Cleaning up the data cleaning process + predicting Danish election outcomes
"Here's a little Christmas present: We're rebooting meetings in the CopenhagenR useRs group in the new year. We'll start with two very nice talks: First talk by Anne Helby Petersen:**Cleaning up the data cleaning process with the dataMaid package**Data cleaning and data validation are the first steps in practically any data analysis, as the validity […]
Sitecore User Group Meetup – February 7th 2019
"Agenda1730 Food1815 Jesper Ravnsgaard, Copenhagen MistTopic: TBA1900 Break1915 Mark Cassidy, Cassidy ConsultTopic: 10x Your Sitecore Development2000 Drinks and Networking" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Sitecore-User-Group-Denmark/events/258094441/
The present and the future of food
"Have you ever thought how your plate would look like in the far future? And what would that mean to our planet?Feeding the World and the impact of food production on our environment is one of the biggest challenges of our time.The Urban Sustainability Copenhagen Meetup group would like to invite you to think together, […]
VivaTech Tour in Copenhagen – Going corporate: what’s the good recipe?
"VivaTech, the world's rendezvous for startups and leaders is returning for a 4th edition in Paris on May 16-18, 2019. To kick off this upcoming VivaTech, the team is embarking on a worldwide tour that will take us to the most vibrant startup hubs on the planet, this time to Copenhagen!For this edition of the VivaTech […]
AI & medier: Hvordan styrker vi vores demokratiske immunforsvar?
"Hvad betyder de nye teknologier for vores demokratiske immunforsvar?Program:0900 Velkommen til v. Ida Auken, MF RV0905 Den kommende valgkamps nye medielandskab v. Lisbeth Knudsen, Altinget/MandagMorgen0920 Demokratiet under digitalt angreb v. NN0935 Erfaringer fra valg i andre lande v. Thomas Albrechtsen, Nextwork0950 Præsentation af SIRI-kommissionens anbefalinger v. Ida Auken og Thomas Damkjær Petersen, SIRI-kommissionen1015 Valg af […]
AI Seminar: Deep latent variable models: estimation and missing data imputation
"Speaker: Jes Frellsen, Associate Professor at Computer Science Department, IT University of Copenhagen.Abstract: TBA" Price: Free Link: https://ai.ku.dk/events/ai-seminar-jes-frellsen/
Le Wagon Cph | Board Games & Beers
"💻 Code hard, play harder 🎲This is one for game lovers, beer drinkers and everyone curious about code!Come and join our current Le Wagon Copenhagen batch, alumni, and our friends for a night of board games and fun. We're offering beer to everyone and we will be supplying a whole evening's worth of fun.Come hang […]
Malmö Design Salon #8 ’Digital & Physical: Design For The Seams’
"We are happy to announce the 8th Malmö Design Salon at Above, http://www.above.se, one of the leading Scandinavian innovation, design and technology agencies. The theme is 'Digital & Physical: Design For the Seams'.We would like to invite you to a discussion about the interplay of bits & atoms, photons & synapses, interfaces & organisms. Digital […]
Ruby talks night at Tonsser
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers :* Andreas Hjortgaard Danielsen: "Type-safe music: Automatic harmonisation of music using machine learning."* David Pedersen: "A few learnings after writing 100K lines of Ruby in one app"We are always looking for more speakers!Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of […]
Why your next project should use Elixir – Elixir Malmö
"The first Elixir Malmö Meetup.Elixir is a wonderful functional language with high quality tools and libraries. It runs on the Erlang VM which has been used for decades to build reliable and scalable micro services. Elixir can be used in a wide range of domains, from web to embedded development.Why Elixir?* What if you could […]
An introduction to binary exploitation – SecuriTea
"As programmers we have been taught that writing outside a buffer or overflowing an integer can lead to security issues.Why is this so? Exactly how does something, possibly as small as one byte, cause such big problems?This session aims to give an introduction to binary exploitation, i.e. the science (and art) of utilising bugs in […]
Creative Confidence // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Creative Confidence' with us.Event overview:January 16th // Chapter 1-3January 30th // Chapter 4-6February 13th // Chapter 7-8Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters. This makes it more do-able (for some) to get through the book. At each event, we'll then dive into specific chapters. After reading each chapter (at home) take some […]
Lighthouse Afterwork Copenhagen
"The Lighthouse Development Program is coming to Copenhagen!In 2018 the Lighthouse program worked with 15 exciting fintech companies in Vilnius, Stockholm, and Helsinki. Now, Lighthouse is excited to start 2019 with a second class of 15 fintech’s from the Nordics and Baltics and will be hosting workshops in Copenhagen, Tallinn, and Oslo. What better way […]
Workshop on Upscaling for Students / Entrepreneurs / Members of the Ecosyst
"Workshop on Upscaling for Entrepreneurs / Members of the Ecosystem1530 Welcome by Jes Broeng, Open Entrepreneurship1545 Chris Yeh:The essence and key points about Blitzscaling for entrepreneurs and all members of the surrounding start-up eco-system1700 Panel discussion and Q&A Reid Hoffman (via videolink), Jacob Bratting Pedersen, Partner, Vækstfonden; Michael Moesgaard, Chairman Valuer.ai; Niels Henrik B. Mikkelsen, […]
Direkt från Bryssel: Dataskydd
"Maciej Tomaszewski är en belgisk lokalpolitiker, med rötter i Polen och släkt i Halmstad. Han har engagerat sig i informationssamhällets utmaningar från den lokala nivån i en av Bryssels nitton kommuner till sitt vardagsjobb på EU-kommissionens direktorat för rättvisefrågor.Nu färdas han via Malmö till släkten, och har ställt upp på gemytligt och informellt häng med […]
Ableton User Group – Malmö – February meet-up
"We meet again! On the back of a fun 'Against the clock' challenge in January, we will do this again!How it works and what you need...- Own laptop and headphones with Ableton loaded onto your computer (you can download a trial version at http://www.ableton.com)- I will assign a sample for you to work from.- You […]
Monitoring Docker Containers in Kubernetes DevOps Skåne
"In modern times almost every application is running in Docker, by having such complex solutions to orchestrate Docker, monitoring becomes more complex and near to unsolvable.Let's break this stereotype and get some easy monitoring tools and monitor our Docker Kubernetes solution with Prometheus. We will cover how to monitor Docker in Kubernetes and get notified (in Slack) […]
Deploying Machine Learning Models with Docker – Hands On Data Science
"This session will mainly focus on Deploying the Machine Learning models into Docker. At the end of the session you will write your own docker images and publish the images into docker. How to use the docker for development and orchestrate the models deployed into docker in docker swarm is not focus on Kubernetes.Please note: […]
People also ask. Join the SEMrush Meetup in Copenhagen.
"You are Invited!SEMrush is coming to Copenhagen and we'd love to meet you!We teamed up with Milosz to bring you an awesome meetup in your city and talk about Digital Marketing. You’ve seen more and more methods for ranking #0 in search results lately, right? You’ve likely seen the People Also Ask (Related Questions) boxes – […]
Accessibility in UX Design
"Accessibility in UX Design Accessibility is mostly discussed in front-end but at this event, we'll dive into accessibility in UX design. We'll start with a basic walkthrough of what accessibility actually covers and the challenges within this field. Annika & Christina are specialist in this and will not only give you an overview of it […]