What is the Research Data Alliance and how can it benefit you?
"What is the Research Data Alliance and how can it benefit you?Are you encountering everyday challenges while creating, collecting and managing data?Do you often find that your work as a data creator, data manager, data steward or data curator is not properly recognized and valued?Then, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is the right place for […]
Global DevOps Bootcamp @ Copenhagen
"Global DevOps Bootcamp is a global event that will be held on Saturday June 15th and is all about DevOps on the Microsoft Stack. Centrally organized by Xpirit and Solidify and offered to you by this local partner. During this 1-day event we will join (Microsoft) DevOps communities all around the world to talk, learn […]
The Triple-A Classroom – Using Commercial Games in School
"Opsummering på dansk: Dette er et 2-dages seminar, fra d. 17-18 juni 2019, om brugen af almindelige hverdags computerspil (som fx MInecraft) i undervisningen, og det retter sig primært mod undervisere i folkeskolen og på gymnasieniveau. Hvis du arbejder med spil i undervisningen, eller er interesseret i brugen af spil i undervisningen, så vil du […]
June Cloud meetup – Apache Beam on GCP
"GDG Cloud Copenhagen summer meetupSummer is here! How about spending it inside with like-minded people, learning about Google Cloud?A few years ago, moving data between applications and datastores included expensive monolithic stacks from large software vendors with little flexibility. Now with frameworks such as Apache Beam and Apache Airflow, we can schedule and run data […]
Peer Lab – 2019, 5th Event
"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. Bring a laptop and some code to work on.Also - feel free to pass on suggestions for topics to be discussed. As mentioned […]
Open innovation workshop
"To create an open solution that can compete against the existing venture backed mobility solutions we need to leverage Open Innovation to its fullest potential from the very start. This meetup will be a workshop, where we will find out how to organize the project moving forward.If you have knowledge in the domain and would […]
accelerateCPH DEMO DAY
"Kom og hør eksperternes bud på, hvordan vi skal bygge og bo i fremtiden. Se inspirerende oplæg om indeklima og fremtidens byer. Oplev 8.klasses skoleelever udfordre eksperterne i paneldebat.Og - se de deltagende startups SundforLuft og Polisensio præsentere deres resultater af #accelerateCPH 19. i byder igen i år velkommen til en festlig og inspirerende formiddag - […]
Fremtidens lederskab starter i dag
"En massiv digital og teknologisk forandring præger vores samfund i disse år. Den vil fundamentalt ændre måden hvorpå vi arbejder og driver virksomhed. Succes under disse omskiftelige og uforudsigelige forhold kræver, at man forstår teknologiens muligheder, og at man evner at opdyrke det menneskelige potentiale under kontinuerlige forandringer.Dette foredrag er et wake-up call til lederen, […]
Developing cloud native apps with microservices architecture
"Microservice architecture, or simply microservices, and cloud native applications are very popular these days and on the mindset of most developers and IT architects. Cloud native applications are built as a system of microservices.Microservices is a method of developing software systems that tries to focus on building single-function modules with well-defined interfaces and operations. The […]
Lightning Fast Code With Elixir – Fourth Elixir Meetup
"Agenda:* Show and tell - lightning talks* Lightning Fast Code With Elixir* Bulletproof embedded software with Elixir, part 2" Price: Free Link: https://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2334-lightning-fast-code-with-elixir
How to Build the Perfect Tech Product | FREE workshop
"It always begins with a great idea, but it's equally important to be able to pitch that idea efficiently. We see lots of entrepreneurs struggling to explain their product in a clear and concise way.Consequently, they often don't know how to work with designers and developers because they don't speak their language. The role of […]
GraphQL with Entity Framework Core and then more Entity Framework Core
"This meetup features two talks around Entity Framework - first of which centers around GraphQL** Entity Framework Core ** by Erik Ejlskov JensenEntity Framework (EF) Core is a lightweight and extensible version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology. EF Core is an object-relational mapper (O/RM) that enables .NET developers to work with a […]
Google Next Goes to Denmark – Copenhagen
"The Danish executive summary of the worlds largest innovation event!Google NEXT is one of the world’s largest and most influential tech conferences with 15.000+ participants in San Francisco. This April, the whole world gathered for 3 days filled with tech-driven innovation, inspiring digital strategies from global giants, and insights into the latest methods and tools […]
Google Next Goes to Denmark – Copenhagen
"The Danish executive summary of the worlds largest innovation event!Google NEXT is one of the world’s largest and most influential tech conferences with 15.000+ participants in San Francisco. This April, the whole world gathered for 3 days filled with tech-driven innovation, inspiring digital strategies from global giants, and insights into the latest methods and tools […]
A new digital vision for Europe and artificial intelligence in 2030
"How can Europe set new standards for artificial intelligence in an era of increasing competition with China and the United States?In the next few years the EU needs to find a strategy towards a number of geostrategic challenges: Artificial intelligence is one of the key challenges in the next phase of digitalization.How can Europe set […]
A new digital vision for Europe and artificial intelligence in 2030
"How can Europe set new standards for artificial intelligence in an era of increasing competition with China and the United States?In the next few years the EU needs to find a strategy towards a number of geostrategic challenges: Artificial intelligence is one of the key challenges in the next phase of digitalization.How can Europe set […]
Future of the maritime workspace
"In partnership with Rainmaking at Pier47, Nautix Technologies and C-Log have started a new and exciting initiative: “Maritime Tech Talks”.It’s a monthly networking event to discuss the latest tech trends in the maritime industry. It will be filled with cutting-edge topics, beers, and pizzas. Speakers: TBA" Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/future-of-the-maritime-workspace-tickets-62566087853?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
CopenhagenJS June – Visma
"Hello everyone 😄,It is time for the June edition of CopenhagenJS. We are being hosted by Visma.Schedule1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 Power of Hackathons - André Kovac1825 Break with food and drinks1900 You?1925 You?1950 Group photo1955 Raffle.js2000 Socializing - meet the community2100 See you next time!CopenhagenJs is a community group in Copenhagen for all JavaScript developers. […]
TrueSkill: a player ranking system using Microsoft Infer.NET framework
"This time, it's our pleasure to have Søren Johansen from Microsoft, who will present their framework for probabilistic programming: Infer.NET.Outline of presentation:1. Introduction to probabilistic programming using Infer.NET2. The TrueSkill model for ranking players on Xbox Live, based on Infer.NET3. Training Infer.NET probabilistic programs on Azure Machine Learning Services Bio:Søren has over 20 years of […]
Big Data, Copenhagen v 3.0
A night of cutting-edge content in all things Data! Join the Data Natives community alongside drinks, snacks and lots of fun!Join us for an evening of exciting talks from Data Science Industry leaders and experts, followed by enough time for a few drinks, nibbles and networking.Schedule:1800 Registration1815 Welcome and Intro, Data Natives1830 TBA, Gridgain1855 TBA1920 […]