
Kalender af Begivenheder
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1 begivenhed,
Fintech Fails
Fintech Fails
"Fail fastFail OftenFail ForwardFail BetterThere are many ways to go about failure, but most importantly, you need to embrace it, when it happens. No one wants to fail - but it will happen.. for some of us. But failure is not the end - it's a part of the proces. Having a failure doesn't make YOU […]
1 begivenhed,
6 Cloud Native Talks, 1 Evening: Special KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Meetup!
6 Cloud Native Talks, 1 Evening: Special KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Meetup!
"KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2018 is coming and so many AWESOME speakers coming to Copenhagen! We're partnering up with Docker CPH meetup for a great evening of learning and networking.Talks start promptly at 5:30. We will serve drinks and light food with vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. Please contact us if you have other dietary […]
4 begivenheder,
Female Founders 2018 – Pitching
Female Founders 2018 – Pitching
"Calling all female founders!Pitch your startup to a competent investment jury and conference participants and get a chance to win a tailored consulting package from PWC, consulting from Danske Bank Growth team and an extended startup profile on thehub.dkDansk Iværksætter Forening, PWC and Danske Bank want to highlight the potential that is out there by […]
SpilBar 37: The Game of AI
SpilBar 37: The Game of AI
"AI holds the potential to revolutionize game experiences, yet we still struggle to make computers play games as well as humans. We invited a handful of Danish developers to share how they experiment, work, play and screw up with AI. And perhaps resistance is not only futile, but also fun.Program1630 Welcome with coffee1635 I AI […]
OWASP Top 10
OWASP Top 10
"The “OWASP Top 10” is a project aiming at finding the most prevalent web application vulnerabilities. They have released a ranking on 2010, 2013 and 2017.In this talk we will go over the 2017 ranking and explain how the different vulnerabilities work and what can be done in order to prevent an attacker from exploiting them.Speaker Francisco […]
7 begivenheder,
Design Thinking and Co-creation with Customers
Design Thinking and Co-creation with Customers
"In 2016 Nordea Liv & Pension initiated an accelerated transformation of the company’s digital development process to improve the time-to-market, create more innovative solution and increase the involvement of the customers.Over the past two years Chief Digital Officer Christine Loft Hunderup has built a small agile digital development team which is working like a start-up […]
Perspektiver på fremtiden og kunstig intelligens med Preben Mejer
Perspektiver på fremtiden og kunstig intelligens med Preben Mejer
"Kom til et spændende event om fremtiden og kunstig intelligens.Vi har fået Preben Mejer til at give hans overblik over den teknologiske fremtid med links til blandt andet kunstig intelligens. Derudover kommer Microsoft og IBM og fortæller om deres perspektiver på kunstig intelligens. Eventet er på dansk. Eventet er sponsoreret af Bluefragments." Price: Free Event […]
Robotics Process Automation
Robotics Process Automation
"Hør to af verdens førende virksomheder inden for Robotics process automation (RPA) om hvad & hvordan - samt indlæg fra Nordea, som benytter RPA i en konkret case med stor succes.Vi hører meget om Robotics Process Automation (RPA), og mange virksomheder forsøger via automatisering og intelligente selvlærende robotter at spare faste omkostninger og frigøre kapacitet […]
2 begivenheder,
Rails Girls Beginners Workshop
"Rails Girls comes to Copenhagen! During the free two-day workshop we'll dive into the magical world of Ruby on Rails. To sign up, apply here: https://railsgirlscph.wufoo.com/forms/zc0k1ct177kpc5/ You learn: designing, prototyping and coding with the help from our coaches. You need: your own laptop, curiosity and a sprinkle of imagination! Want to help? We are looking for […]
Entrepreneurship Behind The Scenes
Entrepreneurship Behind The Scenes
"The Scandinavian startup scene is blossoming and to prove it we curate this very action-packed evening featuring not only amazing startup owners and companies, but also experienced investors sharing their advice and insights - ready to take your questions.Terms such as “strategy”, “business model” and “entrepreneurial spirit” are elastic, and refers to a multitude of […]
1 begivenhed,
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3 begivenheder,
MS Build 2018 Streaming Event
MS Build 2018 Streaming Event
"On Monday, the 7th of May, Microsoft will stream the keynote from their annual MS Build Conference.At Trifork we wish to provide you with the chance of seeing the keynote in a setting with other like-minded nerds – hopefully creating an exciting environment full of happy viewers. Therefore, we really hope that you will be […]
Jenkins as Code and Multi-branch pipelines DevOps Skåne
Jenkins as Code and Multi-branch pipelines DevOps Skåne
"Pipeline as code is becoming the standard when it comes to defining jobs in Jenkins. Now we need a similar solution to maintain Jenkins itself.The Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin allows us to manage Jenkins and its plugins configuration via human-readable configuration files.Ewelina (https://github.com/ewelinawilkosz) will talk about the how the plugin works, the current features, […]
Biohacking – what, how and for what purpose?
Biohacking – what, how and for what purpose?
"Biohacking - a term that has drawn media attention since quite some time now. But what does this actually mean when considering biohacking in connection with technology? Enhancing our bodies by implanting technological devices into ourselves?We would like to invite you to an interesting evening on biohacking together with Jowan Österlund, the founder and CEO […]
6 begivenheder,
Copenhagen Chatbots & AI
Copenhagen Chatbots & AI
"🤖What time is it? IT'S MEETUP TIME! 🙌 Here's some news for you since last time:Copenhagen Chatbots has rebranded itself to Copenhagen Chatbots & AI! Why, you may ask? Because this way we're covering a wider range of subjects so that we could offer even more informative meetups for all of you Chatbot Enthusiasts out […]
Limits & Alternatives – Malmö.rb
Limits & Alternatives – Malmö.rb
"In a fast-paced change cultureYOU,the person in the mix,consider alternativeseveryweek.Malmo.rb on May 8 will have two talks on these themes.One of the talks surveys alternatives to mainstream choices.One of the talks is about the person making these considerations. We hope you can come on May 8 to look inwards and beyond.PJ Hagerty @aspleenic on Rails...Still?!?!About alternative […]
Google IO Extended 2018 Copenhagen
Google IO Extended 2018 Copenhagen
"Tuesday, the 8th of May, Google kicks off Google I/O with the opening keynote! This is THE biggest event for all developers working with Google technologies - and fun for everyone else!This years Google I/O Extended is hosted by Trifork in collaboration with GDG Copenhagen!We want to provide you with the oppertunity of watching the […]
4 begivenheder,
Date, fall in love and divorce your investors
Date, fall in love and divorce your investors
"Did you know that most entrepreneurs are gold diggers? They marry rich. Most of us who are building a tech startup are dependent on funding and, in order to get it, we woo the investors. In this talk, Johan Hedén Hultgren, founder and CEO of Swiftcourt, will share his love story with his investor: how […]
UXDX Europe: Copenhagen
UXDX Europe: Copenhagen
"Enhance your process, advance your product. That is what everyone will be doing on May 9th in Copenhagen.UXDX is touring 9 European cities to help break down barriers between teams. You will hear from industry leaders including:• Juan Munoz, Senior Software Engineer at Pleo• Toto Castiglione, Senior Product Designer at Netguru.The afternoon will touch on […]
How to be GDPR Compliant
How to be GDPR Compliant
"This is a group for anyone interested in the General Data Protection Regultaion (GDPR). We discuss practical ideas and processes in order to help get GDPR compliant. This meetup if great for people within the Cybersecurity industry as well as data privacy offices or anyone with an interest in GDPR." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/cphgdpr/events/248735003/
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1 begivenhed,
Diverse Development Teams – The Strategies Lean in Malmö
Diverse Development Teams – The Strategies Lean in Malmö
"We are happy to start a LeanIn chapter in Malmo and with this join the global LeanIn community. It is open for anyone interested in topics related equality and diversity in Tech world. And the purpose of this chapter is to meet regularly and #LeanInTogether to build confidence, empower each other, coach and mentor to achieve […]
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3 begivenheder,
Minc Capital Day
Minc Capital Day
"Minc Capital Day gives investors the chance to get to know ten of Minc's most promising early-stage startups. Representing everything from medtech to foodtech and gaming, the ventures' common denominator is their impressive growth potential. Most have a ready product and are already in the process of onboarding customers.1330 Part 1 - What investors are looking […]
Launch of “How to Start a Start-Up: The Law of Start-Up Companies”
Launch of “How to Start a Start-Up: The Law of Start-Up Companies”
"We kindly invite you to the launch of “How to Start a Start-Up”. A project focused on the life cycle of start-ups. It aims to link the academic and start-up community in Copenhagen. Students will learn about start-ups from diverse industries and cooperate with them.The project has two main elements. Firstly a course on start-up […]
HA Secret Server! Hashicorp Skåne
HA Secret Server! Hashicorp Skåne
"HA Secret Server! Secure And Store tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys.HashiCorp Vault secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing. Vault handles leasing, key revocation, key rolling, and auditing. Through a unified API, users can access an encrypted Key/Value store and network encryption-as-a-service, or generate […]
6 begivenheder,
Symposium: Big Data approaches in Health, Disease and Treatment trajectories
Symposium: Big Data approaches in Health, Disease and Treatment trajectories
"The Novo Nordisk Foundation offers funding for one-day symposia to be held at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The objective is to provide leading as well as younger researchers with opportunities to present and discuss the newest research within their fields.Large-scale data generation, including whole-genome sequencing (WGS), transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, microbiome, immunoprofiling, mass cytometry, and imaging is […]
Pitch din virksomhed til Danish Tech Challenge
Pitch din virksomhed til Danish Tech Challenge
"Har du en hardware startup? Så kunne Danish Tech Challenge måske være det helt rigtige for dig! Til dette event vil du blive præsenteret for Danish Tech Challenge og efterfølgende få mulighed for at pitche din virksomhed/idé over for Danish Tech Challenge teamet og dermed få feedback på dit arbejde og ikke mindst mulighed for […]
Pitch din virksomhed til Danish Tech Challenge!
Pitch din virksomhed til Danish Tech Challenge!
"Pitche din virksomhed/idé over for Danish Tech Challenge teamet og dermed få feedback på dit arbejde og ikke mindst mulighed for at søge programmet.Om selve pitchen:Hvis du vil pitche skal du ved tilmelding oplyse: navn, virksomhed og produktbeskrivelse.Til selve eventet har du 5 minutter til at pitche din virksomhed og efterfølgende vil DTC-teamet stille dig […]
5 begivenheder,
Social Event: Stockholm summit keynote livestream
Social Event: Stockholm summit keynote livestream
"Live streaming Werner Vogels keynote from the AWS summit in Stockholm 16. May 2018For all of you that do not have the possibility to attend the AWS summit you should not miss out on the keynote by AWS CTO Werner Vogels. We would like to invite you to a live streaming event in Copenhagen showing […]
WORKSHOP – Why diversity matters – Wednesday 16th of May MALMÖ
WORKSHOP – Why diversity matters – Wednesday 16th of May MALMÖ
"Welcome to a workshop about why diversity matters, with focus on the startup scene.We'll talk about diversity from several different perspectives, with the purpose of bringing both new insight and new tools that you can use in your everyday job when meeting new startups.It's part of Malmö Startups' strategy to create the world's most diverse ecosystem […]
How to be GDPR compliant
How to be GDPR compliant
"Dear group,This is our last meeting before GDPR comes in effect, as well as the last meeting before the summer. We'll have 3 guests: Jesper Rasmussen (Devoteam): telling us “Hvad sker der ude hos de forskellige”, so presenting how GDPR compliance is being implemented in the C20 companies.Kåre Rude Andersen (Dpoadvisor): talking about GDPR in […]
6 begivenheder,
Developing Serverless Applications with Apache OpenWhisk & IBM Cloud Functions
Developing Serverless Applications with Apache OpenWhisk & IBM Cloud Functions
"Serverless computing (aka Function-as-a-Service) provides developers with a serverless deployment and operations model relieving them from the need to worry about complex infrastructural and operational tasks and allowing them to focus on developing value-adding code. It guarantees an optimal utilization at any scale where developers do not have to pay for resources idling around but […]
The Official Opening of Minc Lounge
The Official Opening of Minc Lounge
"We're launching this year's most exciting project(s) and we want you to be there. After months of planning and weeks of renovations, we've turned our old reception into a completely new area of Minc. A meeting place dedicated to students, entrepreneurs, investors, partners, friends, family... well, just about anyone from Malmö's startup community who loves […]
Copenhagen Bioscience Lecture, May 17, 2018 – Metabolite Signaling, Receptors and Novel Drugs
Copenhagen Bioscience Lecture, May 17, 2018 – Metabolite Signaling, Receptors and Novel Drugs
"The Copenhagen Bioscience Lectures are a series of open lectures for all researchers and other interested in and around the Copenhagen area. Every 4 weeks, on a Thursday evening, you are invited for lectures on themes with a general interest for the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers and bioscience researchers in general. Often there will be a cross-disciplinary […]
1 begivenhed,
Fintech Breakfast – Meet Hong Kong
Fintech Breakfast – Meet Hong Kong
"Curious to learn how your fintech startup can tap into the markets of Hong Kong and mainland China? Join us for a fintech roundtable at CPH Fintech Lab as we welcome Stephen Phillips, Director-General of Investment Promotion and Thorsten Terweiden, Deputy Head of Fintech (London) from Invest Hong Kong (www.investhk.gov.hk). The event will inform you about the latest […]
1 begivenhed,
WonderTech Summit 2018
WonderTech Summit 2018
"Join us this May for the first event of its kind in Copenhagen, Denmark, which will bring together leaders, engineers, entrepreneurs, students and other enthusiasts to celebrate achievements of women in the industry and inspire diversity in tech.We will showcase the game-changing work of women in the IT field that innovate, disrupt and focus on […]
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8 begivenheder,
Strengthening the Health Sector: Creating Growth with New Technologies
Strengthening the Health Sector: Creating Growth with New Technologies
"The Capital Region of Denmark has a new goal: To be one of the five most attractive hubs in the world for developing health technologies. But how do we want to integrate AI in the health sector? What does the ecosystem look like? What can the capital region alongside the collaborative partners offer in this […]
Blockchain the new must know for digital workers
Blockchain the new must know for digital workers
"Do you also want to know what all the fuss about blockchain is about? Join us for an exciting afternoon, with the blockchain game, technology assessment, talks on blockchain business models and panel debate on what the possibilities and possible downsides on blockchain technology is. Blockchain has made several analyst lists of the most promising […]
Blockchain the new must know for digital workers
Blockchain the new must know for digital workers
"Do you also want to know what all the fuss about blockchain is about? Join us for an exciting afternoon, with the blockchain game, technology assessment, talks on blockchain business models and panel debate on what the possibilities and possible downsides on blockchain technology is. Blockchain has made several analyst lists of the most promising […]
8 begivenheder,
Preseed Academy – Metrics and KPIs for startups
Preseed Academy – Metrics and KPIs for startups
"Startup Talk: Metrics and KPIs for startupsFirst time entrepreneurs can easily be overwhelmed by the startup lingo related to metrics and KPIs: What's your ARR? Customer Acquisition Cost? Life Time Value ? LTV/CAC? Churn? Cohort analysis? etc. Founders risk spending way to much time generating KPIs that are not relevant for their current stage, instead […]
Regionfinal Venture Cup Syd
Regionfinal Venture Cup Syd
"Welcome to our 20th year of celebrating entrepreneurship!Do you want to meet interesting and forward thinking people? Join us in celebration at Rehab Kultur in Malmö the 23rd of May. There we will celebrate the startups that have won in this years Startup competition. Investors, interesting people from the support system and partners are coming. […]
Hur bygger du varumärke i tech Sverige?
Hur bygger du varumärke i tech Sverige?
"Vi träffar Per Grape som grundade One Agency 2008. Han kommer dela med sig av sina personliga erfarenheter från att gå från handling till ide. One Agency är ett av Sveriges snabbast växande IT företag med kontor i Malmö och Stockholm.Dessa svar kommer du som deltagare få med dig:•Hur man utmanar en bransch genom att […]
4 begivenheder,
Azure Meetup Q2 2018 – Go serverless!
Azure Meetup Q2 2018 – Go serverless!
"Welcome to a meetup where we will demo and discuss practical examples of Azure functions, Serverless and Machine Learning. Does your company have workloads in the cloud? Are you already using Azure or other cloud platforms and are curious about what Azure can deliver? Then you need to attend this Meetup.Nordcloud and Microsoft collaborate to […]
CopenhagenJS May
CopenhagenJS May
"It's time for the May edition of CopenhagenJS. Let us get together and talk about JavaScript and what cool things we can do with it! This time we are kindly hosted by Worksome. Schedule:1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 Building native apps with Javascript using Titanium Alloy - Rene Pot1825 Break with food and drinks19:00 Getting into […]
Machine Learning Dev vs Machine Ethics – Ping Pong Debate
Machine Learning Dev vs Machine Ethics – Ping Pong Debate
"Expect responsive, bubbly and snappy atmosphere at this debate event arranged and hosted by Barrel AI and Critical Tech communities in cooperation. Both communities consist of most amazing disruptive tech enthusiasts and we are both serving AI enlightening gatherings but there is one and not rule-based differentiator between us: Barrel AI is “Yes we can” […]
3 begivenheder,
System Center User Group Meeting – May 2018
System Center User Group Meeting – May 2018
"Welcome to yet another meeting in the Danish System Center User Group. We are very excited to announce our next event and offer you the opportunity to come and meet with fellow IT Administrators and influencers. The main and only focus of this event will be Windows 10 Configuration Manager and Enterprise Mobility." Price: Free […]
How learning to Code changed my Career – Q&A with Le Wagon Alumni
How learning to Code changed my Career – Q&A with Le Wagon Alumni
"Ever wonder how learning to code can change your life? This event is for you. Four alumni from Le Wagon Copenhagen answer your questions about how to make the transition from code beginner to working in tech.The panel is very diverse in background and nationality, with just one thing in common: they wanted to learn […]
C++ as a scripting language – Malmö C++ User Group
C++ as a scripting language – Malmö C++ User Group
"To use C++ in conjunction with a scripting language to get fast iterations in development is quite common. What is not as common is to use C++ itself as a scripting language, which is a pity, as it turns out it's quite easy to achieve. Learn simple techniques for C++ hot reloading.Olof Naessén is a Technical Director […]
2 begivenheder,
Can you or your team win the Global Power BI Hackathon challenge
Can you or your team win the Global Power BI Hackathon challenge
"Now is the time for you or a setup a team that can create a Power BI solution based on Open data that can become the world champion.The Power BI Community has created a Global Hackathon event to encourage the worldwide Power BI community to interact, create, innovate, and share Power BI solutions.The agenda9:00 Welcome […]
Science & Cocktails: Post-truth Under the Lens of Science
Science & Cocktails: Post-truth Under the Lens of Science
"What is a post-truth society? How is misinformation being spread in social media? Can this be tracked with computer science techniques? What are the implications of fake news for society?Before the web, you got your information from magazines, television and the newspapers. Now anyone can create a blog, have a Tumblr page or post their […]
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7 begivenheder,
Scrum Day 2018
Scrum Day 2018
"Welcome to our next Scrum Day Denmark event! This event will be our largest event so far - more than 200 attendees and several international speakers. And as always, it is free to attend! We are proud to announce a packed-to-the-brim agenda with keynotes, presentation, Open Space discussions and networking. 0830 Breakfast & networking 0900 Welcome […]
Benefits of an Agile Future – Democratizing modern technology for strategy
Benefits of an Agile Future – Democratizing modern technology for strategy
"Experience the near and long term, future way of working.Accelerated innovation is on the way of democratizing artificial intelligence for businesses around the world to grow business agility, future thinking, and effective strategy execution Join us on May 28th, to learn more about how and why modern technology transforms PPM and modernizes work management in the […]
The Game Industry in Southern Sweden
The Game Industry in Southern Sweden
"Join us at STUDIO Malmö on the 28 May to gain a better understanding of the Games Industry in southern Sweden and of investments in Swedish Games companies at this event organised by Game Habitat. After the talk, we invite all attendees to a network mingle with drinks and light food. Southern Sweden has in recent years become […]
6 begivenheder,
AI Breakfast @ The Ground
AI Breakfast @ The Ground
"Hello people! You know the deal, drop by the Ground for a delicious AI breakfast, come argue about the ethics of self-driving cars, differences between real and artificial brains or anything else that is currently occupying your non-AI! Join us.Come mingle with other AI enthusiasts, share your favourite papers/news, and connect problems with solutions over […]
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #3
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #3
"You are hereby invited to the third Copenhagen Hardware Meetup, this time focusing on CHINA and co-hosted by Innovation House China Denmark.Get ready to learn more and exchange knowledge about how to produce in- and export hardware products to China.We will start with info on the latest insights from China with relevance for the hardware […]
Impact of Technical Bias on design decisions
Impact of Technical Bias on design decisions
"Being biased is a natural concept; in nature one needs to decide fast if one is safe or in danger and need to run away. The act of judging on preliminary, incomplete or assumed information is part of our genes.Bias is often the hardest issue to tackle in technical discussions; being it a 5 line […]
6 begivenheder,
Startup Live!
Startup Live!
A great place to meet the Malmö startup scene."Startup Live! is the night we gather the whole startup family to tell stories, celebrate with each other and find new ways to work together. Whether you're a new or experienced entrepreneur, investor, community builder, creative, techie, student or employee from a startup or a large company, or you are just […]
Meet Nir Mashkowski, Azure Functions, App Service – Skåne Azure User Group
Meet Nir Mashkowski, Azure Functions, App Service – Skåne Azure User Group
"We are honored to have Nir Mashkowski from Microsoft visiting us. Nir is the Director of Program Management for the Azure Functions and Azure App Service team. Nir has been working on Azure PaaS for the last five years and on Web technologies since the late 90s.His team built the Azure Websites service and later […]
1 begivenhed,
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs at Startup Dojo! Test your ideas, get advice, enhance your pitch, find co-founders and investors, or just be inspired by your fellow-entrepreneurs.ObjectiveTo help more […]