Kubernetes in action
"Kubernetes is on the agenda in all companies, for some it is still only a topic on the roadmap for the IT department, other has tested in small scale, but very few is running Kubernetes in large scale of their production load. IBM Cloud has used Kubernetes in large scale since 2016, we using Kubernetes […]
Cloud Native Stories: TV 2 Play & Spar Nord Bank
"It's time for yet another Cloud Native Copenhagen meetup! This time Spar Nord Bank and TV2 Play will tell their respective stories about their journeys into the Cloud Native ecosystem.Agenda1705 Welcome to Cloud Native Copenhagen1710 Welcome to Visma by Hans Duedal1715 "The DevOps story, from Spar Nord Bank. A glimpse, of the success stories and […]
Nordic Sports Tech and Network (in Copenhagen)
"Nordic Sports Tech is a community that focuses on connecting the Sports Tech ecosystem in the Nordic region. Come network and chat sports!It` s time for another one of many meetups among the Nordic Sports Tech community!An evening where we invite everyone from our Sports Tech community to gather to connect, network, exchange ideas and […]
Laravel meetup: August
"Time for another awesome meetup for awesome PHP artisans!We will announce speakers soon. :)GreetingsHost: Dwarf will be our great hosts! Agenda1730 Doors open1800 Welcome speech by organizers, agenda and format1815 Welcome speech by the host1830 First talk: 1915 Food and mingle :)1945 Second talk: 2030 Surprise! ^^2100 Thank you for coming! Prerequisites: - Smile and […]
Is this a machine generated title? Does it matter? Critical Tech Meetup
"In the beginning of the year, the ‘not-release’ of an AI text generator – GPT 2 – by OpenAI made headlines. Normally OpenAI advocates new AI discoveries and makes them open source to be used for the common good; this time, even they were unsure if their technology – the AI text generator – is […]
Visual Thinking Copenhagen #2
"The goal of the meetup is to cocreate – draw together, learn something new – by sharing with each other and by presenting useful tips and tricks that will help everyone become a tiny bit better and to have fun! We will follow the similar structure we had the first time:1600 Short introduction, meet new […]
What kind of SCM is needed in a DevOps context?
"Software Configuration Management (SCM) is an important foundation for any project to work in a smooth and successful way.SCM has well-established practices for more traditional ways of development, but very little is known about what SCM is needed and how it should be carried out in a DevOps context. The various StateOfDevOps reports give no […]
The Future of Maritime Workspace
"In partnership with Rainmaking at Pier47, Nautix Technologies and C-Log have started a new and exciting initiative: “Maritime Tech Talks”.It’s a monthly networking event to discuss the latest tech trends in the maritime industry. It will be filled with cutting-edge topics, beers, and pizzas." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/MaritimeTech-Talks-CPH/events/261447660/
CopenhagenJS August – Microsoft Lyngby
"Hello everyone 😄,It is time for the August edition of CopenhagenJS. We are being hosted by Microsoft. Note that this meetup is in Lyngby!Schedule:1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 Automated dependency updates - Jamie Magee1825 Break with food and drinks1900 Being a self-taught javascript developer and what have I learned - Abdulahiii Mohamed1925 You?1950 Group photo1955 Raffle.js2000 […]
Best Practices of Test Automation in Agile Development
"Test Automation and agile software development are trends that are growing in popularity and on the surface may be considered to complement each other - but in practice this combination is difficult. E.g.• The manual test effort is lacking behind the feature development and the product will thereby not become potentially shippable – Will test […]
ProductTank Copenhagen @Planday
"At this ProductTank Copenhagen, we will visit Planday. It will be quick talks, a small group and going home before dinner. You will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers, and learn about product growth.Agenda:• Snacks, sandwiches• Intro• Who is hiring• Talk: To-be announced• Group discussions• NetworkingProductTank is for product […]
Applying DDD in a legacy setup
"Hi Copenhagen DDD'ersMarijn Huizendveld has offered to run a subset of his workshop on applying DDD in a legacy setup. There is only limited headcount on this 3 hour workshop, so make sure you can come if you sign up. Please. Also Schultz https://schultz.dk has been kind to host this event.Here is what Marijn write […]
Copenhagen Analytics Coffee #1
"By democratic vote, let's get some coffee and discuss data and analytics on Tuesday the 27th of August at Coffee Collective in Torvehallerne." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copenhagen-analytics-coffee-1-tickets-66846699277
Introduction to Segment and Customer Data Infrastructure Platforms (CDI’s)
Startup Digest subscribers are also invited to this invite-only event. "An introduction to what Segment.com is and how CDI’s work and can enable growth for your business.One of the most hyped Silicon Valley companies lately is Segment.com. They have just raised $175 million and their adoption is exploding throughout the tech industry..." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/introduction-to-segment-and-customer-data-infrastructure-platforms-cdis-tickets-65020832059
Introduction to Segment and Customer Data Infrastructure Platforms (CDI’s)
TwentyThree™ 5D Sortedam Dossering, 2200 København, DanmarkFoo Café – Season Kick-Off Partner Meet-up
"Let's begin the season with a Partner meet-up.We will announce special activities and opportunities for our Partners.This is also a very good time for you to get to meet industry colleagues that shares common values (sharing knowledge on an independent arena is important).We open the doors at 16.00. Our announcements will begin at 16.15.Welcome" Price: […]
Codinghell: Continuous delivery, pizza og øl
"Emnet er Continous Delivery; og det centrale spørgsmål, hvordan vi får den agile tankegang og de korte iterationer ført hele vejen ud til kunden, i stedet for at det kun virker i udviklingsafdelingen og vi så ruller ud hvert halve år (eller sjældnere...)Program:1600 Velkomst, scenen sættes1605 Runde 0: Michael Zedeler: Modeller for CI og smoketesting […]
August WordPress Meetup
"Language: In English/Danish, depending on the attendees.Food/drink: Knowing Mark he will likely make some coffee.Parking: On street (contact Mark in comment as he can arrange a few spaces).Public Transport: Bus 10 or 3A or a short walk to Carlsberg S-tog station.Step-free access: Yes, there is an elevator. About our meetupsSometimes there are presentations, and other […]
Foo Café: 7th Anniversary – Creativity Celebrations
"It happens every August 27th, we are celebrating our anniversary.At this magical anniversary we are happy to announce that Martin Gren (founder of Axis Communication) is coming as a presenter.But, we might present more exiciting surprises later on.Anyway, You are most welcome to celebrate with us." Price: Free Link: https://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2331-7th-anniversary-creativity
Video Game #11: Game Design (Free @ Unity HQ)
"Join us for the next session with Martin Pichlmair, the head of the Games programme at ITU in Copenhagen and a co-founder of the game studio Broken Rules, at Unity HQ. Join us to learn more about game design, enjoy food and drinks, meet other Unity developers and network." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Unity-Game-Development-with-Cocktails/events/263850290/