Nordic Venture Forum
"On thе 31st of October 2018, the 16th edition of the Nordic Venture Forum (NVF) will take place in Copenhagen at the Scandic Kødbyen.The Nordic region is recognized as the most entrepreneurial region within Europe by the OECD and every year, the Nordic Venture Forum showcases the companies with the highest potential from the following sectors:- ICT- SaSS- Online mobile- Fintech- Cleantech/Bio Economy/Circular […]
Partnerskaber mellem startups og corporates – dos and don’ts
"For en lang række startups er den største markedsbarriere et partnerskab med en etableret corporate – hvad enten det er i den finansielle sektor, i sundhedssektoren eller andre steder.Kom og hør dos and don’ts fra Matters samarbejder med pensionsselskaber i Danmark og Holland. Om Djøf Business Community Eventet er en del af Djøf Business Community. Djøf Business Community […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 2
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605016/
Developing a hidden service with Tor Project
"Are you interested in how you can publish information that can resist censorship using Hidden services and the Tor Project? Then press Attend and join the waitlist to show your interest!This meetup is to gather people together about a certain topic! There will be a follow up formular, so we can gather peoples information. After […]
Hacking Scada & Red Teaming 101 – Smash The Stack
"Hacking SCADA, more commonly known as ICS, is serious business; unlike other areas of offensive security one mistake when testing SCADA systems can cost lives. Mike (@mikeghacks) and Matt (@sekuryti) from INSINIA SECURITY (insinia.co.uk) will present their ICS/SCADA research (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/06/18/physically_hacking_scada_infosec/) and show some demos, they will also share the story and method behind how they […]
Celebration of Nakamoto Whitepaper
"This event will celebrate the anniversary of the Satoshi Whitepaper. We will briefly introduce the history of Bitcoin and an in-depth understanding of the underlying technology 'blockchain'. A presentation by industry experts and the possibility to discuss the potential and prospects of the technology, will be at the centre of this event.This event will briefly […]
Introduction to Version Control Systems with Git – Hands On Data Science
"An important aspect of data science is keeping a record of project code and having easy access to those records. Version control plays a key role in ensuring that a certain version of a script will remain in the future, even after it has been further developed. Additionally, it is common that multiple people are […]
Model-View-Presenter with Angular
"We are pleased to have 'Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen' as our speaker.Model-View-Presenter with AngularUsing container components and presenters, we can achieve 'separation of concerns' in the presentation layer of complex applications. This is the first step in increasing the maintainability, testability, and scalability of our Angular applications.Lars gained his UX experience in marketing and e-commerce. […]
Peak into the GraphQL future within Laravel
"ArtisansSE present Christoffer Persson from Glesys, who will give us an interesting talk about GraphQL and Laravel!See for yourself how easy it is to get up and running with GraphQL and Laravel using butler-graphql. We’ll look at how to create a GraphQL Schema Definition file and have everything just magically work from there. We’ll also […]
Halloween Friday Bar
"This Halloween Friday we are bringing our lab alumni and current labsters together to network over a beer. Please, come & join us!We are looking forward to seeing you again at Copenhagen Fintech Lab." Price: Free Link: https://copenhagenfintech.dk/events/halloween-friday-bar/
Sitecore User Group Denmark
"Agenda1730 Food and Agenda1815 Akshay Sura1900 Break1915 Jason Wilkerson, LonghornTaco 2000 Drinks and Networking" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Sitecore-User-Group-Denmark/events/255031314/
"Are you ready for another great #UserTribeFriday?UserTribe Friday is a recurring networking event, happening on the first Friday of the month.If you have an interest in customer centric work process, our UserTribe Friday event gives you the opportunity to connect with other professionals working towards improving their organization's customer centricity.UserTribe Friday is all about sharing. […]
CSE November Start-up Hackathon
"Boost your business development skills and get involved in start-ups.Your benefits:- Hands-on business development experience- Networking with start-ups- Rapid learning about business ideation toolsOverview:- Ideation warm-up: hacking your creativity and strategic thinking- Pitches from 5 start-ups with concrete business challenges- Transforming your business: reverse engineering the business model- From innovation to market: how start-ups get […]
Matrikel1 Bar & Cafe Weekend Launch Party
Our friends at Matrikel1, the new-ish, upscale offshoot of Creators Community, the folks behind Founders House, have an offer for you."We're officially opening during the weekends - and we want to celebrate it with you! Oh, and it's free join :)First beer or drink is on us! Rest of the evening will have 2 for 1 on select beer! Limited tickets […]
Succeeding with Cloud in the Enterprise
"Welcome to a full day of Azure and how to succeed with cloud in the enterprise.One of the hot topics in businesses today is how to get the most out of public cloud. We have gathered some of the best speakers from Europe to help answer this question.Agenda* Welcome to AZUG* Succeeding with Cloud at […]
Sell or Die: How to improve your sales
"Let’s get real. If you don’t sell your product, your service or yourself, your company won’t survive. It's a very simple algorithm: you sell or you die! In this talk, Kenneth Falk, co-founder of OurGreenCar, will share his absolutely best tips and tricks on how best to effectively sell your product and everything that comes […]
Developer Security Pitfalls
"As a security consultant auditing source code, I see many mistakes appear over and over again, mistakes that lead to security vulnerabilities. In this talk I am going to cover the most common mistakes I have encountered and suggest some ways of working that hopefully will lead to more secure applications.SpeakerLinus Kvarnhammar is an independent security […]
Teknikpyssel och programmering för tjejer 9-11 år – Geek Girl Mini
"Vill du bygga fruktpianon och ritrobotar, testa 3d-skrivare och programmera? Vi blandar teknikpyssel och programmering och vid varje träff gör du lite av varje. Programmera gör vi i Scratch (scratch.mit.edu), där vi bland annat bygger spel, gör animationer och en chattrobot.Vem: Tjejer 9-11 år När: Sju måndagar under hösten (24/9, 8/10, 22/10, 5/11, 19/11, 3/12, 17/12). […]
Truth in the Age of Information
"A cross-disciplinary panel discussion that is taking a close look at the post-truth society from the different angles of science, journalism and medicine.Fake news, fake science, alternative facts: The truth is being increasingly challenged in various contexts of our society! In this panel discussion, we want to address means that can help us to distinguish facts […]
UX Research Debate
"UX Lady Mareike Bonitz UX specialist at TwentyThree, had the idea to get together with other UX researcher (and interested) to poke their brains in terms of how to collect product feedback, how to implement this knowledge in decision making and how to get users in.Therefore we're introducing the event UX Reserach Debat :D YAYCome prepared and eat before […]