
Kalender af Begivenheder
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4 begivenheder,
DSG Talk : Robotic Process Automation
DSG Talk : Robotic Process Automation
"Focusing and gain knowledge within new emerging technologies is essential for new startups today. Startups must adapt to the market and look for new ways of implementing new technologies. One of the mega trends is RPA “Robotic process automation” and if you are curious, then join our next event, held in cooperation with Tomas Zhang […]
JakartaEE & Building Kotlin DSL’s
JakartaEE & Building Kotlin DSL’s
"Tonight's JavaForum will have two talks;First talk – Building Kotlin DSL's Kotlin has rapidly become a popular programming language on the JVM due to its fast learning curve, powerful-enough features and pragmatism. Going a bit beyond the basics and one will find great support of building nice DSL's. This talk will be mostly about that. We'll start […]
Introduction to Elastic APM
Introduction to Elastic APM
"Join us for an event about Application Performance Monitoring (APM). At Elastic{ON} in San Francisco earlier this year, Elastic released Elastic APM - a free and open source solution to monitor the performance of web applications - originally developed here in Copenhagen.Join us to hear from the developers of Elastic APM what it is, how […]
7 begivenheder,
Nordic Startup Awards – Grand Finale Day 2018 (two events in one day)
"Event 1 - Daytime: Nordic Startup Awards Exclusive Networking EventBDO will host an exclusive networking event. The Nordic Startup Awards Finalists, Global Startup Awards Alumni Network, high profile investors, founders, experts, and key stakeholders in the Nordic startup ecosystem will all be invited to attend from1300-1630 at Havneholmen 29, 1561 København V.The Nordic Startup Awards Exclusive […]
Apple Special Event – October
Apple Special Event – October
"We'll stream the Apple event. It's expected to contain announcements about new iPads and Macs. Space is really limited, to please keep your RSVP up to date :)" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/CopenhagenCocoa/events/255795632/
Digital Forandringsagent Kickoff
Digital Forandringsagent Kickoff
This place is worth checking out..."Digitalisering kan være en lang rejse, hvor indsatsen ikke altid står mål med udbyttet. Vi zoomer ind på de områder, hvor du kan forvente at resultaterne også følger med.I et helt nyt program udviklet af Google får du konkrete værktøjer til at arbejde bedre med intern kommunikation, styring af din […]
Would you Need a Scrum Team? – Software Development Projects by ITU Students
Would you Need a Scrum Team? – Software Development Projects by ITU Students
"Would you Need a Scrum Team? - Software Development Projects by ITU StudentsWould you be interested in getting a team of 8-9 IT University software development students to develop a software project with you? Such a project is a possibility for you to market your company to the students, get a small project done, and […]
7 begivenheder,
Nordic Venture Forum
Nordic Venture Forum
"On thе 31st of October 2018, the 16th edition of the Nordic Venture Forum (NVF) will take place in Copenhagen at the Scandic Kødbyen.The Nordic region is recognized as the most entrepreneurial region within Europe by the OECD and every year, the Nordic Venture Forum showcases the companies with the highest potential from the following sectors:- ICT- SaSS- Online mobile- Fintech- Cleantech/Bio Economy/Circular […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 2
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 2
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605016/
Partnerskaber mellem startups og corporates – dos and don’ts
Partnerskaber mellem startups og corporates – dos and don’ts
"For en lang række startups er den største markedsbarriere et partnerskab med en etableret corporate – hvad enten det er i den finansielle sektor, i sundhedssektoren eller andre steder.Kom og hør dos and don’ts fra Matters samarbejder med pensionsselskaber i Danmark og Holland. Om Djøf Business Community Eventet er en del af Djøf Business Community. Djøf Business Community […]
3 begivenheder,
Peak into the GraphQL future within Laravel
Peak into the GraphQL future within Laravel
"ArtisansSE present Christoffer Persson from Glesys, who will give us an interesting talk about GraphQL and Laravel!See for yourself how easy it is to get up and running with GraphQL and Laravel using butler-graphql. We’ll look at how to create a GraphQL Schema Definition file and have everything just magically work from there. We’ll also […]
Introduction to Version Control Systems with Git – Hands On Data Science
Introduction to Version Control Systems with Git – Hands On Data Science
"An important aspect of data science is keeping a record of project code and having easy access to those records. Version control plays a key role in ensuring that a certain version of a script will remain in the future, even after it has been further developed. Additionally, it is common that multiple people are […]
Model-View-Presenter with Angular
Model-View-Presenter with Angular
"We are pleased to have 'Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen' as our speaker.Model-View-Presenter with AngularUsing container components and presenters, we can achieve 'separation of concerns' in the presentation layer of complex applications. This is the first step in increasing the maintainability, testability, and scalability of our Angular applications.Lars gained his UX experience in marketing and e-commerce. […]
3 begivenheder,
Halloween Friday Bar
Halloween Friday Bar
"This Halloween Friday we are bringing our lab alumni and current labsters together to network over a beer. Please, come & join us!We are looking forward to seeing you again at Copenhagen Fintech Lab." Price: Free Link: https://copenhagenfintech.dk/events/halloween-friday-bar/
Sitecore User Group Denmark
Sitecore User Group Denmark
"Agenda1730 Food and Agenda1815 Akshay Sura1900 Break1915 Jason Wilkerson, LonghornTaco 2000 Drinks and Networking" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Sitecore-User-Group-Denmark/events/255031314/
"Are you ready for another great #UserTribeFriday?UserTribe Friday is a recurring networking event, happening on the first Friday of the month.If you have an interest in customer centric work process, our UserTribe Friday event gives you the opportunity to connect with other professionals working towards improving their organization's customer centricity.UserTribe Friday is all about sharing. […]
2 begivenheder,
CSE November Start-up Hackathon
CSE November Start-up Hackathon
"Boost your business development skills and get involved in start-ups.Your benefits:- Hands-on business development experience- Networking with start-ups- Rapid learning about business ideation toolsOverview:- Ideation warm-up: hacking your creativity and strategic thinking- Pitches from 5 start-ups with concrete business challenges- Transforming your business: reverse engineering the business model- From innovation to market: how start-ups get […]
Matrikel1 Bar & Cafe Weekend Launch Party
Matrikel1 Bar & Cafe Weekend Launch Party
Our friends at Matrikel1, the new-ish, upscale offshoot of Creators Community, the folks behind Founders House, have an offer for you."We're officially opening during the weekends - and we want to celebrate it with you! Oh, and it's free join :)First beer or drink is on us! Rest of the evening will have 2 for 1 on select beer! Limited tickets […]
0 begivenheder,
6 begivenheder,
Succeeding with Cloud in the Enterprise
Succeeding with Cloud in the Enterprise
"Welcome to a full day of Azure and how to succeed with cloud in the enterprise.One of the hot topics in businesses today is how to get the most out of public cloud. We have gathered some of the best speakers from Europe to help answer this question.Agenda* Welcome to AZUG* Succeeding with Cloud at […]
Sell or Die: How to improve your sales
Sell or Die: How to improve your sales
"Let’s get real. If you don’t sell your product, your service or yourself, your company won’t survive. It's a very simple algorithm: you sell or you die! In this talk, Kenneth Falk, co-founder of OurGreenCar, will share his absolutely best tips and tricks on how best to effectively sell your product and everything that comes […]
Developer Security Pitfalls
Developer Security Pitfalls
"As a security consultant auditing source code, I see many mistakes appear over and over again, mistakes that lead to security vulnerabilities. In this talk I am going to cover the most common mistakes I have encountered and suggest some ways of working that hopefully will lead to more secure applications.SpeakerLinus Kvarnhammar is an independent security […]
5 begivenheder,
Code Lunch Malmö: Self-contained Systems: In Practice with Per Ökvist
Code Lunch Malmö: Self-contained Systems: In Practice with Per Ökvist
"How to build a system of systems. How could we avoid a large monolithic system, utilizing a set of smaller systems in collaboration?The idea is to break a large system apart into several smaller self-contained systems or SCSs, that follow certain rules.A SCS is owned by a team, with all data and logic needed and […]
Når kunstig intelligens møder virkeligheden. Gratis for alle
Når kunstig intelligens møder virkeligheden. Gratis for alle
"Kunstig intelligens (AI) er et buzzword i de fleste danske organisationer, men der er dels forvirring omkring, hvad begrebet egentlig dækker over, og dels ikke konsensus om, hvordan man i praksis anvender AI til at skabe målbar værdi i hverdagen. Jonathan Løw vil give dig hans perspektiv på AI tirsdag d. 6 november.Vi byder på […]
Stanford GSB: Entrepreneur Needs Discovery (DFW)
Stanford GSB: Entrepreneur Needs Discovery (DFW)
"Join the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) for an entrepreneur needs discovery session hosted by Keystones. As the GSB looks at creating new learning experiences for entrepreneurs, they want to hear more about the challenges you face, the pain points you are navigating, and the key questions you have.Cecilia Hultén, an alumna and Executive Coach of the GSB […]
7 begivenheder,
Think Copenhagen – Where Technology meets Humanity
Think Copenhagen – Where Technology meets Humanity
En dag i teknologiens og tankens tegn. Det er, hvad du kan forvente dig af THINK Copenhagen, når IBM Danmark endnu engang slår dørene op og inviterer indenfor i DR’s koncerthus. Vi fylder huset med spændende kundecases og inspiration til, hvordan du kan løfte din virksomhed med AI, cloud, blockchain, data, infrastruktur og sikkerhed og […]
From Data and Brain Science to Experience and Behaviour
From Data and Brain Science to Experience and Behaviour
"When it comes to the use of data and brain science in people business, the hype and hopes have never been higher – nor have the doubts and worries.On the one hand, organisations start to realise the benefits of building decisions on facts. On the other hand, they also see the pitfalls and barriers of integrating […]
BLOXHUB & Innochain Pre-Conference Workshops – Practice Futures
BLOXHUB & Innochain Pre-Conference Workshops – Practice Futures
"BLOXHUB and Innochain invite to a series of Workshops, which take place before the Innochain Conference "Pactice Futures" http://innochain.net/conference/ . These workshops introduce participants to new tools and practices for the building industry, which have been developed in the Innochain projects. Each of the workshop addresses a key challenge in our current architectural, engineering and […]
7 begivenheder,
Webstep Kompetensbio Malmö -Robotic Process Automation och AI!
Webstep Kompetensbio Malmö -Robotic Process Automation och AI!
"Välkomna på vårt succéevent Kompetensbio som nu går av stapeln för nionde gången! Vi bjuder in dig och dina kollegor till en spännande och lärorik kväll! Två talare, två lika spännande ämnen och den hypade filmen Bohemian Rhaposody! Kan det bli bättreKvällens ämnen är följande: - Robotic Process Automation- What is AI and what can it do for […]
UX and Product Design meetup by Trustpilot and Women in Tech DK
UX and Product Design meetup by Trustpilot and Women in Tech DK
"We have gathered three inspiring speakers for this event. Jette Wiborg-Andersen - UX Designer, TrustpilotLouise Salih - UX Researcher, TrustpilotDovile Janule - Sr. Product Designer, ZendeskFirst: Changing the Behaviour of misbehaving companies by taking an empathetic approach, presented by Jette and Louise from Trustpilot. They'll talk about how they tackle a complex problem impacting trust online […]
Get value from your data with Google Cloud
Get value from your data with Google Cloud
"Google has always been bringing technologies to the edge for handling massive volumes of data. Google has now taken 20 years of building leading edge data technologies and put into Google Cloud, so others can take advantage of getting the value of their data.Come by and hear about the journey Google has taken since it's […]
3 begivenheder,
HACK4DK 2018
"For 8. år afholdes HACK4DK - denne gang i samarbejde med Dansk Arkitektur Center i det nye Blox.Brug et døgn på at hacke den danske kulturarv sammen med andre kreative frivillige. Arrangementet er for kreative, nysgerrige og idérige mennesker med hang til digital udvikling og kulturarv. Gå på opdagelse i en lang række danske arkivers, […]
NLP Seminar: Prof. Jörg Tiedemann – Natural Language Inference with Multilingual Supervision
NLP Seminar: Prof. Jörg Tiedemann – Natural Language Inference with Multilingual Supervision
"Abstract:Natural Language Inference (NLI) is the task of identifying inferential relationships between a premise p and a given hypothesis. Both, p and h are expressed in natural language, typically as apair of sentences with a specific relationship between them coming from a limited set of inferential relations (e.g. entailment,contradiction, neutral). NLI requires semantic analyses and,therefore, […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 3
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 3
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605027/
1 begivenhed,
0 begivenheder,
4 begivenheder,
Myles Borins – Adventures in Ethical Computing
Myles Borins – Adventures in Ethical Computing
"Machine learning algorithms can infer gender when translating from gender neutral languages to english due to bias in training data. Hardware designed to control airbag release have resulted in the deaths of Short-stature drivers and children passengers due to bias.An engineer from Volkswagen was recently sentenced to a 40 month prison term for their part […]
Design Sprint – how to develop products faster
Design Sprint – how to develop products faster
"How Tetra Pak transformed old habits and processes to develop better product faster using Design SprintsDigitalization will require us to be much faster, but our current processes are making us slow. Our products must be relevant and easy to use. We are stuck in old habits and we want to change. Every business leader is […]
Figma Happy Hour
Figma Happy Hour
"We're coming to Copenhagen!Join us for casual drinks, snacks, and conversation on 12 November at Brass Monkey, from 18:30–21:30.---✨ About FigmaFigma is a new way for collaborating around design that brings everyone and everything into one place in the browser to help you solve problems together — no software or sync required. One single, live […]
8 begivenheder,
Startup Coffee Malmö
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one on August 21st, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good cup of coffee. We hope […]
Sikkerhedsdag 2018
Sikkerhedsdag 2018
"Credocom inviterer dig til en spændende dag i IT-sikkerhedens tegn. Vi har sammensat et stærkt program med indlæg om IT-sikkerhed, cyberkriminalitet, løsninger og adfærd. Der vil derudover være rig mulighed for "networking" og for at møde vores partnere.Seminaret er uden beregning, og vi sørger for lækker forplejning undervejs.Herunder kan du læse mere om dagens program. […]
UX Meet & Greet at Ørsted
UX Meet & Greet at Ørsted
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to come and visit Ørsted and see what they actually do.Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted’s 5,600 employees develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provide smart energy products to its customers. UX & Processes delivers great User Experience across lT-projects in Ørsted, as […]
6 begivenheder,
CluedIn and IDA Present: Data Talks
CluedIn and IDA Present: Data Talks
"Data Talks is an exclusive event where we are joined by speakers from Google, Sitecore, Microsoft, Saxo Bank, Implement Consulting Group and more as these companies guide the audience through becoming data driven. This event is to answer the questions of What it is like to be data driven and How can it be achieved?" […]
#BlueGrowth – inspirationsdag for startups og vækstvirksomheder
#BlueGrowth – inspirationsdag for startups og vækstvirksomheder
"Networking er i fokus, når Danske Maritime afholder maritim inspirationsdag den 14. november 2018 kl. 9.45-13.30. Få adgang til netværk og sparring på områderne finansiering, forretningsplan og en innovativ maritim industri." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://danskemaritime.dk/event/blue-growth-inspirationsdag-for-startups-og-vaekstvirksomheder/
Finance Day at ITU 2018
Finance Day at ITU 2018
"Finance Day is your chance to see how companies such as Nykredit and Topdanmark work with cybersecurity and data protection and to hear about the latest innovation in the financial sector. We invite students from all over Denmark to the fifth edition of Finance Day at ITU, where students can learn more about IT in finance […]
9 begivenheder,
Connecting for Connected Health
Connecting for Connected Health
"Advances in Information Technologies (IT) are changing the way we live our lives and interact with the world around us. As IT has reached healthcare, it is currently being used to assist healthcare providers and patients with tools like electronic health records and telemedicine services, among others.Connecting for Connected Health (C4CH) is a hands-on networking […]
Trendspaning om AI – med Hampus Jakobsson
Trendspaning om AI – med Hampus Jakobsson
Hear the facts separated from the hype by someone who really, actually knows the difference. In Swedish, mind you. (Don't speak Swedish? There's an app.)"Hampus Jakobsson behöver knappt introduceras – som en av Skånes främsta entreprenörer. Den 15 november kommer han till Stratiteq för att dela med sig av sin syn på AI (Artificiell intelligens). Missa […]
Coldfront community day – ML Extravaganza
Coldfront community day – ML Extravaganza
"This time we have a special event as a part of Coldfront community day and in collaboration with GDG Copenhagen. Register as an attendee on the GDG event here: https://www.meetup.com/GDG-Copenhagen/events/255724292/ Agenda1630 Arrival1700 Welcome1715 Machine Learning as a design tool by Tore Knudsen @toreknudsn1745 Break1815 Live and Machine Learn by Sarah Drasner @sarah_edo1845 Networking2000 GoodbyeAnd to sign up […]
4 begivenheder,
The Bridge Interview #5 with Jesper Brodin
The Bridge Interview #5 with Jesper Brodin
"IKEA ska ställa om till en cirkulär affärsmodell och har lovat att vara klimatpositiva till år 2030. Bland åtgärderna under kommande år finns planer på att fasa ut all engångsplast. Samtidigt ska produkterna kunna återanvändas enklare än i dag och att allt mer trä och textil återvinnas. Dessutom är målet att kundernas vardag ska bli […]
Tech & Tonic: You Got Five Senses
Tech & Tonic: You Got Five Senses
"So much of entrepreneurial life happens with a set of eyes facing a screen.For this Tech & Tonic we thought: Why don’t we bring the rest of the body back?With help from five startups, we’re giving you something new to See, Hear, Touch, Smell, and Taste.Stay tuned for the full menu.Love,Talent Garden RainmakingPS: There Will […]
Seminar: Prof. Yulan He, “Emotion Ranking and Emotion Cause Detection from Text”
Seminar: Prof. Yulan He, “Emotion Ranking and Emotion Cause Detection from Text”
"Abstract: Text might contain or evoke multiple emotions with varying intensities. Traditional approaches typically cast the problem of detecting multiple emotions from text as multi-label classification. This talk will first present a novel ranking-based approach to generate a ranked list of relevant emotions where top-ranked emotions are more intensely associated with text compared to lower […]
0 begivenheder,
1 begivenhed,
4+ Great Tech Talks, 1 Afternoon: Special GOTO CPH Meetup
4+ Great Tech Talks, 1 Afternoon: Special GOTO CPH Meetup
"GOTO CPH (https://gotocph.com/2018/) is just around the corner and with so many awesome speakers presenting at the conference, we figure we could also have some fantastic meetups!This evening features talks on bootstrapping Machine Learning on Code, building GDPR-compliant apps and more! We have a few more speakers confirmed but waiting for talk abstracts before posting […]
2 begivenheder,
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day
"Come and join me to the “Women’s Entrepreneurship’s day” held at Crossing borders, Kobmagergade 43, 1150 Copenhagen K, Denmark from 10h-14h30. During this event, I have invited several successful women in Denmark who will share their achievements and how they overcame their fears, doubts, and challenges.This is in the hope that everyone in the room […]
November’s special edition
November’s special edition
"In this special edition meetup, we are pleased to have Christoffer Noring (https://twitter.com/chris_noring) as our first speaker.He is going to talk about Angular Schematics - the unknown hero.We are going to add more information soon.Also expect some surprises!!!!" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/ngCopenhagen/events/256282590/
6 begivenheder,
The Digital Growth Path
The Digital Growth Path
"As part of DGP program we intent to give you a practical understanding of the commercial aspects of industrial and governmental applications of the new digital and emerging technologies such as IoT, AI/Machine learning, Robotics and more.In the series of “Technology Applied” seminars, you’re now cordially invited to our first seminar focusing on Internet of Things.In […]
Demo Day @ BioInnovation Institute
Demo Day @ BioInnovation Institute
"...It is a closed event with limited seating, please sign up to join.The projects are all very promising early Danish start-ups in pharma, medtech and biotech and during the past eleven weeks, they have worked intensely on developing a solid, initial business plan. They aim to raise money to scale and expand seek industry expertise. […]
Startup Nationen 2.0: Vær med til at gøre iværksætteri til en folkesport
Startup Nationen 2.0: Vær med til at gøre iværksætteri til en folkesport
"Har du mange års erhvervserfaring og er du nysgerrig på startup-miljøet? Så er der gode chancer for at give en hånd til væksten i Danmark og gøre Danmark til verdens stærkeste iværksætternation.På initiativ fra Keystones-medlem, Lotte Marschall og Keystones sætter vi fokus på, hvordan man kan holde sig opdateret på iværksætteri og muliggøre en øget […]
5 begivenheder,
Undgå GDPR-bøder for persondata i dine e-mails og dokumenter
Undgå GDPR-bøder for persondata i dine e-mails og dokumenter
"Seminar med fokus på håndteringen af ustruturerede data som fx e-mails og dokumenter, for at sikre en korrekt, effektiv og økonomisk attraktiv overholdelse af Persondataforordningen (GDPR)0830 Morgenkaffe, croissant & networking Vi mødes i SOHO i Kødbyen på Flæsketorvet 68 (lige ved siden af Inco) til morgenkaffe og får hilst på hinanden. Der er mulighed for at […]
Open Door session #5 – Exclusive feedback from experienced investors
Open Door session #5 – Exclusive feedback from experienced investors
"Want savvy advice and feedback for your idea or startup from some of Denmark’s most experienced investors?At our Open Door sessions, we hand-pick eight startups to meet with one of the Investment Managers from PreSeed Ventures for a 30-minute feedback session. This is an opportunity to get razor-sharp input – before you have a running business and full […]
Startup Investments w. Lassen Ricard
Startup Investments w. Lassen Ricard
"We invite everyone to join us for a keynote by the renowned law firm Lassen Ricard about startup investments.Learn more about:- Different investor types and their approaches - among these 3xF, government funding, business angels and VC's.- Different investment models - including convertible notes, tranches, sweat-equity and more.- The investment process and the documents - […]
14 begivenheder,
Collaborate on new markets: Oracle & BotSupply
Collaborate on new markets: Oracle & BotSupply
"We invite all corporate innovators and entrepreneurs to this live case study from BotSupply and Oracle.Oracle’s Peter Scharstein and Lars Vestergaard and BotSupply’s Asser Smidt will explain step-by-step how they defined + entered a new market together.It’s all about building better bots. From BotSupply starting in Oracle’s Scaleup Ecosystem Program to their shared development of […]
Collaborate on new markets: Oracle & BotSupply
Collaborate on new markets: Oracle & BotSupply
"We invite all corporate innovators and entrepreneurs to this live case study from BotSupply and Oracle.Oracle’s Peter Scharstein and Lars Vestergaard and BotSupply’s Asser Smidt will explain step-by-step how they defined + entered a new market together.It’s all about building better bots. From BotSupply starting in Oracle’s Scaleup Ecosystem Program to their shared development of […]
Experience a full day hands-on Blockchain
Experience a full day hands-on Blockchain
"A Meetup event arranged by Copenhagen Hyperledger and the DiscoTech by Oracle Meetup groups.There is a lot of talk about Blockchain which makes it important to understand. This event is about working with Blockchain and the practical aspects of the Blockchain.Oracle and Hyperledger Copenhagen will organize a full day hands-on event using Hyperledger Fabric as […]
6 begivenheder,
X-Mas Sweater Friday Bar with +Impact Accelerator
"X-mas is fast approaching and to make sure you´re in the right spirit we teamed up with Founders House to give you a fun-filled Christmas themed Friday bar.So, bring your best (or worst) Christmas sweater or (whatever x-mas prop you like) and join us for FREE food, plenty of drinks and good laughs!To make the […]
ITU Copernicus Satellite Hackathon
"The Copernicus Satellite Hackathon, focuses on satellite data-based web apps. It is limited to 50 participants. There are no predefined topics. Groups of students are encouraged to develop innovative web app concepts in the domain of their choice. It starts with lightning talks, followed by pizza, soda and beers.On Saturday, students get guidance and feedback […]
Seminar about Intellectual Property(IP)
Seminar about Intellectual Property(IP)
"Legal consultant, Thomas Frydendahl from Gorrissen Federspiel will host a seminar on IP law. Get to know the ups and downs of Intellectual Property rights." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seminar-about-intellectual-propertyip-tickets-52391237602?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Pre-fredagsbar: VC-talks med fokus early engagement
Pre-fredagsbar: VC-talks med fokus early engagement
"Trænger du til et fagligt indspark inden du smutter i fredagsbaren?Horten afholder sammen med Vækstfonden en VC-talk om key terms med fokus på early engagement. Hvis du står over for en ny fundingrunde eller blot ønsker at vide mere om de vilkår, som Vækstfonden og andre VCs benytter, så kig forbi fredagsbaren , når Horten […]
Friday Fight Box
Friday Fight Box
"4:00 PMThe bar is open - beer, wine & cocktails4:30 PM - 5:30 PMOpen mic pitch session – come pitch your startup. Sign up with Christina Rich / cr@dtusciencepark.dk5:30 PMSecret guest speaker – “our journey to success”" Price: Free Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/308846049955289/?notif_t=plan_user_invited¬if_id=1541193606331382
1 begivenhed,
Coding Sunday with Wondercoders: Build your first WordPress site
Coding Sunday with Wondercoders: Build your first WordPress site
"Did you know that 27% of the websites on the web are powered by WordPress? Well, there is a big reason why so many and it is attributed to it's ease of use. Join us on 25th of November on a full day workshop where we will teach you the basics of WordPress. We will […]
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16 begivenheder,
"DSB søger en såkaldt 'Innovationsrebel', der kan støtte og være en del af innovation på alle niveauer i organisationen, og virksomheder kaster omkring sig med buzzwords som game changer og disruptor, når den næste medarbejder skal findes. Hvad er det egentlig, at virksomhederne søger?Deltag i vores workshop og få konkrete værktøjer til at tænke innovation […]
Morgenbriefing: Rank Zero – Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!
Morgenbriefing: Rank Zero – Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!
"Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!Vil du gerne fremhæves i toppen af Google med et featured svar på dine potentielle kunders spørgsmål?Google fremhæver i stigende grad svar på spørgsmål på plads nummer #0 øverst i Google. Du kan med andre ord opnå endnu bedre placeringer end førstepladsen på Google. Disse […]
Legal Tech Today, Tomorrow, and When That Tomorrow Will Actually Arrive
Legal Tech Today, Tomorrow, and When That Tomorrow Will Actually Arrive
"Legal Tech Copenhagen is moving to neutral ground and will meet in the morning.Hear two views on the state of legal tech, both as it applies to lawyers and more broadly to include, for example, regulatory tech. Where are things right now in Denmark and internationally? What does the future hold and when will it […]
Symposium: Protein-Membrane Costructures: Structure, Function, and Targeting
Symposium: Protein-Membrane Costructures: Structure, Function, and Targeting
"ConceptThe Novo Nordisk Foundation offers funding for one-day symposia to be held at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The objective is to provide leading as well as younger researchers with opportunities to present and discuss the newest research within their fields. SymposiumResearch in the biology and biophysics of lipids has surged in the past decade. Huge technical […]
15 begivenheder,
TYPO3 Get together
TYPO3 Get together
"T3kit for TYPO3 9 LTST3Kit roadmap the futurebusiness presentation deskma.com" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Malmo-TYPO3/events/256568765/
Student Startup Matching
Student Startup Matching
"Attend the first Student Startup Matching event in Malmö. Startups get the opportunity to meet students and pitch for them about positions they can offer.20 chosen startups will pitch internships, open positions, thesis placements and freelance gigs to students. This event is open to students from all universities in Skåne and the greater Öresund region.STUDENT […]
Konference om finansiering – Københavns Erhvervshus
Konference om finansiering – Københavns Erhvervshus
"I samarbejde med Københavns Erhvervshus inviterer Sparringspartnerne iværksættere og SMV’er til en konference om finansiering.Første del af konferencen har særligt fokus på bogføring og økonomistyring i virksomheder, og du bliver klædt bedre på til at tale om finansiering med banken. Senere præsenterer Vækstfonden forskellige finansieringsmuligheder for små og mellemstore virksomheder, og du får indsigt i alternativ […]
6 begivenheder,
Tech Talk #18: A Promising Road Ahead: Exploring Blockchain Technology
Tech Talk #18: A Promising Road Ahead: Exploring Blockchain Technology
"FinTech innovations is a big deal in Denmark, and we’re one of the leading countries in this industry. We’ve also taken big step towards a more complex payment gate; enabling blockchain payment for our merchants.Blockchain is a disruptive and rapidly growing technology using cryptography to secure transactions without having to rely on a central authority […]
Women in Tech – Empowering everyone for a career in tech
Women in Tech – Empowering everyone for a career in tech
"Join us for an inspiring evening in the name of Empowering Careers and Inclusivity in Tech. During the night you will get the chance to both listen and talk to bright minds working in different areas of tech and to others who, like you, are interested in working in the industry.Agenda1600 Doors open for registration1620 […]
DSL for SQL queries using a unix pipe syntax
DSL for SQL queries using a unix pipe syntax
"The talk is about an 'experimental' domain specific language 'pine'. The idea is to let you write a subset of SQL queries using a unix pipe syntax. The talk will loosely revolve around the following points:- Why the need for building 'pine'?- Why Clojure?- Experience of building a DSL in Clojure- Editor support for 'pine'- […]
1 begivenhed,
Le Wagon Copenhagen Demo Day
Le Wagon Copenhagen Demo Day
"In October, our latest group embarked on their coding journey with Le Wagon Copenhagen. After 9 intensive weeks of learning to code, design and deploy their apps, they're ready to show the world what they got. Come and discover what our students can deliver after just two months of intensive coding Bootcamp!You can:- Meet our […]