Finance Day at ITU 2018
"Finance Day is your chance to see how companies such as Nykredit and Topdanmark work with cybersecurity and data protection and to hear about the latest innovation in the financial sector. We invite students from all over Denmark to the fifth edition of Finance Day at ITU, where students can learn more about IT in finance […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 4
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605051/
Ruby Talks Night at Karnov
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers:- "Applied Event Sourcing, Domain Driven Design and CQRS" - Anders Lemke We are looking for more speakers! Get in touch with us!Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of Conduct http://berlincodeofconduct.org" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Ruby-Brigade/events/255116148/
Tips og tricks om messer for iværksættere
"Vil du gerne øge salget til jeres eksisterende marked eller sondere mulighederne for et nyt?Kom til formiddagsseminar og lær, hvordan messer og udstillinger kan være et effektivt instrument til salg og markedsføring.For det kræver en målrettet indsats både før-, under- og efter messen, hvis du skal have det maksimale ud af jeres deltagelse og se […]
Connecting for Connected Health
"Advances in Information Technologies (IT) are changing the way we live our lives and interact with the world around us. As IT has reached healthcare, it is currently being used to assist healthcare providers and patients with tools like electronic health records and telemedicine services, among others.Connecting for Connected Health (C4CH) is a hands-on networking […]
Trendspaning om AI – med Hampus Jakobsson
Hear the facts separated from the hype by someone who really, actually knows the difference. In Swedish, mind you. (Don't speak Swedish? There's an app.)"Hampus Jakobsson behöver knappt introduceras – som en av Skånes främsta entreprenörer. Den 15 november kommer han till Stratiteq för att dela med sig av sin syn på AI (Artificiell intelligens). Missa […]
Coldfront community day – ML Extravaganza
"This time we have a special event as a part of Coldfront community day and in collaboration with GDG Copenhagen. Register as an attendee on the GDG event here: https://www.meetup.com/GDG-Copenhagen/events/255724292/ Agenda1630 Arrival1700 Welcome1715 Machine Learning as a design tool by Tore Knudsen @toreknudsn1745 Break1815 Live and Machine Learn by Sarah Drasner @sarah_edo1845 Networking2000 GoodbyeAnd to sign up […]
Angular testing… but faster
"For better or worse Angular comes with a very opinionated set of tools. Fortunately just like an opinionated partner you can kick them to the curb them and move on!We’ll start by discussing how good tests look for an Angular front end. What sort of tests we can write, and how those look with the […]
Fuckup Nights Malmö Vol.3
"Update 14.00 01 Nov: Sold out. Join the waitlist. Someone might release their spot.It's about to go down.Welcome to the third edition of Fuckup Nights Malmö at In the Pink.1730 Entrance and registration start. Be on time to choose your favorite seat. Land. Mingle. And enjoy the ambiance and music.1750 Doors close1800 Three Talks about business […]
Hvilke børsnoteringer vil give størst afkast?
"Kom og vær med når vi sætter spotlight på Spotlight Stock Market!Vi er stolte over programmet denne aften hvor Per Hansen fra Nordnet og prisvindende erhvervsjournalist Peter Benson fra SvD Börsplus giver deres syn og bidrag. Der vil desuden være lækker forplejning, et væld af skønne nysgerrige kvinder og mænd og udsigt ud over hele København.Programmet varer […]
Hack your career
"Interactive workshop on how to break into the tech and get the role that you want.Knowing how to code can give you the edge in today’s golden age of digital. Whether writing code yourself, spearheading quality and DevOps or leading development projects as product owner or project manager - this workshop will help to you […]
Lær at analysere (nye) aktier med Spotlight Stock Market
"Kom og vær med når vi sætter spotlight på Spotlight Stock Market!i er stolte over programmet denne aften hvor Per Hansen fra Nordnet og prisvindende erhvervsjournalist Peter Benson fra SvD Börsplus giver deres syn og bidrag. Der vil desuden være lækker forplejning, et væld af skønne nysgerrige kvinder og mænd og udsigt ud over hele København.I Sverige […]
Game Developer Meetup
"It`s hight time for another Game Developer Meetup!An evening where we invite everyone from our game developer community to gather in one space to connect, inspire, exchange ideas and have a great time together.After a couple of months break, while we were super busy getting things ready to open the Game Habitat DevHub and making sure everything […]
The Bridge Interview #5 with Jesper Brodin
"IKEA ska ställa om till en cirkulär affärsmodell och har lovat att vara klimatpositiva till år 2030. Bland åtgärderna under kommande år finns planer på att fasa ut all engångsplast. Samtidigt ska produkterna kunna återanvändas enklare än i dag och att allt mer trä och textil återvinnas. Dessutom är målet att kundernas vardag ska bli […]
Tech & Tonic: You Got Five Senses
"So much of entrepreneurial life happens with a set of eyes facing a screen.For this Tech & Tonic we thought: Why don’t we bring the rest of the body back?With help from five startups, we’re giving you something new to See, Hear, Touch, Smell, and Taste.Stay tuned for the full menu.Love,Talent Garden RainmakingPS: There Will […]
Seminar: Prof. Yulan He, “Emotion Ranking and Emotion Cause Detection from Text”
"Abstract: Text might contain or evoke multiple emotions with varying intensities. Traditional approaches typically cast the problem of detecting multiple emotions from text as multi-label classification. This talk will first present a novel ranking-based approach to generate a ranked list of relevant emotions where top-ranked emotions are more intensely associated with text compared to lower […]
Housewarming @ AI Startup Corti.ai
"Impromptu Housewarming at AI-Startup Corti, at our new home in the heart of Copenhagen.This is where we try to solve problems of the world with equations, cram as much software into as little hardware as possible, make everyone realize that machine learning (not artificial intelligence!) is not a black box, and that burning castles is […]
4+ Great Tech Talks, 1 Afternoon: Special GOTO CPH Meetup
"GOTO CPH (https://gotocph.com/2018/) is just around the corner and with so many awesome speakers presenting at the conference, we figure we could also have some fantastic meetups!This evening features talks on bootstrapping Machine Learning on Code, building GDPR-compliant apps and more! We have a few more speakers confirmed but waiting for talk abstracts before posting […]
Women’s Entrepreneurship Day
"Come and join me to the “Women’s Entrepreneurship’s day” held at Crossing borders, Kobmagergade 43, 1150 Copenhagen K, Denmark from 10h-14h30. During this event, I have invited several successful women in Denmark who will share their achievements and how they overcame their fears, doubts, and challenges.This is in the hope that everyone in the room […]
November’s special edition
"In this special edition meetup, we are pleased to have Christoffer Noring (https://twitter.com/chris_noring) as our first speaker.He is going to talk about Angular Schematics - the unknown hero.We are going to add more information soon.Also expect some surprises!!!!" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/ngCopenhagen/events/256282590/