Ruby Talks Night at Abtion
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers:* "The back office struggle" - Andre Orvalho* ? We are looking for more speakers! Get in touch with us! Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of Conduct http://berlincodeofconduct.org" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Ruby-Brigade/events/256808921/
[Lorenzo López]: Lenses for the mere mortal
"Abstract: Have you heard about lenses? How about traversals? Prisms? Profunctors?What is all that mumbo jumbo about and why is it useful for programming?We will be talking about all of that and seeing some examples in purescript.It will be short and simple, you don't even need to know purescript to understand the examples, just some […]
Video Game #10: Unity and C# Session (Free)
"Come to learn Unity Video Game Development!Each session is completely free. We have 2 topics; Unity and C# programming#1Unity Topic: (To Be Announced)#2C# Topic: (To Be Announced)#3Bonus Topic: SYBO Game Lead, Amy Kalson will present "Best Practices For Game Prototyping". Learn how to be creative and impactful when making new game projects under tight deadlines. […]
Når fysiske produkter bliver digitale
"Når fysiske produkter bliver digitaleHvordan bruger virksomheder IoT til at skabe forretningsværdi? Temaet for dagen:IoT - som både kan stå for Internet of Things eller Intelligence of Things – er et område i rivende vækst. En lang række danske virksomheder er allerede i gang med at bygge ny forretningsværdi ind i deres eksisterende produkter ved […]
UX Meet & Greet at Unity
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Unity and see what they actually do.The Unity UX Team is a distributed team of designers. They work with Engineering, Product, and QA to help solve hard problems in a holistic, intuitive way. They approach this through a series of principles: Inspiration, Collaboration, and Balance.There'll be a […]
Nye digitale værktøjer til enklere bogholderi og revision
"Vi inviterer til gløgg og æbleskiver i Copenhagen FinTech Lab, hvor vi gerne vil fortælle om nye digitale værktøjer til enklere bogholderi og revision, så der er mere tid til at rådgive kunder.Begivenheden er gratis, gløgg og æbleskiver giver vi, men husk at melde dig til hurtigt muligt da vi har begrænset antal pladser!FarPay - […]
Women in Immersive Tech (WiiT) Meet Up in Malmö, Sweden
"Women in Immersive Technologies have teamed up with award-winning filmmaker Joshka Wessels, Game Habitat and Boost Helsingborg.If you are a creator, innovator, storyteller, coder or just very curious about immersive technologies, please join us and have some fika.VR/AR/XR has been expanding rapidly both in Sweden and Europe but like in the gaming industry, women are […]
PreSeed Academy #8 Legal aspects for startups – How not to mess up your company!
"Two things are true for 99% of founders: 1. We are short on cash! 2. The limited money we have, we prefer to spend on activities that generate revenue (and not on expensive lawyers). It is good to be cheap as a founder, but it often generates severe problems when startups haven't thought their legal […]
Torsdagsbar: Tommy Ahlers tester sin politiske vision
This one is high level, but worth it."Kom forbi Matrikel1 den 13. december, hvor jeg vil teste mine politiske tanker ved at pitche til et virkeligt skarpt panel. Jeg har inviteret min tidligere medløvinde fra ’Løvens Hule’, Birgit Aaby, til at levere kritikken sammen med Thomas Skov og Pernille Rosendahl. Alle tre er veloplagte og […]
GameJam – Making your own Game in JavaScript
"In this last meetup of the year we will look at how to create our own JavaScript game in the browser.At a GameJam everyone works on creating a new game and sharing the enthusiasm for making.There is a lot of libraries you can use to make games, like:http://phaser.io/http://craftyjs.com/Schedule1700 Doors Open1730 Welcome1735 GameJam starts && Game […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 7
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605093/
Gratis seminar: Digital strategi og marketingtrends 2019
"Året går på hæld, og 2019 begynder at banke på døren. Men er din digitale marketing strategi klar til endnu et år i et konstant forandrende marketinglandskab?Vi har kigget i krystalkuglen og giver til dette morgenmøde vores ekspertråd i forhold til, hvor det digitale marketingbillede bevæger sig hen i 2019, og hvilke initiativer du skal […]
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 14th of December @Djäkne
It's time for another one of our family style breakfasts in Malmö at Djäkne!Are you interested in entrepreneurship but not sure how to start? Do you want to know more about the startup scene of Skåne? Or maybe you're just looking to exchange ideas and meet inspiring people in the startup community? Join us at […]
Interaction Design Programme – Final Exhibition 2018
"This year’s Final Exhibition will showcase a wide range of design solutions through an impressive collection of tangible, visual and experiential prototypes. Our Interaction Design Programme students have followed an intense curriculum and the Final Exhibition sets out to reflect their new found knowledge and skill-sets.The 24 final projects will demonstrate the multi-disciplinary, exploratory and […]
CSE StartUp Friday: Learn how to nail your next pitch
"Learn how to nail your next pitch, presentation or speech. A good pitch is the sprinkle on a delicious cupcake when you’re a startup – or in other words: if you get your pitch right, you will get your listeners to buy into your idea, solution or even better, into you! Pitch workshopContest with prizes for […]
Superfredag w. Hyper Island: “Technology & the Human Senses”
"We've teamed up with our friends from Hyper Island. The theme is "Technology & the Human Senses". Attention, tech enthusiasts, motion design lovers and curious minds! Finally, after weeks of researching and prototyping, Hyper Island are now cordially inviting you to an exclusive event in collaboration with Media Evolution.The event is the fruit of weeks of research […]
Global AI Bootcamp
"Welcome to the Global AI Bootcamp 2018, with Ashok Samal, Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, and other great speakers.Be prepared for exciting presentations and demos about hot new technologies, including:* The Microsoft way of doing AI* Popular AI toolsets, compute engines and methodologies* Machine Learning* Microsoft Bot Framework* Natural Language Understanding* HololensSpeakers include:* Ashok Samal, Cloud Solution […]
AI Poster Expo
"Do you wonder if AI will take over the world? Learn more about the latest advancements in AI and see how you can contribute to shaping the future of humanity.Come and mingle with the latest generation of geniuses from the graduate course in deep learning at DTU. See applied AI solving real-world problems using Facebook's […]
IDA AI x Nordic.AI Winter Edition
"Get technical insights into the cutting-edge Deep Learning work happening in Denmark. From research in neural networks solving reasoning tasks and deep latent variable models to building industry models that detect turbine blade defects.AgendaTalk 1: Learning Neural Networks to Solve Reasoning TasksSpeaker: Rasmus PalmDeep neural networks are very good at recognizing objects, but when it […]
LTUX Christmas Dinner
"It is Christmas time!And with a short notice, our next meetup is all about getting to know each other and network. So we are going to a nice dinner together.We have arranged that we are welcome at RizRaz and they will save a table for us. The only thing is that we need to know […]