SMWCPH – The Social Media Goldmine – How to leverage data, media investments.
"This event will dig into the potential gold mine of possibilities that lies within the sacred combination of data, content and social media. It will provide you with inputs on how to use data, prioritize social media and scale content to generate significant business results and increase ROI." Price: Free Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/the-social-media-goldmine-how-to-leverage-data-media-investments
SMWCPH – Fjord Trends 2018: A look at what’s ahead for the future of business, technology and design
"Every year we at Fjord create a trends report, looking at the Trends we believe will affect business, technology and design in 2018. Today, we see deep division across global populations on a broad range of issues, which is creating social and political anxiety. The overarching theme of the report this year? Tension. Join us for […]
SMWCPH – Sådan vælger du dine influencer
"Det er mange ting, der skal gå op i en højere enhed, når man skal vælge de rigtige influencer.Hvordan sikrer man det bedste match mellem brand og influencer?Hvor langt kan man gå for at sikre den bedste eksponering? Og hvor får man mest for pengene?Få gode råd om brug af influencers, når vi sætter fokus på […]
SMWCPH – Politisk håndværk på sociale medier
"Politik er et håndværk hvor det at opnå kompromisser og enighed på tværs af politiske interesser er i hovedsædet. Den danske politiske kultur er konsensussøgende i sin natur, men det afspejler de sociale medier langt fra. Hvordan overfører man det gode politiske håndværk til sociale medier og hvordan forhindrer man at det hele ender med […]
SMWCPH – Få din contentkampagne og automationflows til at spille
"CBS lancerede i april 2017 en helt ny masteruddannelse - Master of Business Development. Frem for en traditionel print eller displaykampagne valgte CBS, sammen med Advice, at satse på en contentdrevet- og dialogbaseret marketingstrategi.Og det blev en overvældende succes! I dette dybdegående oplæg får du indsigt i udfordringen, strategien, taktikken, indholdet og udfordringerne undervejs. Vi deler vores erfaringer og vores performance, så du får et sammenligningsgrundlag og selv kan […]
SMWCPH – Hvordan omsætter vi data til kreative ideer
"I den optimale verden bør de sublime kreative idéer opstå ikrydsfeltet mellem det analytiske og det kreative. Man kan ikke ændre verden, hvis man ikke forstår den. Men er vi gode nok til at udnytte data til de kreative idéer, eller er der en indbygget konflikt som spøger?" Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/hvordan-omsaetter-vi-data-til-kreative-ideer
SMWCPH – 10 tricks til hvordan du bruger eksisterende data i social media
"Data kan hjælpe dig med at forstå dit publikum, vise hvilketindhold du skal lave samt hvordan dine kampagner performer. Den gode nyhed er, at du allerede har adgang til alt den data, du skal bruge - du skal bare vide, hvor du finder og fortolker det. Få tips til gratis værktøjer og datakilder du kan bruge, til at få mere værdi ud af din social […]
SMWCPH – Plotworks Academy – Let’s raise the bar with better film production..
"How do you make sure your film production achieves the best result, within your budget?In order to have more transparency within film production, better understanding of various terms and what to think of before filming, we have created a portfolio of information films that are meant to guide you towards a high value film production […]
SMWCPH – Leadership in the digital era
"Lars Bo will share his perspective on growth, high performance and leadership in a people based industry undergoing massive transformation. How to set a direction for the unknown and fast changing future, how to communicate across 25 markets and 4000 people, how to accelerate and grow fast through acquisitions.Lars Bo is CEO of Dentsu Aegis […]
SMWCPH – Virtual Reality and Real Beers
"Plotworks gi´r en fredags øl eller to, og der er mulighed for at teste nogle af deres Virtual Reality produktioner." Price: Free Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/virtual-reality-and-real-beers
Welcome to Metadata
"We love data, but we also love words, images, maps and other stuff. Sometimes we write words about data and make images based on data. This blog is a space for that sort of work, and other stuff as well - reflections, arguments and bits of philosophy - with some connection to data.Metadata is, simply put, data […]
Dreamer or doer? How startups can use sustainability to get financial value
"The world is changing and we have the prerequisites to do something amazing, yet we work and act as usual. Many of today's missed business opportunities are due to a lack of bigger perspective.Our planet needs a more circular economy which requires sustainable products and services. But how do we ensure we are part of […]
Creating a website with a Content Management System/part one
"Are you planning to start your own company? Are you the owner of a restaurant or shop? Need a website so people can find you easier or simply want to know how it works? This Workshop is for you. Together will we create your Website with a content management system. This is a course for […]
Copenhagenizing Graph Databases: Demos and Real-World Applications
"Join us for a round of interactive sessions (+beer and pizza) featuring real-world applications of graph databases.- Thomas Frisendal – tf-informatik.dk - Modeling - from business concepts to property graphs to physical models- Maria Scharin – neotechnology.com“ - Intro to Graphs” and “Relational vs. Graph"- Fabio Lamanna and Omar Rampado – larus-ba.it - Unveiling Academic Collaboration […]
How to use Design Thinking to Create Better User Experiences
"Want to find out more about what design thinking is and how it can help you create better user experiences? Then join us for a brief introduction to design thinking and participate in a quick brainstorming session that will help you practice and test what you’ve learned on the spot. During the event, you will […]
Cynefin in Practice
"Cynefin is a sensemaking framework which is gaining lots of interest in testing and IT. I’ve worked with it for almost a year and invites to this workshop to share my experiences, demonstrate, and meet with others to discuss its uses.I have found Cynefin help teams approach, break down, collaborate, and make sense of complex […]
Succes med agile
På dette gå-hjem møde vil du høre om hvilke centrale organisatoriske forhold og tekniske aspekter der giver dig succes med agile. Stort set alle større danske virksomheder anvender agile metoder til udvikling af IT løsninger. Agile metoder har stillet større produktivitet, lavere omkostninger, hurtigere time-to-Market i udsigt. Mere for færre penge. Rigtigt mange kæmper stadig […]
StartUp Bar Malmö
"Vi på Starta & Driva Företag välkomnar dig till StartUp Bar Malmö. Denna gång byter vi ställe och ses på Mosaik på Stortorget 6 i Malmö. V ser som vanligt fram emot en fantastisk kväll med mycket folk, mingel och inspirerande möten.Vi på Starta & Driva Företag, tillsammans med våra partners, önskar dig varmt välkommen.OSA: http://startaochdriva.se/startupbar/Stort tack […]
Connected Device Security Crash Course Light
"Ever wish you could watch 20 hours of DEF CON, C3 and Black Hat talks in 45 minutes? Curious about exactly how Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek managed to send vehicle CAN messages from the Internet? Want to know why John Deere's customers are buying black market hacking tools? Suspect you can charge your electric […]
First Wednesday Malmö Meetup / Plingpay
"• What we'll do 1900 Informal mingle and meet other Bitcoin users1930 Presentation from founder of Plingpay, a Bitcoin powered remittance app.2000 Questions, Bitcoin News and Discussion. • What to bringBitcoin questions, news, real life experiences, enthusiasm and skepticism. • Important to know https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_House_RuleNo alt coin shilling, no block size fights :-)" Price: Free Link: […]