Patient home projekterne: Innovation og loesning af vitale problemer for at kunne blive i egen hjem
"Ideen bag Patient@home projekterne er at forbedre sundhedssektoren gennem teknologiunderstøttet behandling, monitorering og rehabilitering i patientens eget hjem – før, under og efter indlæggelser.Alle 3 projekter har fokus på brugerdreven udvikling af teknologier, der understøtter patienten i at tage ansvar for egen sundhed og behandling - og gør det muligt at være patient i eget […]
CBS Blockchain Society Intro Night!
"We invite you to Join the Society for our intro event. We will discuss the organization and the available positions as well as a quick dive into the nature of Blockchain technology. We will cover the technology and why it is important to understand the implications for modern society. There is no need to have […]
prep party ada_conf 3
"This is the registration for volunteering at ada_conf.That includes this preparation party with - Mingel with international speakers and other geeks- Badge preparations- Food and beveragesSigning up here also includes working three hours at the conference 13/10 and an exclusive t-shirt.If you want to volunteer but not participate in the preparations working one hour after is also […]
ada_conf 3
"adaCONF is a one day, hands on tech conference for non-cismale software developers. Skipping past all the chatter about gender in tech, we’re a space for sharing, innovating and creating cool stuff.Register here for your free ticket, then head over to adaconf.org to read more about the day and learn how you can contribute.Welcome!" Price: Free Link: […]
Hack Your Future Women
"An introduction to HackYourFuture for Female Newcomers: How to become a web developer and what does it mean to create a website.Meet former female students. Our female mentors will show you how to make a simple webpage. Bring your laptop - or borrow one from us.Agenda1000 Meet & greet1015 Introduction by Baraa Hatem, Project Manager […]
MVP: Minimal Viable Presentation – Community Builders’ Event
"This is a special event for organizers of interest and user groups.Whether you are a new community leader or have many years experience, join this workshop about how to make your Foo Café events engaging for your audience.This is a great opportunity to learn more if you have not yet organized an event with us, […]
Lecture with honorary doctor Hampus Jakobsson
Hampus is the man."The dichotomy of ethics and technology - innovation, sustainability, jobs, and how to not destroy humanity - what are the biggest risks of humanity and how can technology reduce that?- how does one spend one’s time doing good without sacrificing a good life?- how do we avoid progress and greed winning over […]
How I built a programming language
"This is the story of how I implemented my own little language and my own little compiler.Writing a compiler is generally thought of as Really Hard, basically rocket surgery. To my surprise I found it quite straightforward, almost pleasant. I sincerely believe most people should do it. Consider this evening a crash course in how […]
Speed dating – Find your next web developer
"Welcome to Speed DatingYou will be able to meet your future colleague, educated by Hack Your Future at Foo Café. Students at Hack Your Future has gone through a six months course in web development, with following content:- HTML5/CSS- Git/GitHub- JavaScript- React- NodeJS- MySQL, Mongo DBAgenda0800 A lighter Breakfast0815 A Brief presentation of the Hack Your […]
Le Wagon Copenhagen Drinks Night
"Code hard, Party harder 🎉: This is one for the tech-lovers, code-yearners. Come and join our current Le Wagon Copenhagen batch, alumni, and our friends for a night of drinks. Offering beer to everyone and we will be supplying a whole evening's worth of fun. The idea is to come to hang out and meet […]
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #5
"Welcome to the fifth meetup in the Copenhagen Hardware Alliance.From a technical perspective, the meetup targets how hardware startups can identify and plan the steps, that occur on the journey from an idea to a commercial product. How do you plan and communicate your next goal, and secure that ambitions are aligned with resources – […]
Broad Band by Claire Evans – Women in Tech Past Present and Future
"At our forth meetup we will discuss the topic of women in tech – the same subject that we discussed at the first meetup, when we read Sadie Plant’s Zeros and Ones, published 20 years ago. This time we will read Claire L Evans’ Broad Band: The Untold Women Who Made the Internet, published earlier […]
VR for a purpose
"VR has finally left the trough of disillusionment! For some years now, people have believed VR to be a gimmick or an outright flop. If you look at it from the consumer side one can easily argue that we are still left in the trough.However, from an enterprise perspective there are numerous invaluable applications of […]
Launch of Legal Tech Copenhagen
"Technology and new business models are transforming the legal industry Meet two of the legal tech startups making this happen, Donna Legal from Sweden and Legal Monster from Copenhagen. Hear their take on where legal tech is headed and why they shaped their products the way they did at this, our first meetup.The format will […]
SPBG Global Office 365 Developer Bootcamp
"Kom til et gratis heldags arrangement omkring udvikling i Microsoft Graph, Office Add-ins og Microsoft Adaptive Cards.På dagen bliver der givet en introduktion til udvikling i Microsoft Graph, Office Add-ins og Microsoft Adaptive Cards. Kendskab til SharePoint/Office 365 udvikling ikke nødvendig, dog en fordel hvis du kan kode noget i forvejen! Agenda: Microsoft Graph, Office […]
Alistair Cockburn: Agile Software Dev: Background, Experiences and Perspectives
"This event is hosted by ITU - we have been very fortunate to get 50 - and only 50 - spots for #AgilityLab - please make sure to cancel in good time if you know you are not coming anyway! The Research Centre for Government IT at the IT University of Copenhagen has invited one […]
VR/AR Meetup Oct ’18 – Crafting emotive experiences , hosted by Backelite
"Connect with other passionate people curious about VR/AR. We share ideas and inspire each other to create better immersive experiences and applications.After a short break thanks to our founder Max becoming a dad, Malmö VR/AR meetup returns to Backelites brand spanking new offices in central Malmö.This month we have talks from:Pernilla Belfrage, a creative director […]
Meetup #27: VR hunting simulator, VR Puzzle and a VR Game!
"Hi XR Pioneers,I'm very happy to announce SYBO will host our next meetup Oct. 23rd with three talks incl. two from Malmö! (talks 1,5 hour) + Networking + Drinks + Snacks.- "Learnings from Statik, A puzzle mystery for Playstation VR"Björn Sunesson, Designer & technical artist at Tarsier Studios- "VR for a purpose" (VR hunting simulator)Jaana Nykanan, […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 1
"There will be pizza and sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch a recording of the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255604619/
The State of Machine Learning 2018
"Machine learning is everywhere today, from recommendation engines and fraud detection to image classification and speech recognition. At ICML 2018 researchers from all over the world presents their recent findings in areas such as deep learning, reinforcement learning and generative adversarial networks. They discuss the future of machine learning and machine reasoning while also questioning […]