Se det nye startup-miljø, Univate SC1 by Symbion, før alle andre
"This Spring, 'Univate SC1 by Symbion' - the 4th location in the community is opening. The environment will consist of approx. 60 innovative startups and entrepreneurs working with blockchain, fintech, game mm. We offer a 'sneak peek' on March 28, where interested startups and entrepreneurs within blockchain, fintech, game etc. and other curious people can get […]
Functional Patterns for the Object Oriented
"Object-oriented languages have during the last decade introduced a number of features originating from the functional programming domain. Most notable are the introduction of lambda expressions and stream processing libraries like LINQ in C# and the Stream API in Java, but other features are emerging. C# 7.0 introduced the concepts of tuples and pattern matching, which […]
Governance and Scaffolding in Agility – Teal for Teal Malmö
"What support structures do we need working successfully in self-organization? A governance that takes a holistic perspective. How does the relationship between agility and governance look like?Please bring your questions and your examples, this is a participatory seminar.This seminar is aimed at managers, team leaders, business developers, intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs and all people interested in teal […]
DigitalXChange ProductTalk: The digital and the innovation challenge
"Originating in Berlin, DigitalXChange ProductTalk is coming to Copenhagen for the first time and we don't come alone. Johann Jenson - Berlin proud resident - is joining us to tell you what your product team needs in order to "pass" the digital transformation challenge while Shubham Bhattacharya will join us from Oslo to talk about The Innovation Challenge.Pernille Trolle Brøgaard's […]
April is Shiny!
"Spring is here! That means this month is all about all things Shiny (if that makes sense)!We have two speakers who are regulars on the R-Ladies Copenhagen circuit, Diana Lucatero and Ivana Hybenova. Special thanks to Deloitte Risk Advisory for sponsoring!Talk 1: Data science- from academia to industryIn this lighting talk, Diana will share her […]
Morgen TALK: Er du klar til at innovere fremtidens arbejdsformer?
"En af tidens hotteste emner er ”Fremtidens arbejdsformer” - og med god grund. Ny teknologi som kunstig intelligens, robotter, virtual reality og digitale platforme vil nemlig gøre arbejdsbegrebet mere flydende, ikke kun i forhold til hvorfra og hvornår vi arbejder, men også hvordan.I anledningen af lancering af vores ”Future of Work”-accelerator, samler vi en række […]
Join CDON Labs In Hacking Web Applications
"Bring your laptop and hack a web app with us at CDON!Security consultant and ethical hacker Linus Kvarnhammar is coming to CDON to host his famous workshop on security. All you need is a laptop and a black hoodie for the accurate hacker-look.Introduction to security testing for web applicationsInteractive lab to discover vulnerabilities in a […]
Nordic HealthTech Talents Demo Day
"Join us to celebrate with the early stage HealthTech startups, participate in the conversation and meet key players from the ecosystem!The Demo Day event starts at 2pm, due to the limited seats it is first come, first served. Sign up right now to save yourself a spot in this great event!Schedule1400 Welcome & Opening1430 Eleven […]
Key Takeaways fra SXSW 2019
"Med 5.000 oplægsholdere og deltagere fra over 100 lande er South by Southwest et af verdens absolut vigtigste teknologievents.Ligesom tidligere år har vi inviteret 10 skarpe talere til at dele deres Key Learnings fra SXSW 2019. De 10 personer får hver 10 minutter til at tale om de trends, innovationer og teknologier, de mener vil […]
Le Wagon Copenhagen | QUIZ Night
"🏆🏆🏆 Who will be the big quiz night winner? 🏆🏆🏆This is one for quiz lovers, trivia crackers and everyone curious about code! 📝 Join our current Le Wagon Copenhagen batch, alumni, and our friends for a night of quizzes and fun. We're offering beer and drinks to everyone and we will be supplying a whole […]
Future of Health – Info Night
"FoodLab at DTU Skylab invites DTU students to discuss the future of wild and foraged food as a preventative approach to healthcare. Representatives from the FoodLab at DTU Skylab and the Nordic Health Lab will be present to facilitate discussion and talk to students. Don’t know anything about foraging or wild food? No problem. Students […]
Global Graph Celebration Day – Copenhagen
"Networks are more than just pretty picturesFor GlobalGraphCelebrationDay.com we are running a workshop to explore practical applications of graph theory, network analysis and visualisations, looking into the past and future of graph-powered tools and methods.TO RSVP: https://neo4j.typeform.com/to/USb6It?event=copenhagen To find out more about Global Graph Celebration Day: https://neo4j.com/blog/leonhard-euler-global-graph-celebration-day/ " Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Graph-Databases-Meetup/events/259549580/
Automation in Testing introduction – ConTest
"Todays speakers are Mark Winteringham (https://www.mwtestconsultancy.co.uk/) and Richard Bradshaw (https://thefriendlytester.co.uk/) who are visiting Malmö to do their highly appreciated course Automation in Testing.In this session they will do an introduction to the course where they will introduce us in the world of effective automation. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to listen to and interact […]
Peer Lab – 2019, 3rd Event
"Join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. Bring a laptop and some code to work on.Also - feel free to pass on suggestions for topics to be discussed. As mentioned it can […]
Skab forretningsmodellen
"En velfungerende forretningsmodel er kritisk for, om en startup får muligheden for at gå fra at være en startup på udkig efter en “scalable, repeatable business model” og så til at være en egentlig velfungerende virksomhed med plus på bundlinien og solid vækst.For at nå dertil kan det være rigtig godt at have et godt […]
tretton37 Code Lunch Malmö: What the Webpack!? Recipes for 2019
"Join Andreas Martinsson as he takes you on a tour through the vast (and initially daunting) mass of functionality that is Webpack. In this talk Andreas will walk you through the most useful and interesting aspects he has found in Webpack while digging through the source code. After a technical overview and a walkthrough deconstructing […]
Informal – planning the future of the group
"Dear Data Architect and Modeler Meetuppers!This meetup group is now ready to fly. Over the last month the organisers have secured two sponsors already:- SAS Institute Denmark (https://www.sas.com/da_dk/home.html)- VPT (https://www.vpt.co.uk)Let's Meetup on April 16th at SAS Institute in Købmagergade 7-9 , DK-1150 København K from 14:00 to 16:00 to socialise and to plan the future […]
Besøg virkelighedens Løvens Hule, hør om folkeinvestering og få en forsmag på “ugens case”
"Er du nysgerrig på om startup-investering er noget for dig? Er du kommerciel ildsjæl, som brænder for iværksætteri og har du måske overvejet at blive medlem af Keystones, Danmarks største netværk for investering i startups?Program1500 Intro til Keystones og “folkeinvestering”v/Frederik Ploug Søgaard, head of business development i Keystones og stifter af Dansk Crowdfunding Forening 1530 […]
Azure Networking with Orin Thomas – Skåne Azure User Group
"Skåne Azure Usergroup is honored to welcome Orin Thomas from Microsoft.Orin Thomas is a Principal Cloud Operations Advocate at Microsoft, an MCT, and has a string of Microsoft MCSE and MCITP certifications.He has written more than 3 dozen books for Microsoft Press on topics including Windows Server, Windows Client, Azure, System Center, Exchange Server, Security, […]
Bulletproof embedded software w Elixir
"Third Malmö Elixir MeetupAgenda* Lightning talks / show and tell• Embedded Elixir with Nerves• ETS cache performance• Writing interactive webapps without javascript - LiveView demoWe begin at 17.30 with meet & greet. Presentations starts at 17.45. There will be a break for something to eat and drink at 18.30." Price: Free Link: https://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2260-cache-performance-w-elixir