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Stock market predictions using machine learning – Hands On Data Science

"Oskar Handmark and Michal Stypa at Backtick Technologies will share their solution to the Kaggle competition: ”Two Sigma: Using News to Predict Stock Movements”.https://www.kaggle.com/c/two-sigma-financial-newsKaggle competitions allow companies to explore datasets in a new way, with fresh eyes from the community. They challenge the community to find scientific solutions for a specific task. The community participates […]

Data Science and Machine Learning in Games

"Video games, from computers to mobile phones, are a massive phenomenon with hundreds of millions of people playing every day. Nowadays, most of games on every platform collect data about the player’s behaviour, what are the challenges involved? How can data be used to make better games and more successful game companies?Dr. Sebastian Risi from […]

Creative Confidence // CPHUX Book Club

"Come and read 'Creative Confidence' with us.Event overview:January 16th // Chapter 1-3January  30th // Chapter 4-6February 13th // Chapter 7-8Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters. This makes it more do-able (for some) to get through the book. At each event, we'll then dive into specific chapters. After reading each chapter (at home) take some […]

MorningTalk: Traditional IT or Open Banking?

"Is it time for a revolution of the traditional banking IT? Sixty60 says yes!On this MorningTalk the company from Prague called Sixty60 will join us, and tell more about how they want to make a revolution within Banking IT.We welcome you on Amaliegade 6, right next to Queen in the center of Copenhagen, with fresh […]

Talent Garden Mornings: The Growth Hacking Mindset

"Are you considering a growth hacking strategy for 2019? At Talent Garden Innovation School we invite you to this focused morning talk, where you can pick the brains of experienced growth hacker Taylor Ryan, CMO at Valuer.ai.In one hour, Taylor will single out the biggest mistakes + overlooked secrets, when people take on this approach […]

Add 45,000 Silicon Vikings to your network!

"...we need to work/network more and better across all borders to improve innovation and create results. Learn how Silicon Vikings does it – and how you can join, contribute and benefit.Workshop about Silicon Vikings and networking1200 Registration and informal networkingUserTribe offers sandwiches + drinks. Qemploy offers fruit/snacks1230 Welcome and intro by Carolina Velasco, Open Entrepreneurship1245 […]

R-Ladies Copenhagen – First of 2019!

"Happy new year, everyone! 🎉Aaaand we're back with the first R-Ladies Meetup of the year! We have another great lineup of talks and workshops scheduled for you, so we hope to see you at this event!Our first speaker is Julie Gerlings - a consultant from KPMG with focus in Infrastructure, Government and Health and new […]

Impact Community – Workshop & Kickoff

"We want to build a new community motivated to champion & support the people who make real impact. Impact Entrepreneurs = Heroes of Society#ImpactByActionAgenda1645 Arrival & networking1700 Intro by Bo & JacobWHY #impactbyactionOnline Agenda & Offline Event Ideas 1, 2, 31715 Participation Presentation"What kind of impact are you into?""What’s your mission?"1730 Mapping of Impact Friends […]

Startup Dojo

"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs at Startup Dojo! Test your ideas, get advice, enhance your pitch, find co-founders and investors, or just be inspired by your fellow-entrepreneurs.ObjectiveTo help more […]

ngCopenhagen – January edition

"Happy new year! So, let's get 2019 started! In this first event we are going to have two speakers:- Mike Ryan (https://twitter.com/MikeRyanDev) - Sherry List (https://twitter.com/sherrrylst)Mike is Software engineer at Synapse building user interfaces for industrial Internet of Things applications. He is a Google Developer Expert and a core team member of NgRx, an open source […]

Are women under-represented in Nobel Prize awards?

"This time we will have Per Lunnemann Hansen (Blackwood Seven) present his use of Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling to examine whether there is a gender bias in the awarding of the Nobel Prize in scientific and economic categories (joint work with Mogens Jensen and Liselotte Jaufred from UCPH). They rely on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for inference, […]

Great companies never stop learning

"The world’s leading companies used to rely on the notion of their status as experts. Today, every kind of expert knowledge is temporary and needs to be updated. As businesses adapt to new technologies, they become a class of forever learners. At this half-day conference, we look at key trends in corporate education. We point […]

How to make money with AI: tactics and lessons

"There is a lot of talk about AI these days, but how does someone actually go about transforming the concept from an abstract narrative into something that produces actual business results?What are some good ways to get started with AI in an existing business?How can we use AI to optimise already-running business processes?How can we […]

UX Meet & Greet at Valtech

"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Valtech and see what they actually do.Valtech is a global Digital Agency. What started as a single agency in France 25 years ago, is today a global, leading Digital Agency with offices around the world and proud partner to some of the coolest brands worldwide. They combine experience […]

Build Your First app & Foreign Function Interface – Malmö.rb

"The February meetup with Malmö Ruby Brigade has Lars Kronfält presents tips for having a smooth experience when building your first app. We will explore a get-to-the-Web journey where Lars adds user login to a small project.Also: Jens Nockert will show an example of using FFI (foreign-function interface) extending Ruby with non-Ruby code. http://malmorb.se/events/2019/meetup-february.htmlWe hope to meet […]

Monitoring and take-down of online trademark infringements made simple(r)

"Andreas Juchli (Thomsen Trampedach) will share insights into how brand protection and trademark enforcement processes have been automated through the software program Pliano.He will describe the steps required to detect compliance issues and enforce trademark rights online to give the audience a basic understanding of the main processes usually undertaken by a brand protection analyst. […]

February Cloud Meeting

"Hey friends, happy new year, another year in the clouds are ahead of us! 😄Come join us for a evening where we will talk about Google Cloud and what exciting things we can do this year! Schedule:1800 Doors open1830 Welcome to GDG Cloud1835 Debugging HTTP traffic in full detail on GKE - Niels Martin Søholm […]

Javagruppens ordinære generalforsamling 2019

"Javagruppens ordinære generalforsamling bliver afholdt Tirsdag 5. februar 2019 kl 19.00 hos Lund & Bendsen, Naverland 2, 15. sal, 2600 Glostrup.Det er muligt at deltage via videoopkald (Skype) hvis man ikke har mulighed for fysisk fremmøde.Ønsker du at deltage i generalforsamlingen, ved fysisk fremmøde eller via et videoopkald, bedes du tilmelde dig ved tilmelding til […]

Tech&Law Breakfast: AI as threat and opportunity for the global legal order

"Matthijs Maas is a PhD Fellow at the AI and Legal Disruption Research Group (Centre for International Law, Conflict and Crisis, University of Copenhagen), and a Research Affiliate with the Center for the Governance of AI (Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford). His work explores global governance approaches and instruments for emerging disruptive AI capabilities.About: The Digitalisation Hub […]