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Techfestival: Guiding Principles for a Truly Open Data Set

"What does it require to openly share data?Voice is natural, voice is human. The growing market of voice assistants shows that the future of human-computer interaction will rely heavily on voice. At Mozilla, we are excited about this future, and the opportunity to create usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems […]

Techfestival: Future Technologies for the Growing Food Demand

"Is CRISPR, 3D Print and Seaweed the Right Way to Feed 2 Billion More People?For 6 months, experts on AI, environment, nutrition and technologies for food production are on a mission to work together to find solutions against one of today’s most pressing dilemmas: How will we feed 2 billion more people by 2050 all […]

Techfestival: Designing the Future of Work, Transformed by Technology

"Emerging Technologies Will Transform How We WorkHow can we push ourselves to imagine the different possibilities of what this means for us as individuals and as societies? Humans can bring empathy and intuition to the table, while machines can expediently process massive quantities of data.You will be inspired to think about what co-creation and collaboration […]

Techfestival: Design Materialisations

"Preparing for Probable Human Futures with AI Through Speculative DesignWhen aiming to solve problems through desirable solutions, the tech industry often also elicit many unintended consequences, as philosopher Paul Virillio states “when you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck”. With the vastly accelerated innovation and conceptualization of AI, we are entering a probable […]

Friday Fight Box

"Bring your colleagues and friends to our first Friday Bar at Futurebox after the summer holidays. 😎🎉We hope for sunny weather, ☀🙏but regardless we will provide beer and drinks, interesting pitches and lots of networking opportunities! " Price: Free Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2377513232340127/?notif_t=event_calendar_create&notif_id=1566816939517343

Techfestival: Meet the Founders – with Arielle Pardes from Wired

"There’s a new wave of entrepreneursJoin Arielle Pardes (US) of Wired when she talks to the next generation of forward-thinking humans. Meet a new generation of entrepreneurs, rethinking leadership, society and tech. Be part of their conversations.Speakers & programme TBA.Who is your host? Arielle Pardes (US)" Price: Free Link: https://techfestival.co/event/meet-founders-friday/

Techfestival: Mozilla & Open AI: How a data commons and collaborative technology can democratize speech recognition.

"Voice is fastly becoming the new way in which we interact with technology. In this talk we’ll hear Mozilla’s Open Innovation Director talk about the current state of the technology, what data it’s built on and why it’s important to develop an open collaborative approach to collecting it.https://voice.mozilla.org/ Bio: George Roter is Mozilla’s Director, Open Innovation […]

Techfestival: AKQA Creative Cagefight

"AKQA Creative Cagefight, fuelled by Carlsberg, is pitching the world’s creatives against each other in 5-minute showdowns taking place behind the main stage area. If you’re on the look-out for the next big idea, perfect ad concept, name or logo for your business or campaign, this is the place to be. You and the crowd […]

Techfestival: AI & ML – Removing The Hype

"Time to Remove the AI hype and Dig for The Golden Data and Supercharge Sales Teams with Data ScienceTalk 1 (20-25min): Melina Katkic – Homo Sapiens Sapiens AI & ML upgrade 0.1Artificial Intelligence and its emerging bundled technologies like machine learning, artificial neural networks, deep learning and many many more are simple and complex terms […]

Techfestival: Endings

"“’Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes” – Christopher Bullock (1716)While taxes can be dodged, death can’t; and life is not the only thing that has an unavoidable end. Companies (including their products, services and employment or personal relationships) and anything that has been created by man or nature is ephemeral, […]

Techfestival: Coworking

"Advanced discussion for coworking veteransCoworking spaces are some of our most vital ecosystems. As such, we must ensure they continue to thrive through unexpected events.Join highly experienced, forward-moving, and thought-provoking co-working founders and managers from around Europe and beyond to discuss the challenges and immense opportunities faced by expert-level, coworking practitioners. We crafted this one-day […]

A Dynamic Edge Proxy with HTTP, TCP and no Hands! DevOps Malmö

"This talk introduces Traefik, an open source and dynamic edge proxy, built for a world of containers. Simplicity and automation are key concepts, so developers don’t waste time configuring or renewing SSL certificates. Traefik removes the need to update routing configurations by interfacing to backends such as Kubernetes, Docker, Mesos, and Consul, providing dynamic configuration.With the […]

NLS Days HealthTech VIP-Event

"Welcome to a pre-conference VIP-event focusing on HealthTech, in collaboration with Medicon Valley Medtech Network. Nordic Life Science Days is coming to Malmö. This is a unique opportunity to showcase regional life science strongholds and reach out to the many international stakeholders already present.To seize this opportunity, Medicon Valley Alliance (MVA), Invest in Skåne, Copenhagen […]

Introduction to (Latent) Gaussian Processes – Hands On Data Science

"Gaussian processes (GP) has many application in both statistics (for instance spatial modelling, predictive medicine) machine learning (for instance regression, classification).The focus of the presentation and hands-on will be introducing the basic structure of a GP. The main guiding application will be using in a GP for a nonparametric regression.The hands-on tutorial will be in […]

Learn from the best: Karina Bergstrøm Larsen

"Come by Futurebox and hear Karina Bergstrøm Larsen tell about her entrepreneurial experience from her time with  Satcom1.Behind the success, there are a myriad of challenges and dilemmas to overcome. The dilemmas each represent a time on the journey where things could have developed quite differently.We believe that we learn best when we are open […]

GOTO Night with Kresten Thorup and guest speaker

"Join GOTO Night’s next meetup with Kresten Thorup, CTO and Co-founder of Humio, and a second guest speaker (to be announced soon!). Kresten will provide an overview of the advantages of Index-Free Logging and how his company implements it. Expect an evening of learning and networking with fellow developers. Speaker - Kresten Krab Thorup is CTO and Co-founder […]

5th Elixir Meetup, Code Kata – Elixir Malmö

"Come and learn some basic Elixir by coding together.All skill levels are welcome.Suggested exercise: https://github.com/exercism/elixir/tree/master/exercises/list-opsAgenda1730 introduction to the code kata and form groups1745 start working1830 meet and eat1900 continue with the exercise and maybe swap pairs1945 retro, what did we learn" Price: Free Link: https://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2382-5th-elixir-meetup-code-kata

Index-Free Log Aggregation

"Join GOTO Night’s next meetup with Kresten Thorup, CTO and Co-founder of Humio, and a second guest speaker (to be announced soon!). Kresten will provide an overview of the advantages of Index-Free Logging and how his company implements it. Expect an evening of learning and networking with fellow developers.Speaker - Kresten Krab Thorup is CTO and Co-founder […]

The Design of Everyday Things (Part 1/3) // CPHUX Book Club

"Come and read 'The Design of Everyday Things' with us."Anyone who designs anything to be used by humans -- from physical objects to computer programs to conceptual tools -- must read this book, and it is an equally tremendous read for anyone who has to use anything created by another human. It could forever change […]

FooCoding: Women – FooCoding: Newcomers

"This is an introduction to FooCoding: for Female Newcomers - How to become a web developer and what does it mean to create a website.You will meet former female students at FooCoding:Newcomers and our female mentors will show you how to make a simple webpage. So bring your laptop, if don't have a laptop (don't worry, […]