Elastic{ON} 2018 Recap + GDPR
"We are excited to host a meetup at Findwise in the heart of Copenhagen! Eric Westberg, Solutions Architect at Elastic, will give a talk summarizing the highlights of Elastic{ON} 2018.We will also have a talk by Findwise on a GDPR case, including a demo with a PoC of a Danish insurance company.Food and beverages will […]
Much more on IBM PowerAI – this time with live demos
"This time it is much more about live demos and not so much PowerPoints. It is still all about IBM PowerAI and how to use the specific IBM tools to facilitate everything Deep Learning. Since we've got a lot of new Deep Learners since our last MeetUp, we will as well do a short recap […]
EMS2018 Copenhagen – Heart Hack
"EMS Copenhagen is responsible for a number of cross disciplinary services - from citizens' emergency calls all the way to pre-hospital treatments in the Danish Capital Region. The organization collaborates with local and global leading emergency medical services, hospitals and research centers in its attempts to change the future by embracing new disruptive technologies in […]
"Make an impactDeloitte’s #Gonehacking is more than just a hackathon. This year’s partner, Børns Vilkår (Children’s Welfare) needs your help. In order to continue to be present for the many children who experience problems in their daily lives, Børns Vilkår are convinced that they must continue their digital development. They think that it is exciting […]
How Overall Market Trends Affect City Development
"Urbanization is continuously increasing in cities worldwide. Combined with the electrification development of more products within cities, it will create larger requirements on the energy system infrastructure and challenges in energy resource efficiencies.These challenges create opportunities for the market and technology trends of sustainable city development in an energy and mobility context.Patrik Thuring, Project Manager […]
Working with participatory leadership – Teal for Teal Malmö
"More and more companies introduce self-organization and participatory leadership to explore ways to allow for a more agile, humane and innovative organisation. What are your experiences from this journey? Join us to deep dive into teal organizations, self-management, wholeness and evolutionary purpose. Welcome to this interactive session. Agenda1730 Intro1800 Check-in and presentation1820 Group discussion1840 Break with […]
Pier47 Sessions Maritime Changemakers
"We will focus on how established players within maritime + transport set up and manage startup collaborations. And discuss which roles lawmakers, researchers, and non-profits have to play, when it comes to facilitating industry partnerships. We are also going to spend time on challenging the incoming technologies. Complex value chains make so much emerging tech […]
Hvordan kan vi styrke iværksætteriet i DK?
"Hvis vi skal gøre Danmark til en iværksætternation, skal vi hjælpes ad på tværs af organisationer og sektorer. Hvad kan DU gøre for at styrke iværksætteriet i DK? Innovationsfonden og Roskilde Festival samarbejder om netop det og vil have konkrete tiltag på bordet - så kom og del dine ideer og få nogle nye med […]
Game Developer Talks 2018
"Game Developer Talks is 100% dedicated to passionate game developers from the Danish game industry. We offer you a series of talks and workshops in the areas of Game Design, Programming, Technology and Visual Art.All tracks are professionals-only. We aim to make a forum where everyone from the industry – programmers, artists, producers, game designers and […]
Top Secret Cyber Security
"Past, Present and Future of Top Secret Cyber Security.In a world with ever-growing cyber threats and criminality, defense systems and protection is of the utmost importance. There are countless options and aspects to consider regarding security. Sebastian will describe past, present and future threats as well as the methods and technologies necessary to counter them.Bio:Sebastian […]
Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 17 // coding meetup
"Get inspired, share your knowledge, skyrocket your coding skillsCodher's Pop-up Programming is an informal coding meetup where beginners and experienced developers get together, share their knowledge, and support each other in learning more about coding.This event is all about coding and being social. Codher offers a space for coding enthusiasts like you to meet fellow […]
Learn about blockchain for commercial use: Hyperledger for CSR use
"If you have heard of blockchain, it has probably been in connection with bitcoin or other crypto-currencies or tokens. But blockchain is also an incredible technology for other uses.Blockchain can be used to disclose or eliminate fraud in supply chains. This is why WWF (World Wide Fund) have invested blockchain for the purpose of fighting […]
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday April 18th
"This week's speaker: Sandy Errestad Sandy Errestad is the PR and Communications Lead at Minc, the startup house in Malmö. She's worked with more than 50 different startups across the European market, including the likes of TransferWise and Klarna, and was recently named one of the 100 most impactful tech profiles in the Nordics by […]
Embedded Everywhere 2108
"Embedded Everywhere tilbyder deltagerne en dag i højkoncentreret form, hvor der kan opsamles ny faglig viden, inspiration, ideer og cases lige til at bringe med hjem i det daglige arbejde eller som starten på en ny teknologisk strategi.På tværs af anvendelsesområder fra det mindste til det største ser vi nu en eksplosion af embedded teknologi: […]
Pitch Training at Founders House
"Founders House and Capital2Grow want to help your pitch rock.Get feedback on your pitch and actionable input on how to improve it. Capital2GROW has years of experience connecting companies with innovative ideas with the best investors.To attend, fill out this form and we'll get back to you asap by email: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sLR5zOgVF8LBIWP6LtqYnijUmg3zLL-ZJY7u08nPsZEThe format is two rounds, so […]
Conference: Blockchain & Smart Contracts
"Dear Malmö Bitcoin Users, Melina from the Barrel.ai meetup has organized a conference titled: "Blockchain & Smart Contracts Technologies"; I will be speaking and members of the Malmö Bitcoin Users meetup are also invited. Space is limited, so please RSVP only if you can attend.This is a full day conference that will indulge your Blockchain […]
Open door session #2 – get feedback on your business from experienced investors
"Want unique hands-on advice for your idea or startup from some of Denmark’s most experienced investors?We pick a limited number of founders to meet with one of the Investment Managers from PreSeed Ventures. This is an opportunity to get input – even before you have a full pitch-deck ready.You do not have to be at […]
Easier Development – Tools and tips for taming the full-stack beast
"IT Minds, an experienced IT consultant house, will swing by and give a talk about how full stack solutions can be improved with relevant and overlooked technologies, which will result in a better end product.The presenters will be Jacob Dinesen and Xenia Jensen who both graduated from ITU and now works for IT Minds Copenhagen.The […]
How did I get into AWS, And why should you?
"This is the first of 3 events about AWSIf you are open-minded enough, I will tell you a story of change. Over the last two years, I moved away from Frontend development, sided DevOps and ended up in Cloud Architecture in AWS. With the support of a good pizza, we'll go through the cornerstones and […]
How to tell the story of testing w. Michael Bolton on April 18 in Copenhagen
"“The testing is going well.”Does this mean the product is in good shape, or that we’re obtaining good coverage, or finding lots of bugs? “The testing is going badly.”The product is in bad shape? Testing is blocked? We’re noting lots of bugs erroneously?As testers we must be good at telling the story about- The product […]