Book Launch: On The Move – Lessons for the Future from Nordic Leaders
"Please join me for an informal pre-publication event at the Tradeshift Office on January 18, 2019, to celebrate the launch of the book On the Move: Lessons for the Future from Nordic Leaders.The event will involve:- A brief introduction to the book by the author Pernille Hippe Brun- Insights from some of the global leaders who […]
FuckUp Nights Copenhagen at Rainmaking Loft
"FuckUp Nights Copenhagen are back!Join our first event of 2019, where even more failures will be shared and celebrated. Get your free ticket today!Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of […]
Entering the Chinese market
"Are you or your business considering entering the Chinese market? Come and be inspired by speakers with great knowledge of the Chinese market and hear funny and informative tales about the reality of a market estimated to be worth +55 DKK billion in 2020.The format is short speeches with no slides, a debate involving all […]
Startup Guide Store Copenhagen – Opening Party & Weekend
"We’re thrilled to announce the opening of the third Startup Guide Store!Join us for our opening weekend in Copenhagen, as we celebrate a new chapter in our history. We will remain open through the weekend so locals can stop in to see the space, have a coffee and learn more about the store concept. If […]
Servant BVIR – ITU kick off meeting
"Servant Big Virtuel Information Radiator is an Non-profit group with the mission to help spread an AGILE MINDSET.Learn more at bvir.dk---Vi har fundet en dato der passer de fleste også Maria fra ITU. Så kom til vores Kick off af forårs coaching på ITU, vi finder på en dagsorden når vi kommer tættere på, i […]
Proofpoint Morgenmadsseminar
"Denne morgen sætter vi fokus på Proofpoint, som beskæftiger sig med mailsikkerhed. Vi spiser morgenmad og bruger et par timer på at fortælle dig, hvordan du fjerner spam, skadelige links, virus o.a. fra virksomhedens indgående mails.Proofpoint har gennem en årrække været bedst placeret i Gartners Magic Quadrant, senest i 2018-udgaven af Gartners ”Market Guide for Secure Email […]
Få succes med Product-Market Fit
"Langt hovedparten af alle startups fejler indenfor få år efter, de er stiftet. Den primære årsag til, at startups ikke lykkes er, at der hverken er noget behov eller noget marked for det produkt eller den service, de tilbyder.Sådan behøver det imidlertid ikke at være. For der findes gode, enkle, billige og hurtige metoder til […]
Seminar regarding the new Spotlight rulebook
"As part of Spotlight’s change from being a traditional market place for shares to becoming a strong platform for growth companies we have reviewed our listing agreement.Listed companies has previously signed a listing agreement also stating the undertakings in relation to information. Spotlight will now instead have a rulebook with the undertakings. The rules are […]
Klustermöte inom spelbranschen
"Mer info och program kommer närmare eventet. Nedan är information som gått ut via e-post.Under det nationella inkubatormötet tillsammans med dataspelsbranschen lyftes frågan kring att inleda ett nätverk mellan spelklustren i Sverige. Syftet för nätverket är att utbyta erfarenheter i klusterbygge samt prata ihop sig inför internationella konferenser och mässor. Vi pratade även lite på […]
SAFe® Meetup – LACE som transformations muskel
"LACE / Agile Execution - som transformations muskel og samarbejde ud i organisationen.Vi skal tale om LACE og Agile Execution, med Pia Verdich, Head of Lean-Agile Center of Excellence. Hvordan har Ørsted, bygget deres LACE op, hvilke tiltag har de valgt at have fokus på, hvad er en Agil Coach ?Nordea, John Skov, Agil Skumfidus. […]
Bootstrappings 1-års fødselsdag med Tommy Ahlers
"For at fejre det danske startupmiljø og Bootstrappings første år inviterer vi alle vores faste læsere på fødselsdagskage og champagne, og uddannelses- og forskningsminister Tommy Ahlers kigger forbi og holder et oplæg om at gå fra startup til investor til ministerbil.Program(ændringer kan forekomme):1430 Dørene åbner, champagne1455 Velkomst v. Bootstrappings chefredaktør, Marianne Kristensen Schacht1500 Oplæg fra […]
Corporate Innovation: Improve the odds of succes of your innovation efforts
"Torben Hede will go through his journey as Head of Innovation for Sony.How do you engage all your employees in Innovation? How do you setup a corporate incubator and succeed? How do you combine the strengths in Startup methods and Corporate muscle? How does your internal IT department and software tools help or hinder? How […]
Startup Copenhagen Kickoff Meetup
"Startup Copenhagen invites entrepreneurs, investors and all entrepreneurship lovers to gather, share updates about the community, and discover new startups. We are fired up and proud to be supported by community builders in all industries. Agenda:We're very excited to welcome special guests: Thea Messel (Unconventional Ventures)Mads Emil Dalsgaard (Funderbeam)Christian Jantzen (Futuristic VC)Nick Hawtin (Nordic Legal […]
Probabilistic programming: A new paradigm in machine learning
"3Shape and Department of Computer Science DIKU – University of Copenhagen invite developers and other people of interest to a morning event around Machine Learning. Two talks will be held by Christos Apostolopoulos and Thomas Hamelryck, where Machine Learning in dentistry and Probabilistic development will be discussed, followed by a Q&A. Agenda0830 Breakfast buffet0900 "Digitalizing dentistry with Machine Learning" by Christos […]
Full Scale Data Architects and the Data Quadrants
"Ronald Damhof & Martijn Evers are trying to make Data Architects come to grips with the new reality of data, and how to get control back. For this they started a movement for more Full Scale Data Architects to combat the ever increasing data-tsunami. For raising awareness, they postulated 10 commandments for the (aspiring) Full […]
SEO Vækst Academy: Sådan får du succes i toppen af Google i 2019!
"Skal 2019 blive dit bedste år nogensinde i toppen af Google?Kom og mød en masse ligesindede, der alle det samme mål som dig: At gøre 2019 til det bedste år i toppen af Google for deres egen virksomhed eller for de kunder som de hjælper med SEO.Program:Registrering, morgenkaffe & crossiant (kl. 08.45 til 9.00)Velkomst ved […]
Venture Cup Idea Competition 2019 Award Show
"Join us in celebrating the entrepreneurs of tomorrow from all the Danish universities! We’ve narrowed down the field of hundreds of crazy, cool, amazing and innovative ideas to the very best.The five category winners will compete to become the overall winner of Idea Competition 2019 and get the cash prize of DKK100,000. Come celebrate, network, […]
Scrum@Scale with Jeff Sutherland
"GOTO Copenhagen and Nordea welcome you to a GOTO Night with Jeff Sutherland. More info will be revealed by time. AGENDA- TBAJeff SutherlandBIO A former US Air Force “Top Gun,” Dr. Jeff Sutherland is the inventor and co-creator of the SCRUM framework. Developed in 1993 and formalized in 1995 with Ken Schwaber, Scrum has since […]
Nordic Product Marketing Meetup
"The Nordic Product Marketing Network invites you to the first meetup of 2019!We welcome all product marketing specialists, enthusiasts, fans, and collaborators to the meetup. In addition to sharing insights, best practice tips and ideas, this is an excellent opportunity to expand your product marketing network in the Copenhagen area.We are also excited to welcome […]
Streamingkultur: Kaotisk software-udvikling og spin-off muligheder
"It-udviklerne Martin Larsen og Steven Snedker, som står bag softwaren TV4ever, ville egentlig bare optage udsendelser fra DR. TV4ever har brugere, så hvad er next step? Nu deler de deres erfaringer om bl.a. apps, teknik og markedsovervejelser." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://universe.ida.dk/arrangement/ida-it-naar-din-software-skal-ud-til-brugerne-330128/