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Kalender af Begivenheder

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S søn

2 begivenheder,


Co-creation workshop: EnergyLab Nordhavns showroom 2.0


Panel Discussion: Recruiting in Tech Companies

5 begivenheder,


Startup Coffee Malmö


Crowdsourcing Konference 2018


Personally Identifiable Information – A battlefield for financial institutions?

8 begivenheder,


Skalering og eksponentiel vækst


How PA Consulting can be startups partner in solving corporates Fintech challenges – Breakfast session

4 begivenheder,


AI use cases and AI from a data science perspective


Stable Coins – Real world application for digital currencies


ngCopenhagen – October edition

2 begivenheder,

Plads til Flere Hackathon

2 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

3 begivenheder,


Maritime Labs 2 : Enabling global trade for the UN SDGs


InnoBooster info meeting @Copenhagen Agrifood Incubator

5 begivenheder,


Overset “detalje” i offentlige it-løsninger kan spare millioner


Understand Phishing


Google H/W Event

5 begivenheder,


High Tech Summit


DTU Startup Fair


Global deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central – Skåne Azure User Group

3 begivenheder,


A new safety net for the digital age


Patient home projekterne: Innovation og loesning af vitale problemer for at kunne blive i egen hjem


CBS Blockchain Society Intro Night!

1 begivenhed,


prep party ada_conf 3

1 begivenhed,


ada_conf 3

1 begivenhed,


Hack Your Future Women

1 begivenhed,

0 begivenheder,

1 begivenhed,


Lecture with honorary doctor Hampus Jakobsson

1 begivenhed,


How I built a programming language

2 begivenheder,


Speed dating – Find your next web developer


Le Wagon Copenhagen Drinks Night

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

4 begivenheder,


Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #5


VR for a purpose

6 begivenheder,


SPBG Global Office 365 Developer Bootcamp


Meetup #27: VR hunting simulator, VR Puzzle and a VR Game!

4 begivenheder,


NOME Annual Meeting & Start-up Competition


Azure DevOps


Show and Tell & Open Space

12 begivenheder,


Seed Forum Copenhagen – Growth-Train DemoDay 2018


Open Innovation Meetup, Nordics_Copenhagen


Lost and Founders #2: Board of Directors

1 begivenhed,


Friday Bar with DLA Piper

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

4 begivenheder,


DSG Talk : Robotic Process Automation


JakartaEE & Building Kotlin DSL’s


Introduction to Elastic APM

7 begivenheder,

Nordic Startup Awards – Grand Finale Day 2018 (two events in one day)


Apple Special Event – October


Digital Forandringsagent Kickoff


Would you Need a Scrum Team? – Software Development Projects by ITU Students

7 begivenheder,


Nordic Venture Forum


Developing a hidden service with Tor Project

3 begivenheder,


Peak into the GraphQL future within Laravel


Introduction to Version Control Systems with Git – Hands On Data Science


Model-View-Presenter with Angular

3 begivenheder,


Halloween Friday Bar


Sitecore User Group Denmark



2 begivenheder,


CSE November Start-up Hackathon


Matrikel1 Bar & Cafe Weekend Launch Party

0 begivenheder,