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Collaborate on new markets: Oracle & BotSupply

"We invite all corporate innovators and entrepreneurs to this live case study from BotSupply and Oracle.Oracle’s Peter Scharstein and Lars Vestergaard and BotSupply’s Asser Smidt will explain step-by-step how they defined + entered a new market together.It’s all about building better bots. From BotSupply starting in Oracle’s Scaleup Ecosystem Program to their shared development of […]

Collaborate on new markets: Oracle & BotSupply

"We invite all corporate innovators and entrepreneurs to this live case study from BotSupply and Oracle.Oracle’s Peter Scharstein and Lars Vestergaard and BotSupply’s Asser Smidt will explain step-by-step how they defined + entered a new market together.It’s all about building better bots. From BotSupply starting in Oracle’s Scaleup Ecosystem Program to their shared development of […]

Experience a full day hands-on Blockchain

"A Meetup event arranged by Copenhagen Hyperledger and the DiscoTech by Oracle Meetup groups.There is a lot of talk about Blockchain which makes it important to understand. This event is about working with Blockchain and the practical aspects of the Blockchain.Oracle and Hyperledger Copenhagen will organize a full day hands-on event using Hyperledger Fabric as […]

InnoBooster Introduction

"Innovationsfonden kommer til Futurebox torsdag den 22. november og giver en introduktion til Innobooster. Eventet henvender sig til startups og scale-ups med behov for funding.Innovationsfonden investerer med InnoBooster op til 5 mio. kr i udviklingsprojekter drevet af startups og iværksættere, små og mellemstore virksomheder med op til 250 ansatte.Er din virksomhed på markedet efter funding […]

Hvor langt er Danmark med blockchain?

"Har du mange års erhvervser­far­ing og er du nys­ger­rig på startups - herunder blockchain? Bliv fagligt skarpere på blockchain-teknologiens udvikling i Danmark og deltag i ugens case-gennemgang af ARYZE i godt selskab med medlemmer og nysgerrige gæster af Keystones netværket." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hvor-langt-er-danmark-med-blockchain-tickets-52258189652?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Invitation til lanceringssalon

"Lanceringssalon –– Anbefalinger fra Ekspertgruppen om dataetikEkspertgruppen om dataetik har for regeringen siden marts arbejdet på en række konkrete og operationalisérbare anbefalinger om dataetik rettet til danske virksomheder.Ekspertgruppen har som en del af arbejdet i løbet af foråret afholdt tre åbne saloner med det formål at indsamle viden og input fra interesserede borgere, virksomheder, forskere […]

The Future of Sustainability @ AAU Copenhagen

"Are you interested in energy, circular economy or sustainability?Then we want to hear how you would solve tomorrow’s energy and sustainability challenges! This is also your chance to get insights from energy experts and hear about the #accelerateCPH start-up programme.You are a student or researcher working on a project that solves sustainability issues? Energy specialists from E.ON […]

Team self-selection for agile teams

"Goal for this session:- Learn a self-selection method.- Understand what to be aware of in a self-selection processAgenda:1645 Doors open1700 Welcome1710 Introduction to team self-selection and learnings1745 Team self-selection exercise1800 Sandwiches and beverages1830 Team exercise1845 Shared learnings1900 GoodbyeIntroducing team self-selection can be challenging for the people involved. What parameters should we be aware of before […]

Hack on Climate Change with JavaScript – UN Development Goals

"We want to put focus on sustainable future and what we can do to work towards that. The UN has released 17 goals for improving the world and ensuring prosperity. The goals are focused on climate, responsibility, affordability and making a sustainable future.We need better tools to put focus on Climate Change and tools for […]

SheTech: The Coding club vol.3

"SheTech:The Coding club is back again. WonderCoders and SUND HUB are happy to welcome you on 22.11 for an evening of coding and fun.SheTech:The Coding Club is a place where beginners in programming as well as more experienced female (male are welcome as well) developers get together, share knowledge and support each other. If you are […]

Establishing a Cloud Analytics Platform

"How Tetra Pak is establishing a Cloud Analytics Platform and the mission to build a corresponding IT Service DevOps Team for support and development.Digitalization is a focus area for Tetra Pak with multiple initiatives and offerings already commercially available to both Customers and Internal Staff. One key component established is the Cloud Analytics Platform implemented using Microsoft […]

ProductTank – Trustpilot

"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Trustpilot, and you will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers. Agenda• Sandwich/drinks• Intro• Who is hiring• Talk/Theme: Silicon Valley Trends:10 years in silicon valley & 5 lessons learnedLesson 1: How to get more out of your time as product manager?From Ramin Vatanparast, CPO• Open Space• […]

We’re hiring: Register here for the Dixa Sales Academy Draft Day

"Dixa is growing and we're currently looking to staff our Inside Sales Department with Business Development Representatives (full and part time). We're therefore hosting another Dixa Draft Day on Thur 22 Nov at our HQ in Copenhagen! In short, it's your opportunity to pitch yourself and why you want to launch your career in sales […]

Iconography and illustrations in digital design

"It's time to meet the Copenhagen UX/UI community yet again!Theme of the night is bridging somewhat last event's theme about the tools of the trade. This time we will be focusing on iconography and illustrations while also hearing about choice of tools.Agenda 1800 Welcome1800 Intro1815 Joy Leelawat ( http://joyobject.org/ )1845 Food/Drinks1915 How we use Figma at […]

Seminar about Intellectual Property(IP)

"Legal consultant, Thomas Frydendahl from Gorrissen Federspiel will host a seminar on IP law. Get to know the ups and downs of Intellectual Property rights." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seminar-about-intellectual-propertyip-tickets-52391237602?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Pre-fredagsbar: VC-talks med fokus early engagement

"Trænger du til et fagligt indspark inden du smutter i fredagsbaren?Horten afholder sammen med Vækstfonden en VC-talk om key terms med fokus på early engagement. Hvis du står over for en ny fundingrunde eller blot ønsker at vide mere om de vilkår, som Vækstfonden og andre VCs benytter, så kig forbi fredagsbaren , når Horten […]

X-Mas Sweater Friday Bar with +Impact Accelerator

"X-mas is fast approaching and to make sure you´re in the right spirit we teamed up with Founders House to give you a fun-filled Christmas themed Friday bar.So, bring your best (or worst) Christmas sweater or (whatever x-mas prop you like) and join us for FREE food, plenty of drinks and good laughs!To make the […]

Friday Fight Box

"4:00 PMThe bar is open - beer, wine & cocktails4:30 PM - 5:30 PMOpen mic pitch session – come pitch your startup. Sign up with Christina Rich / cr@dtusciencepark.dk5:30 PMSecret guest speaker – “our journey to success”" Price: Free Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/308846049955289/?notif_t=plan_user_invited&notif_id=1541193606331382

ITU Copernicus Satellite Hackathon

"The Copernicus Satellite Hackathon, focuses on satellite data-based web apps. It is limited to 50 participants. There are no predefined topics. Groups of students are encouraged to develop innovative web app concepts in the domain of their choice. It starts with lightning talks, followed by pizza, soda and beers.On Saturday, students get guidance and feedback […]

Elm – Functional programming for the frontend

"Curious about programming in Elm? Tired of "annot read property 'bar' of undefined"? This might be what you are looking for. In this meetup you will hear about why Elm was picked for a project. Then you can unload all your questions about Elm to one of the brightest in the Elm community.Agenda1630 Meet & […]