
Kalender af Begivenheder
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0 begivenheder,
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3 begivenheder,
OpenStack – Why and How?
OpenStack – Why and How?
"Agenda:1330 Introduction1345 How does OpenStack compare to the "traditional" way?1415 Break1430 A view on OpenStack from a market researcher's perspective1500 Live Demo and Test of OpenStack environment1545 Networking and dialogue" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/openstackdk/events/244610998/
OpenStack – Why and How?
OpenStack – Why and How?
"Agenda: 13.30 - 13.45:Introduction 13.45 - 14.15 How does OpenStack compare to the "traditional" way? 14.15 - 14.30 Break14.30 - 15.00 A view on OpenStack from a market researcher's perspective 15.00 - 15.45 Live Demo and Test of OpenStack environment 15:45 Networking and dialogue" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/openstackdk/events/244610998/
Le Wagon Copenhagen – Design of Web Components – Free Workshop
Le Wagon Copenhagen – Design of Web Components – Free Workshop
"You know basic HTML & CSS and have already played with Bootstrap. But where do you take your design from here? Turns out, most the design of most web apps revolves around recurring elements throughout the user experience, aka web components. So if you would like to know how to code a beautiful navbar, add […]
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2 begivenheder,
Messaging and Event-Driven Serverless Architecture
Messaging and Event-Driven Serverless Architecture
"Free tech talk by Clemens Vasters, Software Architect on the Microsoft Azure cloud. This event is organized by Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen and the Azure Usergroup has been invited to participate. Session"Serverless" is the newest trend in cloud computing and reflects a change in how applications are hosted. Modularization of solutions has led to the […]
Ruby standard libraries – Malmö.rb
Ruby standard libraries – Malmö.rb
"Beyond the festive season we will meet again and explore Ruby together! On Tuesday January 9, we will have a meeting, and you are welcome.The theme is about Ruby's standard library, the code that's always available with Ruby.What comes in the box? RubyGems are great and all, but what comes along WITH Ruby? This time, we'll […]
2 begivenheder,
Get Started Coding for the Web (HTML & CSS) – Free Workshop
Get Started Coding for the Web (HTML & CSS) – Free Workshop
"Le Wagon Copenhagen is back for more free web workshops after the summer break. We'll be starting with the fundamental technologies of the web, HTML & CSS.Ever wonder about the magic of a web browser that makes animated kittens appear on your screen by the power of a single click? Now’s your chance to learn.Take […]
Lightning talks! New Venue!
Lightning talks! New Venue!
• What we'll doLightning talks, free food and drinks, NEW VENUE!!! While our fearless leader Ignacio takes a break to spawn a child process we have some new collaborators composing together to bring you a new instance of Copenhagen Ruby Brigade.We'll celebrate the new year with a unique set of lightning talks covering a range […]
4 begivenheder,
The Blockchain DB and Cryptos – What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?
The Blockchain DB and Cryptos – What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?
"• What we'll doHosted by CIMA Technologies, Svend Pedersen and Mogens Nørgaard17.00 Welcome by Mogens17.15 - 18.15 A Blockchain, data & cryptos talk and open forum with Svend19.00 Networking and beer" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Future-of-data/events/246089996/
Clojure New Year
Clojure New Year
"Planning a one-day Clojure conference in Copenhagen.If you want to present something, please get in touch (for example, some people have asked for an up-to-date Spec presentation).If we have more time, we'll briefly talk about what real life (commercial/hobby) projects we're working on.Also, we need a host (otherwise we will meet in the pub)." Price: […]
Why VR Is Overhyped But Undervalued
Why VR Is Overhyped But Undervalued
"Maximilian Larsson will explain the growth problems for the new medium today, and why we underestimate the change the medium will have on our industries in the future.Agenda1730 Meet & Greet1745 Presentation1830 Break with something lighter to eat1900 Q&ASpeaker: Maximilian Larsson - Immersive designer, Goodbye Horses.A senior designer with more than 10 years of experience […]
1 begivenhed,
Founders House January Friday Bar
Founders House January Friday Bar
"It's time for the first Friday Bar of the new year at Founders House!We open our doors at 16:00 to celebrate Friday with cheap drinks, beer, beer pong and games galore. Psst - come early there'll be happy hours from 16-18!PROGRAM:16:00 - The bar opens with happy hour on beer (2for1)!18:00 - We will be selling […]
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1 begivenhed,
Coding Sunday with WonderCoders and LeWagon
Coding Sunday with WonderCoders and LeWagon
"If learning how to code is on your list with New year's resolutions, then you don't want to miss this workshop. WonderCoders and LeWagon invite you to a Coding Sunday- a whole day of coding and fun.This workshop is designed for absolute beginners, with no prior knowledge or experience in code. But people with basic […]
2 begivenheder,
Working Efficient with Containers
Working Efficient with Containers
"Basic Introduction to Kubernetes and Simple LoadBalancer for your application.As a first Devops Skåne meetup, we want to give a small presentation around Kubernetes, one of trending frameworks nowadays. We'll touch upon Kubernetes basics, showing how to create pods, deployments, service.We will look at ways to bring your docker container into kubernetes. Lastly, we'll see how to […]
1st Devops Skåne
1st Devops Skåne
"As a first Devops Skåne meetup, we want to give a small presentation around Kubernetes, one of trending frameworks nowadays.Speaker: Kalinux. Devops & Open Source Believer, JEXIA Title: Working Efficient with containers Basic Introduction to Kubernetes and Simple LoadBalancer for your application. We'll touch upon Kubernetes basics, showing how to create pods, deployments, service, and ways […]
4 begivenheder,
Kom godt igang med Page Object Model og Selenium
Kom godt igang med Page Object Model og Selenium
""How should we model automated tests using Page Object Model using selenium, and I this be done smart.Get insight in how the abstraction layers should be structured to have maintainable code, and get to know the anti patterns of page object model implementations. Lets discuss the the pains in automation with page object models.The seminar […]
Kom godt igang med Page Object Model og Selenium
Kom godt igang med Page Object Model og Selenium
"How should we model automated tests using Page Object Model using selenium, and can it be done smart?Get insight in how the abstraction layers should be structured to have maintainable code, and get to know the anti patterns of page object model implementations.Let's discuss the the pains in automation with page object models.The seminar is […]
How to Fool Artificial Intelligence – Critical Tech Meetup
How to Fool Artificial Intelligence – Critical Tech Meetup
"Impressive breakthroughs have been made in artificial intelligence. Human level computer vision in particular has made many applications possible. But how intelligent is AI really? We'll explore surprising ways in which neural networks can be fooled, from turtle-rifles to stop sign attacks for cars.We'll take an overview of deep learning with convolutional neural networks (CNNs), […]
6 begivenheder,
How to be GDPR Compliant
How to be GDPR Compliant
"• What we'll doThis is a group for anyone interested in the General Data Protection Regultaion (GDPR). We discuss practical ideas and processes in order to help get GDPR compliant. This meetup if great for people within the Cybersecurity industry as well as data privacy offices or anyone with an interest in GDPR." Price: Free […]
Advanced Javascript
Advanced Javascript
"* Getting started with V8* Browser API's you probably haven't heard of* Open Discussion with the audience * More speakers will be announced as we get some interesting talks." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Javascript-Browser-APIs-and-modern-development-patterns/events/245923547/
Get Started Coding for the Web – part 2: Bootstrap & JavaScript/Jquery
Get Started Coding for the Web – part 2: Bootstrap & JavaScript/Jquery
"This workshop is aimed at people who know basic HTML and CSS and want to take the next step with responsive design and basic JavaScript.Responsive design is a must when making even a simple static landing page these days. If means that your website adapts to the screen size of your users, so that the […]
5 begivenheder,
Nytårskur og millennials
Nytårskur og millennials
"Millennials og de digitale indfødte - myte eller realitet? Hvad er anderledes ved dem og hvorfor? Hvordan skal de håndteres, hvis de da skal det? Er der nogen teori, der kan hjælpe os, eller er der kun konsulenter, der råber at ulven er her. Lad os få styr på millennials på at lede dem, på […]
Listing on Nasdaq First North
Listing on Nasdaq First North
"Capital raising is an ever present topic on the agenda of growth businesses.The market for smaller listings in Denmark has been stagnant, but this changed in 2017 where, among others, BDO advised Conferize on its listing on Nasdaq First North by which Conferize raised new capital of DKK 28 million.BDO and Poul Schmith invite you […]
How to become a real-life data scientist
How to become a real-life data scientist
"Hello R-Ladies community! We are ready to kick-start our local chapter of R-Ladies! Come along and feel free to bring a friend (or 2!) to find out what R-Ladies is all about and get to know fellow R-enthusiasts in Copenhagen. Big thanks to Prosa (https://www.prosa.dk) for sponsoring our kickoff!Agenda1600 Arrival1610 Introduction of R-Ladies Global and […]
1 begivenhed,
Rails Girls Beginners Workshop
"Rails Girls comes to Copenhagen! During the free two-day workshop we'll dive into the magical world of Ruby on Rails. Sign up at https://railsgirlscph.wufoo.com/forms/zc0k1ct177kpc5/ You learn: designing, prototyping and coding with the help from our coaches. You need: your own laptop, curiosity and a sprinkle of imagination! Want to help? We are looking for volunteers and Rails coaches. Email […]
2 begivenheder,
StarCraft AI Workshop
"ITU is hosting a two-day StarCraft AI Workshop with sponsored prizes from Google DeepMind.Computers can beat humans in many games including Chess, Go and most arcade games. The next grand challenge for artificial intelligence (AI) is the real-time strategy game StarCraft. Earlier this year, GoogleDeepMind and Blizzard released an interface to StarCraft 2 that allows anyone with basic programming […]
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2 begivenheder,
Impact Growth Seminar for Corporates & Start-Ups
Impact Growth Seminar for Corporates & Start-Ups
"Accelerace and MADE invite you to meet leading European startups that are about to make their breakthrough.As part of the Impact Growth accelerator program for startups, MADE and Accelerace host an open seminar with a chance to meet and network.Program1500 Welcome1520 How startups and corporates can collaborate successfully - Fei Chen, VP Haldor Topsøe A/S1600 How […]
Lab session: How to Kubernetes?
Lab session: How to Kubernetes?
"For our second meet-up, we will have a hands-on lab session to give you some practical knowledge of Kubernetes. The presenters will give you the foundations of Kubernetes and its primitives, then we'll do exercises where you can deploy an application on a Kubernetes cluster.This is a lab session, so bring your own laptop. In […]
4 begivenheder,
Intro to Git & Github
Intro to Git & Github
"If you're a curious soul interested in coding, you've probably heard of Github. It's an awesome resource allowing millions of developers to share code and collaborate on amazing projects together. But how does it work? In this workshop, we'll take a first look at Github and Git, the version control management system on which it […]
Using R to Examine Funnel Plot Publication Bias
Using R to Examine Funnel Plot Publication Bias
"We talk about R+PBI plots in our previous meetup. In this meetup, we will discuss about FUNNEL PLOTS using R and PowerBI. • Function to examine publication bias. For both fixed- and random-effects models• Estimates from no-pooling effects model are used as study-specific estimates using R.• Random-effects models, the corresponding fixed-effects models are implemented at […]
Continuous Delivery Pipeline in Google Cloud with Kubernetes and Jenkins
Continuous Delivery Pipeline in Google Cloud with Kubernetes and Jenkins
"Johan will hold a hands-on presentation on how to achieve fully automated continuous deployment in Google Cloud using Kubernetes and Jenkins. This will provide technological freedom for developers both when building and in runtime and also enable on-demand environments with automatic shutdowns.Johan Frick works at Playtech BGT Sports Malmö office where he is one of […]
8 begivenheder,
Pier47 Sessions: The year of blockchain
Pier47 Sessions: The year of blockchain
"With speakers connecting the startup + corporate space, this Pier47 session will point to why 2018 looks like the year, where blockchain techn will be an innovation force within every industry.Program0900 How blockchain can open up closed sectors and create business based on a new accountability.Speaker: Deanna MacDonald, CEO, BLOC0945 Inside the blockchain collaboration between […]
Oracle Database and WebLogic Server on Docker containers
Oracle Database and WebLogic Server on Docker containers
"Based on numerous requests at DockerCon EU we are proposing the first meetup in this group to be a hands-on event about running Oracle Databases and WebLogic Server on Docker containers.1300 Welcome1310 Everyone: We're here - what now?Why am I attending, what are my particular interests and what are my expectations from the meeting today […]
Keep Calm and Comply With GDPR – GDPR Workshop
Keep Calm and Comply With GDPR – GDPR Workshop
"Are you completely caught up on the upcoming GDPR laws? Do you know what the difference between a data collector (dataansvarlig) and a data processor (databehandler) is? If not, then we have the solution for you.On January 25th we have teamed up with our partners from Ingera Law and SEED Capital, to put on a […]
3 begivenheder,
"The insurance company Tryg is holding a "Share & Care" hackathon."We’re seeing a massive shift in society today – in terms of ownership, access and consumption. We live longer and we share more of our assets, ideas and life in general. These are fantastic trends that we as an insurance company want to both enable […]
Fintech Friday Bar with Nets: PSD2 3rd party access work in practice
Fintech Friday Bar with Nets: PSD2 3rd party access work in practice
"Nets invites you to engage with us to make PSD2 3rd party access work in practiceSimplify connectivity between the players in an Open Banking ecosystem. Come see how we make PSD2 work in practice.Nets will facilitate the exploitation of different PSD2 roles and user experiences to drive innovation in a PSD2 context.You will get to […]
I’m Pwned. You’re Pwned. We’re All Pwned w/Troy Hunt
I’m Pwned. You’re Pwned. We’re All Pwned w/Troy Hunt
"Free tech talk by Troy Hunt, independent Security Expert. This event is organized by Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen and the Copenhagen .NET Usergroup has been invited to participate. Microsoft will be serving refreshments and sandwiches after the talk.SessionFace it – it’s going to happen. It’s going to happen to you, it’s going to happen to […]
2 begivenheder,
Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 14
Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 14
"Get inspired, share your knowledge, skyrocket your coding skillsWould you like to improve your coding skills and get to know other creative female programmers?Join Codher Pop-up Programming - a free of charge informal meetup where beginners as well as more experienced developers get together, share their knowledge, and support each other in learning more about coding.It's […]
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1 begivenhed,
How to make a good Test Automation Strategy
How to make a good Test Automation Strategy
"What does a good test automation strategy? Bring all you knowledge about the pains in test automation and share your pain relievers.Getting success with automation of test requires lots of experience to navigate through technologies, environments, operating systems, tools, kompetences etc. Usually our experience is based on our own trial and error and our company […]
2 begivenheder,
WordPress Copenhagen – January Meetup
WordPress Copenhagen – January Meetup
"Topics are to be announced. Our host this month is IIH Nordic (https://iihnordic.dk/). We will have a room with round tables, internet access and space for 48. Language: EnglishStep-free access: TBAParking: TBA-------------------------------------------------------- About the monthly meetups We hold regular meetups in the last week of most months. Sometimes there are presentations, and other times we […]
Myth-Busting & Context-Driven Testing
Myth-Busting & Context-Driven Testing
"During Q3 of 2017, we decided to switch gears in our TestLab MeetUp Group. We decided to narrow our broad scope to focus on Context-Driven Testing (CDT) and topics related to that approach to testing.The last two meetups had some of the thought-leaders in the CDT community (Michael Bolton, Paul Holland and Keith Klain) and […]
1 begivenhed,
Free Intro to Programming – Welcome to Ruby
Free Intro to Programming – Welcome to Ruby
"Join Le Wagon Copenhagen for a free Ruby coding lesson. It's for complete beginners.We'll start with a 45 minute introduction to Ruby, followed by 2 hours of coding with the Codecademy Ruby track. We will be there to help with any issues and challenges.Ruby is a language designed for "programmer happiness". That means it's designed […]