
Kalender af Begivenheder
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2 begivenheder,
Co-creation workshop: EnergyLab Nordhavns showroom 2.0
Co-creation workshop: EnergyLab Nordhavns showroom 2.0
"Vil du være med til at skabe oplevelsen af fremtidens energisystem? EnergyLab Nordhavn søger virksomheder/organisationer/forskere, der har interesse i at deltage i udviklingen af et nyt showroom, der kan formidle fremtidens energisystem.Har du viden om fremtidens smarte energi og/eller kan du formidle kompleks viden på levende vis, skabe oplevelser, udforme udstillingsdesign, tænke i interaktive rum, skabe rammer […]
Panel Discussion: Recruiting in Tech Companies
Panel Discussion: Recruiting in Tech Companies
"Recruiting has recently become a popular topic in Denmark. Some companies face challenges finding the perfect candidate, developers have become a scarce resource and Denmark is in the battle for global talent. Should companies consider hiring remote teams, or maybe use a recruitment agency? Are we doing enough to brand Denmark as an attractive location […]
5 begivenheder,
Startup Coffee Malmö
Startup Coffee Malmö
This seems to be gathering steam."Every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. All you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good cup of coffee. We hope to see you there!" Price: […]
Crowdsourcing Konference 2018
Crowdsourcing Konference 2018
"Du har sikkert hørt om crowdsourcing, men hvad går det egentlig ud på og hvordan kan din virksomhed bruge denne metode til at skabe mere innovation?Crowdsourcing Konference 2018 afslutter projektet SMV Crowdsourcing Lab (www.smvcrowdsourcinglab.dk), hvor 20 små- og mellemstore virksomheder har lært at bruge crowdsourcing metoder, til at blive mere innovative.Nu vil vi gerne dele ud […]
Personally Identifiable Information – A battlefield for financial institutions?
Personally Identifiable Information – A battlefield for financial institutions?
"PII (Personally Identifiable Information; “personhenførbar information” in Danish) is becoming a true battlefield for financial institutions these days. Government regulations and security requirements are on one hand imposing severe restrictions on how to collect, store and process PII (for example GDPR, segregation of duties, data leakage prevention, need-to-know access). On the other hand, other regulatory […]
8 begivenheder,
Skalering og eksponentiel vækst
Skalering og eksponentiel vækst
"Lær af dem der krydsede kløften til massemarkedet. Hvad så de? Og hvad har de lært til næste gang? Hvordan ser DNA’et ud for de succesfulde vækstvirksomheder?• Eksponentielt salg, hvordan?• Hvordan timer du det?Lars Fjeldsoe-Nielsen, Balderton Capital, London. Previously WhatsApp, Dropbox and Uber.The drivers of upside leverage and exponential business growth in tech business. What […]
How PA Consulting can be startups partner in solving corporates Fintech challenges – Breakfast session
How PA Consulting can be startups partner in solving corporates Fintech challenges – Breakfast session
"Are you looking to partner or sell to a large corporate within the financial services? Odds are that they are a client at PA Consulting, so come join this breakfast session to hear how PA could be a potential partner to you as a fintech startup. PA Consulting has clients within both Nordic and international […]
[Rune Ibsen] F# – hvorfor, hvordan og til hvad?
[Rune Ibsen] F# – hvorfor, hvordan og til hvad?
"F# er et funktionsorienteret programmeringssprog udviklet af Microsoft for .NET. I denne præsentation fortæller Rune ud fra sine praktiske erfaringer om, hvad F# er, hvorfor han og hans kolleger er mere produktive i F# end i C#, og han giver gode råd til, hvordan I drager fordel af F#. Rune Ibsen har de sidste 12 […]
4 begivenheder,
AI use cases and AI from a data science perspective
AI use cases and AI from a data science perspective
"Agenda1500 Registration1510 Welcome. v/ IBM, Pedab Denmark & BLUEFRAGMENTS1515 Blow stuff up and change the game! Unleashing the Value ofExponential AI Technologies . v/Thomas Nørmark – Itelligence1550 Networking1600 Value Driven Data Science - A pragmatic approach todelivering data science projects v/Asger Sørensen/Oscar Petersen - CIC1635 Frontiers of AI/ML v/ Hazel Clarke – BLUEFRAGMENTS1710 What's new […]
Stable Coins – Real world application for digital currencies
Stable Coins – Real world application for digital currencies
"Stable coins are becoming a common thread in the quest for mainstream adoption of digital currencies. ITU Innovators will host an evening where we are joined by two stable coin projects, ARYZE and MakerDAO, as well as an introduction into a pilot project by Nordic Blockchain Association for “real world” applications of stable cryptocurrencies.ARYZE is […]
ngCopenhagen – October edition
ngCopenhagen – October edition
"We're pleased to have Dariusz Kalbarczyk & Michael Hladky as speakers. Dariusz Kalbarczyk is organizer of the legendary ngPoland conference and also Angular Warsaw Meetup. Michael Hladky is GDE in Angular and also organizer of Angular Vienna. Our raffle is sponsored by Mobile era conference (https://mobileera.rocks/) 1730 Doors open1750 Welcome1800 What's new in Angular?1810 NativeScript & Angular […]
2 begivenheder,
Plads til Flere Hackathon
"1. Hvad:Et hackathon er en innovations-proces, hvor man skal fra ide til prototype på kort tid. Til dette ide-hackathon afsættes 24 timer til at udfordre bankverdenens nuværende løsninger til borgere med særlige behov, og vi har brug for DIG til at skabe de rette løsningsforeslag! Vi sætter 5.000 DKK på højkant til den bedste ide / løsningsforeslag, og en plads […]
Copenhagen FinTech Lab’s 2 years anniversary
Copenhagen FinTech Lab’s 2 years anniversary
"Has it already been 2 years? Wow!Dear residents, alumni, partners & sponsors and friends of the house,2 years have passed since we opened Copenhagen FinTech Lab and we need to celebrate that.We would like to invite you all for our Open House Friday October 5th from 2 pm where you will have a chance to […]
2 begivenheder,
Open Source Community Day replacement event
Open Source Community Day replacement event
"With great regret we had to cancel Open Source Days, due to lack of sponsors.For everyone who was looking forward to the Community Day for meeting and networking with the open source community, we are setting up an informal meetup. The main aim, is just to get the awesome people that have made OSD a […]
0 begivenheder,
3 begivenheder,
Maritime Labs 2 : Enabling global trade for the UN SDGs
Maritime Labs 2 : Enabling global trade for the UN SDGs
"Maritime Labs is a forum for maritime and non-maritime corporates and startups to get inspired from the latest innovative digital solutions and develop a deeper understanding of the opportunities in the industry.Each session has a focus and this one will be on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.We will share our insights into innovative tech solutions […]
InnoBooster info meeting @Copenhagen Agrifood Incubator
InnoBooster info meeting @Copenhagen Agrifood Incubator
"Have an innovative idea related to food, agriculture or circular economy that needs funding? InnoBooster might be a good funding opportunity for you.Over 1400 companies got funding to develop their projects via Innovation Fund Denmark InnoBooster programme. 300 mio. DKK is allocated for new project in 2018 alone.Hear about the opportunities via Innobooster, by René Damkjer, […]
Pivot, the 5-letter dirty word that every startup needs to master
Pivot, the 5-letter dirty word that every startup needs to master
Rik rocks. Go."Investors are scared by it, peers don't understand it and most founders don't know how, why or when to do it, yet pivoting is the most important skill to develop for your startup to succeed. In this talk, Rik Nauta, CEO and co-founder of Donna, will share his experience from pivoting his company […]
5 begivenheder,
Overset “detalje” i offentlige it-løsninger kan spare millioner
Overset “detalje” i offentlige it-løsninger kan spare millioner
"Dårlig kode holder ikke og kan i værste fald føre til it-skandaler, hvor tabene tælles i hundreder af millioner. Omvendt gør god kodekvalitet it-løsninger nemme at fejlsøge, opdatere og vedligeholde - det giver lav risiko for at fejle, gladere udviklere og mere produktive brugere. Men djævlen ligger som bekendt i detaljen, og kontrol af koden […]
Understand Phishing
Understand Phishing
"On the 9th of October, we dive into the details of some phishing techniques and countermeasures deployed on the Internet to mitigate these - and more sophisticated - attacks.Besides getting insight in the changing landscape of phishing, you get the opportunity to test out your own phishing skills in a virtual lab environment.Our speaker for […]
Google H/W Event
Google H/W Event
"Join us at Shape for food and drinks, as Google introduces the new line of Pixel phones as well as other devices Made By Google. We are very excited to see what they have in store for us this year. So swing by for some food, soda and beer as well as a passionate crowd […]
5 begivenheder,
High Tech Summit
High Tech Summit
"Join the DTU High Tech Summit – a unique trade fair and conference!High Tech Summit is part conference and part exhibition powered by DTU (Technical University of Denmark). Our vision is to create the largest research-based meeting place in Denmark within the field of digitization.The summit aims to create the perfect environment for companies, start-ups, […]
DTU Startup Fair
DTU Startup Fair
"Presenting the thriving startup scene on and around DTU with 50 of the best startups showcasing with poster stands. Throughout the day you get the chance to meet and match with the entrepreneurs. Some of the central stakeholders in the support system, covering the value chain from student startup to research based scaleup, have partnered for […]
Global deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central – Skåne Azure User Group
Global deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central – Skåne Azure User Group
"The story - how Microsoft themselves deploy Dynamics 365 Business Central using multiple Azure services on global scale.Get to know the story behind Microsoft’s deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central, how they decided to take this journey and challenges faced along the road when deploying on global scale using multiple Azure services. Topics that will be […]
3 begivenheder,
A new safety net for the digital age
A new safety net for the digital age
"How do we upgrade our social and economic institutions to make sure the Information Age can become an age of growth and prosperity for all? Join us October 11th to discuss this important question together with Nicolas Colin, co-founder of The Family, and author of Hedge: A Greater Safety Net for the Entrepreneurial Age. Nicolas […]
Patient home projekterne: Innovation og loesning af vitale problemer for at kunne blive i egen hjem
Patient home projekterne: Innovation og loesning af vitale problemer for at kunne blive i egen hjem
"Ideen bag Patient@home projekterne er at forbedre sundhedssektoren gennem teknologiunderstøttet behandling, monitorering og rehabilitering i patientens eget hjem – før, under og efter indlæggelser.Alle 3 projekter har fokus på brugerdreven udvikling af teknologier, der understøtter patienten i at tage ansvar for egen sundhed og behandling - og gør det muligt at være patient i eget […]
CBS Blockchain Society Intro Night!
CBS Blockchain Society Intro Night!
"We invite you to Join the Society for our intro event. We will discuss the organization and the available positions as well as a quick dive into the nature of Blockchain technology. We will cover the technology and why it is important to understand the implications for modern society. There is no need to have […]
1 begivenhed,
prep party ada_conf 3
prep party ada_conf 3
"This is the registration for volunteering at ada_conf.That includes this preparation party with - Mingel with international speakers and other geeks- Badge preparations- Food and beveragesSigning up here also includes working three hours at the conference 13/10 and an exclusive t-shirt.If you want to volunteer but not participate in the preparations working one hour after is also […]
1 begivenhed,
ada_conf 3
ada_conf 3
"adaCONF is a one day, hands on tech conference for non-cismale software developers. Skipping past all the chatter about gender in tech, we’re a space for sharing, innovating and creating cool stuff.Register here for your free ticket, then head over to adaconf.org to read more about the day and learn how you can contribute.Welcome!" Price: Free Link: […]
1 begivenhed,
Hack Your Future Women
Hack Your Future Women
"An introduction to HackYourFuture for Female Newcomers: How to become a web developer and what does it mean to create a website.Meet former female students. Our female mentors will show you how to make a simple webpage. Bring your laptop - or borrow one from us.Agenda1000 Meet & greet1015 Introduction by Baraa Hatem, Project Manager […]
1 begivenhed,
MVP: Minimal Viable Presentation – Community Builders’ Event
MVP: Minimal Viable Presentation – Community Builders’ Event
"This is a special event for organizers of interest and user groups.Whether you are a new community leader or have many years experience, join this workshop about how to make your Foo Café events engaging for your audience.This is a great opportunity to learn more if you have not yet organized an event with us, […]
0 begivenheder,
1 begivenhed,
Lecture with honorary doctor Hampus Jakobsson
Lecture with honorary doctor Hampus Jakobsson
Hampus is the man."The dichotomy of ethics and technology - innovation, sustainability, jobs, and how to not destroy humanity - what are the biggest risks of humanity and how can technology reduce that?- how does one spend one’s time doing good without sacrificing a good life?- how do we avoid progress and greed winning over […]
1 begivenhed,
How I built a programming language
How I built a programming language
"This is the story of how I implemented my own little language and my own little compiler.Writing a compiler is generally thought of as Really Hard, basically rocket surgery. To my surprise I found it quite straightforward, almost pleasant. I sincerely believe most people should do it. Consider this evening a crash course in how […]
2 begivenheder,
Speed dating – Find your next web developer
Speed dating – Find your next web developer
"Welcome to Speed DatingYou will be able to meet your future colleague, educated by Hack Your Future at Foo Café. Students at Hack Your Future has gone through a six months course in web development, with following content:- HTML5/CSS- Git/GitHub- JavaScript- React- NodeJS- MySQL, Mongo DBAgenda0800 A lighter Breakfast0815 A Brief presentation of the Hack Your […]
Le Wagon Copenhagen Drinks Night
Le Wagon Copenhagen Drinks Night
"Code hard, Party harder 🎉: This is one for the tech-lovers, code-yearners. Come and join our current Le Wagon Copenhagen batch, alumni, and our friends for a night of drinks. Offering beer to everyone and we will be supplying a whole evening's worth of fun. The idea is to come to hang out and meet […]
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4 begivenheder,
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #5
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #5
"Welcome to the fifth meetup in the Copenhagen Hardware Alliance.From a technical perspective, the meetup targets how hardware startups can identify and plan the steps, that occur on the journey from an idea to a commercial product. How do you plan and communicate your next goal, and secure that ambitions are aligned with resources – […]
Broad Band by Claire Evans – Women in Tech Past Present and Future
Broad Band by Claire Evans – Women in Tech Past Present and Future
"At our forth meetup we will discuss the topic of women in tech – the same subject that we discussed at the first meetup, when we read Sadie Plant’s Zeros and Ones, published 20 years ago. This time we will read Claire L Evans’ Broad Band: The Untold Women Who Made the Internet, published earlier […]
VR for a purpose
VR for a purpose
"VR has finally left the trough of disillusionment! For some years now, people have believed VR to be a gimmick or an outright flop. If you look at it from the consumer side one can easily argue that we are still left in the trough.However, from an enterprise perspective there are numerous invaluable applications of […]
6 begivenheder,
SPBG Global Office 365 Developer Bootcamp
SPBG Global Office 365 Developer Bootcamp
"Kom til et gratis heldags arrangement omkring udvikling i Microsoft Graph, Office Add-ins og Microsoft Adaptive Cards.På dagen bliver der givet en introduktion til udvikling i Microsoft Graph, Office Add-ins og Microsoft Adaptive Cards. Kendskab til SharePoint/Office 365 udvikling ikke nødvendig, dog en fordel hvis du kan kode noget i forvejen! Agenda: Microsoft Graph, Office […]
Alistair Cockburn: Agile Software Dev: Background, Experiences and Perspectives
Alistair Cockburn: Agile Software Dev: Background, Experiences and Perspectives
"This event is hosted by ITU - we have been very fortunate to get 50 - and only 50 - spots for #AgilityLab - please make sure to cancel in good time if you know you are not coming anyway! The Research Centre for Government IT at the IT University of Copenhagen has invited one […]
Meetup #27: VR hunting simulator, VR Puzzle and a VR Game!
Meetup #27: VR hunting simulator, VR Puzzle and a VR Game!
"Hi XR Pioneers,I'm very happy to announce SYBO will host our next meetup Oct. 23rd with three talks incl. two from Malmö! (talks 1,5 hour) + Networking + Drinks + Snacks.- "Learnings from Statik, A puzzle mystery for Playstation VR"Björn Sunesson, Designer & technical artist at Tarsier Studios- "VR for a purpose" (VR hunting simulator)Jaana Nykanan, […]
4 begivenheder,
NOME Annual Meeting & Start-up Competition
NOME Annual Meeting & Start-up Competition
"On behalf of the Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship (NOME) we would like to invite you to the NOME Annual Meeting & Start-up Competition on October 24, 2018 in the Mærsk Tower, Copenhagen.The NOME Annual Meeting – A unique opportunity to network with the leaders of the life science industry Join us on October 24 […]
Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps
"Hey Azure users,Join us for an evening of Azure DevOps. As we welcome the redesigned Visual Studio Team Services into the Azure family, we have gathered experts from the community to show and tell why the new Azure DevOps makes a difference to you.The afternoon will be filled with tech-talks and demos of the different […]
Show and Tell & Open Space
Show and Tell & Open Space
"Are you working on something awesome with AWS? A tool, a website, a pet project or just an idea? Come, show and share with your fellow coders in our AWS community to get help and recognition for your great ideas!Every participant is allowed to place a topic in the Show and Tell hat at the […]
12 begivenheder,
Seed Forum Copenhagen – Growth-Train DemoDay 2018
Seed Forum Copenhagen – Growth-Train DemoDay 2018
"Seed Forum Copenhagen - Growth-Train Accelerator invites investors and key partners to a Demo Day at Dansk IndustriSeed Forum works in 56 countries helping to match investors and entrepreneurs. Growth-Train (www.growth-train.eu) is an international accelerator focusing on scale-ups in the food&health sector.0900 Dr. Eythor Ivar Jonsson, MD, Growth-Train 0910 Jesper Jarlbæk, Chairman of DanBan 0920 Keynote: Eric-Alan Rapp - CEO […]
Open Innovation Meetup, Nordics_Copenhagen
Open Innovation Meetup, Nordics_Copenhagen
"This time for Copenhagen!Nordic Open Innovation Tour aims to promote the Nordics as a single open innovation market for global established companies. While increasing cross-border collaboration and promoting best practices within Nordics, the desirable goal is to increase the number of projects that Nordic startups work on with global companies, and promote the region for […]
Lost and Founders #2: Board of Directors
Lost and Founders #2: Board of Directors
"The topic is setting your board of directors, where we will explore how to set a board that accelerates your business and recruit strategic board members.We have the pleasure to have the founder of Swiipe Payments, Anders Riis to join us to share his experience of recently setting up his board of directors. We are […]
1 begivenhed,
Friday Bar with DLA Piper
Friday Bar with DLA Piper
"DLA Piper has invited CPH Village, one of their clients for a presentation on building community and their innovative housing solution. DLA will also present their legal start-up packages and prices.Want to help build a great community? Interested in shaping the future?The two entrepreneurs behind CPH Village on Refshaleøen will share their experiences with transforming an […]
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4 begivenheder,
DSG Talk : Robotic Process Automation
DSG Talk : Robotic Process Automation
"Focusing and gain knowledge within new emerging technologies is essential for new startups today. Startups must adapt to the market and look for new ways of implementing new technologies. One of the mega trends is RPA “Robotic process automation” and if you are curious, then join our next event, held in cooperation with Tomas Zhang […]
JakartaEE & Building Kotlin DSL’s
JakartaEE & Building Kotlin DSL’s
"Tonight's JavaForum will have two talks;First talk – Building Kotlin DSL's Kotlin has rapidly become a popular programming language on the JVM due to its fast learning curve, powerful-enough features and pragmatism. Going a bit beyond the basics and one will find great support of building nice DSL's. This talk will be mostly about that. We'll start […]
Introduction to Elastic APM
Introduction to Elastic APM
"Join us for an event about Application Performance Monitoring (APM). At Elastic{ON} in San Francisco earlier this year, Elastic released Elastic APM - a free and open source solution to monitor the performance of web applications - originally developed here in Copenhagen.Join us to hear from the developers of Elastic APM what it is, how […]
7 begivenheder,
Nordic Startup Awards – Grand Finale Day 2018 (two events in one day)
"Event 1 - Daytime: Nordic Startup Awards Exclusive Networking EventBDO will host an exclusive networking event. The Nordic Startup Awards Finalists, Global Startup Awards Alumni Network, high profile investors, founders, experts, and key stakeholders in the Nordic startup ecosystem will all be invited to attend from1300-1630 at Havneholmen 29, 1561 København V.The Nordic Startup Awards Exclusive […]
Apple Special Event – October
Apple Special Event – October
"We'll stream the Apple event. It's expected to contain announcements about new iPads and Macs. Space is really limited, to please keep your RSVP up to date :)" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/CopenhagenCocoa/events/255795632/
Digital Forandringsagent Kickoff
Digital Forandringsagent Kickoff
This place is worth checking out..."Digitalisering kan være en lang rejse, hvor indsatsen ikke altid står mål med udbyttet. Vi zoomer ind på de områder, hvor du kan forvente at resultaterne også følger med.I et helt nyt program udviklet af Google får du konkrete værktøjer til at arbejde bedre med intern kommunikation, styring af din […]
Would you Need a Scrum Team? – Software Development Projects by ITU Students
Would you Need a Scrum Team? – Software Development Projects by ITU Students
"Would you Need a Scrum Team? - Software Development Projects by ITU StudentsWould you be interested in getting a team of 8-9 IT University software development students to develop a software project with you? Such a project is a possibility for you to market your company to the students, get a small project done, and […]
7 begivenheder,
Nordic Venture Forum
Nordic Venture Forum
"On thе 31st of October 2018, the 16th edition of the Nordic Venture Forum (NVF) will take place in Copenhagen at the Scandic Kødbyen.The Nordic region is recognized as the most entrepreneurial region within Europe by the OECD and every year, the Nordic Venture Forum showcases the companies with the highest potential from the following sectors:- ICT- SaSS- Online mobile- Fintech- Cleantech/Bio Economy/Circular […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 2
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 2
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605016/
Developing a hidden service with Tor Project
Developing a hidden service with Tor Project
"Are you interested in how you can publish information that can resist censorship using Hidden services and the Tor Project? Then press Attend and join the waitlist to show your interest!This meetup is to gather people together about a certain topic! There will be a follow up formular, so we can gather peoples information. After […]