Lær at analysere (nye) aktier med Spotlight Stock Market
"Kom og vær med når vi sætter spotlight på Spotlight Stock Market!i er stolte over programmet denne aften hvor Per Hansen fra Nordnet og prisvindende erhvervsjournalist Peter Benson fra SvD Börsplus giver deres syn og bidrag. Der vil desuden være lækker forplejning, et væld af skønne nysgerrige kvinder og mænd og udsigt ud over hele København.I Sverige […]
Game Developer Meetup
"It`s hight time for another Game Developer Meetup!An evening where we invite everyone from our game developer community to gather in one space to connect, inspire, exchange ideas and have a great time together.After a couple of months break, while we were super busy getting things ready to open the Game Habitat DevHub and making sure everything […]
The Bridge Interview #5 with Jesper Brodin
"IKEA ska ställa om till en cirkulär affärsmodell och har lovat att vara klimatpositiva till år 2030. Bland åtgärderna under kommande år finns planer på att fasa ut all engångsplast. Samtidigt ska produkterna kunna återanvändas enklare än i dag och att allt mer trä och textil återvinnas. Dessutom är målet att kundernas vardag ska bli […]
Tech & Tonic: You Got Five Senses
"So much of entrepreneurial life happens with a set of eyes facing a screen.For this Tech & Tonic we thought: Why don’t we bring the rest of the body back?With help from five startups, we’re giving you something new to See, Hear, Touch, Smell, and Taste.Stay tuned for the full menu.Love,Talent Garden RainmakingPS: There Will […]
Seminar: Prof. Yulan He, “Emotion Ranking and Emotion Cause Detection from Text”
"Abstract: Text might contain or evoke multiple emotions with varying intensities. Traditional approaches typically cast the problem of detecting multiple emotions from text as multi-label classification. This talk will first present a novel ranking-based approach to generate a ranked list of relevant emotions where top-ranked emotions are more intensely associated with text compared to lower […]
Housewarming @ AI Startup Corti.ai
"Impromptu Housewarming at AI-Startup Corti, at our new home in the heart of Copenhagen.This is where we try to solve problems of the world with equations, cram as much software into as little hardware as possible, make everyone realize that machine learning (not artificial intelligence!) is not a black box, and that burning castles is […]
4+ Great Tech Talks, 1 Afternoon: Special GOTO CPH Meetup
"GOTO CPH (https://gotocph.com/2018/) is just around the corner and with so many awesome speakers presenting at the conference, we figure we could also have some fantastic meetups!This evening features talks on bootstrapping Machine Learning on Code, building GDPR-compliant apps and more! We have a few more speakers confirmed but waiting for talk abstracts before posting […]
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day
"Come and join me to the “Women’s Entrepreneurship’s day” held at Crossing borders, Kobmagergade 43, 1150 Copenhagen K, Denmark from 10h-14h30. During this event, I have invited several successful women in Denmark who will share their achievements and how they overcame their fears, doubts, and challenges.This is in the hope that everyone in the room […]
November’s special edition
"In this special edition meetup, we are pleased to have Christoffer Noring (https://twitter.com/chris_noring) as our first speaker.He is going to talk about Angular Schematics - the unknown hero.We are going to add more information soon.Also expect some surprises!!!!" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/ngCopenhagen/events/256282590/
The Digital Growth Path
"As part of DGP program we intent to give you a practical understanding of the commercial aspects of industrial and governmental applications of the new digital and emerging technologies such as IoT, AI/Machine learning, Robotics and more.In the series of “Technology Applied” seminars, you’re now cordially invited to our first seminar focusing on Internet of Things.In […]
Demo Day @ BioInnovation Institute
"...It is a closed event with limited seating, please sign up to join.The projects are all very promising early Danish start-ups in pharma, medtech and biotech and during the past eleven weeks, they have worked intensely on developing a solid, initial business plan. They aim to raise money to scale and expand seek industry expertise. […]
Startup Nationen 2.0: Vær med til at gøre iværksætteri til en folkesport
"Har du mange års erhvervserfaring og er du nysgerrig på startup-miljøet? Så er der gode chancer for at give en hånd til væksten i Danmark og gøre Danmark til verdens stærkeste iværksætternation.På initiativ fra Keystones-medlem, Lotte Marschall og Keystones sætter vi fokus på, hvordan man kan holde sig opdateret på iværksætteri og muliggøre en øget […]
The Game Assembly Special – Malmö C++ User Group
"The Game Assembly is a school in Malmö that offers educations for Game Programming, Game Art, Level Design and Technical art. (https://www.thegameassembly.com/)They use C++ heavily in teaching game programming and we will have a few students that are in their last year of studies that will present lightning talks about something that they have created […]
Video Game #9: Unity and C# Session (Free)
"Come to learn Unity Video Game Development!Each session is completely free. We have 3 topics; Unity, C# programming, and Agile Development.Unity Topic: The New ECS SystemUnity Level: Advanced This will be a complete introduction to Unity's new Entity Component System (ECS). https://unity3d.com/unity/features/job-system-ECS C# Programming: Classes & InterfacesC# Level: Intermediate We'll cover strategies to use c# interfaces.Bonus […]
Computational Contracts
"Alexander Ariel will give a short talk based on his recently submitted dissertation on the the formation and enforcement of smart contracts as contracts under English law.Martin Clausen will give a talk on computational contracts. Topics will include a basic introduction to the notion of computational contracts, how they are like and different from smart […]
Undgå GDPR-bøder for persondata i dine e-mails og dokumenter
"Seminar med fokus på håndteringen af ustruturerede data som fx e-mails og dokumenter, for at sikre en korrekt, effektiv og økonomisk attraktiv overholdelse af Persondataforordningen (GDPR)0830 Morgenkaffe, croissant & networking Vi mødes i SOHO i Kødbyen på Flæsketorvet 68 (lige ved siden af Inco) til morgenkaffe og får hilst på hinanden. Der er mulighed for at […]
Open Door session #5 – Exclusive feedback from experienced investors
"Want savvy advice and feedback for your idea or startup from some of Denmark’s most experienced investors?At our Open Door sessions, we hand-pick eight startups to meet with one of the Investment Managers from PreSeed Ventures for a 30-minute feedback session. This is an opportunity to get razor-sharp input – before you have a running business and full […]
Startup Investments w. Lassen Ricard
"We invite everyone to join us for a keynote by the renowned law firm Lassen Ricard about startup investments.Learn more about:- Different investor types and their approaches - among these 3xF, government funding, business angels and VC's.- Different investment models - including convertible notes, tranches, sweat-equity and more.- The investment process and the documents - […]
Sustainability Ideation Roskilde
"Are you interested in energy, circular economy or sustainability?Then we want to hear how you would solve tomorrow’s energy and sustainability challenges! This is also your chance to get insights from energy experts and hear about the #accelerateCPH start-up program.You are a student or researcher working on a project that solves sustainability issues? Energy specialists from E.ON […]
First Copenhagen Human-Centered AI Meetup
"Hej allesammen! We finally managed to put together the first Copenhagen Human-Centered AI MeetUp! We are looking very much forward to together explore, share and discuss AI design tools. Limited to 30 participantsWe will connect with likeminded in the Copenhagen area, get to know Easysize, a local AI startup, and experience the AI-Design Sprint. It's […]