
Startup Coffee
""No tickets, no registration - all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in […]
Styr på cybersikkerhed – for start-ups
"Stadig flere danske virksomheder udsættes for cyberkriminalitet og undersøgelser viser, at cybersikkerheden ofte er for lav i små og mellemstore virksomheder.Kom til foredraget "Styr på cybersikkerhed - for start-ups" og […]
Growth Secrets: Creating a Growth-Engine
"Marketing tech stacks are the tools that you integrate into your marketing funnel in order to automate as much as possible and convert people across numerous channels. 1st Speaker: Taylor […]
After work – AI in the patent domain – Discovering patent engineer 3.0
"This autumn we have been thinking about how AI can make an impact in the Patent Domain. During this afterwork we will present our thoughts about the future of IP […]
Exploring Automation in Testing with Richard Bradshaw
"Most of us work with test automation as testers, programmers and managers. We'd like to see you at this meet-up with trainer and co-author of Automation in Testing Richard Bradshaw. […]
Think Tank: Loss of privacy in exchange for free services
"I am tackling the development of post- dot com bubble organizations, such as Google, Facebook and related, which have heavily influenced the design of the new economic order, by bringing […]
Fuckup Nights at SingularityU
"Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, organizers across the globe create local events, where three to four people get up […]
Meetup #13: Unity Animation Rigging Tools ( Free @ Unity HQ)
"Join us for the next Unity meetup at the Unity HQ and hear from Unity's evangelist André Cardoso about Animation Rigging tools.Want to be a speaker at our next meetup? […]