Understand Phishing
"On the 9th of October, we dive into the details of some phishing techniques and countermeasures deployed on the Internet to mitigate these - and more sophisticated - attacks.Besides getting insight in the changing landscape of phishing, you get the opportunity to test out your own phishing skills in a virtual lab environment.Our speaker for […]
Google H/W Event
"Join us at Shape for food and drinks, as Google introduces the new line of Pixel phones as well as other devices Made By Google. We are very excited to see what they have in store for us this year. So swing by for some food, soda and beer as well as a passionate crowd […]
Unix signals – Malmö.rb
"Get cozy with Unix signals during October's Malmo.rb meetup.Our good neighbor Stephen Best of Copenhagen.rb will explain and expound on the subject.We still have room for a second talk during the evening. See you there!Agenda1730 Meet & Greet1745 Presentation1830 Meet & Eat1900 preliminary second talk1945 Q&A" Price: Free Link: http://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2022-unix-signals
Science & Cocktails: Plan(t)s for the future
"Eat your vegetables boys and girls! Why are plants amazing organisms? What are the health benefits of broccoli and red cabbage? How do plants interact with their surroundings? Is mustard the new robust oilseed crop? Why has mustard more potential as future crop than oilseed rape? What can agrobiotechnology do for us?In this episode of […]
High Tech Summit
"Join the DTU High Tech Summit – a unique trade fair and conference!High Tech Summit is part conference and part exhibition powered by DTU (Technical University of Denmark). Our vision is to create the largest research-based meeting place in Denmark within the field of digitization.The summit aims to create the perfect environment for companies, start-ups, […]
DTU Startup Fair
"Presenting the thriving startup scene on and around DTU with 50 of the best startups showcasing with poster stands. Throughout the day you get the chance to meet and match with the entrepreneurs. Some of the central stakeholders in the support system, covering the value chain from student startup to research based scaleup, have partnered for […]
Global deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central – Skåne Azure User Group
"The story - how Microsoft themselves deploy Dynamics 365 Business Central using multiple Azure services on global scale.Get to know the story behind Microsoft’s deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central, how they decided to take this journey and challenges faced along the road when deploying on global scale using multiple Azure services. Topics that will be […]
GitOps your kubernetes deployments – DevOps Skåne
"GitOps your kubernetes deployments with Helm and HelmsmanHelm (an incubated CNCF project) is the kubernetes package manager which allows you to parametrize, version and publish your kubernetes applications. However, Helm is NOT the kubernetes CI/CD tool. And that’s why we created Helmsman.We use Helmsman to automate the lifecycle management of Helm releases in k8s clusters […]
The Art of Finding your Thing
"Why do we always tend to see our weaknesses and put our focus on how to improve them? Regardless the effort we spend on our weaknesses it would still not take us to the top of our personal potential. However, putting our energy on the strengths and talents would.Already as children we get fostered into […]
A new safety net for the digital age
"How do we upgrade our social and economic institutions to make sure the Information Age can become an age of growth and prosperity for all? Join us October 11th to discuss this important question together with Nicolas Colin, co-founder of The Family, and author of Hedge: A Greater Safety Net for the Entrepreneurial Age. Nicolas […]
Patient home projekterne: Innovation og loesning af vitale problemer for at kunne blive i egen hjem
"Ideen bag Patient@home projekterne er at forbedre sundhedssektoren gennem teknologiunderstøttet behandling, monitorering og rehabilitering i patientens eget hjem – før, under og efter indlæggelser.Alle 3 projekter har fokus på brugerdreven udvikling af teknologier, der understøtter patienten i at tage ansvar for egen sundhed og behandling - og gør det muligt at være patient i eget […]
CBS Blockchain Society Intro Night!
"We invite you to Join the Society for our intro event. We will discuss the organization and the available positions as well as a quick dive into the nature of Blockchain technology. We will cover the technology and why it is important to understand the implications for modern society. There is no need to have […]
prep party ada_conf 3
"This is the registration for volunteering at ada_conf.That includes this preparation party with - Mingel with international speakers and other geeks- Badge preparations- Food and beveragesSigning up here also includes working three hours at the conference 13/10 and an exclusive t-shirt.If you want to volunteer but not participate in the preparations working one hour after is also […]
ada_conf 3
"adaCONF is a one day, hands on tech conference for non-cismale software developers. Skipping past all the chatter about gender in tech, we’re a space for sharing, innovating and creating cool stuff.Register here for your free ticket, then head over to adaconf.org to read more about the day and learn how you can contribute.Welcome!" Price: Free Link: […]
Hack Your Future Women
"An introduction to HackYourFuture for Female Newcomers: How to become a web developer and what does it mean to create a website.Meet former female students. Our female mentors will show you how to make a simple webpage. Bring your laptop - or borrow one from us.Agenda1000 Meet & greet1015 Introduction by Baraa Hatem, Project Manager […]
MVP: Minimal Viable Presentation – Community Builders’ Event
"This is a special event for organizers of interest and user groups.Whether you are a new community leader or have many years experience, join this workshop about how to make your Foo Café events engaging for your audience.This is a great opportunity to learn more if you have not yet organized an event with us, […]
Lecture with honorary doctor Hampus Jakobsson
Hampus is the man."The dichotomy of ethics and technology - innovation, sustainability, jobs, and how to not destroy humanity - what are the biggest risks of humanity and how can technology reduce that?- how does one spend one’s time doing good without sacrificing a good life?- how do we avoid progress and greed winning over […]
How I built a programming language
"This is the story of how I implemented my own little language and my own little compiler.Writing a compiler is generally thought of as Really Hard, basically rocket surgery. To my surprise I found it quite straightforward, almost pleasant. I sincerely believe most people should do it. Consider this evening a crash course in how […]
Speed dating – Find your next web developer
"Welcome to Speed DatingYou will be able to meet your future colleague, educated by Hack Your Future at Foo Café. Students at Hack Your Future has gone through a six months course in web development, with following content:- HTML5/CSS- Git/GitHub- JavaScript- React- NodeJS- MySQL, Mongo DBAgenda0800 A lighter Breakfast0815 A Brief presentation of the Hack Your […]
Le Wagon Copenhagen Drinks Night
"Code hard, Party harder 🎉: This is one for the tech-lovers, code-yearners. Come and join our current Le Wagon Copenhagen batch, alumni, and our friends for a night of drinks. Offering beer to everyone and we will be supplying a whole evening's worth of fun. The idea is to come to hang out and meet […]