
SMWCPH – Virtual Reality and Real Beers
"Plotworks gi´r en fredags øl eller to, og der er mulighed for at teste nogle af deres Virtual Reality produktioner." Price: Free Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/virtual-reality-and-real-beers
Welcome to Metadata
"We love data, but we also love words, images, maps and other stuff. Sometimes we write words about data and make images based on data. This blog is a space for that sort of work, and other stuff as well - reflections, arguments and bits of philosophy - with some connection to data.Metadata is, simply put, data […]
Dreamer or doer? How startups can use sustainability to get financial value
"The world is changing and we have the prerequisites to do something amazing, yet we work and act as usual. Many of today's missed business opportunities are due to a lack of bigger perspective.Our planet needs a more circular economy which requires sustainable products and services. But how do we ensure we are part of […]
Creating a website with a Content Management System/part one
"Are you planning to start your own company? Are you the owner of a restaurant or shop? Need a website so people can find you easier or simply want to know how it works? This Workshop is for you. Together will we create your Website with a content management system. This is a course for […]
Copenhagenizing Graph Databases: Demos and Real-World Applications
"Join us for a round of interactive sessions (+beer and pizza) featuring real-world applications of graph databases.- Thomas Frisendal – tf-informatik.dk - Modeling - from business concepts to property graphs to physical models- Maria Scharin – neotechnology.com“ - Intro to Graphs” and “Relational vs. Graph"- Fabio Lamanna and Omar Rampado – larus-ba.it - Unveiling Academic Collaboration […]
How to use Design Thinking to Create Better User Experiences
"Want to find out more about what design thinking is and how it can help you create better user experiences? Then join us for a brief introduction to design thinking and participate in a quick brainstorming session that will help you practice and test what you’ve learned on the spot. During the event, you will […]
Cynefin in Practice
"Cynefin is a sensemaking framework which is gaining lots of interest in testing and IT. I’ve worked with it for almost a year and invites to this workshop to share my experiences, demonstrate, and meet with others to discuss its uses.I have found Cynefin help teams approach, break down, collaborate, and make sense of complex […]
Succes med agile
På dette gå-hjem møde vil du høre om hvilke centrale organisatoriske forhold og tekniske aspekter der giver dig succes med agile. Stort set alle større danske virksomheder anvender agile metoder til udvikling af IT løsninger. Agile metoder har stillet større produktivitet, lavere omkostninger, hurtigere time-to-Market i udsigt. Mere for færre penge. Rigtigt mange kæmper stadig […]
StartUp Bar Malmö
"Vi på Starta & Driva Företag välkomnar dig till StartUp Bar Malmö. Denna gång byter vi ställe och ses på Mosaik på Stortorget 6 i Malmö. V ser som vanligt fram emot en fantastisk kväll med mycket folk, mingel och inspirerande möten.Vi på Starta & Driva Företag, tillsammans med våra partners, önskar dig varmt välkommen.OSA: http://startaochdriva.se/startupbar/Stort tack […]
Connected Device Security Crash Course Light
"Ever wish you could watch 20 hours of DEF CON, C3 and Black Hat talks in 45 minutes? Curious about exactly how Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek managed to send vehicle CAN messages from the Internet? Want to know why John Deere's customers are buying black market hacking tools? Suspect you can charge your electric […]
First Wednesday Malmö Meetup / Plingpay
"• What we'll do 1900 Informal mingle and meet other Bitcoin users1930 Presentation from founder of Plingpay, a Bitcoin powered remittance app.2000 Questions, Bitcoin News and Discussion. • What to bringBitcoin questions, news, real life experiences, enthusiasm and skepticism. • Important to know https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_House_RuleNo alt coin shilling, no block size fights :-)" Price: Free Link: […]
EU midler og internationale investeringer til startups
"Er jeres startup interesseret i at høre om muligheden for at søge EU midler eller tiltrække internationale investorer?Konsulenthusene Toro Ventures og Inspiralia har i oktober 2017 åbnet op for sine services i Danmark.Flere danske projekter og virksomheder har allerede slået sine tøjler sammen med dem.Vi får besøg af Björg Magnúsdóttir, som er landeagent i Danmark […]
Celebrating International Women’s Day
"March 8th is officially set aside for International Women’s Day In celebrating this day, SmiLe Incubator will celebrate its first International Women’s Day. The event will celebrate, empower, and support women in Life Science business. We will have female CEO’s, leading and aspiring female entrepreneurs in life science to share their stories. The event will […]
Tech Talk #14: Gamify your company to customer interaction
"Tech Talk #14 will be focused on how the application of game elements can help motivate customers and users to interact and engage. On stage at Tech Talk #14: Gamify your company to customer interaction Jacob Kobber Petersen, co-founder at ManenoClaus Møldrup, Founder & CEO of DrugStarsShow up in Tryg's reception at 14.45 and we'll take you […]
Preseed Academy – Startup talk with Thor Angelo and Nicolaj Højer
"Learn how to come from idea to a successful business with serial-entrepreneur Thor AngeloThor Angelo co-founded LanguageWire in year 2000, and grew that from an idea in a Powerpoint into a translation company with more than 100 employees, offices in 8 countries and 26 million USD annual turnover. Thor left LanguageWire in mid 2012 and […]
Low Power Conference 2018
"Welcome to the Low Power Conference 2018 This is the first of hopefully many opportunities to bring together individuals and companies working with hardware, embedded and software systems around the topic of Power Consumption. Low energy consumption is one of the key enablers of reliability, great user experience and sustainability of solutions and services. Power […]
DIKU Bits: Graph Algorithms and Data Structures: From navigating road maps to finding the cheapest communication network
"SpeakerChristan Wulff-Nilsen, Associate Professor in the APL SectionAbstractOur society faces the challenge of dealing with data sets of such size that Moore's law alone is unable to keep up. The solution is to develop smart algorithms and data structures that exploit the resources of computers much more efficiently. In this talk, I will focus on […]
Tribe Talks #1: How to build customer empowered Fintech
"We invite you to an evening of fintech with two different perspectives: startups and large companiesHow are customers' needs shifting in relation to banking services?How can the financial industry change accordingly?What kind of process and method is needed in order to build for customers?And how is a customer centric approach to development implemented in a […]
KPH // Ballast præsenterer: Launch af synssimulatoren Ballast AR
"Vores første digitale synssimulator er endelig færdig, og det vil vi rigtig gerne fejre. Derfor er du inviteret med til dette launchparty, hvor vi vil præsentere den digitale synssimulator.Prøv det digitale værktøj og få fornemmelsen af, hvad det vil sige at leve med de forskellige typer nedsat syn, som mange ældre oplever og lever med.Program […]
Venture Cup Speed Matching
"Speed Matching is an event addressed to startups and mentors who are interested in a 6-month mentorship. At the event, every startup pitches for 2 minutes in front of an audience of mentors. The matching is reciprocal, similarly as in a “speed dating”- inspired setup.We are inviting all startups, current mentors and executives with an […]