
Kalender af Begivenheder
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0 begivenheder,
16 begivenheder,
"DSB søger en såkaldt 'Innovationsrebel', der kan støtte og være en del af innovation på alle niveauer i organisationen, og virksomheder kaster omkring sig med buzzwords som game changer og disruptor, når den næste medarbejder skal findes. Hvad er det egentlig, at virksomhederne søger?Deltag i vores workshop og få konkrete værktøjer til at tænke innovation […]
Morgenbriefing: Rank Zero – Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!
Morgenbriefing: Rank Zero – Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!
"Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!Vil du gerne fremhæves i toppen af Google med et featured svar på dine potentielle kunders spørgsmål?Google fremhæver i stigende grad svar på spørgsmål på plads nummer #0 øverst i Google. Du kan med andre ord opnå endnu bedre placeringer end førstepladsen på Google. Disse […]
Legal Tech Today, Tomorrow, and When That Tomorrow Will Actually Arrive
Legal Tech Today, Tomorrow, and When That Tomorrow Will Actually Arrive
"Legal Tech Copenhagen is moving to neutral ground and will meet in the morning.Hear two views on the state of legal tech, both as it applies to lawyers and more broadly to include, for example, regulatory tech. Where are things right now in Denmark and internationally? What does the future hold and when will it […]
Symposium: Protein-Membrane Costructures: Structure, Function, and Targeting
Symposium: Protein-Membrane Costructures: Structure, Function, and Targeting
"ConceptThe Novo Nordisk Foundation offers funding for one-day symposia to be held at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The objective is to provide leading as well as younger researchers with opportunities to present and discuss the newest research within their fields. SymposiumResearch in the biology and biophysics of lipids has surged in the past decade. Huge technical […]
15 begivenheder,
Konference om finansiering – Københavns Erhvervshus
Konference om finansiering – Københavns Erhvervshus
"I samarbejde med Københavns Erhvervshus inviterer Sparringspartnerne iværksættere og SMV’er til en konference om finansiering.Første del af konferencen har særligt fokus på bogføring og økonomistyring i virksomheder, og du bliver klædt bedre på til at tale om finansiering med banken. Senere præsenterer Vækstfonden forskellige finansieringsmuligheder for små og mellemstore virksomheder, og du får indsigt i alternativ […]
Student Startup Matching
Student Startup Matching
"Attend the first Student Startup Matching event in Malmö. Startups get the opportunity to meet students and pitch for them about positions they can offer.20 chosen startups will pitch internships, open positions, thesis placements and freelance gigs to students. This event is open to students from all universities in Skåne and the greater Öresund region.STUDENT […]
TYPO3 Get together
TYPO3 Get together
"T3kit for TYPO3 9 LTST3Kit roadmap the futurebusiness presentation deskma.com" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Malmo-TYPO3/events/256568765/
6 begivenheder,
Tech Talk #18: A Promising Road Ahead: Exploring Blockchain Technology
Tech Talk #18: A Promising Road Ahead: Exploring Blockchain Technology
"FinTech innovations is a big deal in Denmark, and we’re one of the leading countries in this industry. We’ve also taken big step towards a more complex payment gate; enabling blockchain payment for our merchants.Blockchain is a disruptive and rapidly growing technology using cryptography to secure transactions without having to rely on a central authority […]
Women in Tech – Empowering everyone for a career in tech
Women in Tech – Empowering everyone for a career in tech
"Join us for an inspiring evening in the name of Empowering Careers and Inclusivity in Tech. During the night you will get the chance to both listen and talk to bright minds working in different areas of tech and to others who, like you, are interested in working in the industry.Agenda1600 Doors open for registration1620 […]
DSL for SQL queries using a unix pipe syntax
DSL for SQL queries using a unix pipe syntax
"The talk is about an 'experimental' domain specific language 'pine'. The idea is to let you write a subset of SQL queries using a unix pipe syntax. The talk will loosely revolve around the following points:- Why the need for building 'pine'?- Why Clojure?- Experience of building a DSL in Clojure- Editor support for 'pine'- […]
1 begivenhed,
Le Wagon Copenhagen Demo Day
Le Wagon Copenhagen Demo Day
"In October, our latest group embarked on their coding journey with Le Wagon Copenhagen. After 9 intensive weeks of learning to code, design and deploy their apps, they're ready to show the world what they got. Come and discover what our students can deliver after just two months of intensive coding Bootcamp!You can:- Meet our […]
0 begivenheder,
1 begivenhed,
Hack Your Future Class
Hack Your Future Class
"Hack Your Future is a six months program for immigrants to become a fullstack web developers.You sign up for a six months course.Applications can be made at http://www.hackyourfuture.net/applyFind out more at http://www.hackyourfuture.net and see our open source curriculum at https://github.com/HackYourFutureMalmoe/curriculumAgenda1130-1230 Session 11230-1300 Food1330-1530 Session 2 & 3If you want to join us as mentor contact Baraa Hatem. If […]
1 begivenhed,
Teknikpyssel och programmering för tjejer 9-11 år – Geek Girl Mini
Teknikpyssel och programmering för tjejer 9-11 år – Geek Girl Mini
"Vill du bygga fruktpianon och ritrobotar, testa 3d-skrivare och programmera? Vi blandar teknikpyssel och programmering och vid varje träff gör du lite av varje. Programmera gör vi i Scratch (scratch.mit.edu), där vi bland annat bygger spel, gör animationer och en chattrobot.Vem: Tjejer 9-11 år När: Sju måndagar under hösten (24/9, 8/10, 22/10, 5/11, 19/11, 3/12 och […]
5 begivenheder,
Breakfast Seminar: Scaling Your Video Marketing Strategy Using Webinars
Breakfast Seminar: Scaling Your Video Marketing Strategy Using Webinars
"Our next breakfast seminar is here! And it all centers around an important question:Did you know that 73% of marketing and sales leaders say webinars are one of the best ways to generate quality leads?That’s why we are inviting industry experts to our TwentyThree Breakfast Seminar: Scaling Your Video Marketing Strategy Using Webinars. Join us […]
Get hands-on with Virtual agents/Chatbot
Get hands-on with Virtual agents/Chatbot
"This workshop will cover the full lifecycle of designing, configuration and deploying a chatbot.- Participants will be provided a hands on experience starting from an example customer service use case.- We will review the use case and walk through the requirements. Then, using the ServiceNow Conversation Designer, participants will design and configure the use case […]
Copenhagen Cocoa Peer Lab – 2018, 6th Event
Copenhagen Cocoa Peer Lab – 2018, 6th Event
"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. Bring a laptop and some code to work on.Also - feel free to pass on suggestions for topics to be discussed. As mentioned […]
5 begivenheder,
The Joint Event – #AdobeXD #DeepDiveXD
The Joint Event – #AdobeXD #DeepDiveXD
"Hi, Following our previous mini-workshop of prototyping tools and Adobe XD on #IXDD2018, we have invited Adobe XD team from Germany @XDI to have a deep dive workshop (#DeepDiveXD) on the latest features of #AdobeXD such as Voice prototyping and Auto-Animation in action! We onboard beginners very fast and then focus on intermediate to advanced […]
SAP Stammtisch first edition “julehygge”
SAP Stammtisch first edition “julehygge”
For all of you SAP enthusiasts. "Just bring yourself. A table is reserved for us at the restaurant." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/SAP-Stammtisch-Copenhagen/events/256238577/
Copenhagen React ⚛️ December meetup! 🎅
Copenhagen React ⚛️ December meetup! 🎅
"This month TwentyThree is hosting us for a festive Christmas edition meetup! ❄️⛄️🎅There are speakers spots left so please do reach out if you want to give a (lightning) talk this time or at our next meetup!Agenda:1700 Doors Open1730 Welcome1745 Talk 11815 Break with food and drinks1900 Lightning Talk(s)1930 Talk 22000 Meet the community2100 See […]
6 begivenheder,
You Tube content creation: a hobby or a marketing tool
You Tube content creation: a hobby or a marketing tool
"Like it or not, social media has created new incredible opportunities to reach and connect to people, sell products and services and even make a living! Weather you are looking to get "internet famous" or use You Tube as a way to show "behind the scenes" of your business, to teach people new skills or […]
Introduction to ML: Classification, Trees, Forests – Hands On Data Science
Introduction to ML: Classification, Trees, Forests – Hands On Data Science
"Classification is the problem of assigning a new observation to a specific category, given a set of features. It is used in in a multitude of applications such as spam filters, sentiment analysis, and image recognition.During this HandsOn Data Science meetup, we will introduce you to the basic concepts of classification, some useful performance measures, […]
Improvise with Common Sense
Improvise with Common Sense
"During our professional life, we are expected to follow the latest standards, policies, frameworks and revolutionary processes. At the same time we are expected to make use of the best tools to get better results and make our lives easier.This is very helpful when applied effectively. Practical experience however shows a counter side: an overload […]
4 begivenheder,
Branding: It’s not about you, it’s about them
Branding: It’s not about you, it’s about them
"Branding is about creating a positive image for the company in the consumer’s minds. In this talk, Mona Huber will focus on the benefits of creating a brand for your company, your investors and your team, and how to speed your brand building process.In the second part of her talk, she will use the startup […]
The Future of Innovation and Legal – Regulation in Design and Digital Processes
The Future of Innovation and Legal – Regulation in Design and Digital Processes
"Dr. Margaret Hagan is Director of the Legal Design Lab at Stanford Law School and a lecturer at Stanford Institute of Design (the d.school). A fellow at the d.school from 2013-14, she launched the Program for Legal Tech & Design, experimenting in how design and legal services can combine in a new way to create […]
Seminar: Prof. Marie-Francine Moens, “Human Language Understanding: Realizations and Bottlenecks”
Seminar: Prof. Marie-Francine Moens, “Human Language Understanding: Realizations and Bottlenecks”
"Abstract: Starting from the first attempts of automated language understanding we explain the most important state-of-the art approaches. We illustrate the latter with our research of translating narratives written in natural language to events happening in a 3D virtual world (FP7 FET project MUSE) and pinpoint pertinent bottlenecks. In a second part, we go deeper […]
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0 begivenheder,
2 begivenheder,
My Secure API Secret Sauce
My Secure API Secret Sauce
"APIs are today commonplace. They enable new, creative and innovative usages for our data. Unfortunately, APIs are not a security layer. Their primary purpose is to allow quick and easy access.Luckily, there are many ways to add security. But with endless variations of methods and keys, it is not always easy to know what to […]
Fra NeMID til MitID: Fremtidens danske digitale infrastruktur
Fra NeMID til MitID: Fremtidens danske digitale infrastruktur
"Elektronisk identifikation og elektronisk signatur er modnet betydeligt i Danmark i de seneste år. Fra at være en teknisk og teoretisk øvelse, er der nu regulering og standardisering, på plads, der understøtter en interoperabel tilgang." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://universe.ida.dk/arrangement/ida-it-fra-nemid-til-mitid-fremtidens-danske-digitale-infrastruktur-329648/
5 begivenheder,
Startup Coffee Malmö
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one on August 21st, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good cup of coffee. We hope […]
Is your AI racist? Building Ethical AI Products
Is your AI racist? Building Ethical AI Products
"Today citizens are facing automated decisions in healthcare, insurance and government. This poses many challenges that citizens and companies alike should understand. In this highly relevant and interactive event organized by Datapult you will be introduced to the four pillars of ethical AI that we should know about when facing automated decisions:- The Legal Perspective- The […]
Building DeepLearning applications with Apache MXNet
Building DeepLearning applications with Apache MXNet
"Join us for an interesting and challenging evening to learn at the inaugural Apache MXNet Meeting in Copenhagen. Speakers:Steffen Rochel: MXNet contributor working at Amazon AI. He will present an introduction to deep learning with MXNet. Starting with an overview and few examples, he walks through training and deployment pipeline. He will have a few […]
7 begivenheder,
Women in Games South Sweden, Christmas Luncheon – Sponsored by King.
Women in Games South Sweden, Christmas Luncheon – Sponsored by King.
"We would like to invite you to our special Christmas WIG South Sweden Luncheon, in collaboration with Game Habitat and sponsored by the lovely people from King.This is a casual get-together for women in and related to the games industry to give us all an opportunity to meet, chat, talk games and enjoy some tasty […]
Meet and Think – AI in use
Meet and Think – AI in use
"Welcome to a casual meetup and a discussion of hot topics within the world of “cognitive and AI” some of the most relevant technologies of the future!IBM Watson is a cognitive system designed to use data in all its forms - including unstructured - and understand it, reason through it and learn from it. That’s […]
IBM i and open source tooling in a modern DevOps workflow.
IBM i and open source tooling in a modern DevOps workflow.
"This time we will walk you through the complete lifecycle of the development paradigm of today. How can we leverage RPG applications as services for a modern workflow. How easy can I get node.js to work on the platform. What is Power AI? How can we use NGINX server? What is DevOps and how does […]
9 begivenheder,
Når fysiske produkter bliver digitale
Når fysiske produkter bliver digitale
"Når fysiske produkter bliver digitaleHvordan bruger virksomheder IoT til at skabe forretningsværdi? Temaet for dagen:IoT - som både kan stå for Internet of Things eller Intelligence of Things – er et område i rivende vækst. En lang række danske virksomheder er allerede i gang med at bygge ny forretningsværdi ind i deres eksisterende produkter ved […]
UX Meet & Greet at Unity
UX Meet & Greet at Unity
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Unity and see what they actually do.The Unity UX Team is a distributed team of designers. They work with Engineering, Product, and QA to help solve hard problems in a holistic, intuitive way. They approach this through a series of principles: Inspiration, Collaboration, and Balance.There'll be a […]
Women in Immersive Tech (WiiT) Meet Up in Malmö, Sweden
Women in Immersive Tech (WiiT) Meet Up in Malmö, Sweden
"Women in Immersive Technologies have teamed up with award-winning filmmaker Joshka Wessels, Game Habitat and Boost Helsingborg.If you are a creator, innovator, storyteller, coder or just very curious about immersive technologies, please join us and have some fika.VR/AR/XR has been expanding rapidly both in Sweden and Europe but like in the gaming industry, women are […]
4 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 14th of December @Djäkne
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 14th of December @Djäkne
It's time for another one of our family style breakfasts in Malmö at Djäkne!Are you interested in entrepreneurship but not sure how to start? Do you want to know more about the startup scene of Skåne? Or maybe you're just looking to exchange ideas and meet inspiring people in the startup community? Join us at […]
Interaction Design Programme – Final Exhibition 2018
Interaction Design Programme – Final Exhibition 2018
"This year’s Final Exhibition will showcase a wide range of design solutions through an impressive collection of tangible, visual and experiential prototypes. Our Interaction Design Programme students have followed an intense curriculum and the Final Exhibition sets out to reflect their new found knowledge and skill-sets.The 24 final projects will demonstrate the multi-disciplinary, exploratory and […]
CSE StartUp Friday: Learn how to nail your next pitch
CSE StartUp Friday: Learn how to nail your next pitch
"Learn how to nail your next pitch, presentation or speech. A good pitch is the sprinkle on a delicious cupcake when you’re a startup – or in other words: if you get your pitch right, you will get your listeners to buy into your idea, solution or even better, into you! Pitch workshopContest with prizes for […]
1 begivenhed,
Global AI Bootcamp
Global AI Bootcamp
"Welcome to the Global AI Bootcamp 2018, with Ashok Samal, Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, and other great speakers.Be prepared for exciting presentations and demos about hot new technologies, including:* The Microsoft way of doing AI* Popular AI toolsets, compute engines and methodologies* Machine Learning* Microsoft Bot Framework* Natural Language Understanding* HololensSpeakers include:* Ashok Samal, Cloud Solution […]
0 begivenheder,
3 begivenheder,
AI Poster Expo
AI Poster Expo
"Do you wonder if AI will take over the world? Learn more about the latest advancements in AI and see how you can contribute to shaping the future of humanity.Come and mingle with the latest generation of geniuses from the graduate course in deep learning at DTU. See applied AI solving real-world problems using Facebook's […]
IDA AI x Nordic.AI Winter Edition
IDA AI x Nordic.AI Winter Edition
"Get technical insights into the cutting-edge Deep Learning work happening in Denmark. From research in neural networks solving reasoning tasks and deep latent variable models to building industry models that detect turbine blade defects.AgendaTalk 1: Learning Neural Networks to Solve Reasoning TasksSpeaker: Rasmus PalmDeep neural networks are very good at recognizing objects, but when it […]
LTUX Christmas Dinner
LTUX Christmas Dinner
"It is Christmas time!And with a short notice, our next meetup is all about getting to know each other and network. So we are going to a nice dinner together.We have arranged that we are welcome at RizRaz and they will save a table for us. The only thing is that we need to know […]
4 begivenheder,
Gender diversity in start-up programs
Gender diversity in start-up programs
"Bridging the gap - What can we do to bring more women in to our accelerator and entrepreneurship programs?Underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurship, economic leadership, and amongst investors is recognised as a significant international problem. Women constitute 52% of the European population but only 30% of entrepreneurs - and in some countries even less. Women […]
Robotten er din ven
Robotten er din ven
"Robotterne og den kunstige intelligens er blevet malet på væggen som kommende grunde til massearbejdsløshed, men vi behøver slet ikke bange fortæller Manuela Veloso, førende forsker (fra J.P. Morgan AI Research (red. og professor på Carnegie-Mellon)). Kunstig intelligens vil revolutionere vores liv. Men glem skrækscenarierne om massearbejdsløshed og udsigten til evig krig mellem robotter og mennesker. […]
Comparing different ML approaches on the NY taxi dataset
Comparing different ML approaches on the NY taxi dataset
"Mindified Christmas EditionThe machine learning field has an extensive set of algorithms and tools that you can apply on a specific problem. In order to see how some different machine learning algorithms and feature selection approaches compare when applied to a regression problem with a fairly large data set, we took on the Kaggle New […]
2 begivenheder,
Introduction to Docker – 1 full day training (for IT students)
Introduction to Docker – 1 full day training (for IT students)
"We would like to offer any IT student to this one day course in Docker, free of charge. The only thing we need is for you to sign up (TBA) and we are good :)This course takes you through building, integrating and running containers. You’ll learn how Docker work, and how to best take advantage […]
Xmas EmpaTech Fika
Xmas EmpaTech Fika
"Hi everyone,We are slowly approaching holidays and since after our last event where we focused on Compassionate Cities you have shown an increased interest in having another Fika before the closure of this year, we have decided to set it for the 19th of December, 6pm, at Metro in Malmo.Please press join for the event […]
2 begivenheder,
Learn about Google Cloud Functions from Martin Omander
Learn about Google Cloud Functions from Martin Omander
"Want to learn more about Google Cloud Functions? Martin Omander, Google Cloud Developer Advocate, will be joining us on the 20th December from California to speak about his experience with Google Cloud Functions.He also told me that he want to give away a Google Home Mini to one lucky attendee!Time schedule:1700 Doors open1730 Welcome to […]
LoRaWAN on Heltec ESP
LoRaWAN on Heltec ESP
"We will run through a LoRaWAN example and get some bits and bytes over the air. You will bring you Heltec board from the IDA Embedded workshop, you PC and hacker toolbox.We will start the meetup with a one or two showcase on cool programming and a tour round the table.Due to limited space and […]