MalmöJS November Meetup at Joint Academy
"Welcome to our first MalmöJS meetup live in the wild! This event is hosted at Joint Academy, an e-health startup in the center of town – check out their website: https://www.jointacademy.com. There will be two 30min JS presentations this meetup: 1. TBD2. React: from setState to useState Agenda:1730 Drop in1745 Introduction & Presentation 11830 Food!1900 […]
Le Wagon Copenhagen Demo Day
"In October, our latest group embarked on their coding journey with Le Wagon Copenhagen. After 9 intensive weeks of learning to code, design and deploy their apps, they're ready to show the world what they got. Come and discover what our students can deliver after just two months of intensive coding Bootcamp!You can:- Meet our […]
Hack Your Future Class
"Hack Your Future is a six months program for immigrants to become a fullstack web developers.You sign up for a six months course.Applications can be made at http://www.hackyourfuture.net/applyFind out more at http://www.hackyourfuture.net and see our open source curriculum at https://github.com/HackYourFutureMalmoe/curriculumAgenda1130-1230 Session 11230-1300 Food1330-1530 Session 2 & 3If you want to join us as mentor contact Baraa Hatem. If […]
Teknikpyssel och programmering för tjejer 9-11 år – Geek Girl Mini
"Vill du bygga fruktpianon och ritrobotar, testa 3d-skrivare och programmera? Vi blandar teknikpyssel och programmering och vid varje träff gör du lite av varje. Programmera gör vi i Scratch (scratch.mit.edu), där vi bland annat bygger spel, gör animationer och en chattrobot.Vem: Tjejer 9-11 år När: Sju måndagar under hösten (24/9, 8/10, 22/10, 5/11, 19/11, 3/12 och […]
Breakfast Seminar: Scaling Your Video Marketing Strategy Using Webinars
"Our next breakfast seminar is here! And it all centers around an important question:Did you know that 73% of marketing and sales leaders say webinars are one of the best ways to generate quality leads?That’s why we are inviting industry experts to our TwentyThree Breakfast Seminar: Scaling Your Video Marketing Strategy Using Webinars. Join us […]
Get hands-on with Virtual agents/Chatbot
"This workshop will cover the full lifecycle of designing, configuration and deploying a chatbot.- Participants will be provided a hands on experience starting from an example customer service use case.- We will review the use case and walk through the requirements. Then, using the ServiceNow Conversation Designer, participants will design and configure the use case […]
Future digital platform for Multinationals
"The scope of IT is radically changing for large traditional companies. For many years the focus for IT has been to automate and standardize processes mainly supported by few monolithic business platforms. New business models leveraging digital technologies will require a much more adaptable and integrated IT architecture. Old platforms need to be replaced by […]
Copenhagen Cocoa Peer Lab – 2018, 6th Event
"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. Bring a laptop and some code to work on.Also - feel free to pass on suggestions for topics to be discussed. As mentioned […]
The Pace of Change: Reality, Utopia and Innovation in Contemporary Cities.
Unusual venue. Cool 'big' topic."Cities are arguably one of the most complex human inventions, with unmatched impact on our everyday lives. Since the first settlements to the most contemporary metropoles, urban form has widely represented our identity and our way of life.Perhaps for that reason, cities are seen as the perfect canvas to imagine and project the […]
The Joint Event – #AdobeXD #DeepDiveXD
"Hi, Following our previous mini-workshop of prototyping tools and Adobe XD on #IXDD2018, we have invited Adobe XD team from Germany @XDI to have a deep dive workshop (#DeepDiveXD) on the latest features of #AdobeXD such as Voice prototyping and Auto-Animation in action! We onboard beginners very fast and then focus on intermediate to advanced […]
SAP Stammtisch first edition “julehygge”
For all of you SAP enthusiasts. "Just bring yourself. A table is reserved for us at the restaurant." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/SAP-Stammtisch-Copenhagen/events/256238577/
Copenhagen React ⚛️ December meetup! 🎅
"This month TwentyThree is hosting us for a festive Christmas edition meetup! ❄️⛄️🎅There are speakers spots left so please do reach out if you want to give a (lightning) talk this time or at our next meetup!Agenda:1700 Doors Open1730 Welcome1745 Talk 11815 Break with food and drinks1900 Lightning Talk(s)1930 Talk 22000 Meet the community2100 See […]
Building Bisq: a DAO for peer-to-peer trading DeCrypt
"Bisq is a p2p trading platform for trading bitcoin which recently has grown substantially. Bisq is open source, holds no funds, requires no KYC, is censorship resistant and has few central points of failure/control.Bisq will soon become a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) in order to make it even more censorship resistant and to take away […]
Storytelling and reflective practise – Teal for Teal Malmö
"Join us in an interactive meeting on the theme of reinventing organizations.The first part will be an open space with stories from working with teal principles. What new ways of working have you tried? How did it turn out?We share experiences and learn from each other. Since this is the last teal meeting of the […]
You Tube content creation: a hobby or a marketing tool
"Like it or not, social media has created new incredible opportunities to reach and connect to people, sell products and services and even make a living! Weather you are looking to get "internet famous" or use You Tube as a way to show "behind the scenes" of your business, to teach people new skills or […]
Improvise with Common Sense
"During our professional life, we are expected to follow the latest standards, policies, frameworks and revolutionary processes. At the same time we are expected to make use of the best tools to get better results and make our lives easier.This is very helpful when applied effectively. Practical experience however shows a counter side: an overload […]
Introduction to ML: Classification, Trees, Forests – Hands On Data Science
"Classification is the problem of assigning a new observation to a specific category, given a set of features. It is used in in a multitude of applications such as spam filters, sentiment analysis, and image recognition.During this HandsOn Data Science meetup, we will introduce you to the basic concepts of classification, some useful performance measures, […]
ngCopenhagen Christmas edition – Socializing event
"It's nearly the end of the year...This edition is going to be a joint event together with GDG Copenhagen, Women Techmacker Copenhagen, and CopenhagenJS.So, we would like to invite you to our very casual Christmas gathering where you will get a chance to get together and spend time with members of different communities in Copenhagen.There […]
Democracy+Technology Cafe – blockchain based voting and peer-to-peer democracy
"The blockchain is one of the most potent technologies today and it holds the potential to evolve one of the key pillars of democracy - voting.In this session we look very much forward to welcome Paula Berman from Democracy.earth which is an organization primarily working out of South America to promote borderless peer-to-peer democracy leveraging […]
First Probabilistic Programming Meetup!
"We're very excited to announce the first meetup on probabilistic programming. At this very first time, we will have Kenneth Ry Ulrik and Christian Rasmussen to speak on their work of detecting newsworthy news sites online. They will go into the details of using Figaro (a probabilistic programming framework for Scala) using Hypefactors's dataset. Plan- […]