Copenhagen Coding Noobs
"Copenhagen Coding Noobs #1Where to find us:Bastard Cafe Gin Bar (the smaller downstairs bar that is visible from Rådhusstræde) NOT the main cafe. What to expect:We will often start with a short demo on some basic web development that will help complete beginners.Then we can help you get set up with some resources that will […]
Cognitive Buildings – Hvor langt er vi kommet og mulighederne fremover
"Fremover mener fremtidsforskerne, at der bliver efterspørgsel på selvtænkende bygninger. For at nå dertil skal mange af de eksisterende data udnyttes. Kom med og hør om Cognitive Buildings og få indblik i fremtidens bygninger." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://universe.ida.dk/arrangement/cognitive-buildings-hvor-langt-er-vi-kommet-og-mulighederne-fremover-328453/
Copenhagen Cocoa January 2019 🚀
"Let's kick off 2019 with another round of Copenhagen Cocoa! We'll be at Nodes and we'll have three awesome talks. Let us know if you or someone you know would like to talk at the event.1830 Food and drinks1900 Chris Combs - Coordinators Reloaded1930 Per Friis - Come and play BS bingo2000 Break2015 TBA" Price: […]
Kick off 2019 with an international focus
"Discuss your needs concerning internationalisation with the Danish Innovation Centers.On 10 January 2019, advisors from Innovation Centre Denmark will visit DTU Science Park to discuss your needs when it comes to dealing with markets abroad. Join the informal breakfast meeting to hear more about what Innovation Centre Denmark can do to assist you in realising […]
Employment Workshop – How to Find an English Speaking Position & Networking in DK
"Finding a job in Copenhagen is not always easy – especially if you don’t speak Danish.Following on from the huge success of 2 previous 6-week Employment Assistance workshops Karey-Anne, founder of Welcome Group Consulting and NGO Café Cadeau, the most expat-friendly café in Copenhagen have teamed up to hold free monthly employment workshops designed to help […]
Spotlight – the new stock market for growth companies
"Do you know Spotlight – the new stock market for growth companies?With the introduction of Spotlight Stock Market to the Danish market, IPO, stock market access and capital for growth companies and scale-ups are now easier and much more accessible.Come join us for this event where Spotlight Stock Market will give an introduction to IPO […]
Experiment to innovate + Building the right product
"We know this meetup is a little later than usual but GOTO CPH (https://gotocph.com/) ends at 18:30 on Monday and we want to make sure folks attending the conference are also able to attend this event!Agenda1700 Doors open1730 Talk 1: Experiment to innovate1815 Break with snacks1830 Talk 2: Building the right product with early validation […]
Wicked Problems & Design – The Digital UI
"The 4th industrial revolution is surfacing more and more Wicked Problems... and this is a challenge for designers.Wicked problems are problems that are seemingly impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. Embracing complexity and experimentation is the next frontier for designers, but involves transforming our way […]
MorningTalk: The future of publishing
"Where is the publishing industry heading and what are the new trends to keep an eye on?At this MorningTalk at Creative Dock, we look forward to some exciting speakers, and to present a brand new project within publishing.Pointa provides a co-working platform for authors and skilled editors, illustrators and graphic designers. The platform also integrates readers who […]
Instagram Stories: How to crush it in 2019 for your brand
"Curious about using Instagram Stories for your brand, but not totally sure where to start? Or have you tried it but aren't getting optimal results?Our Instagram Stories seminar will teach you how to grow your brand's social media presence and stay engaged with your followers using Instagram Stories.Learn how to attract more of your ideal audience, boost your […]
Fejring af virksomhederne i SDG Accelerator
"Styrk både bundlinje og Verdensmålene - Fejring af virksomhederne i SDG AcceleratorDet er med stor glæde, at UNDP og Industriens Fond kan invitere til en fejring af de virksomheder, der i 2018 har fuldført SDG Accelerator for små og mellemstore virksomheder. I programmet har 13 danske produktionsvirksomheder brugt Verdensmålene som (bæredygtigt) brændstof for innovation frem […]
Infomøde om kursusrække: Sådan kommer du ind i en startup
"Tag del i et kursusforløb som klæder dig på til at indtræde på iværksætterscenen.Vil du bruge dine kompetencer på at skabe værdi i iværksættermiljøet, og overvejer du en karriere som ”virksomhedsbygger”, så vil IDA gerne hjælpe dig i gang. Vi har slået os sammen med Keystones, som er Danmarks største netværk af startup investorer, og […]
Ethic guidelines for AI and future implementations – Critical Tech Meetup
"The European Union established an expert group of 52 individuals that put their heads together and discussed an ethical approach to AI, AI systems and its future implementations. On 18 December 2018, they published a first working document for a guideline on ethics for trustworthy AI.This document is open for commentary until 18 January 2019.The […]
Strategies that work. SEMrush & Under2 Meetup in Copenhagen!
"SEMrush in partnership with Under2 are excited to announce our first marketing meetup in Copenhagen!In this meetup, our two industry experts will cover a range of topics relating to Digital and Content Strategy.During this session you will see how to create a content marketing strategy from scratch, applying the experience of dozens of content strategist, who were […]
BioStock Live Startup pitch & Dealmaker Summit
"We proudly welcome you to the first BioStock Live event on the Danish side of Øresund!In collaboration with Bayer Healthcare we invite leading startups, entrepreneurs and top innovators of the Nordic region to beautiful Copenhagen to pitch and present the next generation of healthcare solutions in pharma, biotech, diagnostics and devices to the top management of Bayer and qualified investors. We […]
Become a BII startup @ BioInnovation Institute
"Are you one of the next BII start-ups? BII is right now looking for ambitious researchers and scientists who dare to jump into the entrepreneurial world. Our latest open calls were 10 times oversubscribed, so we urge you to apply in good time for the PoC program before January 24 and our incubator program, Creation House, before […]
Dixa Connect Launch
"Join us for the launch of Dixa Connect!At Dixa, our greatest mission is to bring companies closer to their customers. The best customer experience is one that makes the customer feel like they’re being treated as an old friend when they get in touch with the companies and brands they love.That’s our version of the […]
Sådan skaffer du kapital til dit startup
"Investor radar, kapitalbehov, værdisætning og forhandlingsproces – velkommen til ToolboxDet seneste år har danske startups rejst mindst 20 millioner kr. via Keystones. Lær hvordan og hvad det kræver.Søger dit startup risikovillig kapital og risikovillige kompetencer? Så vil vi gerne invitere dig til Keystones’ populære Toolbox om investor radar, kapitalbehov, værdisætning og forhandlingsproces. Vi har komprimeret […]
Ansible Meetup Copenhagen
"It's time again, to have a fun Ansible evening.Come and talk to other Ansible users, and let's learn from each other.Lets meet up and build a strong Ansible community here in Denmark.The Meetup will take place at Peytz & Co Rentemestervej 56C, 2400, København NV. 16. january from 17:00 to 20:00.Agenda1700 Doors open1715 Welcome - […]
Creative Confidence // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Creative Confidence' with us.Event overview:January 16th // Chapter 1-3January 30th // Chapter 4-6February 13th // Chapter 7-8Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters. This makes it more do-able (for some) to get through the book. At each event, we'll then dive into specific chapters. After reading each chapter (at home) take some […]