Migration automation with Logic Apps + Azure AD Role Based Access Control
"Welcome more learning’s from real life cases using innovative Azure technologies.Session1:Migrating large numbers of active users to Office365 can be daunting. To also do it so that service-desk and deployment teams retain control and overview with automated processes adds another level of difficulty.We accomplished this with the help of Azure Logic Apps and Azure Automation […]
Är din webbplats byggd i Drupal 7?
"Då är detta viktig information till dig. Nästa år lanseras Drupal 9 och därmed är livslängden för Drupal 7 bestämd.Kortfattat innebär detta att Drupal 7 efter 2021 inte längre säkerhetsuppdateras. Det är därför hög tid för dig som använder version 7 att bilda dig en uppfattning om vilka alternativ du har.Välkommen till en föreläsning där vi bland annat […]
How to successfully exit your Nordic tech company
"The Nordics as one of the world’s best performing startup hubs.A recent Medium article unveiled that the Nordics deliver impressive results in regards to exit values, placing the region as the 2nd largest tech hub on the planet.Thus, the big question is:What opportunities do the Nordics hold for your company?Are you thinking about selling your […]
Designing for Play, Expression and Change – Women in Tech DK by Unity
"Women in Tech Denmark and Unity invites you to join us for this event at Unity’s Copenhagen office for an evening of discussions and talks about the digital landscape of designing for Play, Expression and Change.- How can game design principles be applied to give users agency?- How do you design apps for creative people?- […]
Ruby Talks Night at Karnov
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers:Sune Nilausen - A little code puzzle site projectSune is lead developer at Blueprint Learning, and a passionate promoter of Coding Pirates, a non-profit organization bringing code to kids. He will offer a talk on a new coding puzzle website he has been […]
Hands-on Workshop: Introduction to Docker for Developers
"Join us for the Malmö local edition of this season’s global hands-on workshop series! Food and drinks will be provided! Bring your laptop and #LearnDocker. There will be swag!Workshop Details: This Docker 101 workshop is designed to get you up and running with containers! You'll learn how to build images, run containers, use volumes to […]
Web Scraping with Elixir
"Web scraping can be done differently in different languages, for the purposes of this presentation we’re going to show you how to do it in Elixir, for obvious reasons ;)SpeakerOleg Tarasenko, Erlang Solutions NordicAgenda1730 Meet & Greet1745 Web Scraping with Elixir1830 Meet & Eat1900 Show and tell lightning talks" Price: Free Link: https://foocafe.org/?p=849
Women in Biohacking – Seeking optimal health
"Come join us for an evening of learning, optimization, and laughter with an amazing line-up of Danish and International women who're ALL into biohacking🚀We're pleased to announce that we once again have teamed up with Matrikel1 and they will be hosting us in their beautiful Private Membership Club at Højbro Plads 10 - 1th.We'll kick […]
Drinks with Data Scientists
"Join our first Drinks with Data Scientists!Enjoy this great opportunity to connect with your fellow Data Scientists, share knowledge, experiences and mainly have some fun with like-minded people. No speaker, no presentation - just meaningful conversations with each other.Let's have an amazing networking time together!Starting at 7 pmPlace: Matrikel1 Bar & Café - Gammel Strand […]
SpilBar 43: Who’s Responsible?
"Games occupy an ever growing part of our lives. The latest research from the Danish Broadcasting Corporation shows, that the average Danish citizen today spends more time on digital games, than on printed media, and The Global Games Market is expected to grow to $152.1 Billion in 2019.But games are also the subject to increasing criticism […]
Tableau Workshop with Inviso
"Wanna get introduced and familiar with the market leading data visualization tool? Then join us on the 14th of November.In 2020 the world will generate 50 times the amount of data as it did in 2011. This enormous increase in data possess several new opportunities and advancements for business across all sectors, however more important […]
PreSeed Academy #16: Go-to-Market tactics in B2B – hunting mice or elephant
"This talk helps B2B startups figure out whether to sell to SMEs or enterprises and accordingly find the right distribution strategies.Building a succesful go-to market plan in a B2B startup is not just radically different from B2C startups, but also radically different and complex within various types of B2B businesses. You need to consider, test […]
Introduction to Agile and Scrum
"Agile and Scrum are two very popular working methods and very commonly used words. However, not everyone is aware of their meaning and on how they can be used and implemented in everyday project management. The agile certified practitioner Sajith Pillai will guide us on meaning, use and working examples of both Agile and Scrum.Speaker: Sajith […]
HACK4DK 2019
"Vær med til at hacke den danske kulturarv til HACK4DK 2019.Er du programmør, designer eller arbejder du inden for kultur- og museumsverdenen? Eller interesserer du dig blot for kulturinstitutionernes kulturarv(sdata)? Så kom med til HACK4DK 2019!Vi søger kreative, nysgerrige og idérige mennesker med hang til digital udvikling og kulturarv, der vil være med til at […]
WomenHackCPH – Hackathon for women
"The future lies within your hands! Come and join us for a two day women hackathon event!We are putting together a first of its kind Hackathon for Women in Copenhagen, to immerse in the power of coding and come up with creative solutions for everyday and business problems. Our goal is to empower women to […]
Datadrevet iværksætteri: Fremtidens grønne løsninger skal bygges på data
"Hvordan kan data hjælpe med at bygge en forretningsidé eller tilføje værdi til din virksomhed? Og hvordan får man adgang til data i praksis?Der vil være oplæg fra DMI, Danmarks Miljøportal og Erhvervsstyrelsen med særligt fokus på, hvordan data kan benyttes til at skabe nye grønne forretningsmodeller. Til mødet er der plads til spørgsmål og […]
Essentials of Manipulating data in R with dplyr
"Have a dataset but not sure how to go about handling and analyzing it? Need to transform variables? Only want to select rows that start with a certain letter or number? Or need to look at specific columns only?Know a lot about base R functions but are eager to expand your skills? Or wondering about […]
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2019
"If we unintentionally can create structures for inequality, then we intentionally can create structures for equality. This is where we unlock untapped potential.Welcome: Highlighting the economic and innovative business potential for Denmark.Mythbusting & Facts: Are our decisions based on facts or presumptions and myths? Presentation of the latest data and research.Founders Journey: Hear the story of […]
Sparkling Startups – Årets bedste kvindelige start-up event!
"I anledning af Women’s Entrepreneurship Day inviterer NJORD Law Firms partnere Malene Fagerberg og Therèse Kemp til Sparkling Startups.Eventet er kun for kvinder. Det foregår i hjertet af København på toppen af NJORD Law Firm, og du kan se frem til at møde inspirerende karrierekvinder, der fortæller deres historier om, hvordan de har fået succes […]
November 2019 Powerbi meeting
"November meeting is now scheduled. Abakion has offered to make room for us again. The schedule will be:1. Announcements from MS Ignite - Erik Svensen2. From Self-Service to Enterprise Power BI in five easy steps - Just Blindbæk3. X-Mas surprise 🎄Looking forward to another PowerFull meeting." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Denmark-Powerbi-User-Group/events/264952320/