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Meet Nir Mashkowski, Azure Functions, App Service – Skåne Azure User Group

"We are honored to have Nir Mashkowski from Microsoft visiting us. Nir is the Director of Program Management for the Azure Functions and Azure App Service team. Nir has been working on Azure PaaS for the last five years and on Web technologies since the late 90s.His team built the Azure Websites service and later […]

Terminsavslutning med hackathon, öppet för vuxna – CoderDojo Malmö

"Coder Dojo är en återkommande aktivitet där barn i åldrarna 7-17 lär sig programmera. Terminens sista gång öppnar vi upp för vuxna och tar del i ett hackathon där vi skapar nytt och visar varandra. Paus i mitten med fika. Språket som används är Scratch, framtaget av MIT.Anmäl dig om du är vuxen och vill […]

Developing secure software, how hard can it be?

"Developing secure software at scale is a multifaceted challenge. It ranges all the way from detailed technical aspects such as picking a good password hash function to software engineering cultural aspects such as treating security as software property just like quality. The challenge is even greater when facing a massive codebase evolved by a large […]

Copenhagen Cocoa – Peer Lab – 2018, 4th Event

"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. Bring a laptop and some code to work on.In case the timing conflicts with your dinner time please feel free to bring a […]

Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs

"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs at Startup Dojo! Test your ideas, get advice, enhance your pitch, find co-founders and investors, or just be inspired by your fellow-entrepreneurs.ObjectiveTo help more […]

Top 50 startups in the region

"During the “Top 50 Startups” breakfast seminarium Karsten Deppert, the founder of Øresund Startups, will talk about the most prominent startups, entrepreneurs and investors in Southern Sweden the region. A great way to get an overview what is happening. Event will be held in English and is organized as a part of Skåne Innovation Week." […]

Rails Girls Beginners Workshop with It University cph

"You are working side by side software engineers every day, and want to be able to understand better what it is they do? Your spouse is a web developer and you were always curious about it yourself? Your kids are building their own IPhone apps and you want to keep up?The IT University of Copenhagen, […]

WWDC 2018 Streaming Event

"On Monday, the 4th of June, Apple will stream the Keynote from their annual WWDC Conference. At Trifork, we want to offer you the chance of seeing this cool event in a great setting, with other like-minded nerds! At the event, we will provide food and drinks throughout the evening. The Keynote itself will be […]

Closing the Gaps with DevOps – DevOps Skåne

"When we strive to move an organization, team or any group of people towards a DevOps culture, one big focus area is reducing feedback loops. It is both technical loops, like how we test changes to features, but also reducing paths for communication and unwanted noise.For this meetup we will take a look at an […]

Alchemy For the Modern Computer Scientist

"In ancient times, the dream of alchemists was to mutate ordinary metals such as lead into noble metals such as gold. However, by using classic mathematics, modern physicists and chemists are much more successful in understanding and transforming matter than alchemists ever dreamt of.Modern computer scientists on the other hand are as unsuccessful as ancient […]

WWDC 2018 Keynote and Barbecue

"Following many years tradion, Shape will celebrate the progress in iOS development on the day of the WWDC keynote. Join us and watch the livestream of Apple's WWDC 2018 keynote. We will be serving drinks and as always, Slagter Lund will treat us to his assortment of sausages from the grill." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/CopenhagenCocoa/events/250608567/

SN developer Sweden meetup in Malmö

"Let's get together in Malmö after work to discuss and share experiences, ideas and codes on the Now Platform. This is a great opportunity to network and collaborate with like-minded professionals to expand your skill sets. Developer-oriented technical content, food and drinks will be flowing. There might also be a treat for interactive attendees :-) […]

What is Data Science and what tools are there? – Hands On Data Science

"Are you ready to apply your data science and machine learning skills to read world challenges? Are you interested in collaborating and sharing knowledge with similar minded people?Of course you are!Hands-on Data Science is a collaborative community in which its members regularly meetup and actively work together on real datasets from companies. The process provides opportunities […]

Event Sourcing in Ruby using Sandthorn – Malmö.rb

"Social: You and your hopes for the summerAny projects you plan to work on?Anything you hope someone else will be working on?New things you want to test and learn?What interesting thing would you like to see in Malmö.rb community after summer?What has been the best parts of Malmö.rb so far?What should we do more of?What […]

Future of Work & Education – Augmented by Technology – #ICDK18

"Digitisation, platforms and automation are changing the nature of work. Explore how technologies and transnational drivers will affect the workplace, the future workforce and the future of education.ProgramTrack 1 - Generation Freelance - The impact of a changing work culture, digitalisation and platforms.Track 2 - The Digital Now - How do we leverage digitalisation, up-skill organisations and increase innovation capability?Track […]

Hardware Meetup: Energy Harvesting and Product Data Mangement

"1600 Welcome1605 Energy Harvesting: What does it take to generate 1mW with each of the available methods by Dushan Vuckovic from Idemo Lab part of Force Technology 1645 Break1700 Product Data Management: Hands-on example of how a PDM system helps us at Sensitivus by Rolf Østergaard CEO and founder of Sensitivus Gauge1730 Networking. Sandwich + […]

Mapping the Job to be Done

"#JTBD·CPH — Meetup #3 PROGRAM1720 - JTBD @ Falcon.io Jaap Gerritsen, Head of Product Strategy at Falcon, will share a bit on how they work with JTBD across the organisation.1740 - Recap from last meetup: Switch Interviews A quick primer on JTBD, for any newcomers to the group, and then a brief recap of our […]

Mapping the Job to be Done

"#JTBD·CPH — Meetup #3 PROGRAM1720 - JTBD @ Falcon.io Jaap Gerritsen, Head of Product Strategy at Falcon, will share a bit on how they work with JTBD across the organisation.1740 - Recap from last meetup: Switch Interviews A quick primer on JTBD, for any newcomers to the group, and then a brief recap of our […]

First Wednesday Malmö Meetup – Smart Contracts

"Meet to discuss bitcoin and the crypto currency space in general.Note: Richard can not attend in January, but I will still help set things up.• What to bringBitcoin questions, news, real life experiences, enthusiasm and skepticism.• Important to knowhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_House_RuleNo alt coin shilling, no block size fights :-)" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Malmo-Bitcoin-Users/events/250384958/