Det svenska innovationssystemet
"Social innovation och dess viktiga roll i att möta de globala samhällsutmaningarna, har uppmärksammats i allt högre utsträckning under 2000-talet. Det globala arbetet med hållbarhetsmålen i Agenda 2030 visar angelägenheten av att sociala innovationer kommer hela samhället till nytta. Ett flertal av de globala hållbarhetsmålen är dessutom helt av social karaktär och där sociala innovationer […]
Partner meet-up: How to create an inclusive company culture
"This time the subject for the meet-up is how to build an inclusive culture at a company. We're happy to invite Guido Guidos from Axis Communication who is an experienced Tech lead & System Developer. Guido will talk about his own experiences of coming to a new country:As chairman of the Student Union, I was deeply […]
"24h of Hacking!Ever wanted to code a great idea, but haven't been able to set aside the time to actually build it? Or had a fantastic idea, but lacked the technical ability to code it yourself. Now you can dedicate 24 hours on this project or idea. The only condition is: You will only be […]
OpenStack Meetup Denmark #4 – New release and Storage
"We have a great lineup of talks scheduled for the entire year, and we are really looking forward to kicking off with the first meetup of 20181300 Welcome1315 Introduction of the new OSMDK team1330 What’s new in OpenStack Queens, Morten Fredsø, OpenStack Specialist and owner of unClouded1415 Coffee Break1445 Object Storage vs. Block Storage: Which […]
Nexus – Scrum i større teams
"Mødet er for dig, hvis du arbejder med Scrum i en større organisation og har brug for at systematisere/forbedre samarbejdet imellem flere scrum teams, der arbejder på det samme produkt. Christian Schade SPS/Nexus forsøger at beskrive, hvordan man kan skalere Scrum til håndtering af større udviklingsopgaver uden at blive lagt ned i koordinering. Du får […]
Coding Café for kvinder
"Coding Café er for dig, der overvejer at søge ind på en bachelor i Softwareudvikling, men måske er i tvivl om, hvad softwareudvikling egentlig er, eller hvad det vil sige at programmere.Gennem et forløb over fem undervisningsgange bliver du hver gang præsenteret for et nyt emne, og hvad du kan med det. Du får mulighed […]
Designing for Natural Interfaces: Voice (Lecture + Dinner ticket)
"SPACE10 is pleased to present ‘Designing for Natural Interfaces: Voice’—our second event in a new series of lectures that aims to be a leading forum for debate and discussion about the way technology is changing the world. ABOUT THE SERIES:We are standing on the cusp of a fundamental shift in how we interact with technology.From […]
WOW! Learn Ansible Automation with Red Hat – DevOps Skåne
"Get an hands on primer for how to use Ansible to deliver automation in a multi tiered world that keeps on changing.Learn the basics, learn how to write a playbook, how to work with Ansible development in a larger scale and how to test your Ansible automation properly.Prerequisites are: Account on GithubSSH clientBIO:Solution Architect at Red […]
DevOps Skåne – WOW! Learn Ansible automation with Red Hat.
"BIO:Solution Architect at Red Hat with a focus on Cloud technology. Based in Malmö.Magnus is an automation and cloud specialist and a Red Hat Certified Engineer with close to +15 years of experience of traditional and cloud type infrastructure. Abstract: Get an hands on primer for how to use Ansible to deliver automation in a […]
Startup Ideation Workshop
"Discover your strengths and passions, while translating them into an idea you're excited about!We'll define and go through the steps of Ideation using experiential and hands on approaches. We're all born creative, so we'll teach the basics of neuro creativity and how to access the creative networks of the brain when you need it most. […]
RailsGirls Coding Meetup
"1700 - quick introduction by Marci and Abtion1710 - Check out what people are doing-- a quick go-around1715 - get into groups and start coding1800 - dinner1830 - code some more!1900 end of the eveningWhat is a Project Group:A project group is a meetup where we regularly get together to learn from and with each […]
Hands-on with JTBD
"Full Program Coming — Your Input Wanted Mærsk Growth is graciously hosting us, providing both a great location and drinks+snacks. Note that attendance is limited to just 70 seats. From feedback at our last Meetup, we'll be doing some combination of workshops, presentations, and case studies / examples. One idea was practicing interview techniques, to […]
Copenhagen Tableau User Group
"Join us for the another Tableau User Group - this time Huram Konjen from Deloitte will be joining us to talk about design principles, user adoption, advanced analytics and machine learning. There will also be time for networking :-) Thanks to Inviso for sponsoring!" Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copenhagen-tableau-user-group-tickets-44216023316
Practical Machine Learning: Start using ML at your company tomorrow
"This event is all about using practical machine learning (ML) techniques and how you can start using them at your company immediately. If your company has heard of ML and want to start using it, but don't know where to start, this is the event for you. With practical guides and advice coupled with access […]
What is Headless CMS and why should you care?
"The term Headless CMS or Decoupled CMS is used more and more frequently. But what does it mean and why should you bother? And what about that name? Going headless is about so much more than just the CMS.Once you gain full control over a web project by making it headless there are several opportunities […]
How to turn yourself into a teapot (Adversarial Examples in AI)
"After our introduction to adversarial examples and fooling AI in January, today we will dive deeper into how this actually works.We'll focus on creating adversarial examples to trick image recognition algorithms, looking into the maths (30 mins) and then trying it out in practice (30 mins)! To take part in the practical part of the […]
Open Source Test Automation to the Rescue – Performance Testing in CI/CD
"Join us for our first meetup! Continuous Integration and delivery have rapidly become the de facto standard in software development processes. While functional and unit testing have proved relatively easy to integrate into these processes, performance testing has typically raised more challenges.When organizations use CI/CD methodologies, they are able to shorten time to release, while […]
#AgilityLab Copenhagen – Scrum Experiences
"Welcome to a meetup focusing on Scrum Experiences.Program1730* Welcome* Dual-Track Scrum* Product owners - striving for excellence* Break1830* Workshop - Scrum - the devil is in the detail* Thank you & Good-bye1930 You can find more details about each topic below.This you will need to bring your own food and drinks. Looking forward to seeing […]
Pairing on Code Katas
"We will be working in pairs on coding katas (http://codingdojo.org/KataCatalogue/) applying the technique of Test Driven Development.On our first meetup in March we got to know each other a bit and paired on the Poker Kata(http://codingdojo.org/kata/PokerHands/). It turned out to not be a great choice as it was quite long, but it was also hard […]
Science & Cocktails: Is your data private?
"Privacy, does it still matter? What can mobile phone data be used for? How do we safely use big data while moving forward?This episode of Science & Cocktails is a simultaneously fantastic and terrifying experience that will both raise concerns about your privacy and lead you to understand the human benefits of big data. A […]