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Why you should love Rust as well…

"For the fourth year in a row, Rust has been listed as the most loved programming language in the Stackoverflow survey but with a small but growing pool of developers using it. So what inspires such love from them?Rust is a performance focused language which aims to steer you away from common memory and thread […]

SRE vs DevOps

"Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is how Google approach their production system and has been practicing it for about 20 years, but they just recently started to share their knowledge about running production systems and how they practice SRE. But what really is SRE? Some people view it as a competing standard, some call it the next […]

”I hate agile!”

"'Agile' has become a fashionable word today. Maybe you have crossed the waterfall and become a religious project manager, trying to track the progress of your children's homework with yellow stickies on your refrigerator door? Or you’re one of those who opened the orange Scrum box a couple of years ago, closed it after just […]

Women in Tech – come and celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 2019 @3Shape

"3Shape and Department of Computer Science DIKU – University of Copenhagen join forces to celebrate the Ada Lovelace Day 2019 in Denmark! You are kindly invited to join us for a cheerful afternoon with talks, networking and refreshments, all focusing on women having chosen a technological or scientific path of career and who want to share their story with a […]

Measuring your DevOps Transformation

"Are you in the middle of a DevOps transformation? Or are you considering launching an enterprise DevOps initiative? If you are a leader within your organization then this seminar is something for you.In this breakfast seminar, we will present topics related to how key metrics can help you better understand the progress of your DevOps […]

Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots

"The Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots seminars are a series of 4 events organized by PhD students of Copenhagen Bioscience PhD program, that target to a broad audience of scientists. The event will end with networking event. On October 9 we will welcome two guest speakers, Professor Barbara Cannon (Wenner-GrenInstitute, Stockholm, Sweden) and Dr Elad Noor (ETH,Zurich,Switzerland).Dr. Barbara Cannonis a Professor of physiology at the Wenner-GrenInstitute at […]

Ruby Talks Night at Abtion

"Speakers :Phrase - Scaling a Large Rails App on AWS using Serverless and ServersFelix Meese and a team from Hamburg based Phrase are coming to visit our Ruby community in Copenhagen. A message from their side: "We, Phrase.com, offer software localization platform, enabling companies to reach their global audiences. We mainly build our infrastructure on […]

Google Cloud Platform

"This talk introduces Google Cloud Platform, the public cloud offering from Google. Just like all the other cloud providers it’s the most open source with the coolest technologies, etc, etc. But what you really want to know is what’s it really like to work with, when to use what, and what can go wrong.I’ll go […]

The Gamer’s Brain (Part 2/2) // CPHUX Book Club

"We are PROUD to announce that the Celia Hodent will skype in with us Wednesday, Oct 9th for a Q&A session.Come and read 'The Gamer's Brain: How Neuroscience and UX Can Impact Video Game Design' with us.Overview: September 25th // Chapter 1-9 October 9th // Chapter 10-17 // Celia Hodent will skype in with us for a […]

The role of Startups and Corporates in Green Innovation

"Startups and corporates both have their particular pros and cons when it comes to driving innovation. Which works better? Come find out!Can we innovate our way towards environmental sustainability? Can we rely solely on established corporations to drive the necessary change? What are the pros and cons of startup vs. corporate innovation? Can they work […]

Beers & Bisq!

"As many people were asking in previous meetups, we're gonna talk about Bisq!Bring your computer! (Mac, Windows, Linux)Intro - PresentationDemo/tutorialQ&A" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Bitcoin-Copenhagen/events/264684618/

AML 2019 – Kick Off

"Omfanget af byrder i forbindelse med bekæmpelse af hvidvask er stigende, så hvordan kan åbne offentlige data bruges til at lette disse byrder?Dette er overskriften på den “Anti Money Laundering Challenge”, som Erhvervsstyrelsen og Partnerskabet for Åbne Offentlige Data lancerer d. 10. oktober. Det er en challenge, hvor både startups, professionals og studerende m.fl. har […]

Vectorworks Design Day Copenhagen 2019

"Meet us in Copenhagen on October 10th, 2019 as we present the powerful new workflows in Vectorworks® 2020. Explore the Future of Vectorworks Roadmap while enjoying opportunities in the following areas:Entertainment – Discover the industry standard for entertainment with custom-built products meant to enhance design, documentation, and production. Architecture – Learn how to support your entire process with the 3D and BIM […]

B2B SoMe og Marketing Automation i praksis

"B2B SoMe og Marketing Automation i praksis Det er ikke længere de store der spiser de små, men de hurtige, der spiser de langsomme.Det er ikke længere de store der spiser de små, men de hurtige, der spiser de langsommeMed en god digital lead-strategi som effektivt udnytter de mange nye kontaktpunkter til B2B beslutningstagere, kan […]

Work Like Tomorrow

"Do you want to change the world, and build a happy and exciting career?Join “Work Like Tomorrow – Impact Stories” at Copenhagen City Hall on October 10th 16:00 – 18:00. This is an amazing opportunity to experience 8 inspiring talks about how you and your career can make a huge difference in the world!If we […]

SchoolHacks – Learn GIT

"SchoolHacks + Praqma præsenterer: Lær at mestre GITI samarbejde med Praqma, har studerende på CPH Business Academy fået stablet en GIT workshop på benene.I denne workshop vi i kunne lære at mestre GIT.I vil lære at forstå hvordan hvordan GIT fungere, hvad er en conflict, hvordan løser man den, hvorfor og hvordan brancher man ud." […]

SPOUG ERFA møde – Office 365 User Adoption

"Kom til SPOUG ERFA møde torsdag den 10. oktober hos PeopleNet i København, og mød User adoption Specialist Emilie Hejselbak fra PeopleNet.Mødet er et gå-hjem arrangement, hvor Emilie giver inspiration til, hvordan virksomheder kommer godt i gang med User Adoption på O365. Arrangementet er målrettet Forretningsejere/konsulenter, samt andre som gerne vil godt i gang med […]

Shakeup and Speedup

"Starting new teams and scaling up innovation is more important than ever. The key to success is applying different practices in different stages of the innovation lifecycle. What works for a new business does not work for a mature one, and vice versa. We'llll nosedive into the major good practices for business leaders and product […]

Web developers & Entreprenours Meetup

"This is the sixth meetup where we gather to talk about web development, share experiences, get to know each other and have a good time talking to our peers who are passionate about web development.We have both senior and junior members attending, if you are looking to get a foot into the industry this is […]

What’s new in SAFe 5.0?

"Scaled Agile has just released SAFe 5.0 - a major revision introducing Business Agility with two new core competencies - Organizational Agility and Continuous Learning Culture.Let's meetup and discuss what it means. We will find an engaging and interactive way to do so when we meet.This meetup assumes insight and experience with SAFe. Be prepared […]