Get value from your data with Google Cloud
"Google has always been bringing technologies to the edge for handling massive volumes of data. Google has now taken 20 years of building leading edge data technologies and put into Google Cloud, so others can take advantage of getting the value of their data.Come by and hear about the journey Google has taken since it's […]
Transaktioner i decentraliserade blockkedjor
"Denna presentation fokuserar på att ge en teknisk förståelse för hur transaktioner i decentraliserade blockkedjor fungerar och är uppbyggda, och hur transaktioner programmeras. Detta för att ge en förståelse kring möjligheterna detta öppnar upp för, samt vilka begränsningar som finns.Presentationen visar på skillnader mellan UTXO baserade blockkedjor, samt account baserade blockkedjor. Ytterligare presenteras skillnader för […]
Soundboks’ succes med content marketing
"Soundboks er en ung virksomhed, der laver batteridrevne højtalere, der kan starte en fest, hvor end man tager dem. Som virksomhed er de et fremragende eksempel på, hvordan man kan kickstarte sin markedsføringsindsats med content marketing. Vi er derfor glade for at kunne invitere indenfor hos Soundboks til et fokuseret indblik i arbejdet med content […]
Rockin’Tech: Where Business meets Technology
"Are you a founder without a technical background or have an idea, but don't know how to implement it?We will spot a light during this event where our amazing speakers will share experiences and examples of what you can do with different technologies such as machine learning or cloud computing.Victoria Chudinov, Machine Learning Engineer at […]
WHY UX? Podcast 1 year anniversary
"One year ago we launched our very first episode of Why UX? Dovile and Helena wanted to know more about the Heros of UX.Today we've interviewed 12 amazing designers, all with different backgrounds and ways of doing their thing. We have 5.677+ downloads and our most downloaded episode is currently at 1.451 downloads.At the event you'll get […]
HACK4DK 2018
"For 8. år afholdes HACK4DK - denne gang i samarbejde med Dansk Arkitektur Center i det nye Blox.Brug et døgn på at hacke den danske kulturarv sammen med andre kreative frivillige. Arrangementet er for kreative, nysgerrige og idérige mennesker med hang til digital udvikling og kulturarv. Gå på opdagelse i en lang række danske arkivers, […]
NLP Seminar: Prof. Jörg Tiedemann – Natural Language Inference with Multilingual Supervision
"Abstract:Natural Language Inference (NLI) is the task of identifying inferential relationships between a premise p and a given hypothesis. Both, p and h are expressed in natural language, typically as apair of sentences with a specific relationship between them coming from a limited set of inferential relations (e.g. entailment,contradiction, neutral). NLI requires semantic analyses and,therefore, […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 3
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605027/
Myles Borins – Adventures in Ethical Computing
"Machine learning algorithms can infer gender when translating from gender neutral languages to english due to bias in training data. Hardware designed to control airbag release have resulted in the deaths of Short-stature drivers and children passengers due to bias.An engineer from Volkswagen was recently sentenced to a 40 month prison term for their part […]
Design Sprint – how to develop products faster
"How Tetra Pak transformed old habits and processes to develop better product faster using Design SprintsDigitalization will require us to be much faster, but our current processes are making us slow. Our products must be relevant and easy to use. We are stuck in old habits and we want to change. Every business leader is […]
Figma Happy Hour
"We're coming to Copenhagen!Join us for casual drinks, snacks, and conversation on 12 November at Brass Monkey, from 18:30–21:30.---✨ About FigmaFigma is a new way for collaborating around design that brings everyone and everything into one place in the browser to help you solve problems together — no software or sync required. One single, live […]
Blockchain: Self-sovereign identity, Sovrin Trust Framework and Hyperledger Indy
"On Monday the 12th of November, Jakub Koci, a software engineer from Czech Republic, will have a talk on self-sovereign identity, Sovrin framework and Hyperledger Indy. He will also talk about his current work with the Absa bank on self-sovereign identity wallet, a mobile and web app using Hyperledger Indy.The meetup will take place at […]
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one on August 21st, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good cup of coffee. We hope […]
UX Meet & Greet at Ørsted
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to come and visit Ørsted and see what they actually do.Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted’s 5,600 employees develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provide smart energy products to its customers. UX & Processes delivers great User Experience across lT-projects in Ørsted, as […]
Sikkerhedsdag 2018
"Credocom inviterer dig til en spændende dag i IT-sikkerhedens tegn. Vi har sammensat et stærkt program med indlæg om IT-sikkerhed, cyberkriminalitet, løsninger og adfærd. Der vil derudover være rig mulighed for "networking" og for at møde vores partnere.Seminaret er uden beregning, og vi sørger for lækker forplejning undervejs.Herunder kan du læse mere om dagens program. […]
Roadshow “The Digital Future of your Hotel” | Copenhagen
Software is eating the world. Even the hotel industry,"The Digital Future of your Hotel roadshow is a series of events and workshops directed at hoteliers, to be held under the general theme “How to grow your revenue with the right balance between your direct channel and OTAs”. Together with leading companies from the travel industry – such as OTA Insight, […]
How IBM, Microsoft and Datapult understands Artificial Intelligence
"Back in the 1950s, the fathers of the AI field Minsky and McCarthy described artificial intelligence as any task performed by a program or a machine that, if a human carried out the same activity, we would say the human had to apply intelligence to accomplish the task.Now the future is here, AI is starting to show […]
Anomaly Detection in IoT – Hands On Data Science
"Anomaly Detection in IoTThe last couple of years, the amount of devices connected to the Internet has increased dramatically, usually referred to as the “Internet of Things”. Connecting devices opens up opportunities for real-time access and remote controlling, but the access to data from these devices also enables more sophisticated research and machine learning based […]
Don Reinertsen: An Introduction to Second Generation Lean Product Development
"We are very excited to have the amazing Don Reinertsen for our internal master class "Achieving Product Development Flow". Furthermore, Don Reinertsen has agreed to conduct this open Meetup in SimCorp Agile; as he puts it himself "This gives me a chance to be fair to my friends the Danes."Agenda:1800 Don Reinertsen: An Introduction to […]
Copenhagen Coding Noobs #1 Noobs Unite: Start Coding
"Where to find us: Our first ever meetup will be hosted at Bastard Cafe Gin Bar (the smaller downstairs bar that is visible from Rådhusstræde). What to expect: We will begin with a presentation 'Demystifying the web (HTML and CSS)' which will help the total noobs among us, who have never written a line of […]