Learn about blockchain for commercial use: Hyperledger for CSR use
"If you have heard of blockchain, it has probably been in connection with bitcoin or other crypto-currencies or tokens. But blockchain is also an incredible technology for other uses.Blockchain can be used to disclose or eliminate fraud in supply chains. This is why WWF (World Wide Fund) have invested blockchain for the purpose of fighting […]
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday April 18th
"This week's speaker: Sandy Errestad Sandy Errestad is the PR and Communications Lead at Minc, the startup house in Malmö. She's worked with more than 50 different startups across the European market, including the likes of TransferWise and Klarna, and was recently named one of the 100 most impactful tech profiles in the Nordics by […]
Embedded Everywhere 2108
"Embedded Everywhere tilbyder deltagerne en dag i højkoncentreret form, hvor der kan opsamles ny faglig viden, inspiration, ideer og cases lige til at bringe med hjem i det daglige arbejde eller som starten på en ny teknologisk strategi.På tværs af anvendelsesområder fra det mindste til det største ser vi nu en eksplosion af embedded teknologi: […]
Pitch Training at Founders House
"Founders House and Capital2Grow want to help your pitch rock.Get feedback on your pitch and actionable input on how to improve it. Capital2GROW has years of experience connecting companies with innovative ideas with the best investors.To attend, fill out this form and we'll get back to you asap by email: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sLR5zOgVF8LBIWP6LtqYnijUmg3zLL-ZJY7u08nPsZEThe format is two rounds, so […]
Conference: Blockchain & Smart Contracts
"Dear Malmö Bitcoin Users, Melina from the Barrel.ai meetup has organized a conference titled: "Blockchain & Smart Contracts Technologies"; I will be speaking and members of the Malmö Bitcoin Users meetup are also invited. Space is limited, so please RSVP only if you can attend.This is a full day conference that will indulge your Blockchain […]
Open door session #2 – get feedback on your business from experienced investors
"Want unique hands-on advice for your idea or startup from some of Denmark’s most experienced investors?We pick a limited number of founders to meet with one of the Investment Managers from PreSeed Ventures. This is an opportunity to get input – even before you have a full pitch-deck ready.You do not have to be at […]
Easier Development – Tools and tips for taming the full-stack beast
"IT Minds, an experienced IT consultant house, will swing by and give a talk about how full stack solutions can be improved with relevant and overlooked technologies, which will result in a better end product.The presenters will be Jacob Dinesen and Xenia Jensen who both graduated from ITU and now works for IT Minds Copenhagen.The […]
How did I get into AWS, And why should you?
"This is the first of 3 events about AWSIf you are open-minded enough, I will tell you a story of change. Over the last two years, I moved away from Frontend development, sided DevOps and ended up in Cloud Architecture in AWS. With the support of a good pizza, we'll go through the cornerstones and […]
How to tell the story of testing w. Michael Bolton on April 18 in Copenhagen
"“The testing is going well.”Does this mean the product is in good shape, or that we’re obtaining good coverage, or finding lots of bugs? “The testing is going badly.”The product is in bad shape? Testing is blocked? We’re noting lots of bugs erroneously?As testers we must be good at telling the story about- The product […]
Åbning af Forskningens Døgn 2018: Hackerne kommer!
"Vi har alle hørt om hackere – men hvem er hackerne egentlig, hvordan arbejder de, og hvilken trussel udgør de mod privatpersoner, virksomheder og nationalstater? Bliv klogere, når Forskningens Døgn 2018 skydes i gang på ITU med deltagelse af uddannelses- og forskningsminister Søren Pind og forventet deltagelse fra Kongehuset. Møde tre it-sikkerhedseksperter, som vil dele […]
Tech Talk#15: Beyond the Hype -Humanity & Ethic in AI & Robotics
"Artificial Intelligence is on everyone’s lips! At this 15th Tech Talk we’ll investigate how cutting through the hype of AI and robotics can create opportunities for your startup or corporate – and how to work with the potential ethical issues!On stage at this Tech Talk is entrepreneur Marianne Andersen who has been working with AI […]
CopenhagenJS April
"Let us get together and talk about JavaScript and what cool things we can do with it!Schedule:1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 100 tests per second - 40 releases per week by Lars Thorup1825 Break1900 You?1935 You?1950 JavaScript Raffle2000 Socialising2100 See you next time! What is CopenhagenJS?If you've never heard about CopenhagenJS, it's a monthly community group […]
Ontologies helping to keep global warming in check
"Ontologies in computer science are formalized descriptions of knowledge domains. They are similar in purpose to database schemas of relational databases, but with higher emphasis on meaning of the concepts and with lower coupling to the data model. Ontologies are used for enterprise data integration, in life sciences and health care, in geographical information systems, […]
The Dive Series #1 – “How to Create a Mind”
"DareDisrupt welcomes you to the first edition of our Dive Series; an exclusive evening where we dive deep into a technology subject that matters for the future. The Dive Series #1 - "How to Create a Mind"An organization’s success is directly correlated to its ability to change. To change anything within an organization, you need […]
Tech & Tonic: Startup Dogs
"No startup culture without stereotypes, and for this TECH & TONIC we celebrate some of our most beloved ones. The evening is the formal launch of Startup Dogs, our beer anthology with Nørrebro Bryghus, which gives each of these contemporary icons their own bottle.Give it up for:The Founder. Ever so consumed by the grand vision, […]
Global Azure Bootcamp Skåne Azure User Group
"Welcome to the Global Azure Bootcamp 2018On Saturday, 21 April, 2018, the Skåne Azure User Group will host one of the coolest and most exciting events this year: The Global Azure Bootcamp.Be prepared for exciting presentations and demos about sizzling hot new technologies." Price: Free Link: http://www.foocafe.se/malmoe/events/1731-global-azure-bootcamp
Hacking the Energy Collective
"Join us for a weekend, where we will try and hack lots of Ethereum related technologies to learn, how they can be applied in a real context.Planning:Hackathon runs from 10 am Saturday morning to Sunday at 6 pm. Afterwards Sunday from 7 to 9 pm there is another meetup, where people interested can join and […]
Hackathon Presentations
"To wrap up on the year's first hackathon within our community, the hackers of the 2-day event will present their work. The hackathon has been around the research project “The Energy Collective”, where a community self sufficient on energy is co-created. During the weekend teams will be working on a Local Currency Model, a Banking […]
3S – Blockchain – keynotes by Symbion and Bitlab
"For this collaboration between CBS Department of Digitalization, BitLab and Symbion, we invited three blockchain experts to share their insights from three different perspectives: Scientists, Start-ups, and Students (3S).We will introduce the overall blockchain landscape from cryptocurrency to smart contracts and cross border payments + make some deep dives. - Make Denmark the new Wallstreet with […]
ReasonDojo – Learn ReasonML by Making Things
"The best way to learn a new programming language is to build something real using it. But it can be intimidating to try something new, so we're going to all do it together!We'll split up in small groups in which one person will code and the others will tell that person what to code. We'll […]