
Kalender af Begivenheder
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0 begivenheder,
3 begivenheder,
Hacking – A Forensics Specialist’s Point-of-View – SecuriTea
Hacking – A Forensics Specialist’s Point-of-View – SecuriTea
"In October 2016, the Police made several arrests in what media later called a record-breaking computer intrusion case. After months of hard work by the Police and other parties, the investigation was handed over to the prosecutors and the court. Finally in September of 2017, eight people were indicted on charges of fraud, money laundering […]
"Functional Copenhageners Meetup Group aims to increase the number of software projects that are based on functional programming languages.We mainly focus on F# and Haskell, but other functional programming languages like Scala, Lisp, Erlang, Clojure, OCaml, etc. are more than welcome.We meet every last Tuesday in the month to share experiences regarding the use of […]
DEX & Bitshares, Aryze & eKroner, ICOs
DEX & Bitshares, Aryze & eKroner, ICOs
"We wil have a packed schedule of1) Mark Dencker talking about decentralised exchanges (DEX) and Bitshares (BTS)2) BitcoinJack talking about his newly established Aryze and eKroner3) Andreas Hurtig talking about ICOsBring an open mind loaded with questions, don't hold back :)" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/BlockTech/events/248601789/
2 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday March 28th
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday March 28th
"Join us for a family-style breakfast, where you can meet driven and inspiring women from the entrepreneurial community in and around Malmö. Each breakfast we'll have a speaker who's there to inspire, educate and give you tools to be used on the jouney of reaching your goals.Coffee and mingle from 7.30 am, breakfast by the […]
In-memory computing essentials for data scientists
In-memory computing essentials for data scientists
"(Get) introduced to the fundamental capabilities of in-memory computing platforms that boost highly-loaded applications, research projects, risk analysis and fraud detection tasks by storing and processing massive amounts of data in memory and on disk across a cluster of machines.These capabilities and benefits will be demonstrated with the usage of Apache Ignite which is the […]
1 begivenhed,
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs at Startup Dojo! Test your ideas, get advice, enhance your pitch, find co-founders and investors, or just be inspired by your fellow-entrepreneurs.ObjectiveTo help more […]
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5 begivenheder,
Welcome to CDUG – What’s new in the datacenter world
Welcome to CDUG – What’s new in the datacenter world
"We would like to welcome everybody to join our first CDUG.dk event, this event will mainly focus on Windows Server and PowerShell since we have a upcoming Azure Global Bootcamp a few weeks after, don't forget to sign up! Agenda• New Windows Server and System Center release, what's new?• What's up in the PowerShell world?• […]
ScrumMaster Clinics CPH
ScrumMaster Clinics CPH
"What are ScrumMaster Clinics?It's a health check for newly practicing ScrumMasters. The clinic is a place to come to share your struggles, offer ideas, listen and learn, and become rejuvenated in your work. The ScrumMaster Clinic is open to any practicing ScrumMaster, certified or not, and to all those that have taken the CSM or […]
Clojure Deep Graph QL and core.spec
Clojure Deep Graph QL and core.spec
"Graph QL and core.specBeer and food when we are done." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Clojure-Meetup/events/248310952/
6 begivenheder,
Growing Games: Pitch Perfect
Growing Games: Pitch Perfect
"Are you ready to pitch your next big project to the investors, partners and publishers you need to succeed?In preparation for the upcoming CPH MatchUP, this upcoming Growing Games is all about how to present and pitch your project. How to get your message across, and understanding what investors and publishers are looking for in […]
DiscoTech: Let’s Meetup and chat with the bots
DiscoTech: Let’s Meetup and chat with the bots
"Welcome to this Meetup where we will explore the possibilities with Chatbots! Linus Hakansson and Stefan Mehl-Ludvigsen have come up with great content and a customer case will also present. Agenda• Introduction to Chatbots - What do they do - Why is everyone talking about them? • Building blocks for bots - How to build […]
Talking about CRISPR
Talking about CRISPR
"This afternoon seminar aims:- To improve the visibility of CRISPR research in Denmark - To establish a local network for knowledge sharing- To speed up the process from generating ideas to testing by creating a CRISPR discussion forum- To foster new collaborations, talent development and recruitmentThere will be talks from several CRISPR users that will highlight […]
3 begivenheder,
Sustainability x FashionTech – The Bridge Talk #11 – Josefine Olsson
Sustainability x FashionTech – The Bridge Talk #11 – Josefine Olsson
"What can we learn on the future of sustainable fashion by looking at 2600 ideas from 151 countries? The Global Change Award is an innovation challenge by H&M Foundation in partnership with Accenture & KTH that aims to identify and accelerate early-stage ideas within circular fashion.Josefine Olsson will present the high-lights of Accenture’s new trend […]
Det svenska innovationssystemet
Det svenska innovationssystemet
"Social innovation och dess viktiga roll i att möta de globala samhällsutmaningarna, har uppmärksammats i allt högre utsträckning under 2000-talet. Det globala arbetet med hållbarhetsmålen i Agenda 2030 visar angelägenheten av att sociala innovationer kommer hela samhället till nytta. Ett flertal av de globala hållbarhetsmålen är dessutom helt av social karaktär och där sociala innovationer […]
Partner meet-up: How to create an inclusive company culture
Partner meet-up: How to create an inclusive company culture
"This time the subject for the meet-up is how to build an inclusive culture at a company. We're happy to invite Guido Guidos from Axis Communication who is an experienced Tech lead & System Developer. Guido will talk about his own experiences of coming to a new country:As chairman of the Student Union, I was deeply […]
1 begivenhed,
"24h of Hacking!Ever wanted to code a great idea, but haven't been able to set aside the time to actually build it? Or had a fantastic idea, but lacked the technical ability to code it yourself. Now you can dedicate 24 hours on this project or idea. The only condition is: You will only be […]
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6 begivenheder,
OpenStack Meetup Denmark #4 – New release and Storage
OpenStack Meetup Denmark #4 – New release and Storage
"We have a great lineup of talks scheduled for the entire year, and we are really looking forward to kicking off with the first meetup of 20181300 Welcome1315 Introduction of the new OSMDK team1330 What’s new in OpenStack Queens, Morten Fredsø, OpenStack Specialist and owner of unClouded1415 Coffee Break1445 Object Storage vs. Block Storage: Which […]
Nexus – Scrum i større teams
Nexus – Scrum i større teams
"Mødet er for dig, hvis du arbejder med Scrum i en større organisation og har brug for at systematisere/forbedre samarbejdet imellem flere scrum teams, der arbejder på det samme produkt. Christian Schade SPS/Nexus forsøger at beskrive, hvordan man kan skalere Scrum til håndtering af større udviklingsopgaver uden at blive lagt ned i koordinering. Du får […]
Designing for Natural Interfaces: Voice (Lecture + Dinner ticket)
Designing for Natural Interfaces: Voice (Lecture + Dinner ticket)
"SPACE10 is pleased to present ‘Designing for Natural Interfaces: Voice’—our second event in a new series of lectures that aims to be a leading forum for debate and discussion about the way technology is changing the world. ABOUT THE SERIES:We are standing on the cusp of a fundamental shift in how we interact with technology.From […]
11 begivenheder,
Copenhagen Tableau User Group
Copenhagen Tableau User Group
"Join us for the another Tableau User Group - this time Huram Konjen from Deloitte will be joining us to talk about design principles, user adoption, advanced analytics and machine learning. There will also be time for networking :-) Thanks to Inviso for sponsoring!" Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copenhagen-tableau-user-group-tickets-44216023316
Startup Ideation Workshop
Startup Ideation Workshop
"Discover your strengths and passions, while translating them into an idea you're excited about!We'll define and go through the steps of Ideation using experiential and hands on approaches. We're all born creative, so we'll teach the basics of neuro creativity and how to access the creative networks of the brain when you need it most. […]
Practical Machine Learning: Start using ML at your company tomorrow
Practical Machine Learning: Start using ML at your company tomorrow
"This event is all about using practical machine learning (ML) techniques and how you can start using them at your company immediately. If your company has heard of ML and want to start using it, but don't know where to start, this is the event for you. With practical guides and advice coupled with access […]
6 begivenheder,
Startup PR 101
Startup PR 101
"Bill Gates said he'd spend his last dollar on PR, and Richard Branson calls it absolutely critical. But what is PR, and how can you use it to make big waves in the press even though you're on a tiny budget?What you will learn: In this talk you’ll learn the basics of startup PR, what it […]
Debate: Will GDPR make our data LESS safe or MORE safe?
Debate: Will GDPR make our data LESS safe or MORE safe?
"The EU says that GDPR will be good for consumers. However, not everyone thinks so! We will have a panel of people who work with GDPR and data protection and have an open debate about whether GDPR is actually a good or bad thing for EU consumers." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/cphgdpr/events/248090054/
Chaos engineering, why breaking things should be practised
Chaos engineering, why breaking things should be practised
"With the rise of micro-services and large-scale distributed architectures, software systems have grow increasingly complex and hard to understand. Adding to that complexity, the velocity of software delivery has also dramatically increased, resulting in failures being harder to predict and contain.While the cloud allows for high availability, redundancy and fault-tolerance, no single component can guarantee […]
6 begivenheder,
Price psychology: How to set higher prices and get happier customers
Price psychology: How to set higher prices and get happier customers
"Get a crash course in pricing and the psychology of value by the two Harvard educated authors, Sally Khallash, founder, Behavioural Strategy, and Ulrik Lehrskov-Schmidt, partner, Behavioural Strategy.They are firmly grounded in academia and experimental science, employing a and a mixed methods approach derived from psychology, economics, management studies and anthropology to solve persistent problems.Sally and […]
Docker and Kubernetes for the busy tester
Docker and Kubernetes for the busy tester
"Laszlo will give a practical introduction to Docker and Kubernetes focusing on their role and practical use in modern software delivery workflows.Laszlo is an independent consultant helping software teams adopting Cloud Native technologies. Besides the tech, Laszlo has good experience in helping professionals with various backgrounds: testers, devs, sysadmins but also technology managers.Laszlo will demo […]
Why web accessibility matters but often overlooked
Why web accessibility matters but often overlooked
"Why is web accessibility a continuing important topic and why is it often overlooked?This Meetup is open to all who wants to learn more about the impact and consequences of bad web accessibility and how to take action to improve user experience for all users. 1715 Welcome 1730 Experience how good/bad accessibility affects user experience […]
2 begivenheder,
EMS2018 Copenhagen – Heart Hack
"EMS Copenhagen is responsible for a number of cross disciplinary services - from citizens' emergency calls all the way to pre-hospital treatments in the Danish Capital Region. The organization collaborates with local and global leading emergency medical services, hospitals and research centers in its attempts to change the future by embracing new disruptive technologies in […]
Much more on IBM PowerAI – this time with live demos
Much more on IBM PowerAI – this time with live demos
"This time it is much more about live demos and not so much PowerPoints. It is still all about IBM PowerAI and how to use the specific IBM tools to facilitate everything Deep Learning. Since we've got a lot of new Deep Learners since our last MeetUp, we will as well do a short recap […]
2 begivenheder,
"Make an impactDeloitte’s #Gonehacking is more than just a hackathon. This year’s partner, Børns Vilkår (Children’s Welfare) needs your help. In order to continue to be present for the many children who experience problems in their daily lives, Børns Vilkår are convinced that they must continue their digital development. They think that it is exciting […]
2 begivenheder,
2 begivenheder,
How Overall Market Trends Affect City Development
How Overall Market Trends Affect City Development
"Urbanization is continuously increasing in cities worldwide. Combined with the electrification development of more products within cities, it will create larger requirements on the energy system infrastructure and challenges in energy resource efficiencies.These challenges create opportunities for the market and technology trends of sustainable city development in an energy and mobility context.Patrik Thuring, Project Manager […]
Working with participatory leadership – Teal for Teal Malmö
Working with participatory leadership – Teal for Teal Malmö
"More and more companies introduce self-organization and participatory leadership to explore ways to allow for a more agile, humane and innovative organisation. What are your experiences from this journey? Join us to deep dive into teal organizations, self-management, wholeness and evolutionary purpose. Welcome to this interactive session. Agenda1730 Intro1800 Check-in and presentation1820 Group discussion1840 Break with […]
6 begivenheder,
Pier47 Sessions Maritime Changemakers
Pier47 Sessions Maritime Changemakers
"We will focus on how established players within maritime + transport set up and manage startup collaborations. And discuss which roles lawmakers, researchers, and non-profits have to play, when it comes to facilitating industry partnerships. We are also going to spend time on challenging the incoming technologies. Complex value chains make so much emerging tech […]
Hvordan kan vi styrke iværksætteriet i DK?
Hvordan kan vi styrke iværksætteriet i DK?
"Hvis vi skal gøre Danmark til en iværksætternation, skal vi hjælpes ad på tværs af organisationer og sektorer. Hvad kan DU gøre for at styrke iværksætteriet i DK? Innovationsfonden og Roskilde Festival samarbejder om netop det og vil have konkrete tiltag på bordet - så kom og del dine ideer og få nogle nye med […]
Game Developer Talks 2018
Game Developer Talks 2018
"Game Developer Talks is 100% dedicated to passionate game developers from the Danish game industry. We offer you a series of talks and workshops in the areas of Game Design, Programming, Technology and Visual Art.All tracks are professionals-only. We aim to make a forum where everyone from the industry – programmers, artists, producers, game designers and […]
8 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday April 18th
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday April 18th
"This week's speaker: Sandy Errestad Sandy Errestad is the PR and Communications Lead at Minc, the startup house in Malmö. She's worked with more than 50 different startups across the European market, including the likes of TransferWise and Klarna, and was recently named one of the 100 most impactful tech profiles in the Nordics by […]
Embedded Everywhere 2108
Embedded Everywhere 2108
"Embedded Everywhere tilbyder deltagerne en dag i højkoncentreret form, hvor der kan opsamles ny faglig viden, inspiration, ideer og cases lige til at bringe med hjem i det daglige arbejde eller som starten på en ny teknologisk strategi.På tværs af anvendelsesområder fra det mindste til det største ser vi nu en eksplosion af embedded teknologi: […]
Pitch Training at Founders House
Pitch Training at Founders House
"Founders House and Capital2Grow want to help your pitch rock.Get feedback on your pitch and actionable input on how to improve it. Capital2GROW has years of experience connecting companies with innovative ideas with the best investors.To attend, fill out this form and we'll get back to you asap by email: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sLR5zOgVF8LBIWP6LtqYnijUmg3zLL-ZJY7u08nPsZEThe format is two rounds, so […]
5 begivenheder,
Åbning af Forskningens Døgn 2018: Hackerne kommer!
Åbning af Forskningens Døgn 2018: Hackerne kommer!
"Vi har alle hørt om hackere – men hvem er hackerne egentlig, hvordan arbejder de, og hvilken trussel udgør de mod privatpersoner, virksomheder og nationalstater? Bliv klogere, når Forskningens Døgn 2018 skydes i gang på ITU med deltagelse af uddannelses- og forskningsminister Søren Pind og forventet deltagelse fra Kongehuset. Møde tre it-sikkerhedseksperter, som vil dele […]
Tech Talk#15: Beyond the Hype -Humanity & Ethic in AI & Robotics
Tech Talk#15: Beyond the Hype -Humanity & Ethic in AI & Robotics
"Artificial Intelligence is on everyone’s lips! At this 15th Tech Talk we’ll investigate how cutting through the hype of AI and robotics can create opportunities for your startup or corporate – and how to work with the potential ethical issues!On stage at this Tech Talk is entrepreneur Marianne Andersen who has been working with AI […]
CopenhagenJS April
CopenhagenJS April
"Let us get together and talk about JavaScript and what cool things we can do with it!Schedule:1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 100 tests per second - 40 releases per week by Lars Thorup1825 Break1900 You?1935 You?1950 JavaScript Raffle2000 Socialising2100 See you next time! What is CopenhagenJS?If you've never heard about CopenhagenJS, it's a monthly community group […]
1 begivenhed,
Tech & Tonic: Startup Dogs
Tech & Tonic: Startup Dogs
"No startup culture without stereotypes, and for this TECH & TONIC we celebrate some of our most beloved ones. The evening is the formal launch of Startup Dogs, our beer anthology with Nørrebro Bryghus, which gives each of these contemporary icons their own bottle.Give it up for:The Founder. Ever so consumed by the grand vision, […]
2 begivenheder,
Hacking the Energy Collective
"Join us for a weekend, where we will try and hack lots of Ethereum related technologies to learn, how they can be applied in a real context.Planning:Hackathon runs from 10 am Saturday morning to Sunday at 6 pm. Afterwards Sunday from 7 to 9 pm there is another meetup, where people interested can join and […]
Global Azure Bootcamp Skåne Azure User Group
Global Azure Bootcamp Skåne Azure User Group
"Welcome to the Global Azure Bootcamp 2018On Saturday, 21 April, 2018, the Skåne Azure User Group will host one of the coolest and most exciting events this year: The Global Azure Bootcamp.Be prepared for exciting presentations and demos about sizzling hot new technologies." Price: Free Link: http://www.foocafe.se/malmoe/events/1731-global-azure-bootcamp
2 begivenheder,
Hackathon Presentations
Hackathon Presentations
"To wrap up on the year's first hackathon within our community, the hackers of the 2-day event will present their work. The hackathon has been around the research project “The Energy Collective”, where a community self sufficient on energy is co-created. During the weekend teams will be working on a Local Currency Model, a Banking […]
2 begivenheder,
ReasonDojo – Learn ReasonML by Making Things
ReasonDojo – Learn ReasonML by Making Things
"The best way to learn a new programming language is to build something real using it. But it can be intimidating to try something new, so we're going to all do it together!We'll split up in small groups in which one person will code and the others will tell that person what to code. We'll […]
3S – Blockchain – keynotes by Symbion and Bitlab
3S – Blockchain – keynotes by Symbion and Bitlab
"For this collaboration between CBS Department of Digitalization, BitLab and Symbion, we invited three blockchain experts to share their insights from three different perspectives: Scientists, Start-ups, and Students (3S).We will introduce the overall blockchain landscape from cryptocurrency to smart contracts and cross border payments + make some deep dives. - Make Denmark the new Wallstreet with […]
7 begivenheder,
Technoethics Talks: “Man v. Machine: What Does AI Mean For Our Jobs?”
Technoethics Talks: “Man v. Machine: What Does AI Mean For Our Jobs?”
"Where do technology and people meet? More importantly, what happens when they do? The Ground presents Technoethics Talks, a monthly talk series aimed to educate and faciliate conversation about the implications and consequences of where tech and ethics meet. Every month will feature a new speaker and we're proud to present our very own Martin […]
Open Banking – innovation and startup opportunities with PSD2
Open Banking – innovation and startup opportunities with PSD2
"In January, the new EU Directive 2015/2366 on payment services (PSD2) came into force. PSD2 commit the banks to open up for their customer data through APIs, which enable third party developers to build applications and services around the financial institution.We are happy for the opportunity to introduce three inspiring speakers for you who will […]
Sports Hub Networking Event
Sports Hub Networking Event
"Welcome to the premiere of Sports Hub Networking Event! Join Sports Hub for a networking event at STORM, Malmo University’s Innovation Lab, a creative and welcoming place. We invite everyone from our community to gather in one space and connect, exchange ideas and have a great time together.Join a community in sports, network with actors […]
1 begivenhed,
Game Developer Meetup Malmö
Game Developer Meetup Malmö
"Hello game developers and friends! Get ready for another GAME DEVELOPER MEETUP! An evening where we invite everyone from our game developer community to gather in one space and connect, exchange ideas and have a great time together.This time we have even more reasons to gather everyone as we celebrate the launch of our new name […]
6 begivenheder,
The Bridge Interview #3 med Karolina Skog
The Bridge Interview #3 med Karolina Skog
"Näringslivets betydelse för hållbar utveckling betonas allt oftare, samtidigt som det kommer kritik från företagshåll så snart ett politiskt beslut tas på hållbarhetsområdet. Vilket ledarskap krävs egentligen av en miljöminister idag för att få med alla aktörer på tåget?The Bridge Interviews är en serie spännande samtal om hållbart ledarskap, arrangerade av The Bridge Forum. Missa inte […]
Growing Your Digital Awareness with Oscar Collins
Growing Your Digital Awareness with Oscar Collins
"Growing digital awareness is key to the survival of any company today, but how is it done and what are the right channels for your company? Should B2B only focus on LinkedIn and B2C on Instagram and Facebook, what is the best content, what are the best tools, and what do you need to get […]
Internet of Things Cookbook
Internet of Things Cookbook
"Why does everyone focus on IoT? Is it the next big thing? If yes, how can we tackle it without jeopardising our expectations?Join this workshop to learn about connectivity and use cases, leave with an IoT Cookbook in your mind helping you to better understand what to think about when runing or starting your companyYou'll hear […]
1 begivenhed,
Startup Weekend Odense – Spring 2018
"Learn, network, and start a business in just 54 hours. Have an idea you'd like to pursue or a problem you'd like to solve, but don't know where to start or who to start with? Techstars Startup Weekend is the place to look for a team, create a prototype of your idea, validate your business idea, and […]
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Fintech Fails
Fintech Fails
"Fail fastFail OftenFail ForwardFail BetterThere are many ways to go about failure, but most importantly, you need to embrace it, when it happens. No one wants to fail - but it will happen.. for some of us. But failure is not the end - it's a part of the proces. Having a failure doesn't make YOU […]