators Reloaded1930 Per Friis - Come and play BS bingo2000 Break2015 TBA" Price: […]
3 begivenheder,
Kick off 2019 with an international focus
Kick off 2019 with an international focus
"Discuss your needs concerning internationalisation with the Danish Innovation Centers.On 10 January 2019, advisors from Innovation Centre Denmark will visit DTU Science Park to discuss your needs when it comes to dealing with markets abroad. Join the informal breakfast meeting to hear more about what Innovation Centre Denmark can do to assist you in realising […]
Employment Workshop – How to Find an English Speaking Position & Networking in DK
Employment Workshop – How to Find an English Speaking Position & Networking in DK
"Finding a job in Copenhagen is not always easy – especially if you don’t speak Danish.Following on from the huge success of 2 previous 6-week Employment Assistance workshops Karey-Anne, founder of Welcome Group Consulting and NGO Café Cadeau, the most expat-friendly café in Copenhagen have teamed up to hold free monthly employment workshops designed to help […]
Spotlight – the new stock market for growth companies
Spotlight – the new stock market for growth companies
"Do you know Spotlight – the new stock market for growth companies?With the introduction of Spotlight Stock Market to the Danish market, IPO, stock market access and capital for growth companies and scale-ups are now easier and much more accessible.Come join us for this event where Spotlight Stock Market will give an introduction to IPO […]
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Experiment to innovate + Building the right product
Experiment to innovate + Building the right product
"We know this meetup is a little later than usual but GOTO CPH (https://gotocph.com/) ends at 18:30 on Monday and we want to make sure folks attending the conference are also able to attend this event!Agenda1700 Doors open1730 Talk 1: Experiment to innovate1815 Break with snacks1830 Talk 2: Building the right product with early validation […]
Wicked Problems & Design – The Digital UI
Wicked Problems & Design – The Digital UI
"The 4th industrial revolution is surfacing more and more Wicked Problems... and this is a challenge for designers.Wicked problems are problems that are seemingly impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. Embracing complexity and experimentation is the next frontier for designers, but involves transforming our way […]
6 begivenheder,
MorningTalk: The future of publishing
MorningTalk: The future of publishing
"Where is the publishing industry heading and what are the new trends to keep an eye on?At this MorningTalk at Creative Dock, we look forward to some exciting speakers, and to present a brand new project within publishing.Pointa provides a co-working platform for authors and skilled editors, illustrators and graphic designers. The platform also integrates readers who […]
Instagram Stories: How to crush it in 2019 for your brand
Instagram Stories: How to crush it in 2019 for your brand
"Curious about using Instagram Stories for your brand, but not totally sure where to start? Or have you tried it but aren't getting optimal results?Our Instagram Stories seminar will teach you how to grow your brand's social media presence and stay engaged with your followers using Instagram Stories.Learn how to attract more of your ideal audience, boost your […]
Fejring af virksomhederne i SDG Accelerator
Fejring af virksomhederne i SDG Accelerator
"Styrk både bundlinje og Verdensmålene - Fejring af virksomhederne i SDG AcceleratorDet er med stor glæde, at UNDP og Industriens Fond kan invitere til en fejring af de virksomheder, der i 2018 har fuldført SDG Accelerator for små og mellemstore virksomheder. I programmet har 13 danske produktionsvirksomheder brugt Verdensmålene som (bæredygtigt) brændstof for innovation frem […]
6 begivenheder,
BioStock Live Startup pitch & Dealmaker Summit
BioStock Live Startup pitch & Dealmaker Summit
"We proudly welcome you to the first BioStock Live event on the Danish side of Øresund!In collaboration with Bayer Healthcare we invite leading startups, entrepreneurs and top innovators of the Nordic region to beautiful Copenhagen to pitch and present the next generation of healthcare solutions in pharma, biotech, diagnostics and devices to the top management of Bayer and qualified investors. We […]
Become a BII startup @ BioInnovation Institute
Become a BII startup @ BioInnovation Institute
"Are you one of the next BII start-ups? BII is right now looking for ambitious researchers and scientists who dare to jump into the entrepreneurial world. Our latest open calls were 10 times oversubscribed, so we urge you to apply in good time for the PoC program before January 24 and our incubator program, Creation House, before […]
Dixa Connect Launch
Dixa Connect Launch
"Join us for the launch of Dixa Connect!At Dixa, our greatest mission is to bring companies closer to their customers. The best customer experience is one that makes the customer feel like they’re being treated as an old friend when they get in touch with the companies and brands they love.That’s our version of the […]
5 begivenheder,
Innotalk: Klar til den næste plastrevolution?
Innotalk: Klar til den næste plastrevolution?
"Det globale forbrug af plast er tyvedoblet de seneste 50 år, og det vil stige med 75 pct. frem mod 2030, hvis vi ikke ændrer kurs. I Danmark forbrænder vi over halvdelen af vores plastaffald, og som land rangerer vi lavere end mange af vores naboer i forhold til genanvendelse.Kom til Innotalk og hør danske […]
The Entrepreneurial Society: How to build it?
The Entrepreneurial Society: How to build it?
"Why don't we start the new year with a big question: How do we build a truly entrepreneurial society?A place where it is not only possible to create great companies. But where entrepreneurship is a shared value across our institutions, companies, and social communities. Where everybody says - from your first grade teacher to your […]
Healthy Aging Meetup, at the Scheibye-Knudsen lab, Center for Healthy Aging, KU
Healthy Aging Meetup, at the Scheibye-Knudsen lab, Center for Healthy Aging, KU
"Many factors influence the healthy lifespan of a person, such as your lifestyle, dietary patterns, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare.Genetics play a role in longevity, too. Certain SNPs* have a direct influence on longevity (e.g., they promote long life), while others have indirect influence (e.g., they may increase the risk of certain diseases, which […]
4 begivenheder,
Startup Guide Store Copenhagen – Opening Party & Weekend
"We’re thrilled to announce the opening of the third Startup Guide Store!Join us for our opening weekend in Copenhagen, as we celebrate a new chapter in our history. We will remain open through the weekend so locals can stop in to see the space, have a coffee and learn more about the store concept. If […]
Book Launch: On The Move – Lessons for the Future from Nordic Leaders
Book Launch: On The Move – Lessons for the Future from Nordic Leaders
"Please join me for an informal pre-publication event at the Tradeshift Office on January 18, 2019, to celebrate the launch of the book On the Move: Lessons for the Future from Nordic Leaders.The event will involve:- A brief introduction to the book by the author Pernille Hippe Brun- Insights from some of the global leaders who […]
FuckUp Nights Copenhagen at Rainmaking Loft
FuckUp Nights Copenhagen at Rainmaking Loft
"FuckUp Nights Copenhagen are back!Join our first event of 2019, where even more failures will be shared and celebrated. Get your free ticket today!Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of […]
Entering the Chinese market
Entering the Chinese market
"Are you or your business considering entering the Chinese market? Come and be inspired by speakers with great knowledge of the Chinese market and hear funny and informative tales about the reality of a market estimated to be worth +55 DKK billion in 2020.The format is short speeches with no slides, a debate involving all […]
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Servant BVIR – ITU kick off meeting
Servant BVIR – ITU kick off meeting
"Servant Big Virtuel Information Radiator is an Non-profit group with the mission to help spread an AGILE MINDSET.Learn more at bvir.dk---Vi har fundet en dato der passer de fleste også Maria fra ITU. Så kom til vores Kick off af forårs coaching på ITU, vi finder på en dagsorden når vi kommer tættere på, i […]
8 begivenheder,
Klustermöte inom spelbranschen
"Mer info och program kommer närmare eventet. Nedan är information som gått ut via e-post.Under det nationella inkubatormötet tillsammans med dataspelsbranschen lyftes frågan kring att inleda ett nätverk mellan spelklustren i Sverige. Syftet för nätverket är att utbyta erfarenheter i klusterbygge samt prata ihop sig inför internationella konferenser och mässor. Vi pratade även lite på […]
Proofpoint Morgenmadsseminar
Proofpoint Morgenmadsseminar
"Denne morgen sætter vi fokus på Proofpoint, som beskæftiger sig med mailsikkerhed. Vi spiser morgenmad og bruger et par timer på at fortælle dig, hvordan du fjerner spam, skadelige links, virus o.a. fra virksomhedens indgående mails.Proofpoint har gennem en årrække været bedst placeret i Gartners Magic Quadrant, senest i 2018-udgaven af Gartners ”Market Guide for Secure Email […]
Få succes med Product-Market Fit
Få succes med Product-Market Fit
"Langt hovedparten af alle startups fejler indenfor få år efter, de er stiftet. Den primære årsag til, at startups ikke lykkes er, at der hverken er noget behov eller noget marked for det produkt eller den service, de tilbyder.Sådan behøver det imidlertid ikke at være. For der findes gode, enkle, billige og hurtige metoder til […]
Seminar regarding the new Spotlight rulebook
Seminar regarding the new Spotlight rulebook
"As part of Spotlight’s change from being a traditional market place for shares to becoming a strong platform for growth companies we have reviewed our listing agreement.Listed companies has previously signed a listing agreement also stating the undertakings in relation to information. Spotlight will now instead have a rulebook with the undertakings. The rules are […]
8 begivenheder,
Probabilistic programming: A new paradigm in machine learning
Probabilistic programming: A new paradigm in machine learning
"3Shape and Department of Computer Science DIKU – University of Copenhagen invite developers and other people of interest to a morning event around Machine Learning. Two talks will be held by Christos Apostolopoulos and Thomas Hamelryck, where Machine Learning in dentistry and Probabilistic development will be discussed, followed by a Q&A. Agenda0830 Breakfast buffet0900 "Digitalizing dentistry with Machine Learning" by Christos […]
Full Scale Data Architects and the Data Quadrants
Full Scale Data Architects and the Data Quadrants
"Ronald Damhof & Martijn Evers are trying to make Data Architects come to grips with the new reality of data, and how to get control back. For this they started a movement for more Full Scale Data Architects to combat the ever increasing data-tsunami. For raising awareness, they postulated 10 commandments for the (aspiring) Full […]
SEO Vækst Academy: Sådan får du succes i toppen af Google i 2019!
SEO Vækst Academy: Sådan får du succes i toppen af Google i 2019!
"Skal 2019 blive dit bedste år nogensinde i toppen af Google?Kom og mød en masse ligesindede, der alle det samme mål som dig: At gøre 2019 til det bedste år i toppen af Google for deres egen virksomhed eller for de kunder som de hjælper med SEO.Program:Registrering, morgenkaffe & crossiant (kl. 08.45 til 9.00)Velkomst ved […]
6 begivenheder,
Amazon re:Invent 2018 – Removing the muck
Amazon re:Invent 2018 – Removing the muck
"Come on over for breakfast and an update on the latest and greatest from Amazon re:invent 2018!One of the main reasons why we are using the cloud is so we can focus on what brings end value to our customers rather than focus on undifferentiated heavy lifting. Each year AWS enables us to put more […]
Process Intelligence Network Copenhagen
Process Intelligence Network Copenhagen
"Large organisations often struggle with many people having their own idea on how things should be done. The larger the organisation, the larger the need for knowledge sharing and common practices of how things should be done. This is what is commonly known as Business Process Management, which allows us to align the way we work with […]
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #6: Open source hardware
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #6: Open source hardware
"Welcome to the 6th Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup, where our theme will be: Open source hardware.*** Location: Stykka (Cotter), Fabriksparken 1, 2600 Glostrup ****Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design.This radical approach - […]
4 begivenheder,
AEC Hackathon 6.0 – Copenhagen
"The AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) Hackathon was created in 2013 to give those designing, building, and maintaining our built environment the opportunity to collaborate with cutting edge technologies and its developers and designers. It has quickly become a community of innovators that include all elements of the built environment, not just AEC.Each hackathon is brought […]
Jeg holder af hverdagen – med GDPR (København)
Jeg holder af hverdagen – med GDPR (København)
GDPR is the gift that keeps giving."GDPR i hverdagen Den 25. januar 2019 stiller PIINC og Data & More skarpt på GDPR i hverdagen.- Hvordan kan du effektivt håndtere indsigtsbegæringer- Hvordan vedligeholder du de kortlagte behandlingsaktiviteter- Gør din rapportering overskuelig- Simple dokumentation af konsekvensanalyser Piinc og Data & More har de sidste år arbejdet målrettet på at […]
AI Seminar: Machine Learning and Banking: a Model Risk Perspective
AI Seminar: Machine Learning and Banking: a Model Risk Perspective
"Speaker: Søren Mørk, Chief Model Risk Analyst at NordeaAbstract: TBA" Price: Free Link: https://ai.ku.dk/events/ai-seminar-soeren-moerk/
Nytårskur/New Years Reception 2019
Nytårskur/New Years Reception 2019
"Dear residents, alumni, partners, sponsors and friends!2018 has been a remarkable year for Danish fintech and we want to celebrate that with you. Copenhagen Fintech has the pleasure to invite you for a New Year reception (Nytårskur) celebrating 2018 and providing perspectives and future outlook for Danish fintechs in 2019.Speakers + program TBAWe look forward […]
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Danish Tech Challenge Awardshow
Danish Tech Challenge Awardshow
"Finalisterne til dette års Danish Tech Challenge er nu fundet. Det betyder, at det snart er tid til at kåre vinderen af Danish Tech Challenge 2018.Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins Frederik overrækker Industriens Fonds Iværksætterpris til vinderen. Overrækkelsen finder sted mandag den 28. januar 2019 i The Plant, hvor Industriens Fond og DTU Science Park inviterer […]
Book Club: The Mushroom at the End of the World
Book Club: The Mushroom at the End of the World
"Very excited to announce the 1st book club of 2019!We're reading Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing's 'The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins'. This book club is co-hosted by Chan’nel Vestergaard, a mushroom expert and materialogist whose experimental practice runs the gamut from tech, design, art and science.We […]
TensorFlow 101: Getting stated
TensorFlow 101: Getting stated
"Hey everybody, I'm going to give a little getting started intro with TensorFlow. If you are interested in learning how to use this mysterious mythical framework that is used in deep learning then this might be a good start. I will quickly go over how to get started writing code for it and then you […]
6 begivenheder,
Fintech Tuesday #1- Quantum in Finance
Fintech Tuesday #1- Quantum in Finance
"Welcome to our first Fintech Tuesday, hosted by Copenhagen FinTech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders in fintech together with the newest research within the technical sciences.This Fintech Tuesday will be about Quantum in Finance and will guide you through the newest information within quantum technology.When thinking of quantum technology, one […]
Need a co-founder? Or do you have co-founder potential?
Need a co-founder? Or do you have co-founder potential?
This event addresses one of the biggest challenges we see in startups. Find a co-founder or a startup to be part of building,"Creating a successful business requires multiple competencies. Not one person has everything that is needed! Find out what you are missing!As a startup, where do you find people who has the competencies that […]
What I Learned by starting a new company after going bankrupt
What I Learned by starting a new company after going bankrupt
"Learn how you can avoid to make typical mistakes during the initial stage of your startup.A few years ago Maximillian Frimmer co-founded the company Monera and grew it to 45 employees. Unfortunately they ran out of cash and was declared bankrupt.However, that didn’t stop Max and his co-founder Lars Holdgaard. They carefully analyzed what went […]
9 begivenheder,
Meaningful Mornings: Fremtidens forbruger søger mening
Meaningful Mornings: Fremtidens forbruger søger mening
"Fremtidens forbruger søger mening Fokus på klimaforandringer, økologi, CO2-kvoter og "brug og smid væk-kultur”, har aldrig været større. Èn ting er politisk handlen. En anden er forbrugernes egen rolle. Det er nemlig på mange måder op til os selv at reducere vores forbrug – og dermed gøre noget aktivt for at redde klimaet. Eksempelvis viser […]
Meaningful Mornings: Fremtidens forbruger søger mening
Meaningful Mornings: Fremtidens forbruger søger mening
"Fokus på "brug og smid væk-kultur”, klimaforandringer, økologi og CO2-kvoter har aldrig været større. Èn ting er politisk handlen. En anden er forbrugernes egen rolle. Det er nemlig på mange måder op til os selv at reducere vores forbrug – og dermed gøre noget aktivt for at redde klimaet. Fx viser globale studier fra Havas, at […]
Vinder cases #2 – SPOT:ON Activation Award
Vinder cases #2 – SPOT:ON Activation Award
"I starten af november 2018 hyldede vi de bedste brandaktiveringer i Danmark ved SPOT:ON Activation Award showet på Copenhagen Marriott Hotel. Nu har du mulighed for at møde de dygtige folk bag de stærke aktiveringer på to seminarer til januar.Følgende vinder-cases blive præsenteret:- Musik Against Drugs - Volume - Rainbow Russia – Hummel/Envision- YouSee eSportligaen – […]
9 begivenheder,
MorningTalk: Traditional IT or Open Banking?
MorningTalk: Traditional IT or Open Banking?
"Is it time for a revolution of the traditional banking IT? Sixty60 says yes!On this MorningTalk the company from Prague called Sixty60 will join us, and tell more about how they want to make a revolution within Banking IT.We welcome you on Amaliegade 6, right next to Queen in the center of Copenhagen, with fresh […]
Talent Garden Mornings: The Growth Hacking Mindset
Talent Garden Mornings: The Growth Hacking Mindset
"Are you considering a growth hacking strategy for 2019? At Talent Garden Innovation School we invite you to this focused morning talk, where you can pick the brains of experienced growth hacker Taylor Ryan, CMO at Valuer.ai.In one hour, Taylor will single out the biggest mistakes + overlooked secrets, when people take on this approach […]
Add 45,000 Silicon Vikings to your network!
Add 45,000 Silicon Vikings to your network!
"...we need to work/network more and better across all borders to improve innovation and create results. Learn how Silicon Vikings does it – and how you can join, contribute and benefit.Workshop about Silicon Vikings and networking1200 Registration and informal networkingUserTribe offers sandwiches + drinks. Qemploy offers fruit/snacks1230 Welcome and intro by Carolina Velasco, Open Entrepreneurship1245 […]