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DIKU Bits: Graph Algorithms and Data Structures: From navigating road maps to finding the cheapest communication network

"SpeakerChristan Wulff-Nilsen, Associate Professor in the APL SectionAbstractOur society faces the challenge of dealing with data sets of such size that Moore's law alone is unable to keep up. The solution is to develop smart algorithms and data structures that exploit the resources of computers much more efficiently. In this talk, I will focus on […]

Tribe Talks #1: How to build customer empowered Fintech

"We invite you to an evening of fintech with two different perspectives: startups and large companiesHow are customers' needs shifting in relation to banking services?How can the financial industry change accordingly?What kind of process and method is needed in order to build for customers?And how is a customer centric approach to development implemented in a […]

KPH // Ballast præsenterer: Launch af synssimulatoren Ballast AR

"Vores første digitale synssimulator er endelig færdig, og det vil vi rigtig gerne fejre. Derfor er du inviteret med til dette launchparty, hvor vi vil præsentere den digitale synssimulator.Prøv det digitale værktøj og få fornemmelsen af, hvad det vil sige at leve med de forskellige typer nedsat syn, som mange ældre oplever og lever med.Program […]

Venture Cup Speed Matching

"Speed Matching is an event addressed to startups and mentors who are interested in a 6-month mentorship. At the event, every startup pitches for 2 minutes in front of an audience of mentors. The matching is reciprocal, similarly as in a “speed dating”- inspired setup.We are inviting all startups, current mentors and executives with an […]

Female (Potential) Founder Breakfast #2

"Welcome to the next Female (potential) Founder breakfast event. Are you interested in understanding and tapping into the entrepreneurial sphere? We are gathering  high profiled female founders to come and share their stories, how they founded their companies and journey they are on and hopefully inspire you.There will be time for networking, croissants and coffee☕️ […]

CBio coffee: Novozymes

"This is the first of a series of events called CBio coffee where we will host two employees at Novozymes:- Katrine K. Skeby (Data analyst / Data science and Governance dept.) and - Vignir Isberg (Senior scientist / Bioinformatics Tools & Systems dept.) We will have an informal chat around a coffee/tea and cookies where […]

Digitale dilemmaer: Hvordan forandrer data den offentlige sektor?

The public sector also needs good ideas."Hvordan forandrer digitaliseringen det offentliges arbejdsvilkår, og hvilke muligheder og faldgruber er der ved at anvende data som styringsværktøj? Få indblik i ny forskning om den datadrevne offentlige sektor.Offentlige chefer, ledere og medarbejdere skal i stigende grad anvende digitale teknologier og datadrevne platforme som en del af deres hverdag, hvad […]

Live Growth Hacking

"With Marketing Expert Kim Døfler from Trigger Growth "Let's amplify Success" Join us for a Growth Hacking session where we will dive into how you can grow your business through content creation, automation of your online marketing efforts and improve your conversion rate. Kim from Trigger Growth will share his thoughts and it’s an opportunity […]

Applying for Venture Cup? Get all your questions answered!

"Stop by SCIENCE Innovation Hub Tuesday the 13th of March for Open Hub, where Venture Cup Denmark will come by and answer all of you questions about the Venture Cup National Startup Competition 2018 and the application process. Venture Cup's National Startup Competition is for all university students with a dream of becoming entrepreneurs & you […]

Copenhagen Coding Dojo: Our first session

"Our group and topics should be community driven, so this is a nice opportunity to get to know each other and to decide what future sessions should be about. To get things started we can do a coding kata in pairs, we'll make changes to this to accomodate members' ideas as we get closer to […]

Join interesse-netværk om GDPR

"Arbejder du med compliance, udvikling eller drift af systemer, som rummer personfølsomme data?Så kom til IDA IT’s første netværksmøde, hvor vi deler viden og erfaringer med at leve op til den skærpede EU-lovgivning, som træder i kraft til maj.På arrangementet holder Anne Dorte Bach fra det open source-baserede it-udviklingshus Magenta oplæg om praktisk implementering af […]

Copenhagen Elixir & Erlang Meet Up; Deployment

"At this meet up we will have a presentation by Troels Brødsgaard on the topic of deployment.We have time for an extra presentation, so get in contact if you have something you would like to present. The meet up is being planed here: https://github.com/cphex/cphex/issues/59" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/CPHEX-Copenhagen-Elixir/events/248466542/

Ruby Brigade: Talks Night at Karnov

"This month we have a string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Talks: Professionalism in TechWhat does it mean to be a good engineer? What skills should you have and how should you approach your work to help your team and company succeed? Yuriy will be speaking about aspects of software […]

How to be GDPR compliant

"This is a group for anyone interested in the General Data Protection Regultaion (GDPR). We discuss practical ideas and processes in order to help get GDPR compliant. This meetup if great for people within the Cybersecurity industry as well as data privacy offices or anyone with an interest in GDPR." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/cphgdpr/events/247490066/

Growstack Official Launch

"The Future of Food is in Your HandsGrowstack – powered by IDA, Nextfood & CPH Foodtech Community.Official Launch for the open-source vertical farming project: GROWSTACK. We break down barriers for people to create hands-on progress with food technology. By making aeroponic vertical farming technology openly available, we gather a diverse community around building, operating and […]

Peer Lab – 2018, 3rd Event

"Come and socialise with fellow developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. Bring your laptop, some code and let's have fun learning from each other.In case the timing conflicts with your dinner time, please […]

Find your co-founder 3rd edition

"WHAT?This is a free inspiring event organised to bring people together from various backgrounds in order to co-create new ventures! WHO?Anyone interested in EntrepreneurshipWHY?We all tend to network with people who have similar interests, making it pretty hard to find a co-founder that can compensate your own skills. If you need a co-founder to your […]

Explore new languages at the Polyglot meetup #9

"Welcome Copenhagen Polyglots! After a brief *ahem* hiatus, we're back with a new meetup with exciting speakers from Denmark, Sweden and Germany!Learn about- OCaml killer apps by Vladimir Keleshev (https://twitter.com/keleshev)- Programmation en logique by Lars Hupel (https://twitter.com/larsr_h)- Domain Modeling with Haskell Data Structures by Oskar Wickström (https://twitter.com/owickstrom)" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Tech-Polyglots/events/247377247/

AWS Serverless Workshop

"Please only ONLY REGISTER if you can make it.Thank you!In this workshop, we’ll show you how to use the Serverless Application Model (SAM) to build a serverless application using Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB. You'll learn how to use SAM from your workstation to release updates to your application, how to build […]